MBB: Colonial States Athletic Conference

Started by Coach C, April 08, 2005, 02:38:39 PM

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Does Coach John know the high school and AAU circuit? Do you know if he scouts and coaches at any big time basketball camps?  I know the best are Eastern Invitational, 5 Star and ABCD along with the Nike camps. Do you have any knowledge if he works these?

Do you know why Coach John was told to stay away from the kids  as Coach P said and you confirmed, was it because Coach M was paranoid or scared by his presence? Why would he push him away if he was doing the scouting and was so well liked he really was foolish!  Did he do this for spite! He might have cut off his lifeline to the team? And ultimatley his job!

Again Thank you for your post regarding the Cabrini situation you really have helped us to better understand what is happening!



You seem to know Saleem and think highly of him, have you ever met the other coaches? And if so what did you think when you met them?

As I said I had the opportunity to listen to Coach John and Saleem talking to the parents and players after a game both seem to be very professional and seemed to really care about the kids and the state of the team! Again I was impressed by them both, I thought the fact that they made themselves available even after one tough loss after another shows some excellent qualities! These are the qualities you spoke of that Cabrini needed!


Quote from: gamefan on March 26, 2007, 09:29:29 AM

Does Coach John know the high school and AAU circuit? Do you know if he scouts and coaches at any big time basketball camps?  I know the best are Eastern Invitational, 5 Star and ABCD along with the Nike camps. Do you have any knowledge if he works these?

Do you know why Coach John was told to stay away from the kids  as Coach P said and you confirmed, was it because Coach M was paranoid or scared by his presence? Why would he push him away if he was doing the scouting and was so well liked he really was foolish!  Did he do this for spite! He might have cut off his lifeline to the team? And ultimatley his job!

Again Thank you for your post regarding the Cabrini situation you really have helped us to better understand what is happening!

To answer your questions, Coach John has been a coach at Eastern Invitational for about 10 years and has extensive experience coaching AAU.  He is well liked and respected on the circuit and does a great job at selling Cabrini College.  He also has a great understanding of the game of basketball.

To answer the question about why he was pushed away, below I have included a quote from a letter that I submitted to the AD on January 23, 2007, regarding Coach M, being allowed to remove Coach John from practice, attending games and from direct contact with the kids, which by the way, Coach M plans were foiled, as usual!!!  I believe this was done so that the players would assume that Coach John had abandoned them.  This inturn would destroy his credibility with the players as well as the parents.  What Coach M did not know, is that every parent and most of the players continued to contacted Coach John and eventually found out that his "non appearance" was not of his own volition.  He explained that he was following the instructions of Coach M and the A.D. TWe also found out that the A.D. told Coach John to follow Coach M's instruction, but I believe her rationale was to keep Coach John out of harms way and to not allow him to "take the fall" for Coach M and the problems he created for his team.

Here is an exert and direct quote from my letter to the A.D:

I contacted your office today because, after speaking with my son, I found out that Coach John was not at practice yesterday and in his place was Bill Leahy, Director of Basketball Operations.  It appears that Mr. Leahy has been instructed to take over practices and coaching responsibilities.  I am contacting you because my attempts to reach Coach John, to get clarity regarding this issue, were not successful. 

If all this is true, I hope that this decision was not executed with your knowledge or under your direction.  I am very upset, and disappointed that one of the two Assistant Coaches,  (not Leahy) who has continually made himself available to these kids during a very difficult season, both on and off the court, and has been responsive to these student-athletes all year long, has been removed in any way, shape, or form, by anyone, from having direct interaction with this team!

I am sure that during your interviews with various team members, and any discussions you may have had with parents, that you have come to realize that we all have a great deal of respect for this Coach.  He has proven time and time again, to our kids, that he cares for them and wants nothing but their success, on and off the court.

I am asking that you rectify this situation immediately or this will be another blow to this program.

This is what I sent to the A.D.  The response I received via phone contact, stated that, she was aware of the situation, and asked that I be patient, because the situation would be resolved, as soon as the season was over.

So, there you have it!



I know Saleem, Bill Leahy, and many players personally who have left as well as Good, McMahon, and many many others.   Trust me when I tell you I have been with Cabrini since 1980.   

I have no grudges with any of the coaches except for the obvious.  If these coaches know what it takes and have the support of the fans, parents and rest of the community that is great.  The sad part is the fact that what the institution did to Dzik ( Iknow old stuff) was a major blow but not the only major blow.   Cabrinimom hit the nail on the head.   The problem started with the reign of the current president after the PAC was created with the leadership of John Dzik.  The players and alumni built the Dixon Center and many know of the flags hanging on the wall between 1992 & 1998 during this time.   However the mission or agenda of the president changed and the plug was pulled on the program financially.  Some how Dzik and Leslie with the help of former players an alumni (the real college) held the program together and even got to the sweet 16 without the talent some of the other teams had.  The legacy of those who played before them in the 1980's as well as the hard battles fought by the athletes and coaches who were underpaid but took the teams farther than ever were exploited by the top admn to sell the college and enrollemnent rose.  Money was poured into bricks and mortar and the academic status rose quickly.  The college grew and expanded academically, and athletically thus the PAC was created with Dzik as the main instrument.  Cabrini was becoming a powerhouse in all ways with the president taking all the credit.   Just look at the catalogues in the 1990's.  Dzik was even honored with his wife and the community of the college flourished.  The aging alumni poured money into the place and the Dixon center was built with Tom Nerney's help along with others because of the successful program.  Back in the 80's just look up at all those flags Dzik even beat a couple of D1 schools with big boys 7 ft guys in fact.  He allowed some who would never get a chance to suceed to get a college degree and play sports.  He did it the right way and these kids would play for him until they were dead.   The man was well-respected in the community and coached at the collegiate level prior to his reign.  John Dzik could handle any team and coach any team.  He has the winningest program in d3 history not 2nd 3rd 4th but lst all time until they pulled the plug on his program finanacially.  He still managed to get his teams to the NCAA tourney years after they pulled the plug.  With the help of the other loyal coaches who never get the credit they deserve as well they pulled it off and the school expanded again.  Successful lax, softball, etc were born out of this and enrollment rose again because of athletics.  Alvernia, Eastern, and all the rest of the pac were afraid, intimidated, and envious of the program. 
Finally, the master plan of the president worked and Dzik was ousted.  Now we have a mess without the support of the top admin.  Dzik even stepped aside as we all know so others could flourish and they would not have to leave.  The alumni pulled the plug on the college since the college (president took our voice away) and the mess got bigger.  The result of a once legendary program being destroyed is what we have left. The growth strategy of the college seems to be quality not quantity and the athletics part is suffering because the recruiting is not in line with the new mission or agenda of the president.    Many of those who are at other institutions were denied the chance to play for the Cavs because of dollars sadly enough as Cabrinimom mentioned.  Recruiting has dropped to the cellar.

Thankfully there are still those who are threads left from that era who have passion and loyalty to try to save the program if you could call it one now.
I admit,  personally I do not care if Cabrini wins or loses but I would never go against them in my heart.    The rest of the PAC are the ones benefitting.

As I said before... Cabrini athletics was built by hard work.  There are so many memories, tales, and stories I could tell about the early days, mid days etc... but that is the past.    There were games Cabrini college had no business of being in but pulled the upset.  Like Coppin state, and D1 schools in Iowa before they went D1 I should say.

Remember, from what I am hearing the positives are Saleem and Bill Leahy funny how they played for Dzik.  I just hope the new coach knows what he is in store for in terms of competition.   Now with the realignment of the PAC Cabrini could benefit while they are down.  Alvernia leaving and others only serve to dillute the value of the PAc and take away the automatic bid to the tournament.  Without Dzik as a spokesman things have seemed to take a turn for the worst.   I hope a new legend will arrive. 

So hard to care after what happened but the parents, players, and students are the real campus not the administration so I still support them even though I pulled the plug on the rest of the college.  Perhaps the decreasing enrollment will make an impact.   I heard some kind of rumor the place was being groomed to be sold but I think it is bull.   Those who care must keep the spirit alive until (she is gone) positive change is made.

Tuition is a joke!   Financial aid packages... what financial aid?  Wonder why recruiting is so difficult without the other problems.  Harvard, Penn, is this Ivy league ??   Academically the college is superb, but some of the faculty are disgusted unless they have been ousted by the master plan as well.   Again,  a growth strategy of quality not quantity is not the true Cabrini spirt.    Sorry to babble.... oh what a Cabrini mom will do ! !   Thats just one too!  Power in numbers !   Get rid of the president.


Forgot to mention... hope they don't mess with the lax programs and their coaches.  If they do... the end is near.  Bad enough with the conference being torn apart.

Wesley, Arcadia, Misricor,and Alvernia leaving ..... destroys the conference and this might hurt the other sports as well.  What are the AD's doing about the situation.   

Pretty soon it will be glorified intramurals in these schools and no PAC.  Somebody do something who has the strings ! ! ! !

Back to work before I am ousted.



I feel your pain for Cabrini!

I understand your feelings about Saleem as they seem to be shared by Cabrinimom, but there does not seem to be any love for Bill Leahy!

Again I know Leahy played for Dzik but it seems from Cabrinimoms letter that he is not liked by either the families or the players! I might be wrong but that is what I took from Cabrinimoms posts along with much much more!

Which one was he? There was Saleem, Coach John and then two others? Not sure which one it was as there was 3 assistants and one director of basketball operations and that position is not a coach according to the website! Wow there must have been a resignation because the 3 assistants name is gone! Can you identifiy him so I know which one he was?

Thanks Wolf or Chiz!


I think Mr. Leahy is just trying too hard! He may be trying to right the ship all in one shot and is intense maybe too intense.  He is good guy.  Again, I cannot speak for parents and other players since I am not directly  on the court with them, but the situation is the situation and if he is not liked well then he is not liked. He will do what he has to do and make the right decisions.  The parents and the community will do what they must as well until a reasonable solution is found.

A natural leader must emerge from somewhere to be on the same page as the new coach who ever it may be.   Whether or not the new philosohpy will work is another story.   Recruit, Recruit, Recruit, Recruit. Believe me when I do tell that Leahy wants nothing else but to win whether or not he is liked.  His lack of coaching experience may be a weakness for him though in terms of dealing with the community which over time he will learn.

I am still trying to figure out who the "yes man" is who got a coaching job. If someone could help me I am not reading something right.   Leahy was not a coach technically but he tried like hell to win and hold the team together according to my direct contact with him.  He rebutted the former coach and almost won a couple of close games by making players go inside and using Reid/ Bruce as assets.  Perhaps someone could clear up the situation.  Mr. Leahy is a well-built short haired young man who does want to win.  I do not know about other politics about how people were hired or what their individual motives were for being assistant coaches.

The mayor is in a class by himself.


While I agree that firing Macciocca was the best decision (although it took way too long), I don't think Grandizio is a good idea.  I'm sure his experience is there and his ability to do X's and O's are there, but there is something not there - class and respect.

Both Fitzgerald and Dailey have said to me that they were called by Grandizio about coming back if Grandizio got the job.  This is a classless act by an assistant coach.  It is clear in these actions that Grandizio was trying to garner support for an eventual, if not immediate, ousting of Macciocca.  Grandizio might be a friend of the players and families (I don't doubt this), but he will not be respected by the conference and community coaches, as many already know about his antics, as mentioned.  Local high school coaches know about this and don't respect him because of it.  It's one thing to sit back and let your boss implode, it's another to try to get him fired and set yourself up for the job.  This is what Grandizio did.  I hope, for Cabrini's sake, that they don't make the mistake of hiring him as an assistant.  And I doubt any head coach will hire him for next year if he knows these things.
"If you're not a liberal at twenty, you have no heart; if you're not a conservative at forty, you have no brain." - Churchill.


Chiz,  if those are the true circumstances how could one call himself a guy with class.  Doesn't sit well with the rest of the PAC as you mentioned.

I think  the AD has to start new!
I will not bash the guy because he may just be ignorant of how to deal with the situation, but if he was just trying to set up the pins to fall, then shame on him.  I did not like how he starred at me a couple of times.  It was as if he knew I knew what the real deal was and I could see through him. 

But if he is the man for job because of his sensitivity and compassion things could get worse if he doesn't know what he is doing.  Earning respect is more than just listening with an open mind or backstabbing someone intentionally or non-intentionally.

Chiz,  he seems to have a following for what it is worth.   I am tending to agree with you in many aspects.   Game, you need to look at the situation more objectively.  You may see through the whole situation and realize he may or may not be the guy he painted the pretty picture for as the next coach.   

Coach P


Only some of your information is correct. Dailey was called about coming back next year regardless of who the coach was; but Fitzgerald was not. Fitzgerald told people he was called to because he wanted to feel as if he was missed and wanted back into the program; when in actuality he was not. Fitzgerald was asked to leave the team. Daily left on his own because of the coach. Dailey was welcomed back and asked to several times; to play for whoever the coach may be.

East Coast Eagle

I think Dailey would look great in a Eagle uniform! Chiz, maybe you can put in a good work for Coach N and McTammey. I am sure Dailey and McTammey have a good relationship dating back to Dzik's days.


Good Morning Everyone:

I feel the need to comment again.   ::) I guess you all really don't get it.  Once again, I will say that Coach John had nothing to do with why Coach M is no longer here! Why doesn't anyone deal with that?  Don't blame him; place the blame where it deserves to be placed.  The state of the team is due to Coach M and the administration lack of resposibility towards their programs.  Coach M has some very serious issues that he should deal with, before he ever attempts be a Coach again.

I will set a few things on the right path.....Coach John DID NOT call a meeting to discuss Coach M, nor did he ever call a meeting with the AD.  THE AD called and scheduled Coach John to come in because several student-athletes and parents had begun to contact the AD and Presidents office. Other Coaches were called in as well.  Even knowing this, Coach John DID NOT say much, which we as parents were not happy about.  But in retrospect, I believe at this point he was probably SMART enough to know that what ever was going on would be dealt with by the PARENTS and students. 

What you all don't know is that by the time this meeting was called the backstabbing had begun, and not by Coach John. Coach M attempted to ruin the credibility of Coach John with the Coaches, players and parents. What's interesting is he knew whom to attack in an attempt to complete his plan.  Funny how it was not Saleem, Tim Redding or Bill Leahy.......You all have no idea what was going on, and it was pretty ugly. 

Regarding contact with Dailey, Coach John did in fact call him, but not for the reasons stated here. Coach P's post to Chiz is correct (the one dated yesterday at 10:01:40 PM).  We all felt bad that this kid left because of Coach M. Anyone who knows Coach John, knows that he cares about these kids and always stays in contact with them; a very rare character trait of coaches, these days.   (For those of you who don't know, Dailey left Cabrini because of Coach M)  In reference to the other call, it was NEVER made.

Parents have these answers because we asked and we have done our homework.  If you are not a member of the Cabrini, team, staff, or parents and DO NOT have an inside track, then you really should be careful what you post on this board about things you know very little about. Speculation and rumors only end up hurting others.  And you really need to stop smearing the one Coach who has defended Cabrini and our kids and stuck with a program even after he was discouraged and ordered from doing so.

Another note; there are SOOOOOOO many things that were left UNSAID by several of the Coaches to the administration, that if Coach John was the "backstabber" you all seem to think he is, then Coach M would have a difficult time securing a head coaching position, again.  If Coach John reads this board, he will be surprised to find out that I know what he knows.  I am very good at finding out information when it comes to the protection of my children.  I am privy to a great source of information, all because of my fathers' connections with the college ranks, as well as, the high school ranks, and he did quite a bit of checking on Coach M when all of these problems began to arise.

Regarding Leahy, he has a great deal of maturing and learning to do with regard to coaching, and dealing with student-athletes, they're problems, and their parents.  This surprised me, as I would think that he would have great insight, since he was a student-athlete himself.  He did not earn the respect of the majority of his team nor did he earn the respect of many parents.  I believe this was due to his need to play "both ends against the middle," you just can't do that.  And yes, he is the "the yes coach" I referred to.  He betrayed the trust that his players/team placed in him on many occasions.  He was resented because he has NO coaching experience, yet he was placed in a position of coaching, under the disguise of "Director of Basketball Operations" and in power over John, Saleem and Tim, which should never have been tolerated, due to his lack of experience.  In addition, the way that he handled this power was not acceptable to the athletes.  Let's remember that he is very close in age to many of the players on the team. Which really could have been a good thing, and in the beginning it was.  However, his style of relaying information to these players was ineffective, as it was not delivered properly.  Based on how he treated my son, which caused my son a great deal of pain, I specifically asked the College not to consider retaining him in any capacity, until he matured and gained some experience in Coaching.  In addition, because of an incident at one of the games, he was spoken to by administration for his behavior towards a player during that game.  This happened because several parents heard how he spoke and saw his actions towards this player, while sitting behind the bench at this game. On a positive note, one thing I do believe about Bill Leahy is that he has a great deal of loyalty to the College, and he has a desire to see this program succeed, and win.  I tend to feel sorry for him, as I believe Coach M used him in an attempt to sway the alumni's opinion of him, which also did not work.

On a final note, I don't believe that any coach from Dzik's days will return to this college.  Sorry to say, but the administration will not entertain that, not sure why, but that is a fact.


"Regarding Leahy, he has a great deal of maturing and learning to do with regard to coaching, and dealing with student-athletes, they're problems, and their parents.  This surprised me, as I would think that he would have great insight, since he was a student-athlete himself."

Cabrini Mom:
The quote above leads me to believe that you know everything about coaches and what they need to do to improve within the profession. 

#1. Are you an expert on Coaching or did you just sleep in a Holiday Inn Express last night?

#2.  As a Penn State fan i'd love for you to help my favorite team in State College find a coach.  Perhaps you could put a call into that AD as well and get him fired.

Coach P

Wolf, you said that Bill Leahy is a good person who cares about Cabrini and only wants to win.

My question is this: if he is a good person who cares about Cabrini and only wants to win, then why would he be Macciocca's lapdog and go against everything that Dzik believes. If Leahy is so smart, he would have realized that Macciocca was a bad coach and bad for the program and not have been his bestfriend. Saleem Brown did a pretty good job of being on the staff without getting attached and sucked into Macciocca's ways. If the Mayor could have done it for the benefit of the program like he did, then Leahy could have too. To me, Leahy does not care about winning and he does not have the best interest in Cabrini. If he did, he would not have defended Macciocca till his last day. Instead, Leahy was all about himself and trying to make refernces with a college coach, or shall I say a former college coach.


Well Hoopwiz, obviously you have some of the same issues as the person you choose to defend, as evident in your facetious posting.  I wonder why you would attempt to attack a parent? Hmmmmmm......

To respond to your statements, I obviously knew enough about this coaching staff and did my research, in order to take a stand, along with many other parents.  And, if I had a child that attended Penn State who went through the same nonsense as he did at this college, I would do the same.  It actually may have been easier, since one of my parents is a Penn State alumnus.  But now that you mention it, Jerry Dunn got a taste of his players and their parents, and the power they possessed, that's why he doesn't have a job at Penn State.   

As for your last statement; no, my commercial would have me sleeping at a five star resort, (I like to be comfortable ;)) and I would not need to work at Nordstrom's to afford the cost.  Sorry, that wasn't very nice, but then this post wasn't either......

Deal with the reality of my post and what it is truly about; the truth about Carbini Basketball (this year) and the concerns that the parents and players expressed to the administration, which is documented

"Truth is incontrovertible, ignorance can deride it, panic may resent it, malice may destroy it, but there it is." Winston Churchill
