MBB: Colonial States Athletic Conference

Started by Coach C, April 08, 2005, 02:38:39 PM

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I did not say anything about why Macciocca was fired or imply that he was fired because of Grandizio's dirty work. I just don't like Grandizio and quite frankly think he's dillusional if he believes an interview is in his near future. For how much Macciocca bashing goes on here, I thought I would put my two cents in about who shouldn't be the next coach at Cabrini. What's done is done with Coach M, but for anyone to post on this board that Grandizio should be given a shot is down right ludacrous. (to me)

Coach P


If you knew as much as you say you do, then you would be able to confirm everything that I said; like I can do.... or maybe you can't because your not as close to the program as you once were. Because it is a FACT that the coach was fired due to  player and parent complaints and NOT his record. Your welcome for the more proper use of caps lock. Thanks to your detailed directions I was able to take caps lock off.


I think we are on the same page. If you need or want more info email me.


Your opinion on who should not get the job is completely just; but you stated facts about him that "quite frankly" are FALSE and considered to be deformation of character. I welcome your opinions but not your inclination to belittle his character with FALSE information.


quote author=D3fan14 link=topic=4289.msg702078#msg702078 date=1174602062]
"A current player's family sitting in the crowd at a game I attended said he has been a head coach for many years at different levels with the last 2 years at Cabrini.  Others looked too young and inexperienced! Really do not know him though."

Game: I am pretty sure that the person on staff you are talking about at Cabrini is Coach Grandizio. First of all, he does not have head coaching experience nor is he even qualified to get the job because it states pretty clearly that the person needs a minimum bachelor's degree.

Unfortunately, that family had a whole lot of smoke blown up their a**.

I would be very surprised if any of the former coaches were asked to stay on, with the possible exception of Cabrini Alums. Disagreement with the head coach's decisions or not, the coaching profession is a lot about loyalty (Kelly's to Dzik, prime example) so why would any new coach ever want to hire someone who is a known back-stabber?



Your information on Coach G is incorrect he is a college grad. and has been a successful head coach  at other levels! In fact I was told he coached some of the current Cabrini players pror to them coming to Cabrini! I think they said in AAU or High School! A local high school coach I know has confirmed!

Anyway neither you or I will be selecting the next coach at Cabrini! But your attempt to smear Coach G is  defamatory and disgusting "Beersmac"!

Thanks again Coach P for the information!

And Chiz:

Beersmac is Macciocca or his wife for sure! Did you check with Dailey and Fitzgerald about Coach P information?


First I would like to say that I have never posted on any athletic e-board.  As the daughter of a Division 1 collegiate basketball player and a former wife of a professional athlete, I use to feel that these boards were for "arm chair quarterbacks/coaches, as well as, frustrated wanabee athletes" however, I am finding that this is NOT true and that some useful and interesting information can be obtained by reading them.

As a parent of a member of the Cabrini Basketball team, I found several posts quite interesting by D3fan14, and wanted to know why this person would smear another Coach, because they are obviously was not a member of the team or coaching staff.  But, to my surprise, in viewing the email address that these postings were coming from, It is my opinion that this email is either, the former coach's wife, family or himself, since Beers is the maiden name of, Ms. M.  (M stands for Macciocca) It is interesting that if he/she/they truly believed what they posted, then identifying themselves should not be a problem, should it? Why hide?  Well I'll tell you why he/she/they hide.

As a parent, I can speak and I choose to speak now. First I must say, that Coach M did NOT have his contract renewed because of his own issues that he refused to adjust or deal with.  His non-renewal did NOT have anything to do with Coach John or anything he may, or may not have shared with the administration, players or parents.  His NON-RENEWAL, was due to his own inability to communicate with his players, treatment of his players and their parents, confrontations with players and Coaches, non-game preparation, division of his team, his attitude, his inability to coach and his constant defiance of the authority of the Cabrini Administrators. 

One thing I'm sure he has learned from this experience is that PARENTS have a great deal of power when it comes to the mistreatment of their children/student-athletes.  NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF A PARENT, especially when WE ARE PAYING, and OBTAINING LOANS/GRANTS for TUITION/ ROOM AND BOARD, for our children to attend a particular University or College.  Certainly don't make comments like, "I wish these parents would go away", "I'm not getting fired, I'm going to be the next Assistant Athletic Director", etc.  None of which was ever going to occur during the time these statements were being made.  They were made during a time when this Coach was losing, being reprimanded by the administration and during a time that he was VERY aware that the parents had joined together against him.

Coach M attempted to separate the team, by the old DIVIDE AND CONQUER method, but that did not work, it backfired!   The parents got together and decided that after Coach M, who had been given a warning in December from the Cabrini Administration, continued to ignore the suggestions of the administration and the parents, that maybe it was time to address the administration as a whole unit and ask them NOT to renew his contact at the end of the season.  So, that's exactly what we did.  Winning had NOTHING TO DO with that decision.  Even if he were winning, the same conclusion would have been reached.  It was all about the inappropriate behavior he displayed to his team and coaches.  The parents wrote letters, called and complained about his treatment of his players and his inability to communicate with players, coaches and parents. 

Coach M had good coaches surrounding him, who were well respected by his players however, his arrogance would not allow him to utilize their individual talents, which in turn could have helped this team win.  Instead, he choose to introduce a former player and alumnus, who had no coaching experience, and was just about the same age as the players, all because this person YESSED him.  This person proved to be a further distraction to this team and also exhibited inappropriate behavior towards players. None of this sat well with an already dejected team or a group of parents.  Players and coaches wanted to win and begged to be prepared for their opponents and hoped that their Coach could make the adjustments necessary to bring the team together and play as a UNIT.  This did not happen.  This brings me to an additional problem; Coach M could not seem to prepare his team for their opponents.  If not for the diligence of Coach John, none of the starters on the Cabrini Basketball team would have been prepared, since Coach M did not want Coach John, to distribute the scouting report to the players.  These reports were only discussed minutes prior to game time, with the addition of no film of opponents being shown, watched, or provided to the players.  What Coach M doesn't know, but will no now, is that certain players were made privy to those scouting reports, thus the reason some games were won. GOOD FOR YOU COACH JOHN FOR TAKING A STANCE!!!!!!!

Now I ask you all, does this sound like a Coach who cared about his team?  Does this sound like a Coach who wanted to win?  Does this sound like a coach who had great communication skills? Does this sound like a Coach who had respect for his team or himself?  I DON"T THINK SO!!!!!!  What Coach M continued to display, knowing all of this, was his arrogance, and his inability to change for the better of ALL involved.  If he had made an honest attempt at change, then he would still be the Head Coach of a Division III program.

This is why I am so appalled at these posts, because he still does not take any responsibility for the reasons he is no longer the Head Coach of the Cabrini Basketball TEAM. 

Last, regarding the negative statements about Coach John; none of this post holds any truth or worth.  Coach John was a stabilizing force for all of our kids during one of the most difficult times of their college basketball careers.  Despite what he was told by Coach M, he managed to stay in contact with the kids, return all of their phone calls and the calls of many parents, attempted to address their concerns without attacking anyone, talk with them about their problems (outside of basketball), and most importantly showed them that he cared about them and what happened to them.  Something Coach M, knows nothing about!  Coach John was responsible for recruiting some of these players, I should say, most the players, and was a GREAT salesman for Cabrini College and their basketball program.  This was NOT the case with Coach M.  The players, as well as, their families have a great deal of respect for Coach John and we have expressed this to the College, as well as, personally thanked him for his continued guidance and support of our children.  I, quite frankly, don't' give a hoot what his credentials are, he is a great coach and most importantly a good human being. 

You need to be careful whom you point fingers at and take a look at yourself, D3fan14, and take responsibility for the reasons you/your husband/family member, are unemployed, and stop smearing others and their sound reputation.

Well I believe I have said quite enough.


Spoken like a TRUE CABRINIAN cabrinimom.

glad someone else took a stand.


Hopefully others will realize who is worthy of keeping as coaches to smooth over the transition to the new coach if need be.   

I tend to find that those who are former opponents of Cabrini or those who were unable to be successful at Cabrini tend to blame their situations on others and cry sour grapes.

Sadly enough, the top administration at Cabrini and mean the very top only care about bottom-line figures.  When the enrollment of the college drops if the athletics are neglected maybe things will change.

Feel bad for all those stuck in the middle.

Good luck to all players and coaches who are trying to right the ship without the support of the school.  Thank God for parents.

If Coach John has what it takes (passion, character, and basketball knowledge of D3 level play) he will be here.  If Cabrini cleans house he won't be here.  Depends on how much money is involved unfortunately unless a person volunteers.


Way to go Cabrinimom! nothing like a players parent to tell everyone the truth! Way to keep it real! I knew things were bad but not that bad!


Looks like there might be some light at the end of the tunnel at Cabrini!

The AD listened and moved quickly and decisivly to get rid of the coach thus removing a mistake they had made! It takes a big person to admit to a mistake and make the correction nescessary! Glad to see it happened here and i give kudos to the Administration!

Now it is time to put the coach in place and move forward and get back to the old days of PAC dominence!

And remember to laugh at whatever D3fan14 posts since we all know it is someone from Macciocca's family! "I think his wife" !

I think she needs to stick with coaching her high school team! Maybe she can coach a winning team!


cabrinibasketballmom, one karma point for you from me.  Great job.  Obviously, I have no way of knowing if you are who you say you are, but you sure sound legit.  These were all things I was hearing, just a lot more to the point and direct.

'Nuff said.
"If you're not a liberal at twenty, you have no heart; if you're not a conservative at forty, you have no brain." - Churchill.


Cabrinimom,   how is the search for the new coach going?
Maybe those who left the team will be back next season as well.

Hey Game/ Chiz...

sounds like things are turbulent at Cabrini.  They seemed to have masked it well.  I would like to think the Cavs have hit rock bottom and can make their move upward. 

Any prospects signed yet ??



I would think it will be hard to get kids to committ until the coach is in place! I am sure the assistants are communicating with any prospects in the picture!

Just hope they had some studs identified and waiting in the wings?

Hopefully they move fast to name a new coach or they might lose kids!

Wouldm't you agree?



I would believe the recruiting effort is lagging behind at this point.  With the controversy evident and the bad blood recruiting would be different. I know for a fact a few area high schools already know of the situtation and many are already tarnished regarding Cabrini because of the coach.

These are difficult times.  Perhaps if a big-time candidate gets the job things will turn around.  In the PAC, Cabrini is only a few steps away or a couple of guys with talent away from making the playoffs if the coach employs a system of hard work and does his part.

The recruiting efforts though are almost 4 years behind already and things are rough enough without the financial support of the college to the athletica department.   We need Bob McTammey and Jim McTammey but I don't think they would come back unless Dzik was around.


I thank you all for allowing me to vent and accepting what I said.  I assure you that I am a Cabrini Basketball Mother and if you read my first paragraph and do your homework  :D you will figure out who I am!

We, as parents, are all hoping that Coach John is seriously considered for this position and also would like to see Saleem remain on the coaching staff, as well.  I am not totally sure what the administration is currently doing, as they seem to not want to discuss this with the parents.  But, as parents, we have managed to find out what we need to know. 8)  I believe that applications were being accepted until March 23 and then the A.D. and the Human Resource department will review the applications, select the candidates and interviews scheduled.  A panel is being assembled, which includes the AD, Assistant AD, a faculty member and I believe, a few members of the team.  I do believe that Coach John will get an interview, despite what d3fan14 would like to see happen, because the parents asked for that to be considered.

Recruitment is another issue.  I totally agree that it is up in the air, due to the non-renewal of the head coach's contract.  But, from what I know Coach John and Saleem are still out there plugging Cabrini and attempting to assure our new recruits that we intend to be a contender next year.  No telling if negative statements are being made by others, if you know what I mean.

I am hopeful that this program will turn itself around and the kids are all looking forward to next year, and have started, AS A TEAM, to work out and take themselves very seriously.  They continue to COMMUNICATE with each other, which is a beginning to a successful program!

Have a great day, everyone! :)


who is doing the recruiting for Cabrini at the moment?
Are they falling behind as we speak?
Think they need to go up to New York and recruit. Need a big center and a shot blocker.

The guards can handle themselves.  


Quote from: cabrinibasketballmom on March 26, 2007, 08:43:38 AM
I thank you all for allowing me to vent and accepting what I said.  I assure you that I am a Cabrini Basketball Mother and if you read my first paragraph and do your homework  :D you will figure out who I am!

We, as parents, are all hoping that Coach John is seriously considered for this position and also would like to see Saleem remain on the coaching staff, as well.  I am not totally sure what the administration is currently doing, as they seem to not want to discuss this with the parents.  But, as parents, we have managed to find out what we need to know. 8)  I believe that applications were being accepted until March 23 and then the A.D. and the Human Resource department will review the applications, select the candidates and interviews scheduled.  A panel is being assembled, which includes the AD, Assistant AD, a faculty member and I believe, a few members of the team.  I do believe that Coach John will get an interview, despite what d3fan14 would like to see happen, because the parents asked for that to be considered.

Recruitment is another issue.  I totally agree that it is up in the air, due to the non-renewal of the head coach's contract.  But, from what I know Coach John and Saleem are still out there plugging Cabrini and attempting to assure our new recruits that we intend to be a contender next year.  No telling if negative statements are being made by others, if you know what I mean.

I am hopeful that this program will turn itself around and the kids are all looking forward to next year, and have started, AS A TEAM, to work out and take themselves very seriously.  They continue to COMMUNICATE with each other, which is a beginning to a successful program!

Have a great day, everyone! :)

Thank you!  There is hope.  Saleem is a great person.  (The Mayor)  He is an ambassador for Cabrini a product of Dzik.   He worked his tail off during his days and continues to take pride in his school.   Just wish he would get the support he needs from the rest of the institution.   

I hope this panel and faculty member knows what the hell is going on in terms of basketball.  Seems like the parents know more which scares the hell out of me.   This faculty member is a friend if you are talking about the same person.  I know he if it is him knows the game, cares about the school and is connected with alumni.  Hopefully things are on the right track.

Optimistically,  Wolfpac.


To answer your question regarding recruiting, Coach John, and the other assistants are currently doing the recruiting.  The tri-state is covered, but due to the circumstances at Cabrini, new players and their families are shy about committing to Cabrini.  Also, the money is NOT available at Cabrini for basketball and that is a serious problem. The cost of tuition, room/board just increased, and many of the top recruits and their families cannot afford to bear the financial burden Cabrini presents.  Other schools have much better financial aid packets to offer and much better financial solutions to offer their players.  This is why Cabrini is struggling with recruiting. 

P.S. We are aware of the name of the faculty member who will be on the committee, I will post it later, because at the moment I cannot recall his name.