MBB: Colonial States Athletic Conference

Started by Coach C, April 08, 2005, 02:38:39 PM

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My point wasn't to bash you or support the coaching staff at Cabrini.  I don't know anyone on the staff, (although with all the posting on this page I feel like I do.)

For personal reasons I have a hard time with parents that enable their children at the first whisper of discomfort, unhappiness or my favorite these days, "personality conflicts" with adults.

I wonder if any of the questions you have now were brought up during the recruitment of your son.  I suppose that you were involved with the process.  You've been all over this 'PAC' message board making statements that lead us to believe you are a very intelligent, connected and perceptive person.  Where were those qualities when you met with school officials during your childs college search?

Perhaps you did ask the important questions and were lied to.  In that case why would you keep your son at the institution? 

The truth is this... Unless student athletes are verbally and/or physically abused, parents should stay out of their business.  They need to learn how to deal with difficult situations on their own, not depend on mommy to come flying in with her political connections and graceful linguistic skills.

Congratulations, you've contributed to the fastest growing problem in our culture, weak young people.



Obviously you have not read the posts! Verbal and mental abuse are two of the claims this lady has! So in reading your explanation she needed to get invovled! And from the sound of her post she did ask many questions somewhere along the line not sure if she said at the time of her sons recruitment or after not sure?

Please read all of the quotes and then make a post if you feel the need to jump ito a conversation you know nothing about by your own admission!

And a word to the wise, I do not think you want to anger the lady who stays in the 5 **** resorts! Just for good measure! Sounds like she does have people in high places from her posts!

Peace and Cabrinimom thanks for keeping it real!


Game Fan:

Excellent points.  I didn't realize there was physical abuse involved.  Criminal charges?

Perhaps I should read in more detail.

I must admit, the Cabrini stuff is getting exhausting.
I wish there were other news/info to discuss concerning the other PAC institutions rather than just the negative stuff from one of them.

Did anyone hear the joke about the difference between God and Hillary Clinton?

The difference is that God doesn't think he's Hillary.


Actually, I was not involved in my son's recruitment process, with regards to basketball, as I trusted Coach John's assessment of Cabrini basketball and his opinion of the college.  I also spoke to Jeff Jones, who is a personal friend of mine, who spoke highly of Coach John and the college.  Therefore, I did not ask the type of questions, that you think I should have asked.  Why would I?  I would have been lied to anyway.  No one was going to tell me what Coach M was really like, and Leahy was not on staff when my son began at Cabrini.

It is because of the verbal abuse and my son's attempts to address that directly (he was chastised for speaking up) that I became involved and eventually spoke up.  I was quiet for a long while, even though parents contacted me and asked me to speak out. 

My son is quite capable of taking care of himself.  Any because you don't know what he has been through in his life, you really should not speak.  If you are who I think you are, you are very well aware, since you were at the other end of his honesty, and you seem to be offended by my statements, defending my son and Cabrini Basketball.  The only person I know that would have a problem with that is Coach M or Leahy....Hmmmmmmm, everyone, put that feather in your cap!!!

Furthermore, I was one of parents sitting behind the bench and heard what was said and saw what happened, and I did not expect my son to take the same position as I chose to take.  YOU COACHES, yes that means you, make it very difficult for our sons/daughters to defend themselves and speak up for themselves, as you punish them for SPEAKING THE TRUTH. But I will tell you that at the team meeting that Coach M called to challenge anyone who had spoken with the Cabrini Administration, (after he was directed not to do so), my son was one of the only players who had the courage to speak up and voice his opinions directly to Coach M, and anyone else who happened to attend that meeting.  In addition, I must have done something right, as my son is very well respected by his peers, as well as, his teachers, and always has been.

I will defend my children whenever, where ever I deem necessary, and really don't give a D$!n what you think about it.  AS LONG I AM RESPONSIBLE FOR PAYING HIS TUITION AND ROOM AND BOARD, I AM ENTITLED TO SPEAK.  Coaches forget, they are just that, Coaches, and they should not be given the power that the Administration, parents and players seem to give them.

I only hope I am wrong about you being a coach, because GOD help you if you ever have to deal with the reality of basketball, the players and their parents. 




Sorry I've gotten you all worked up.
As you can see I agreed that I didn't read carefully and didn't realize that players were being abused.

For the record, I'm not sure who you think I am but if it's someone who's ever been involved with Cabrini basketball then you're definately off base. 
In addition, I am not a coach so you can feel confident that I wont be dealing with the reality of basketball, its players or parents. 

I am interested in what that "reality" is however. 
At least as you see it.

Did your son play for Cabrini or did his relationship with the coach hurt his playing time?
Has he thought of transferring?

I'm sure Chiz could get him a look at the school across the street.


Cabrinimom no problem!


I need to make it clear that I understood it to be mental and verbal I did not say physical!

Gotta remember bloodlines run deep! And the parents are always gonna come to help when the scales of justice are weighted against!

As far as Chiz what could he offer the young man at Eastern! He is not part of their program! But I could be wrong! Is he an assistant coach? I would not know?

Anyway Hoopz peace!

Chiz are you an assistant at Eastern?


Quote from: Coach P on March 27, 2007, 11:32:34 AM
Wolf, you said that Bill Leahy is a good person who cares about Cabrini and only wants to win.

My question is this: if he is a good person who cares about Cabrini and only wants to win, then why would he be Macciocca's lapdog and go against everything that Dzik believes. If Leahy is so smart, he would have realized that Macciocca was a bad coach and bad for the program and not have been his bestfriend. Saleem Brown did a pretty good job of being on the staff without getting attached and sucked into Macciocca's ways. If the Mayor could have done it for the benefit of the program like he did, then Leahy could have too. To me, Leahy does not care about winning and he does not have the best interest in Cabrini. If he did, he would not have defended Macciocca till his last day. Instead, Leahy was all about himself and trying to make refernces with a college coach, or shall I say a former college coach.

coach P.

I see where you are coming from.   I must question whether its a power trip or the youthful inexperience of a person not mature enough to seize an opportunity they want to cash in on so bad.  Perhaps the fact that one who was part of the Cabrini glory found it overwhelming to be part of the admn/staff and could not handle it.  Then again, we have to take care of ourselves no one else will.     I do not know you so I cannot judge you sir but if your facts are the facts how could I disagree.  If the circumstances are what they are then the truth is evident.   I wish you well if your intentions are not for your selfish reasons as Leahy was accoused of by the posts. But if you are in it for yourself whats the difference between you and Leahy?   Again, objectively I cannot judge you since I do not honestly know you on a personal level nor do I have the authority to judge you.  If you are doing this from your heart to help the team how could I argue unless you are using people.  If your intentions are for the good.... I wish you luck.. but I do not like to bash anyone including Leahy. 
You cannot fault a man for trying! !  You or Leahy.   


My son does not require your help, he is a starter and plays significant minutes, therefore I am not a disgruntled parent. Sorry to disappoint you.

East Coast Eagle

A starter that plays significant minutes? I would agree with one thing hoopzwiz said, lets get your soon across the street to play for Coach Nadelhoffer. He would love playing for him; Nadelhoffer runs a great program.


Quote from: Coach P on March 26, 2007, 10:01:40 PM

Only some of your information is correct. Dailey was called about coming back next year regardless of who the coach was; but Fitzgerald was not. Fitzgerald told people he was called to because he wanted to feel as if he was missed and wanted back into the program; when in actuality he was not. Fitzgerald was asked to leave the team. Daily left on his own because of the coach. Dailey was welcomed back and asked to several times; to play for whoever the coach may be.
Coach P, considering that you are AllStarScout and Grandizio, we shouldn't have to listen to your baloney.  No respect for you.  You can't coach and post on here.

Please tell us why you changed from AllStarScout.  Were you embarrassed about something?
"If you're not a liberal at twenty, you have no heart; if you're not a conservative at forty, you have no brain." - Churchill.


Quote from: East Coast Eagle on March 26, 2007, 10:28:33 PM
I think Dailey would look great in a Eagle uniform! Chiz, maybe you can put in a good work for Coach N and McTammey. I am sure Dailey and McTammey have a good relationship dating back to Dzik's days.
ECE, yes, they do have a relationship.  You probably know about it.  Dailey might be considering a new uniform.
"If you're not a liberal at twenty, you have no heart; if you're not a conservative at forty, you have no brain." - Churchill.


I think it's becoming obvious quickly that Macciocca (no longer to be called a coach by me) really treated his team poorly, with an inequal power structure and verbally abused them, as was said earlier.  What a creep.  He had no respect for the position of head coach.

Cabrini Mom, I have no power to get your son to EU, although I know a few people over there.  But, I hope that whomever is coaching at Cabrini next year is able to treat people better than Macciocca did.
"If you're not a liberal at twenty, you have no heart; if you're not a conservative at forty, you have no brain." - Churchill.


Quote from: chizwiz on March 28, 2007, 08:18:21 AM
Quote from: Coach P on March 26, 2007, 10:01:40 PM

Only some of your information is correct. Dailey was called about coming back next year regardless of who the coach was; but Fitzgerald was not. Fitzgerald told people he was called to because he wanted to feel as if he was missed and wanted back into the program; when in actuality he was not. Fitzgerald was asked to leave the team. Daily left on his own because of the coach. Dailey was welcomed back and asked to several times; to play for whoever the coach may be.
Coach P, considering that you are AllStarScout and Grandizio, we shouldn't have to listen to your baloney.  No respect for you.  You can't coach and post on here.

Please tell us why you changed from AllStarScout.  Were you embarrassed about something?


I guess you really do not read and comprehend Coach P admitted to being ALLstar Scout and also told us he is not the Assistant from Cabrini! Why you continue to badger and try to smear him I don't seem to understand!

You have said many times you know people at both Cabrini and Eastern which is entirely possible but you always seem to want to make people look bad! It has been shown many times that your information is incorrect regarding the Cabrini situation!  A responsible person who wants to post would refrain for putting bad information on this board!

I think you need to think first then post or speak which you don't seem to do! Plus you say he can't coach and post? If that is the case why are there Eastern Coaches posting on this board and you know who they are! You continue to attack someone who you think is a coach but is not that has been confirmed by several people! I guess the next question is what is your point for posting? Is it just to smear good people with poor inaccurate information or just argue with people so you hear yourself speak? I don't get it !

At this point you appear to be an immature and insecure individual and you really need to be smarter with what you say even if you hate Cabrini Athletics for what ever reason!

Peace,  I'm out

One last piece of information I have been involved in the legal field for over 20 years and some of the things you have posted are slanderous and defamatory in nature! These things tend to be frowned upon by the legal system and yes these posts can be printed and used as evidence in a court proceeding! It could be very costly for you and expensive for you to defend! If you continue and this man chooses to bring suit to recover from the damage you may have caused him you will never forget it!  I guarantee it!


Well I took a break from posting for a while and have just recently caught up on all of the recent postings and feel the need to post. (I will reveal my name to those of you who dont already know to give credibility to my insights.

Some thoughts:

Cabrini Mom I commend you for speaking up against Coach M and explaining to everyone in here an in depth side of the story.  I will second your statement that Coach M has only himself responsible for his firing as Cabrini Head Coach.  The statement that was mentioned that Coach M never took any blame for the problems of the program is accurate.  I will recall 2 situations that affected me personally to prove this:

     1) Each year there is a small college all star game for seniors in that played bball in the area.  Coach M asked me and the two other seniors in my class if we wanted to play in the game.  Our response was that we definitely did want to play.  Unfortunately the game came and passed without us ever knowing.  When I confronted Coach M he gave me a little shrug and responded I didnt think you wanted to play.  He has still not apologized to this day.

     2) The second incident still pisses me off to this day.  We lost a backbreaking game at Gwynedd Mercy in which we were up 25 with about 13 minutes to play.  Because of tie-breakers it elimenated us from having a chance to make the PAC playoffs.  It was a bad situation, but would become much worse when another coach within the PAC told me in person about coach M's comment about the game.  His comment was "My seniors just dont know how to win". Never mind that we were woefully under prepared for games and never made any half-time adjustments.  In his mind it was simply that his seniors who have played for the likes of John Dzik, Speedy Morris and Herb Magee did not know how to win.

As far as the debate on Coach Grandizzio
-I will confirm that fact that he is very nice man and without a doubt cared about the well being of the players.  Unfortunately it is completely irresponsible for him to stab his head coach in the back as he did, no matter how wrong Coach M was in most situations.  I will also say that this didnt just start this year.  It occurred almost from the start of the 05-06 season when Coach Grandizzio would let it be known to just about any one on the team of what he thought of Coach M.

I do not want it to seem as though I am sticking up for Coach M.  He certainly got what he deserved because of the way he treated his players.  However there are certain things one cannot due as an assitant coach and in my opinion Coach G crossed that line in an all but to frequent basis. 

As for the future of the program I hope this time that the players opinions are considered.  Before Coach M was hired, the players met with the final 5 candidates for an hour.  The team as a whole all decided in favor of Coach M (Be careful what you wish for).  Myself and another captain were against this decision but we were overruled.  So after all the meetings were finished the current AD called myself and another captain into her office to ask our thoughts on who they should hire.
We explained how everyone but us liked the Maccoica the best and expressed the other 2 coaches we were most impressed with.  The AD's response after we were finished was that they had already decided to hire Maccoica earlier that morning.  So what Im getting at is that we were told that our input would matter when in reality they wasted about 6 hours of my life BS'ing me. 

Sounds familiar to an previouse situation huh Wolfpac?

In my opinion hopefully the house is cleaned and the program can start fresh with a coach that has more than two years experience coaching at the college level.  No disrespect intended to Coach Grandizzio.  I simply feel it is necessary to hire someone with a previous winning resume.


Oh by the way my name is Jimmy Good for those of you wondering. Thanks for reading my long post.