MBB: Ohio Athletic Conference

Started by Scots Hoops Fan, March 14, 2005, 09:32:28 AM

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Yes, I plan on attending the ONU/CAP game tomorrow. I will check in and let you know what I think. I have seen Heidelberg play, when they hung a two point loss on the BEARS. Nice looking team, but from what I read and hear, CAP
is still the team to watch.By the way,thanks for your activity on this site...it gets lonesome with such few visitors.

On an entirely unrelated topic, as I reviewed the 2007-08 stats I was reminded of an issue I raised last year regarding what I felt were grossly inflated home attendance figures. They had been reporting abour forteen to fifteen hundred per game for the last several years....Absolutely ridiculous...This year it has dropped by about a thousand per game to four hundred+. My thanks to whomever listened...It really wasn't a big deal in the big picture, but it bugged the hell out of me that it was a stat that was being reported and it wasn't even close to reality.

David Collinge

Quote from: kiltedbryan on January 11, 2008, 11:10:39 PM
Quote from: David Collinge on January 11, 2008, 10:39:20 PM
Quote from: kiltedbryan on January 11, 2008, 10:28:18 PMI'd like to hear your impressions of the game and of Capital if you do (I don't want to be the only source anywhere that has seen this team play).

I've seen Capital twice, FWIW. 

Quite a bit, definitely.  I thought you had, since you've commented that you feel Capital is overrated (I agree).  Have you seen Heidelberg?

No.  My OAC men's tally thus far would be Capital (twice), Otterbein (4x), and Muskingum (twice.)   


At this point my tally is only Capital x2, Wilmington and Mount Union.  I'll add Otterbein and Heidelberg tomorrow.

Quote from: onefan on January 11, 2008, 11:28:31 PM
By the way,thanks for your activity on this site...it gets lonesome with such few visitors.

Thanks for your participation, too, onefan.  For the quality of basketball that is often played in this conference, we have decidedly poor participation on this board.  I wish we had more "native" posters like yourself and Toph, as several of the semi-active posters in here (myself included) have rooting interests elsewhere.


Thinking a bit more about this, onefan, and I think that both of us could consider posting recap information on the games we'll see tomorrow over on the Great Lakes Region board in addition to here in the OAC.  In case you don't visit there, a few posters (led by Sac) have started a regional top ten poll, and those voters would probably enjoy hearing about the ONU/Capital contest.


I've been visiting and posting on this site for several years and, call me unconcious, but I have just taken note of the "karma" designation on everyone's profile....What is that all about ?...I am very sensitive and if I find out that negative symbol in front of my 1 is some type of rating system I will need to call my therapist.

Mr. Ypsi

I got rid of your negative karma - much cheaper than therapy! ;)


Mr. Ypsi...THANK YOU!!!! I still don't know what it is, how it got there or why you could get rid of it, but it potentially has saved me thousands of dollars so I'll live with the mystery.

David Collinge


Just when you thought Capital was going to run away with it, ONU lays out a 14-0 run to come from 10 down to up four midway through the second half.
Live Stats.

ONU was down 10 at half, as well, but has outscored Capital 29-17 in the second.

55-53 ONU leads, 5:53 on the clock.

David Collinge

If Cap pulls this out, I promise to get off their backs.  I was sure ONU would win this game, but, well, you know my record in pick'ems!


Capital does survive, 69-67 over ONU.


David, I know what Karma is, I just don't know the numbers assigned to it have to do with this website.

As to the Bears and Crusaders.....I was there. Northern shot the ball poorly in the first half as did Cap, but the Bears were absolutley horrendous from the charity stripe. I believe they finished nine for nineteen. They also got outrebounded 45 tp 34. Stange as it may seem, Cap was decent from the foul line with Fanning hitting something like six straight in the last five minutes and 72 percent or so for the game. Northern threw up bricks from the foul line...As bad as I've seen this year....Very frustrating to watch....If Cap is the 16th best team in the country, division III is having a down year. KB, sorry this post is late...went out to dinner after the game.

David Collinge

Quote from: onefan on January 12, 2008, 08:07:49 PM
David, I know what Karma is, I just don't know the numbers assigned to it have to do with this website.


If you click the link in my post, it should take you to the FAQ which explains karma vis a vis this website.


David, Thanks for the info regarding clicking on your link, but I clicked on everything that would allow me to click on and I got nothing. Would it be too much of an imposition to just tell me what the significance of it is?

David Collinge

Quote from: Site FAQWhat is karma?

Karma is similar to the post rating on the old message boards, except it rates an individual poster and follows the poster wherever they post.

Only more veteran posters are allowed to affect a poster's karma, and this is done via links titled "applaud" or "smite" under a poster's name. The restriction is in order to limit the ability of so-called one-star bandits to affect a poster's karma without being registered for the board or a true member of the community.

You cannot applaud or smite yourself, and you can only applaud or smite each individual poster every few hours. Also, if you continually praise or smite an individual poster, eventually you'll run out of karma to give that individual.

Applauding a poster raises their karma by one; smiting lowers it by one.
