BB: SLIAC: St Louis Intercollegiate Athletic Conference

Started by Ralph Turner, February 11, 2006, 02:32:14 PM

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nothing to go nuts about, we got class acts all around.

fact is they get the job done on the ball field.

regardless of what goes on in the dugout, they win.

Do we really need to bring the mother of a College Baseball Coach into this as well?


Not a chuckle, a snort, a guffa or a little ha? Not a giggle? Did you even crack a smile? You have to admit that was funny. Come on that was golden stuff. I should get paid for a joke like that and you didn't even teehee?   


bbnerd1967 this is not a gossip board. Your karma proves that you do more harm then good to the SLIAC community with your downgrading posts. For others who he offends, just ignore him, feeding to his fire will just keep him burning. We know Webster is playing and has been playing the best in the SLIAC for quite some time, but let their winning do the talking they do not need you to do it for them. A team that wins with class and is supported with class is well respected. Respect is earned and valued.


I found it funny viddawg!.. and nerd incase you cant read correctly.. I SPECIFICALLY SAID


I believe this will BE THIER FIRST because blackburn did play a game well at webster and it is also hard to play at blackburn thus making it their FIRST... If you dont agree you are entitled to that but you need to settle down your antics. So far all you have done is come in here for 10 posts and bitch and moan about what other people say about webster and then defend them till the end of the day on how great they are and how htey have no weaknesses. UNTIL they go undefeated in the sliac, which IS possible, then get out of the regional, then you can come back and talk to us about how great they are.. and yes i know, last year they were two outs away, but ya know what they didnt quite get those two outs. SO im sure you will have something stupid to post back to this, just dont expect a response, because everyone on here EXCEPT you loves baseball, and the sliac (regardless of how down it is) and enjoy watching EVERY team. Yes we have our favorites but we dont come on here to start fights, we come on here to talk baseball. so dont expect many more people to reply to your messages.
Baseball players get to every base.


theoneandonly and SLIAC4LIFE are guys I have argued with in past posts and they have disputed mine. But I can tell you they have a great perspective and even though I only know them through this board when they say calm down or you are wrong I reassess my position, rethink what I say or retract an opinion. They have earned that respect by showing a great knowledge of baseball, support for the SLIAC and supporting the schools and kids playing the game we each love to watch and discuss.

I agree that you baseballnerd need to be ignored and I will until you show the respect and maturity exhibited by SLIAC4 and the oneandonly. See ya. Lastly, try to get a sense of humor.   


Well since we were on the subject of classless programs I agree that Blackburn is def a tough place to play, heckling at its best comes from the drunken idiots on the platform behind LF, nothing gets me more pumped than taking infield/outfield to Shania Twain's "man I feel like a woman" and watching Mike Neil throw bases and make himself look like a fool.
2nd Team All-Arnold


I was at the Blackburn Milikin game earlier this year at Blackburn and when Shania Twains I feel like a woman came on, Milikin players laughed. Its all in good fun and its obviously a joke. For the drunken idiots in left field, im not sure you know what you are talking about. Blackburn struggles to even get more than 10 people to attend their games. Also Neil is one of the best coaches in the SLIAC. As i recall he is a two or three time coach of the year. I havent heard of any games where he or any of his players were ejected...good job for the Angry Beavers who seem to have that problem year to year.
Quote from: WashedUP07 on April 07, 2009, 02:26:28 PM
Well since we were on the subject of classless programs I agree that Blackburn is def a tough place to play, heckling at its best comes from the drunken idiots on the platform behind LF, nothing gets me more pumped than taking infield/outfield to Shania Twain's "man I feel like a woman" and watching Mike Neil throw bases and make himself look like a fool.


Hey, Washedup

Welcome to the board. Sounds like you played? Whose your team?

We just got over talking about bush league programs so I think we are all wanting to move on. I only wish I had seen the base throwing incident. It has become legendary. I mentioned Blackburn in one of the earlier posts and their past shinanigans. They have been very colorful in the past (a very generous description). Anyway who do you see as the top four finishers this year?  


Slidepiece, Same to you welcome. Who are you pulling for? Did you play?

Neal did throw a base but it is like Brock's stolen base record everyone saw it. I doubt more than 100 were actually there and I was not however it had to be a sight. I have seen Blackburn a couple of times this year and they seem to be a much more controlled team.

Anyway who do you see as being the top four teams?


Quote from: VideoDawg on April 07, 2009, 02:44:15 PM
Hey, Washedup

Welcome to the board. Sounds like you played? Whose your team?

We just got over talking about bush league programs so I think we are all wanting to move on. I only wish I had seen the base throwing incident. It has become legendary. I mentioned Blackburn in one of the earlier posts and their past shinanigans. They have been very colorful in the past (a very generous description). Anyway who do you see as the top four finishers this year?   

Former WU player here im over it then not sure how much has changed in the past few years but IMO Blackburn gets everything they deserve believe me. Nevermind my biased opinion though ive only seen a few WU games this year been busy with work so from what Ive seen so far and heard (have a few good friends that coach for fontbonne) id have to say:

2) Maryville
3) Blackburn
4) Fontbonne
2nd Team All-Arnold


Like i said before my opinion is biased when it comes to Blackburn so take it with a grain of salt sorry if i offended ya. Guess its not like it used to be though as far as attendance goes. Used to be nuts on the weekends at least when we came to town stands were packed.
2nd Team All-Arnold


welcome washed up... yeah you are a blackburn hater too, but you are welcome haha! I personally am a blackburn fan, but since you are a WU alumni, i understand why you are not a blackburn fan. either way glad to have more people on the boards!
Baseball players get to every base.


1. Webster
2. Maryville

Seems like a good one - two but Maryville only has 6 games in and a lot can change positive and negative. Not only that but with the rain outs their games are getting bunched pretty tight it may test their pitching.

Blackburn is the surprise. They were picked to finish 7th and have 16 players and are short in the catching department. They face one more with Webster then Maryville if they can split in those four game they will be 3rd for sure. Taking just one maybe not.

fourth is up for grabs. Font, Eureka or a sleeper.

Thats my 2 cents.  


As for Blackburn's antics, I think the college level is too mature for the play when they act as if the pitcher has thrown the ball in the outfield and everyone can't seem to find the ball when the pitcher still has it in his hand. I have never seen it work and all the teams in the SLIAC are all aware of it. I am sure at one point when they first tried it, it may have gotten an out, but now it just seems to get eye rolls. The fans in left field are not a myth, they have been there, drunk or not, and they do cause mayhem. But as far as those guys go I think it is good for Blackburn that they have fans who try and get in the opposing team's head. As long as it is not too over the top, and it stays in the stands, it is all in the nature of the sport. The players have also calmed down and for that I give credit to Coach Neal. An incident that I recall happening more than once is when the first basemen has put hard tags on pick-offs, specifically to the head and face of opposing players. Coach Neal has talked to him, if not benched him, and the dirty play stopped. I have overheard a lot of players attributing Blackburn's "stubbornness" to that one particular player on many different occasions.