BB: LEC: Little East Conference

Started by Ralph Turner, February 11, 2006, 03:09:17 PM

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Quote from: santeezy06 on May 09, 2010, 11:16:11 AM
There's that tough loser talk, again get on RIC'S level then you can talk. Your team is garbage and have yet to amount to anything. A few wins here and there mean nothing if you haven't won anything. You guys will always be scrubs in this conference and never will sit up top, wasn't dwelling on past more allowing you to finally see facts..............moron


Quote from: santeezy06 on May 09, 2010, 04:34:44 PM
I tell you these under performing Beacons run their mouths alot. Same story every year how great they are going to be but never make it to the big game. You guys suck we put a freshman against you and won the game, shows how good your talent is. We will see what the tourney brings I hope you guys have some pitching to go with all that mouth. Hey atleast Jcon has a fan or goon to help him with all there nonsence. And nobody was talking about 97, I was presenting the fact that you guys have yet to produce a Reg season or Post season championship, just like the boys down in Plywood since the begining of the tourney's. Also you trash talk RIC alot of our teams produce lets just say Basketball, Softball and the boys have brought home championships... You still sweating last year, it was a fluke cause you were out the next


Quote from: KSCfan on May 09, 2010, 07:04:28 PM
Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Southern Maine Booooooooooooooo why couldnt you at least take one of these games.  Your killing me smalls. 

Ok i think and correct me if i am wrong
wed at 12 Eastern USM at 330 Keene vs UMD and the nightcap RIC vs UMB under the lights??
How about USM almost not making the tournament very wierd, and yes the great Santzeey/Jcon debate will be settled on wed night. 

Here are my predictions for the tournament

Day 1 Eastern over USM  Keene over UMD RIC over Boston
Day 2 USM over Boston(elimanted) Keene over RIC and Eastern over UMD(elimanted)
Day 3 Keene over Eastern RIC over USM Eastern over RIC

Day 4 Keene over Eastern in championship Eastern gets Pool C for the regionals.

so it shall be said so it shall be done... i hope


Quote from: wordsmith on May 12, 2010, 03:17:30 PM
Day 1

USM over EConn (revenge tastes best cold)(Gosh Word r u nuts?)(Nope just a hunch- Henry returns to the scene of the crime (21-1) and pitches lights out in his final LEC Start)
KSC over UMD (Foul Owls on the Prowl (1967- In the Heat of the Night)
RIC over UMB (masculine "Mascot RIC" Disco dances pants off Beacons)
EConn over UMD (Staying Alive, Staying Alive oh-oh-oh-oh Stayiiiing Alive)



Quote from: KSCfan on May 13, 2010, 06:24:08 AM
Jconn is picking Keene to lose hmmmmm shocking but not going to happen, 1,1,wiggle or FBFBCH seems to fancy UMD as well.  I can not wait for the tournament to start.  My students have book work all day as KSCfan will locked away in the corner of his classroom huddle with the computer watching the games.

I have said it earlier and i will say it again
Eastern over USM
Keene over UMD
RIC over UMB
USM over UMD


Quote from: ECSUalum on May 13, 2010, 01:04:30 PM

What in Gods name are you smoking up there in Beantown????quote]


Quote from: wordsmith on May 14, 2010, 03:05:43 PM
KSC is sleep walking through this game as they did in the first half of the year. UMB is ramped-up and playing inspired ball. No match at this point.

Will the sleepy giant awaken? Will UMB remember they are....UMB? Last 1/3 of the game will tell.

Hold on for a interesting ride.


Quote from: Hobbesy on May 14, 2010, 07:48:22 PM
Well here we are:

A chance for the Beacons to advance to the championship game.

I am not going to say prove they belong because they have not proven anything until they win the title.  This is uncharted waters for the Beacons and that can play a role in the next 24 hours.  The nerves get going, butterflies in the stomach, gripping the bat to tight, gripping the ball to tight.  

This goes both ways and you gotta believe all the pressure is on Eastern CT right now because they dont want to lose to UMass Boston  

Should be a dandy!


Quote from: KSCfan on May 15, 2010, 12:03:29 AM
Hate to admit but the beacons are playing for the LEC title, i thinks that im sick to my stomach for saying that.  Im at a loss for words right now with keene going down like the bismark and the beacons in the championship game as the team to beat.  Owl nation in shock


Quote from: hockeyfan77 on May 15, 2010, 04:09:46 AM
Quote from: Jcon8958 on May 15, 2010, 02:46:16 AM
SHHHHHHH EVERYONE DO YOU HEAR THAT. Thats the beacon train coming though. 2 chances at the title gotta love there chances.

Hey ECSUALUM, Hockeyfan u scared now..... 8-)

UMM NO,  I think USM has a much better chance of beating ECSU once and UMB twice then the other way around...


Quote from: santeezy06 on May 15, 2010, 01:39:33 PM
Whose pouting or crying nobody here, and we haven't always been two and screw look back to 2005 tourney Champs. I also expect alot more in years to come under the new coaching staff. I wish you luck in going for your quest to be amongst the elite field....................


Quote from: ECSUalum on May 15, 2010, 02:02:38 PM
Hey BobbyBeanbag,

I guess after 14 years in the LEC, it is about time UMB beat out a ECSU's baseball team!!!  What took you soo long??? Every team gets lucky some time

For 5 years on the Board, all I heard was Blah Blah Blah

Lets see if you can finish this?

BTW, take your Beacon Band Wagon and shove it up you Beacon Band Wagon Arses!!!! ;D ;D ;D

PS I will take ECSU Baseball Stadium any day over that piece of S**T high school dirt bag field you play on.  Its a wonder anyone comes to play there  ;)


Quote from: ECSUalum on May 15, 2010, 03:10:21 PM
Quote from: BobbyBeacon on May 15, 2010, 02:34:32 PM
My point exactly ECSUalum.  That's what makes this so great.  Must be that ECSU edu-mah-cation.  ;)

Will be watching your Beacons closely from now on to see who will eat crow.

BTW, I have great respect for the UMB players, they have done a great job so far this year, its thier 2 dumb a** fans on this board I have no respect for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Quote from: ecfaninri on May 15, 2010, 06:02:56 PM
OK UMB - you are the 2010 LEC champs. Congrats. But a word to the wise and to the two "player/ cheerleaders" in grey sweats and wooden bats waving on every hit and Beacon play...... it ain't going to "this easy in the regionals"


Booby Bean Bag, tough guy

What is your next prediction? That UMB will be 2010 D3 National Champs??? Not in your lifetime!!!!

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha  ;D ;D ;D ;D

You are really letting thisLEC win go to your head!!!!!!!!