BB: LEC: Little East Conference

Started by Ralph Turner, February 11, 2006, 03:09:17 PM

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Come on JCon...
I thought you were turning the tide and weren't go to be a total homer anymore. UMB - is a good program - However 11-15 is rebuilding. They have improved since Florida, let's see if they can continue with Keene and WConn over the weekend.  They have had two good wins vs. Babson and Suffolk recently. Even a slugfest loss to USM was what could be called a"good loss", if there is such a thing.  But remember the LEC did not do any favors for its members by going to the new tourney format. It now forces teams to concentrate on the Friday Saturday matchups. Like Eastern - a weekday loss to Bridgewater is tough because its a region loss and you have to take all those things into consideration. At least Eastern's loss was only 5-4 not 25-7.


ecfaninri, DGilblair,

See you guys on Friday afternoon should be great weather for an ECSU win!  Oh God, did I jinks them?

Sorry about that ;)


RIC beats a very tough ranked Curry College 12-8 to improve to 18-10 on the season. Hopefully this will be a start to get out of that slump. Next up WCon tomorrow followed by a double header on saturday with Plymouth.


Im going back on UMB being the hottest team.......USM is , just hate giving credit where credit is due.  What really made me think was the comment "a good loss." There is no such thing with Keene, ECONN, and USM, any loss is a bad loss.....why? Because they are very good and are held to a higher standard....Boston is not., sorry but the truth.
In regards to offensive stats how can you eliminate games......every team has cupcakes it all evens out.......Bostons 10 runs a game are legit but cannot even compare to the big 3, not even close. I would take the big 3 every day over UMB if I had a one game series, not even close. If you say you would your crazy and know nothing about the game.

Glad Im back, I did miss this.


The USM  "Thugs" beat  St Joe's  today 21-3 to improve to 23-3 ( 5-1 in the LEC)...Ryan Pike tied a team record with 9 RBI...

Next up for USM:

Tomorrow  @ Plymouth State @ 3:30


Quote from: keenONkeene on April 16, 2009, 12:46:41 PM
In regards to the USM/Keene game. I was there and spoke to numerous players after the game..........much trash talking on USM's part. I am not going to name names but there needed to be messages sent and there was. This dates back to cheap play and unsportsmanlike conduct--stealing signs, bunting and stealing when the games out of the old adage says, "you mess with the bull and you will get the horns."
I know Keene would prefer to play the game and not worry about those type of things, but you need to defend the sanctity of the game...Im sure USM would have done the same if the tables were turned.

LOL   can't reason with ignorant and stupid!!!   I was at the game and I heard a lot of trash talking: 95 % coming from the KSC bench in game 1...It's part of the game and I thought you would like it because it's "new school"....


Great article on 2 former KSC players Ryan Jones and Joe  Rousseau.



So I have to choose between driving the 2 miles to Keene State Complex to watch TEE vs Swamp Owls or driving 3 hours to Bristol RI, seat of King Phillip, to watch WNEC play the Roger Dodgers.

ahhh, ahhh, ahhh, sorry 16, see you on Sunday I'm headed to Swampland.

So all you TEE fans, I'll see ya on Saturday. And by the way the hex-a-roo is in.

Word 8)


KSCfan will be attending the game on sat for the evil empire vs the swampbirds.  I look forward to the games, no matter what the weather is in case you evil empire loving wingbats forgot its going to be windy bring a sweatshirt and looking forward the Empire and his storm troopers invading the swamp.  Im assuming Musson/Gilblair for the squeezing up 14 in the 7th team, and i have no idea for the swampbirds.  I hope that the owls can swing it a little bit, anycase all trash talk and kidding aside looking forward to the weekend games and all you eastern fans coming up for hopefully two good games. Good Luck to all.  I think i just had a Jcon post!!

Also RIC beats Curry good win for the anchorman.  Curry is a good team


Oh i forgot the most important part, Keene beat westfield today 13-3


Cant even reason with people from TEE. They are always going to be right no matter wat happens I guess.

UMB wins again today 11-4 Stretching there 10 runs plus streak to 8 and 11 out of the last 12.

Tommorow should be a very good test for this team to see were they are at, but wat does it matter if they win nobody knows how to give credit on these boards.


Boy, I didn't check the board for a couple of days and all h---- is breaking loose.  

KSC did beat Westfield today pretty easily 13-3.  Reliever Tim Theising started and went 5, followed by Billy O'donnell for 3, and Mike Murray for the ninth.  All did pretty good.  Callahan had 3 hits including a homer directly over the 400 ft sign in center.  Doyon had 3 or 4 hits and 3 or 4 RBI.

JCON- it's is hard to take anything you say seriously when say that UMB is the best offensive team in the LEC.
You can see the stats.  Don't let the facts stand in the way of your opinions.  That said, they are playing very well and are a scary team right now.  Give them credit, but why go so far overboard?

I am guessing here only, but I am thinking that Riley will go Friday against UMB with Raymond and Vogt on Saturday against ECSU.  Pelkey is another possiblity for the UMB game (s).  Have no idea who will pitch the second game on Sunday against Wheaton- maybe Gilmore.

Hope to meet some of you ECSU posters on Saturday at the Swamp.  By the way,  the swamp was in absolutely beautiful condition for KSC's first (and only, so far) home game against PSU.

One last thing, Hockey Fan, I thought you spent the games in the booth.  How were you able to hear all that trash talk, never mind, be able to determine the percentage that each team contributed?


Quote from: ECSUalum on April 16, 2009, 05:36:07 PM
ecfaninri, DGilblair,

See you guys on Friday afternoon should be great weather for an ECSU win!  Oh God, did I jinks them?

Sorry about that ;)

Family down here visiting from Maine so the hill will be full.  Nice weather, should be fun.  Lets just play some solid ball this weekend. We do need to get the bats going if we are to win any of these games.

Seems like Keene will be a popular site this weekend.  Looking forward to seeing the new Keene team.  I'll be on the ECSU fence with the rest of the mob.


Quote from: wordsmith on April 16, 2009, 07:06:09 PM

Great article on 2 former KSC players Ryan Jones and Joe  Rousseau.


Here, here.....excellent job.  Top notch people from a top notch program.


Quote from: dchevy5 on April 16, 2009, 10:01:39 PM

One last thing, Hockey Fan, I thought you spent the games in the booth.  How were you able to hear all that trash talk, never mind, be able to determine the percentage that each team contributed?

I didn't spend that game(s) in the booth...I was in charge of doing something else( babysitting the crowd  call it), I will be in the booth for the rest of the year though and hopefully the LEC's...I don't know, I don't think it was 95 % it was about even but to say that a group of individuals are "Thugs" and classless  and that they deserved to get thrown at just strikes a nerve cause I KNOW it's not true and  the other team is doing the SAME thing...Whatever, I have nothing but respect for KSC players and fans and I am just letting one get me angry...Good luck against ECSU and UMB...