MBB: St. Louis Intercollegiate Athletic Conference

Started by FC News, March 01, 2005, 11:03:19 PM

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Daryl, I couldn't agree more with you!  Respect?  Oh, geez, give me a break!!  I don't think you would be disrespecting anyone here, or on any of the given teams by referring to them as the "boys team."  Moving on...

Fc, I am as perplexed as anyone as to Webster's sluggish start thus far!  As favorites, they have not lived up to the hype, but I am just happy that they are still in the hunt for a tourney slot, but, from the looks of things, nothing is guaranteed, as we know from SLIAC history!  The "favorite" seldom does in fact win!  Looks like Fontbonne is overachieving though!


BC def. Prin  75-64

Hammond 20+ points
Allan puts up a double double
Great showings from Smith and Howard
No stats on me but Ill get them up as soon as possible

the godfather

At least I picked the Blackburn game right.... ???


Well, FC, just as I discuss Websters disappointing showing thus far, they deliver Greenville there first loss.  Maybe this will be what they need to jumpstart them for the second half and down the stretch!  It will be another interesting race with plenty of surprises!


If you only watched the first half you would have had seconds thoughts on picking BC, they were up but not by much. They ended up picking it up in the second.


Just took a look at the Webster - GC boxscore   -  so many things stick out!

1) 6 players foul out for Greenville, none for Webster  -  33 fouls on Greenville, 21 on Webster.   Lopsided, yes  -  but style of play could lead to that result.   Greenville a running , perimeter oriented team,  Webster, more of a set offense, take it to the hoop, get it to Hoggat team - lots more opportunities to be fouled.

2) Greenville  2-22 from 3 pt land  -  normally a good shooting team - win with the 3, lose with it too

3) Laphonso Ellis 30 points  -  goes to show you never can tell  -  in the win over Maryville, I think Laphonso had 2?

4) Spinner and Kuhn reappear for Webster with good stats, and Hredlicka, who seems at times to be the only spark on this team, has a big game 

Good to See!!!  -  I really would like to see Webster in the mix

On the other hand, Now Greenville must go to Eureka, another pound it inside team  -  I foresee a tough night for the Panthers, and the race to the final four will really get tight.

And as to the Fontbonne Webster matchup - Fontbonnes shooting and athleticism vs Webster's experience and depth  -  should be a great game - would love to see the place packed  -  Yjak-FC - SAVE ME A SEAT!

The only thing not to be liked in Florida is no D3 hoops!!!


Well, I got to Webster to see the final 2 minutes of the 1st half and all the 2nd half.  y_jack_lok, it was great meeting you and your buddy last night.  Great conversations many times throughout the game.

As for the game, the 2-22 stat really hurt us, but fellas, I might have seen the worst officiating crew I have seen in five years.  As I told y_jack_lok, we didn't deserve to win even because we played poorly and I'm not making excuses.  We didn't knock down our shots and w/ Coach Barber gone, it was a tough one for the troops to go into battle w/o their general.  But, 33 fouls?  We had about 5 starters and a bench guy foul out.  If it wasn't for Ellis, we may have got beat by 50.  I am very, very dissappointed in the officials from the game.

As for Webster, a very physical group and I commend them on the win.  They knocked down shots when they needed to.  Huge at the FT line where it ultimately counted.  Greenville started to make a push w/ 6 minutes to go, but fouls took our big guns out of the contest.  Hensold was done at 11ish, Simmons at 9... and so on.  You can't play the last 10 minutes of a big game w/o you guys.

Webster is going to stay in the hunt.  Big win over my boys last night.  The Panthers are firing on all cynadars now.  After speaking with some of them, they are glad to get that game out of the way and ready to go back in to it.  We'll see what Saturday brings.   Eariler big wins for us have kept us on top for now...
Panther Pride


Nice to meet you, too, pride. I have never seen more fouls called against one team in a game except for the Randolph-Macon game against Emory & Henry a couple of weeks ago. E & H got whistled for 36, but E & H plays "the system" and rotates four teams, so they have lots of fouls to give and only had one guy foul out -- 2 others got four. Greenville got 33 fouls last night and 6 guys got 5 each. Webster was called for 21. LaPhonso Ellis played 33 minutes for Greenville and only got called for one foul. Go figure.

I have given up trying to understand what's a foul and what isn't a foul. I have reduced myself to complaining about missed traveling and double dribble calls. On Saturday a Webster women's player picked up her dribble, looked for someone to pass to, didn't find anyone, so dribbled out of trouble. No double dribble call. Last night a Greenville women's player was dribbling, bounced the ball off her foot, it rolled on the floor, she picked it up and started dribbling again. No double dribble call.

For what it's worth, the two officiating crews I saw at Randolph-Macon a couple of weeks ago were better than most of what we see in SLIAC and Wash U games. However, we do have some very good officials that call SLIAC games, and it is always refreshing to see them.


By the way, I was not implying that LaPhonso Ellis should have been called for more fouls. He played an outstanding all around game.


Good analysis Panther...looks like it will be a nice little race...and, watch your use of the word "boys"...you wouldn't want to offend anyone or get corrected like I did  :D


OK, set me straight. I can't say the "Guys" game and the "Ladies" game.


My original point about gender references was about both common courtesy, equivalent terminology, and yes, even political correctness. I agree with Pat Coleman that "boys" and "girls" are the standard when referencing high school teams, "men" and "women" when referencing college teams. If someone wants to use more casual terminology such as "guys" and "ladies", in relation to college programs, no problem -- even to the point of mixing it up as guy's and women or men and ladies. I just think "boys" and "girls" should not be used when referencing college teams. Exceptions always abound, however, as when pantherpride06 used the phrase "Big win over my boys last night." He did not, however, say "the Greenville boys team".

Sorry if all this comes accross as overly sensitive. Say whatever you want. I will not react again.


Our constitutional right to freedom of speech trumps all other considerations in this matter


Hey everyone! It's my first time on the board.  As you can tell, I am a strong Griffin and Coach Mckinney supporter.  Anyone have any predictions for the Battle of Big Bend tomorrow night?  Go Griffins!



Sorry to say it but I think Webster's coming out ahead in this one. FU should have some good games ahead of them with LCC and maryville, lets see what they can do.