MBB: St. Louis Intercollegiate Athletic Conference

Started by FC News, March 01, 2005, 11:03:19 PM

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Now wait.  I made the motion to have a SLIAC D3 Posters Summer Meeting in Branson w/ fcnews and I haven't heard anything back.  I mean, can fcnews produce something big for us in Branson???

Secondly, great update from Eureka_SID on the coaching situation at EC.  Good stuff.  Speaking off Eureka, the ladies on the softball team and coaches were great.  I enjoyed working with this at the game this week.
Panther Pride


Guys I'll see what I can work out for a D3hoops Summer Retreat.

Was at the SLIAC Golf Championship this morning. Heard from a very reliable source, that said he would be shocked if Mac's Whallum was eligible next year.

I guess he had Grade problems and played in at least three JV games and dressed for the Varsity early in the year. That's going to be a tough issue. Also, the same individual didn't expect Farrid Coleman to return.

This is just what I heard.


That's going to be a fun one to sit back and watch evolve  -  for the good of MacMurray and for the good of the league, we can only hope things work out for Mac, its staff and its team  -  but all of the prophesizing that MacAttack has been doing is meaningless if Whalum is found to be ineligible, or if Coleman decides to go back to Benton Harbor, as a Hettinga sales pitch had to be the only reason he ended up in Jacksonville.

I have not been falling in line with Mac's over the rainbow picture of the restructuring of Mac's athletics dept for a minute - we've been talking about it for 3 weeks and there's been no inkling of progress yet - Iwant to hear good things - but FACTS, not a rabid fan's dreams.

I'm no longer up on D3 transfer rules, but if I had a kid at Mac and they couldn't show me stability real soon, like by the end of April or first week of May,  or unless I was sold 100% on the academics (remember, the campus is closed on weekends), I'd be looking for a better bang for my buck.

Sorry, but show me different....  and if you do, I'll cheer for the good news  (but PS - I hope Mac doesn't follow in Blackburn's footsteps and bring in a guy who was out of coaching for a year and who had been 2-46 over his last two years when he was working) - there are good candidates out there.
The only thing not to be liked in Florida is no D3 hoops!!!


I also failed to mention Hopefan, that the same individual told me Mac will only schedule two non-conf. games. They intend to play a 20 game schedule for budget cut purposes.


As a alum of MacMurray College, things look very gloom. Not only is athletics in trouble but so is the entire school.  When you only have 500 students and 65% play some form of athletics, and you have a major turnover like Mac had, it effects the entire campus. Mac has lost, or will lose mens, and womens soccer, mens and womens basketball, ad, president, and who know what other adminstration people they have lost.  I would not be surprise if the school close its doors after the 2007-08 year, that is the rumor that is circulating.  A lot of mismanagement went on at MacMurray, which is leading to the destruction of this campus. MacMurray did bring in a guy who had a losing record as a coach, and had been fired everywhere he has been. Kevin Haslam career record 12-68. He is the reason to blame for the problems that are going on in athletics at Mac.


Here's the latest on the Eureka coaching search:
One candidate was here Thursday and the other Friday. They met the athletic dept. staff, made a presentation and met with the basketball team. Both are highly qualified coaches. One of them is more qualified as a teacher for the school and he is the one that will be offered the job. Hopefully he takes it and I'll be able to tell you all about him early next week. If he doesn't, it's probably back to the drawing board looking for another option.

Panther, I'm glad you got to meet some of the people I have to put up with on a daily basis  ;D Just kidding, of course. The EC softball team did not play the way they were hoping against your Panthers, but the opposition had a lot to do with it I'm sure. They will be glad to know they made a good impression on you!

Hoops Junkie

I heard the guy getting the job is from Eastern MI is that right???


Very good, Shanagolden. There are still some things to iron our first, but it looks like he will be the choice.


I heard the new coach at Eureka is going to be a real "Wilde" man.   ;D ;D
The only thing not to be liked in Florida is no D3 hoops!!!


Early Congrats to EC. That process was done in a very timely fashion. The new coach will be coming into an enviroment that was really enjoying winning last year. It will be tough to replace the loss of the senior class, but the school really seems to get behind the Red Devils

Mac Attack II

My good friend hopefan was asking for some "facts." I would assume that would not include what was overheard at the conference golf tournament from unnamed sources. I can tell you MacMurray Colllege will soon name a new President. The four individuals under consideration are Colleen Hester, Ph.D., Vice President, Strategic Planning, Institutional Research and Planning, University of St. Thomas , Houston , TX; Timothy Hall, J.D., Associate Provost and Professor of Law, University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS; Russell E. Willis, Ph.D. , Former Provost and Chief Academic Officer, Champlain College, Burlington, VT; and Vicki Sandra Megginson, Ph.D., Senior Vice President for Campus Development and Associate Chancellor for Development, University of Illinois Foundation, University of Illinois at Springfield, Springfield, IL.

I seriously doubt any of these outstanding individuals would be applying for the presidency of MacMurray College if they thought the school was not going to be operating a year from now. I think that's a fact.

The MacMurray Athletic Director will be named within the next two weeks. It will be a well qualified individual with a passion for small college athletics who will do an excellent job at MacMurray. That's a fact. And applications are coming in for the men's basketball coaching position. A new coach will be on board weeks before Hettinga came on board last year. That's good news. That's not prophesizing, that's not over the rainbow, that's not dreams from a rabid fan. That's just the way it is.

Seth Whalum was told by the MacMurray administration he was eligible to play in 2007-2008. That's a fact. I hope that happens. My guess is Seth wouldn't have been told that unless the college had done its homework and cleared it with the appropriate jurisdictions. The way some people on this board have been hammering at this, you would think this was Elgin Baylor coming back for another year. Let the kid, the college, and the NCAA sort it out.

Coleman plans on coming back, but wants to wait and see who the new coach is before making a final decision. If Farrid leaves, he'll be done with basketball at the collegiate level. So his only option is to finish at MacMurray, which he wants to do.

As far as Kevin Haslam goes, I thought he did a terrific job at MacMurray in the two years he was there. He raised much-needed revenue, he made some much-needed coaching changes, and he made some much-needed improvements to a variety of facilities. He accomplished a lot in a short period of time, and for that, I am grateful. As is always the case when new people come in and changes are made, not everyone is happy. Haslam didn't come to MacMurray to make everyone happy. He came to MacMurray to improve the athletic program, and that he did on a number of fronts, in my humble opinion.

Our men's and women's basketball coaches left for better jobs. That happens. We have an outstanding new football coach. In the future, all MacMurray coaches will also teach, which is something that should have happening all along. Mac isn't the U of I.

I think things will improve. Just have to have faith, which is important to everyone's future. Advising recruits or current players to leave the campus or not come back in the Fall because of challenges that many small colleges go through is offensive and counterproductive. MacMurray College provides a quality education for the students that attend and graduate from the school. They have outstanding faculty members and an administration that cares about its students. Not sure what a "better bang for your buck" is supposed to mean, but the kids that I know who attend MacMurray College like the school and aren't going anywhwere else. It's not for everyone, but neither is UCLA.

Oh, and by the way, the Highlanders will be hanging a SLIAC Men's Basketball Co-Championship banner on the wall at their first home game next fall. Hope to see you there.


A fine rebuttal Mac - you'll notice that I did not refer to any of the Golf Course conversation as fact - Your statement regarding the Presidential candidates was loaded with fact - sounds like 4 well qualified candidates - and Mac needs to start its rebuilding process from the top.  Your comments regarding the hiring of the athletic Director and coaches are vague and without fact, as long as you are making a distinction.  Until I see who it is, it's tough to comment - as you say, that's just the way it is.  Obviously they're going to be enthusiastic, or they wouldn't be hires   -  As to your referral to my bang for the buck statement - you know darned well what I meant-  If I had a kid at a school to play basketball and get a quality education and was paying $25-35K per year for it, and saw an athletic department whose staff was in shambles and a campus that had its doors locked on weekends and not a single Body on the campus on a Saturday except in the gym for the game, presumably because the school couldn't afford to keep the buildings open, I WOULD QUESTION THE BANG FOR MY BUCK.

I have looked further into the Seth Whalum situation - Here are some additional FACTS.  All eligibility situations are brought before the SLIAC office to be heard and ruled on - this situation has not YET been brought before that office - If it was, and MacMurray disagreed with the SLIAC's decision, they could then appeal it to the NCAA, and the NCAA would rule on it.  If it has not yet gone to the SLIAC, then it hasn't gone to the NCAA.  I don't know what it takes to get the issue before the SLIAC office - but if it gets there, MacMurray needs to be ready to defend their stance on his eligibility.  MacMurray's administration (there's that Secretary again) saying he's eligible means nothing if the league has to make a ruling.  Of course I hope to see Coleman back - good player, but I wonder how Whalum's eligibility also might effect his decision (seemed like they were good buddies).  I'd still like to hear you tell me  - did Whalum play, or did he not play, in his freshman year - JV or Varsity.  To me, it's a cold cut yes or no.  If he did, he's not eligible, if he didn't, he's eligible.   Your lack of response or mention of that single point makes me think you're doing a soft shoe, Mac.

Advising kids not to come, or recruits - if I knew anyone at all thinking of MaC, what am I supposed to tell them?   It's a bright situation?   The one Saturday I went up and watched Illinois College play a half against Monmouth and then came over to Mac  to watch them play Fontbonne, the difference was night and day -  IC had great support for a team that was playing a meaningless season ending game, Mac had a handful of football players and parents in attendance for a game that was first place in conference. 

Listen, I support the SLIAC totally, and I support MAc as a member of the SLIAC (Remember, I'm the idiot that goes around the whole conference watching "Best games").   But for some reason, the walls are caving in at Mac and they need to start building them back up  -  And the probems, whatever they are, need to be identified before they can be corrected.   A current student and an alum have gotten on this site or the football site and spoken to that, and that makes an impact.  I have yet to see an alum or current student get on here and tell us it's a positive situation. (Though before the argument starts, I agree, how much 'fact' can we credit to positive or negative statements of that nature?)

ah it's late  -  I apologize if I have offended - Mac, I Hope all of your positive impressions come true  -  enough for now.

The only thing not to be liked in Florida is no D3 hoops!!!


Word on Mac Campus:

Seth Whalum is still undecide about returning for the simple fact he wants to continue his education and start on his Master's which MacMurray does not offer, and he would pretty much just be payin 20,000 to play basketball.

Farrid Coleman will be in a MacMurray uniform regardless of Whalum's decision.

Basketball Banquet this coming weekend. I am really suprised that they are having one!!

Just a few conversation starters:
Who would Mac's MVP?
Brady Greene
Farrid Coleman
Seth Whalum
Jerel Robertson

Who would be Most Improved?
Adam Polston
Neil Compton
Nick Schmidt
Nick Hipsher

Who would when the Hustle Award?
Brady Greene
Nick Schmidt
Seth WHalum
Adam Polston


Welcome to the board under rated - and welcome to any input that you have on the Mac situation  -  please understand that MacAttack and I are good buddies with different perspectives on Mac's issues   -  Mac Attack being very close and directly impacted with the decisions being made, while I'm simply a fan and am relating what I see from afar.

I'd love to answer your player awards, but even though I saw Mac 4 or 5 times, I'm torn on the voting because of Mac's great balance.  Whalum would have been my clear MVP for the games I saw except for a disappointing performance in the conference semis.  A hustle award - poof  - Hettinga had them all hustling.  And I'm not familiar enough with the role players to suggest MIP.

I appreciate your input  on Whalum and Coleman- wondering what Seth's interest area for grad school is????
The only thing not to be liked in Florida is no D3 hoops!!!


I expect Eureka SID can confirm what I heard from a highly reliable source on Thursday -- that the SLIAC has hired a new commissioner. I can't remember the person's name but I was told that he was an associate commisioner in the Iowa Intercollegiate Athletic Conference and was clealry the top candidate from the start to the finish of the process.