MBB: St. Louis Intercollegiate Athletic Conference

Started by FC News, March 01, 2005, 11:03:19 PM

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And even RMC_Springfield, which I don't know much about even though I lived there for 8 years, should be good enough competition for Blackburn.


 In my old age I get confused from time to time about which shows I am featured on......That is a joke though he obviously (Woody Paige) would not bother to post on a D3 hoops website.  I am here to speak the truth, start controversy and whatever else i feel I need to do.  I have seen more MAC games in the past 5-6 years than anyone I am sure of that, whether it be on film or in person.

  Are you happy Pat????? Just kidding.

  Panther Pride what was your title at GC games???  Emcee, stat guy, hype man, or all of the above????   Whatever you are in all of my years of attending basketball games, I have never seen a guy come from behind the scorers table and run around the gym....your fans were cheering and laughing at you...several MAC fans were like who is this knucklehead?   TRUE story.  Go ahead and knock my karma down for that one......

  So Fontbonne gets the greatest athletes in the country, I am guessing???  Everyone on their roster is either a D1 or D2 athlete in bball, ftball, or hockey of course they win the conference every year, what was I thinking....FCNEWS I will be on here all the time baby!!!!!! My kind aint going nowhere!!!!!!!

   MAC has new kid on campus, supposed to be athletic as Robertson, about 6"2-3.  Other than that undersized and young will be the roster.  Noone taller than 6"4, thats Compton.  When I hear more info I will let you my good friends know......Till next time, make sure to get your pets spayed or neutered.


Some word on incoming players for Blackburn...some talented  guards, not quite sure on names or high school, Also a couple of 6'5 post players with some size on them, and also a 6'7 270 post player who is playing football right now, which will give BC their first big post player in many years, the one thing that was keeping blackburn down.  The question mark is who will be able to take over the scoring since they are losing Hammond and Allan from last years team.

I also agree that Fontbonne is the favorite, they have many important parts coming back, was anyone a senior last year?? i dont remember.  Westminster, Webster definately are up there too, im not too sure if the league will be as close as it was last year, with 6 teams fighting for 4 spots, and really 8 teams, LCC and Prin not involved, really could have given any other team a good competitive game


First of all, you can proclaim that you've seen more Mac games than anyone else on this board all you want.  That's your problem not ours.

Secondly, Emcee... yes.  Stat Guy... yes.  Hype man, yes.  Were the MacMurray people laughing at me?  Maybe, but you guys blew a 32 point lead in the final 8 minutes.  Not sure I'm the one you should be laughing at.  Were the Greenville people laughing at me, absoutely not.  It's really not worth my time to sit here and argue with you about what I do during games.  Bottom line is I do what I need to in assisting my team in winning.  I did the same things while in high school.  Am I embarassed that some schumck calls me out.  No way.  I am a passionate fan, student, and employee of my institution.
Panther Pride


Woody - No not every player is D1 or D2. I was just pointing out that a player of D2 ability is not unusual in the SLIAC. It is our job to try and steal a few here and there. And Yes, FU has won more SLIAC games then anyother school. Plus, players and their families appreciate the fact that if the coach says he'll be there for their son, they can count on it.


I didn't proclaim that I have seen more games than anyone, I have absolutely, postively seen more than any other individual, that may be my problem....MAC might have blown a 28 point lead in 6 minutes, but GC was at home when the conference tournament was being played in St. LOuis, MAC was not.   

   Yes they lost, but they were there.  You have replied to my postings twice and you will be checking it again to see what I wrote on you, you are a schmuck!!!!!  You arent helping anyone win games, the games are won by the players not by some pantherpride06 fruitcake........GO AHEAD and dock my karma again cupcake.

  MAC does have a problem wih keeping it's coaches that is a MAC athletic department problem not mine......Fontbonne has a bit more money, nicer facilities, and a stable athletic department.  So winning the most games in the SLIAC is a great accomplishment. 

    My pick is Fontbonne to win it all and possibly win a game in the NCAA TOurney a first for a SLIAC team maybe???  Webster, Westminster, and Blackburn will be in the top four.  the next four will be Greenville, Maryville, Eureka, and MAC, the bottom will be LC and Prin.  this is early but I will stay by my predictions.

   THAT is all for now friends, see you real soon.

Ryan Scott (Hoops Fan)

Ah.  It's good to see the SLIAC board has joined the 21st century and imported its own loud-mouthed hater who hasn't figured out that the marriage of message boards and trash talk ends at the border of d3sports.com.

Lead Columnist for D3hoops.com
@ryanalanscott just about anywhere


The SLIAC board did not import anyone. Import implies an active and willing involvement in the arrival of the new poster. The borders are wide open on this board and anyone can get in. We don't have to like what the new arrival is saying. Freedom of speech is alive and well here, unless a line is crossed, then we hope the administrator steps in and brings things to a halt.


Just a few things to think about......I was bored and looking at the board from page #1 to 20 somehing and Mac Attack, a former poster had some interesting posts about the freshman class from 05-06.  Brady Greene, Evan Birch, Jerrell Robertson, Jerreau Sanders, and Craig Workman.  He had some fantastic things to say about all five of them 2 which were correct.  Birch, Sanders, and Workman played a combined 10 games if that and scored maybe 20 points.

   Sanders never stepped foot on a court, Birch played in 2 or 3 and then was injured.  Workman played sparingly in the Mac Run n Gun.  Robertson and Greene played last year and contributed. But both are gone.  Those 2 really hurt.  Greene who is the son of Mac Attack is gone and not playing anywhere as of yet, and Robertson transferred to D2 with ex-coach.

  There was no mention of the lone standing freshman from that class Nick Schmidt.  He will contribute a ton this year and will probably lead the team in rebounding.  He is a hard nosed kid and was never mentioned by MAc Attack.  So that is what a great fortune teller Mac Attack was, and he is no longer on the chat  board.  I have never been one to stick up for MAC like macattack did he was totally a fan that wished and wished, but I am a fan and I tell it like it is.  With only one junior on this years roster things  looked good 2 years ago, but the truth is it isnt.

Things I have heard.....MAC will travel to Arkansas State for an exhibition after a holiday idk which I am assuming Thanksgiving, possibly Christmas.  More news.....Word is Farrid Coleman may comeback........in January??????? For second semester???? My thoughts are if he does what is tha point???  And as far as team chemistry he may hurt it, He should have his butt in class right now in my opinion.

Th th th thaaaats all folks, again have your pets spayed or neutered!!!!  See you all soon my friends!


I left a message for coach Creal 2 weeks ago - a nice message that tried to express that I am a D3 fan, a SLIAC fan, and that I enjoyed Mac's program last year to the level that I drove up to Jville from St Louis 3 times to watch Mac play.  I expressed my concern over the supposed departure of 3 good D3 players, and asked that he return my call to give me the facts.   The whole message was done in a curteous supportive manner.   

Unfortunately, my call was not returned

Also, my plea on these pages to Mac Attack for info or explanation was unanswered.  He has disappeared instead of writing the final chapter.

Were responses expected or demanded?  No  -  Hoped for - yes

Seth Whalum- can you confirm what has happened?

I REALLY still can't figure out why Brady Greene left  -  Would love to know why and where to.   Robertson is understandable, though I still feel ill advised, but Coleman and Greene?

Too bad none of the Fontbonne kids did a blog about the Europe trip like the Auggie players did for China- would have been fun to follow....  FC, can you give us more detail?

The school year has started, we need more writers

The only thing not to be liked in Florida is no D3 hoops!!!


And fc was going to give us his and Fontbonne's perspective on playing under international rules.


Hopefan, not getting a response to your telephone message from the new MacMurray coach is not a good sign. All of the good ones return calls/emails no matter how trivial, not that yours was. In fact, if I were a new coach, I would delighted that someone like you took the time to call. He could have at least said "don't bother me anymore".

It's disappointing because, like you, I thought it was a good hire for MacMurray. It may very well turn out to be, but he, and everyone else there, need to take care of the little things if the programs are ever going to get better.


Well Well Well   a "new" poster  -  welcome!!!!

Whether Coach Creal saw my post, or whether just a coincidence, My call was returned several hours after I posted  -  I missed it as I was in a meeting, but will try to reach Coach Creal on Monday....
The only thing not to be liked in Florida is no D3 hoops!!!


I've just finished reading all the posts that I have missed over the summer, but now I am back, and ready for another season of SLIAC hoops!  I just need to say to this Woody-Paige character that none of us here are real critical of grammar errors but your writing is awful, and your thoughts are overlooked due to your lack of elementary-type errors (namely your use of 100+ words with no punctuations).

I look forward to another season of SLIAC hoops and my Webster Gorloks competing for a berth to the NCAA tourney!!


Yes, welcome formersliaccommish.  Great to see you have returned.  I hope your retirement is treating you well.  I've tried to keep some ties to find out what's going on in Panther Country.   Nothing new right now.  I'll see what else I can muster up.

Not that it matters, but I had a great conversation with Justin Lunt, our men's coach here at Puget Sound.  Talked a little basketball and about the SLIAC.  I told him he should invite some SLIAC schools up to play in a tournament next year.  So, look for a trip to Tacoma to come to your schedule next year....  maybe not.  But, I'm trying. :)

Hope things are well in the Mid-West.  Just a little over a month away from the start of the 07-08 season!!
Panther Pride