MBB: St. Louis Intercollegiate Athletic Conference

Started by FC News, March 01, 2005, 11:03:19 PM

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Plus I'd rather being hangin in the city with a hottie than out in the cornstalks with a goat


Oh and 10 hours ain't nothing. I beer back at a place down town and don't get home till the wee hours and still pull it off big boy. Plus I get to see girls that at least weight less than me and have their teeth


you are genuinely pathetic and outright misinformed.  I think the funniest part of it all, is that you said we cant win... and yet... we did, food for thought id say.  As for you and your high-times talks of inner-city kids being better than us farmboys, you are pretty sure of yourself for ALSO attending a relatively small D3 school.  And for your information, just because our school is in the middle of a corn field, doesnt mean all the students are.  Honestly, something tells me you have some sort of psychological set back, like your mom didnt hug you enough or something bc all this hate you are throwing our way is, frankly, unwarranted.  I feel sorry for you and your shallow disposition, and hope that some day you can come to peace with the fact that in the 2005-2006 season, a bunch of 'hiljack farm-kids and their 'goat' girlfriends beat ur ass, and won the conference title.  Now, if you'll excuse me, me and my 'hick buddies' have better things to do than to waste time talkin to a sense-less fool, so id suggest you go back to the sad sitution you call your life, and we'll enjoy our conference championship.  Better luck next year.



point well taken and well deserved, and being an inner city East St. Louis Graduate myself, I would have to say pittbull would of had the same poor ass deer caught in the headlights look if they would have played our team. So while the time still stands let us rejoyce on our victory and hope for a happy result at this weeks tourny while pittbull sits at home watch the UofI games or whoever he watches and think about what could have been.

Go Beavers!!!


pitbull.. ive been reading your comments for a few days now... and it is finally just pushed me to the edge.. i AM from a 2A school. my school HAS won state titles.. in everything even CHEERLEADING! i came to blackburn with a terrible attitude.. hated it for a month.. but you get out and get to know people and it turns into a 2nd home. my teamates are great guys.. and you know what ive played teams like Mt. Carmel, Providence, Brother Rice, Lincoln Way Central and East, and other big schools up north in illinois.. I want to assure you after winning state with an almost unbeatable team and then coming here i didnt expect much either. BUT i came here and now i play ball with some of the best athletes i have ever stepped foot on the field with. so basically dont pull that bull crap small school to small college because my graduating class was almost as big as this school and I came here and the athletes are JUST as good.. if my comments dont change your mind.. i dont care.. because that banner may shut you up.. at least for a minute or two.. and that WILL be worth it.


Regardless of this banter between SID or pitbull or whatever it is that is going on there have been some one sided comments being made on here as far as tearing down MU's fan section. You can say all that you want about racism here and heckiling women there. But the fact of the matter is that it was only 2 or 3 students out of like 50-60 that said anything racist or degrading to your women. You mad almost an identical sign as ours and you instigated and responded to our instigations just as often and evenly. So other than those 2 or 3 fans we're pretty even, and to say otherwise wouldn't be assesing the situation fairly.

Now let's look at two different incidents involving your Beavers. First there was the incident in which one of your players spit on Jason Rezabek. That is arguably the biggest form ofdisrespect in sports period. What did Rez do to him? He kept his cool and was the bigger man. Doesn't speak much of the blue collar upright citizen ethos some on your side have been tryin to convey.

Incident two. The confronatation after the game in which one of your players came down into our student section and tried to start an altercation. That by itself is unclassy enough, but also not too intelligent number wise. We had the numbers on you regardless of how big your guys were and did we play into your high school immature BS? I'm afraid not.

Nothing personal against you guys off the court or against your school or anything like that. You guys are happy there, we're happy here, let's just report the whole story. And on a side note, the whole city kids thing is pretty much not true for those there at the game. Most of those city kids, while not all of them are commuters and are often not involved in school activities like going to basketball games. Most of us down there are from places elsewhere. Which leads into my next point.

Beaverball4...I understand you don't like when someone disrespects your school. Completely understandable, but don't go over exaggerating about how good the athletes on your team are. Don't compare these kids to any of the top players to come out of northern Illinois/Chicago area. You're saying these kids can play with...Shaun Livingston, Dee Brown, Shannon Brown, Julian Wright, Bobby Frasor, Nate Minnoy, Jon Scheyer, Shaun Pruitt, Richie McBride, or Andre Iguadola? The fact of the matter is that most of these players did play Single A ball or it's equivelant. But I'm glad to hear you're having a great time at your school and are making the most out of your oppurtunity. I truly am and am not being sarcastic, that is what college is all about.

Thanks for your time in reading this and I am looking forward to reading your responses.


finally a classy post.. however i was not comparing our basketball team to those players you mentioned.. i know that there is a HUGE difference in talent there. BUT im just saying that there is talent in the small schools as well. i mean ive seen both sides. im from a double a school and play with single a guys..... although the talent isint quite the same... those are star athletes not the everyday run of the mill players. im not meaning to stir up another contorversy here but when pitbull speaks about our school being all single a crap players its just a joke to me. and even so those single a players got the job done and thats all that matters. anyways this tournament shall be quite intresting.. i wish everyone the best of luck even though i am leaning HEAVILY for the beavers. ha .. enjoy!


also about my post before i wasnt being sarcastic towards you.. i was honestly saying finally someone posts on here with some class and not some bs trying to make everyone else mad. stay classy San Diego.. a little anchorman to finish off the post.. haha


pitbull - How can you accuse us of not being classy, when you are degrading everything about our school and the students who attend it.
I joined this site to get updated with what was going on in the SLIAC and to learn more about the other schools in the conference.
I didn't join it expecting that someone as low as yourself finds it ammusing to down Blackburn.
Perhaps you should start your own site for that, cuz you've gotten nothin but negative comments about your posts.

Mubballfan - How did we start an altercation with your student section? If cuz one of our fans went over there because he was being called a "faggot" repeatedly, then yes he started it, but in that situation I think it was the disrespectfulness of a few MU fans that caused it.

I will say this, I do apologize about saying the whole MU student section is bad, because they aren't, you're right, it was only a few of them, just as with many student sections.

If anyone plans on attending the tourney, let me know, we can meet and chat it up a little bit, even you pitbull, if you would like to discuss sports, I'd be more then happy too.

Have a safe drive everyone and we will see you tomorrow.
Go Beavers!


dynasty  -  I'm ready to join the Kornr Krazies for the 2nd game tonite  -  if I can get in  -  bring my shirt!!!!!

Incidently  -  impressed by the time of your last post  -  up studying that late is exemplary!!!
The only thing not to be liked in Florida is no D3 hoops!!!


beaverball put down the Blackburn Kool Aid-can't blame you for embracing your team and school etc. I mean no disrespect here or am I bashing your program or experience. I respect the players at Blackburn and what they have to do and over come with the work program demands and facilities, but there is no comparision with the talent up north to our small school brotherin down in Central and Southern Illinois. I'm talkin about the run of the mill players (NAIA/DIII) kids. Look at the level of play between the SLIAC and the CCIW for that matter. CCIW schools are made up of Chicagoland DIII kids. I don't believe there is one kid on Blackburn's team that could start at the top four CCIW teams (maybe the Allen kid) ''Playing with the best athletes that you have ever played with''??? What? are you from the Chicagoland area? Morris/Coal City is not the Chicagoland area. I'm sorry but the kids that come out of those schools up north just have an "edge" that the "farm" boys don't have. It seems at times that the kids from those small schools are happy to just be competing at times or are a little to laid back. Oh no I'm agreeing with pitbull on some stuff that is scary. Like I said no disrespect just my two cents. But I do respect you for going and dealin with the shortcomings BC places in front of all you guys


all english majors or teachers please don't rip apart my above post leave the red pens at home. Good luck to all SLIAC teams and players! Enjoy the fun in the BeaverDome and watch out for those townies I heard they will get you if your not looking


Will it be possible for Beaver SID to report results tonite on this board at the conclusion of games so those that won't make it will know results.

Good Luck to all the teams.


How about we get back to FC's post, All conferance??? Player of the Year?



I would be happy to do it, although it will be a while after the game due to the stat e-mails to the conference and the 50 press releases that will have to follow!
And for anyone else going to be at the game tonight, Ill be stuck behind the computer as always taking the damn stats not being able to go Jo Co Krazy in the corner so do it for me!!!!! ID RATHER BE A BEAVER!!!!!
Good Luck to all participating teams but most of all to BC, and let the Tourny begin!!!