MBB: St. Louis Intercollegiate Athletic Conference

Started by FC News, March 01, 2005, 11:03:19 PM

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(dog growling in the background)

Compete and excel in the SLIAC?  Other than men's basketball and baseball every three years what program's compete in the SLIAC. Look at the all sports rankings on the SLIAC website.

In 2005-06 you finished 7th

Remember SID there are only 8 teams in the conference.
How can you guys say that your athletic programs are strong. Your administration won't pay a dime to fix the lighting in the gym. what does that take a couple new lightbulbs and a few student workers to put them in. From my inside sources I heard that your men's basketball coach is leaving at the end of this year as well. Also I heard your baseball coach is going to be leaving too. I heard through the grapevine that the baseball guy is going to go to coach for some team down south. Excel in the SLIAC hahaha. Your looking through rose colored glasses but I guess thats what you have to do to make the most of that place and keep your head in the sand when the administration doesn't even want athletics to succeed. Tell me straight up do you really think that your administration supports your program??? I know that I can tie my gym shoes and head out there knowing my school prez and dean are doing the most they can do to give us the best chance to succeed.


New Topic - All- Conference Selections 3 teams of 5 - 15 total.

Blackburn - Allen, Djedovich, Hammond
Maryville - Regan and Hebel
Webster - Spinner, Hoggat, Kuhn
WC - Buxton and Davis
FU - Storandt and McCoy
GC - Taylor and Turner
MC - Eberhart

I didn't include the big men from MU because of injuries and the three times I saw Bash play, he didn't play well. I'd like to, great young man. I could see WC maybe getting three also. FU 's Fogerty and Kirkpatrick would get votes from some coaches.

Food for Thought

Have at IT


While throwing away the stats from last nites debacle, I noticed that stat crew had total attendance at 0. Hope I know I saw you there. That's two.


I'm not the biggest fan of Carlinville and some of the things here because I come from a bigger town. But I have grown a love for it very quickly, so when someone puts it down, it doesn't go over well.
The Blackburn students realize that we don't have the greatest facilities, and I do agree that a lot should be done, but a lot of our funding goes to the education buildings first.
Do you have a problem with education coming before athletics?

WebsterWatcher - Please, no one was saying that out of racism. I mean it was said to anyone that was at the free throw line when their wasn't a chant going on. You should talk to your team first before pokin at us. Maybe you should tell them to pay more attention to the game rather then tuanting us and flipping us off. I do love it when they do that kind of stuff because we know we have gotten into their heads and that's what we have wanted from the beginning.
We have many different cultures here at Blackburn and you think we would honestly say somethin racial? I highly doubt our A.D. would allow that, who is also African-American.
Whats unclassy about chanting "Better Luck Next Year"?
Perhaps we should've chanted "Enjoy Your Last Game"

Either way, because we have the best fans in the conference, don't try to put us down for being followers of our team, try gathering your own and going against us, that is what makes it fun.

To everyone else, good luck in the tournament, be sure to watch your step in the Beaver Dome and not trip over anything due to darkness, and to the others, well, better luck next year.

One more thing pitbull, we'll enjoy playin in the SLIAC tourney while you are at home licking your wounds from your season being over.(nothin personal Fontbonne)
Go Beavers!


OK dynasty that's enough - no wound licking here. Enjoy it and leave it at that.

After this years graduation you may also find yourself in a similar situation.


fc - Thats why I said (nothin personal Fontbonne)
That was only pointed at the immaturity of pitbull.
We may be in that situation next year, who knows?
But I know they thought that about this year also.
So we'll just have to enjoy the time now and not worry about next year.
My apologies fc.
Go Beavers!



I will agree with you on a few of your statements! However, the comments are about "OUR" school, not "Yours"... You should leave the complaining to us! I don't understand why you have such an interest in our school and our problems.
I wouldn't think you would get too upset about Blackburn students backing our school and our problems! Your complains about us and our school mean nothing to us because you have not invested anything in our school!
Blackburn is a special place where students invest much more than their money... We all contribute to the success of the school through the work program! Everyday we do our part to keep the school running! As far as support from the President of the College goes; she attends almost all of the home games and is concerned with the success of our sports!
The only reason our athletic facilities is lacking the funding is because Blackburn is one of the cheapest private schools in the nation!
Blackburn's goal is to offer an education to those who may have not had the opportunity otherwise! Athletics is just a small part in the development of students! If Blackburn's tuition was the same as other private schools in DIII, we could dish the money out to our sports programs! However, Blackburn's beleif and mission does not allow us to splurge on Athletics! Blackburn students understand the colleges policy and mission! So Pitbull, its not your battle to fight nor your right to complain about our school! We still love Blackburn and we show our love through the enthusiasm we have for our sports!


-Update for all those worried-

As of this morning Dawes Gymnasium @ BC has recieved new lighting!
The visitors side still looks a little gloomy but that is b/c of the dark colors of the walls on that side. No matter each team has to play the same amount of time on it but thankfully your concerns have been adressed.



Just trying to talk some sense into some of the crazy statements made by you inbread crazies, but I guess you can't talk sense into "banjo" strummers which there are a lot of at BC. If your guys at Blackburn are going to spout off about how great your athletic programs are like you guys are some sort of USC. What gets me fired up is when you hiljacks start messin with my boys while they are on the court and just not let them play. You make statements how other venues and student bodies are picking on women or making racial chants but the stuff that comes out of that corner is stuff that would make your mommies cringe.


I think we can all agree that we are no USC!!! Its true we most likely attacked your boys while they were on the court!
Do we harrass other teams? Yes!
Do we get a little carried away? Yes,sometimes!
Do we ride players? Yes!
However, I assure you in no way we attack individuals based on race, religion, or sex! The Crazies stay within the boundries with our comments! We chant players names/nicknames, We chant "Offense/Defense", We make remarks to the refs about calls, but I assure you that our comments are not aimed to hurt someones feelings! The crazies' comments are aimed to get in a players head! Most of the time it works!
Take for an example, last night we heckled your boys a little bit and then one of the FU players fliped us off! We were in his head! After his finger jesture towards us, we turned our attention on him, by chanting his name! What did he do? Folded! He played terrible for the last 11 minutes of the game!
Let them play? We never step foot on the court! We let them play, we just give them something to think about everytime they come to "our gym"! Are they mentally tough enough to handle good spirited fun? There are a bunch of BC parents who sit not more than 10 feet from "our corner" and I have never heard any parent complain about our remarks!


I think tomorrows games are going to be an excellent display of what this conference has to offer! We look forward to welcoming and playing all opposing teams, by this I do not mean to sound arrogant. As for Pittbulls statements I pretty sure he wont be coming to the tourny so from now on let us ignore his statements and focus at the game at hand. Good Luck Maryville, Webster, West Minster, and most of all Blackburn!

Go Beavers!


and just for the record... i do own a banjo, i am a farm-kid,  and most of all i do know the meaning of what hard work is all about. I am sure pitbull is in some frat where he buys his friends, gets rides in his expensive foreign car that he in no way ever earned, and gets weekly checks, sucking  from mommy and daddy's teet of income.  Bottom line, i understand your frustration with us 'hiljacks' winning the conference and hosting the tourney, but thats the way it worked out.  I also have a good idea of who you are already, and its a shame that bc u didnt come to school here, and then got beat by us twice this season, that you would have to resort to such measures as casting stones in our direction with your name calling and overall rude implications.  Now, i am going back to work here on campus, for the school i love, because i know the meaning of hard work, and the value of what that can get for me.  As for you, my friend, i challenge you to get through one semester at this school; Work in the dish room, or get up at 6am to clean bathrooms, skip that nap you take in the afternoon and go build classrooms, thats what time management is all about. 

And you are right, i do hope you enjoy your offseason, titbaby.


Beaver_SID. That's good news about the lighting. I was the first one to mention that, and I feel like I took some grief for bringing up an issue that now apparently people recognize as a legitimate concern. So thanks to all who took action so quickly. I'll leave my flashlight at home tomorrow.  :)


Reasons why BC doesn't win in anything:

Farm Boys don't win championships-They are from small schools and small schools don't produce players that can play. Players from those schools are into getting the sportmanships awards from the IHSA or MSHSAA. They are stiff and unathletic. Its the big suburb/city schools that produce the players guys. Known fact! I'm sure the likes of Roxana and Harrisburg couldn't run with the likes of Ft. Zumwalts, St. Charles, Webster Groves, and Francis Howells. You get tight and will fold. Plus all that stuff with you guys wearing those stupid shirts is Class A stuff. Class A kids never play in big games against big players. Class A kids get the deer in the headlights look when they get in the big games. They come up with goofy chants and cry about refing or the other team is cheating. I have seen it a thousand times. Look at Illinois too there are probably better players at places like Edwardsville, East St. Louis. I bet the Chicago teams own you guys. You can't win because all you guys played small school ball. Enough said