MBB: St. Louis Intercollegiate Athletic Conference

Started by FC News, March 01, 2005, 11:03:19 PM

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Thanks to the annual event Coach's Classic Golf Tournament, our athletes travel well. All sports travel by chartered bus to all games. Each sport takes one extended trip. (ie: BBall - Florida, Volleyball - Virgin Islands, ect.) I beleive the Dinner auction, after the tournament this year, raised 15,000. It's alot of work, but Alumni, coaches, athletes, parents and friends make this a huge event

On the another subject - If you happen to run into Coach McKinney and he doesn't extend a hand to shake don't be offended. He had rotator cup surgery on his left a week before practices and his right is awaiting the same. The funny thing is, for all that know him, he can't coach without using his hands. Makes for painful bus rides home.


Just got review on Hannibal, first they played Webster, not Westminister, and beat them by 25. Ouch!


Stat Line from Greenville at Millikin (Scrimmage)

Greenville.....  32   24  -  56
Millikin...........  40  53  -  93

Greenville:  FG: 20-63 (31.7), 3FG: 8-20 (40.0), FT: 8-14 (57.1)
Millikin: FG: 34-65 (52.3), 3FG: 3-17 (17.6), FT: 22-32 (68.8)

Simmons: 6-16, 4 Reb, 15 Pts
Hensold: 3-8, 3 Reb, 8 Pts
Atchison: 2-9, 2 Reb, 8 Pts
Conquest: 5-17, 3 Reb, 14 Pts (5 Fouls)
Williams: 0-2, 4 Reb, 0 Pts (6 Fouls)

Hobbie: 2-4, 2 Reb, 5 Pts
Mutton: 2-6, 5 Reb, 6 Pts (6 Fouls)
Serba: 0-1, 1 Reb, 0 Pts

Millikin led by Rexroade with 13 (5-9 FG/5 Reb), Brock with 12 (5-8 FG), and Gensler/Long with 11 each.

Wrap-up:  Greenville got the big men (Mutton/Williams) in some foul trouble and turned into 22 points at the free throw line.  Doesn't matter though because sharp shooter Hensold shot 3-8 and Conquest at 5-17.  For Greenville to be successful, both Conquest and Hensold need to shoot 38-40% for the team to be successful down the stretch.
Panther Pride



wow congrats beaverSTD...you still lost..iwu probably had their scrubs in the whole time anyways...scrimmages mean nothing..wait till the season starts...you will be too embarrased to be postin your teams stats...


Another Webster fan here...obviously as the name indicates!  I am anxious for the season to begin and see how my Gorloks do.  They have everyone back that made contributions to last year's team, excluding Basilio.  On paper, they seem very solid with another year of experience.  They return Hoggat, Spinner, and Kuhn -- any one of the three could lead the team in scoring on any given night!  After seeing some of the predictions for this weekend's tourney, I would be happy with 1-1, but boy, would it be nice to start 2-0 for a change.  I know, probably wishful thinking, but who knows what can happen if you get that first one!

Oh, and Redrum, please refrain from posting non-sense on this board as no cares to hear your unintelligent, immature banter.  And for the record, even if the Beavers played IWU's bench to a close game, it still holds merit since, in most years, IWU's bench would be a contender in the SLIAC.  Please do your homework before posting such non-sense.  And thanks for the update beaverSID!


Redrum - you need hit with a tac-hammer cuz YOU'RE AN IDIOT...

I have nothing else to say till the season begins...see ya'll then!
Go Beavers!


BunchTime _ Can you add anything about Webster's scrimmage with Hannilbal. Look forword to your updates on the Gorlock's.


fcnews, unfortunately I was not there and will not be able to attend a lot of the games.  I do, however, check this site frequently so I will be trying to get updates from everyone else (and box scores).  I will contribute as much as I can about the Gorloks, but more often than not I will be relying on others for SLIAC news.  I am glad to see a lot of action on this board this early in the season, and always, we should have a exciting season fulls of surprises.  It seems that those pre-season prediciton are never right, but for my sake, hopefully, this year they are on target as WU is predicted to win.



What is your problem w/ BC? Obviously you have some. And for someone that runs there mouth so much I havent heard anything from you on your team of choice, who might that be? Maybe your just a cracked player from getting heckled by the Joe Co Crazies. Did you come to the DOME and get owned? I never knew that fans could get into someones head that deep. On behalf of the Joe Co Crazies I would like to apologize for the retarded nature of Redrum. If psychiatric help is needed redrum Im sure BC will pick up the tab.


Fcnews, when did Hannibal (I assume you mean Hannibal-LaGrange) play Webster? This link to their men's basketball page:


shows that they have been playing games since November 1st, only one of which, on 11/4 vs Robert Morris-Springfield, is identified as an exhibition. If Webster had played them wouldn't it have to have been a scrimmage? And wouldn't it have to have been before Nov. 1st?

Help me out, please.


Y_Jack - It was a scrimmage. Played in two straight halves. Basically a game. FU talked to WU asst. coach. Said that they (Hannibal) shot the ball extremely well.

Mac Attack

Until Pat sets aside a seperate link for a SLIAC "Pick em" board, let's get one started right here. I'll tabulate, as long as everyone else agrees to jump in and correct my totals when I make mistakes. I know some of you have already made your picks earlier, but it would help me if everyone did it again so I won't have to scroll back. I guess the best way to do this (unless someone has a better idea) is to list the Monday thru Sunday games each week. Starting from last Monday thru this coming Sunday, here's the schedule. Please post your picks by noon Monday of each week if possible. Any ideas or suggestions (or help) will be deeply appreciated. Here we go:

Friday, November 17   
Maryville vs Hanover @ Transylvania 6:00 PM
Greenville vs Concordia @ Blackburn 6:00 PM
Webster @ Transylvania  8:00 PM
Westminster @ Rhodes 8:00 PM
Eureka @ Manchester College 8:00 PM
Lincoln Christian @ St. Louis Christian 7:30 PM
Fontbonne @ Moody Bible TBA
Blackburn vs Dominican 8:00 PM
  Saturday, November 18   
Maryville @ Transylvania 3:00 PM
Greenville vs Dominican @ Blackburn 4:00 PM
Webster @ Hanover  1:00 PM
Westminster vs Hendrix 3:00 PM
Eureka vs UW-Eau Claire or Alma College 5 or 7 PM
Millikin @ MacMurray 12 & 2
Blackburn vs Concordia-River Forest 6:00 PM

Mac Attack

St. Louis Christian



 Mac  -  correct  Fontbonne on your schedule and your pick  -  They open with Hannibal Lagrange on Friday, then play the winner of Moody Bible and Philly Bible on Saturday
The only thing not to be liked in Florida is no D3 hoops!!!