MBB: St. Louis Intercollegiate Athletic Conference

Started by FC News, March 01, 2005, 11:03:19 PM

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Nothings worse then having a disgruntled former player coming on here and blasting a coach. Even more so in a forum where he can't or won't ( to classy of a guy) defend himself. But, youngman you are entitled to your comments. And they do make for entertaining reading. Some kids should just be proud to have the oppurtunity to wear a college uniform. There are a lot of better players that never get a chance.


FC, I couldn't have said it more eloquently myself.  When someone can't cut it in the college ranks because of lack of talent, they typically resort to rhetoric on message boards blasting their former Coach.   Happens all to often.  I wish some people would face reality and realize the truth, but as we all know, most never-was-players place blame everywhere but themselves!


Yikes, abuse, and for the first time in weeks its not directed at me!!!  Thanks DePew!!!!!! ;D ;D ;D
The only thing not to be liked in Florida is no D3 hoops!!!


Just a heads up. Keep an eye out in the Saturday sports page.


Not abuse Hope. Just standing up for a man I like and respect.


I give Chris a lot of credit for the things that he does. I feel there are some things that he could do better. If you really get down to it, he is a great recruiter. I would be willing to say that he may be the best in the conference. I was pleased with the work he did with me. I stopped playing due to a knee injury so there is my back story in a shell. I am not trying to belittle Chris, I respect him as a person and a coach. BunchTime, you don't know what I talk about with the players on the team, so I would appreciate it if you did not jump to conclusions about my conversations with Darrin. Thanks. If I was able to physically play again I would be out there so lets also not assume one can't play or couldn't play. Again it's my opinion just as you have your own.


Depew, you continue to dodge my initial question that I have posed many of times.  I will take your silence as an answer.  I do not know what you talk about with players, so yes, you are right.  I could tell you that if I were Hoggatt I would have taken you out back for repeating private conversations (so you claim) between you two on a message board in which coaches read.

And I will directly refute your assertion that "if you were able to play again you would be out there."  You might get lucky to resume your spot on the JV team if you were able to play again.  I think you should be Coach Bunch's #1 fan for even giving you a shot to play on the JV team.  Hell, if I were you, I would give him a pat on the back and say thanks for everything Coach and be on my merry way knowing I almost played for a helluva Coach.


Two mind boggling performances for Maryville given the absence of several and weakness of others

Teddy McGrath, whom I thought had left the team after several disinterested appearances and then absence last Saturday, plays 25 minutes and gets 10 points.  Teddy has good skills and athletisism - good to see he hasn't packed it in.....

And Matt Demicke - 13 points, 9 FT att, 5 boards - here's a guy that appears not to fit into Maryvilles style, is big and clumsy - I honestly didn't think we'd see him in anything but mop up time the rest of the year.  BUT, as I mentioned to several, the first time I saw him play last year he impressed me with one facet ...  at 6'9", when he got the ball down by the basket, he kept the ball high, and he could put it up with either hand - perhaps those basic skills paid off last night.

Anyway, congrats to both guys....
The only thing not to be liked in Florida is no D3 hoops!!!


My apologies bunchtime, but I don't think the webcast worked again last night, so we were probably talking to no one for 4 hours.  The computer is suppose to go to the IT shop today so maybe we'll have it up and running soon.  I don't know much about the technology, but it looks like it would be a pretty cheap operation to run if any other schools were looking into having a webcast.  

I was impressed with Webster last night.  They hustled and played very unselfish basketball.  They completely dominated the boards, led by Robinson.  Maryville tried to stay with Webster and were down only 2 or 3 a couple of minutes into the second half, but then the wheels came off and it wasn't much of a game after that.  Things didn't run as smoothly for Maryville without McCoy manning the point.  A bright spot for Maryville was big Matt Deimeke coming out of nowhere to provide Maryville with a post presence on offense.  Hopefully that will continue.  Hoggatt shot lay-ups most of the night and Whitcomb went on an 11-0 run by himself I believe, to put the game away.

Webster had a good number of students there, and Maryville brought a few as well.  The two groups had some fun with each other without anyone getting hacked off about it.  It was nice to a decent crowd on hand to watch the game.

fc, I enjoyed the article a couple pages back about the kid in the Military.  It takes a heck of a lot more guts to leave your home and put your life on the line than it does to take a pressure shot in a basketball game.  On the FU/WC game last night, if I'm a Fontbonne fan/coach, I'd be more happy with McCoy's 7 assist/2 turnover game against a good Westminister team in a close game, than I am with a 40 point barrage against an undermanned Prin team in a blowout.

Tim works for the ESPN sports station 1380 AM here in St. Louis.  He actually gets a few minutes of air time on Tuesdays for the stations "On Campus" show in which he does a local d-3 sports rundown.  The show runs from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM, and I thought some who read this might want to listen in.  A little more publicity could only help the SLIAC.


Quote from: depew24 on January 24, 2008, 11:27:18 AM
I give Chris a lot of credit for the things that he does. ... I am not trying to belittle Chris, I respect him as a person and a coach.

Depew24 - where I come from we call the Coach Coach. We don't call him/her by his/her first name. You are clearly trying to belittle him - I doubt that is the lesson your parents taught you in how to treat someone with respect. You are no personal friend of Coach Bunch's or you wouldn't be bashing him in an open forum. Whether you like it or not, he has earned the title Coach. He must be doing something right and teaching something correctly since he has more wins in the last 5 seasons than any other coach in the SLIAC.

As for your conversations with Hoggatt, we will never know if those are real. I agree with BunchTime, I would be fired up if you were my friend posting personal conversations in an open forum like this. I don't think you can disagree with BunchTime's analysis of the numbers - if Coach Bunch isn't teaching the bigs anything, why do they continue to improve and perform?


I think Tim should lobby for a call in show about D3 hoops!!!!  Or a round table where the primary writers on this site squared off on various subjects that Tim would put forth....   I can see it now - Tim Elwell, the Howard Stern of D3hoops - FC, Yjak, Bunchtime and I could be his wackpack!!!    :D :D
The only thing not to be liked in Florida is no D3 hoops!!!


Thanks for the comments Elwell. Your so right. When the shots are not falling you have contribute in other ways. Tim Edwards was able to attend last nights game before he head back to Colo. Sprgs. Came into the locker room afterwards and Coach gave him the floor. He congratulated his former teammates and spoke breifly about having heart. Then told the freshmen that he'd be back and looked forward to being their teammate. He sat behind the bench with two recruits that were visiting. I truly think the team added an extra 10% for Tim, to show how much they cared. And, for him taking alot to time out of his short visit home for them. Kind emotional and that's what teammates will remember most after the scoreboard lights go out.


First of all i call him Coach everytime i see him but not being in the systems for long i have known him longer as a person and outside of the game longer than my interaction with him in the game on a one on one level. Darrin doesnt blame Coach for his subpar games that he may have every once in a while but there are things that Coach could do better, as anyone can say about ANY coach. I have thanked Coach Bunch for the time that i had as a player, i have built relationship that will last longer than basketball. To question my upbringing and how my parents raised me i will again ask you to not personally attach my family being that you have no clue about them. I don't rant about your personal life or family and would respect you a little more if you would do the same for me, thanks


If you have such a great respect for then why the comments. I don't know of one former player that addresses Coach McKinney as Lee. It's Coach or Mr. McKinney. That's how you show respect. And, I question your respect for your friend Darin. I doubt he appreciates you talking about his comments. Unless, your telling us that Darin told you he wanted these things about his Coach made public. I also think Darin as to much class for that. I consider Coach Bunch a friend and I am older then him and I still don't refer to him on a first name basis. That's because he has earned my respect. In his profession referring to him as Coach, is paying him the highest respect.


Quote from: depew24 on January 24, 2008, 12:03:51 PM
To question my upbringing and how my parents raised me i will again ask you to not personally attach my family being that you have no clue about them. I don't rant about your personal life or family and would respect you a little more if you would do the same for me, thanks
I neither ranted about your personal life nor "attached" your family. I stated that I doubt that is the lesson you learned. I was merely pointing out your own contradiction of claiming not to be belittling him but calling him Chris. Calling a coach by their first name implies they are not worthy to be called coach.

You are the one who has resulted to ad hominem attacks and are not taking the real issues into consideration. Coach Bunch's teams perform. His big men perform.