MBB: Commonwealth Conference

Started by Warren Thompson, March 16, 2005, 05:40:25 AM

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Quote from: sleeprcell on January 25, 2006, 11:38:37 AM

 Oh yea, and I'm pretty sure there are no pimps or hoes up in here dawg.

1. speak for yourself.

Etown is not a playoff team.  Blakely is a slightly above D3 point guard (Randy Arnold is twenty times better than him)

Is there one starter on Etown that would start for Widener?  I don't think so....

I stand corrected.  The Mid-Atlantic Region MAC Commonwealth League Board is now pimps and hoes central.  We should just rename the board to that.

Who do you have sliding into that 4th playoff spot sleepy?  I only saw Randy Arnold once last year very early in the season.  I'm sure he has progressed light years if you are claiming him to be that good.  His scoring alone distances him from Blakey though.

Your argument about players from Etown starting for Widener has no correlation at all to who wins and loses the ballgame so I'm not really sure where that came from....but here goes...  I would say a lot depends on the coach and the system.  One thing is definite.  Clarkson would start over anybody.  I would take Greg Adams over Blakey.  Ron Michael is not a very good overall player.  Athletic?  Extremely, but I would definitley take Brian Schrieber over him or Terry Smith and with the year Brad Schrieber is having possibly him too.  Schatzmann, Piersol, and Brizek are all solid players too.  Would any of them start over Ford or Thomas?  Who knows.  Maybe, maybe not.

But again, that has little bearing on either team winning the ballgame tonight.

Etown hasnt had a player for the last 4 years that could guard any Widener player one-on-one.  The matchups have always been bad.  But again, I would point you to Etowns 9-4 record against Widener the past 4 years.  Its not hard to figure out that the better TEAM beats better individuals.


The name on the front of the Jersey is whole lot more important than the name on the back.

DA Real Head Coach


Coach C

Widener trustees must LOVE reading this board.



DA Real,

I'm a pretty new user, but I think your supposed to put the words between the two to get it to show up in bold.  Good try though.  For your sake, hopefully you didnt call that bet in.

The name on the front of the Jersey is whole lot more important than the name on the back.


I knew the public school system in Chester was bad, but apparently that college they stuck in the middle of that town isn't much better. The true academic standards of Widener University are shining through on this message board.

As for the Blakey/Arnold argument, I don't really think it is fair to compare the two. Even though they are both PG's, it is like comparing apples and oranges. Their comparison dates back to each of their high school days in the Suburban One League. Blakey (Abington HS) has always had great players around him and has not been asked to score much since the time he started at Abington as a 9th grader. He has had guys like Dave Brooks (1,000 point scorer at Abington and at Niagara University) and Kevin Oleksiak (2nd leading scorer in Abington's history as well as the starting SF at UNC-Greensboro). At Widener he has had guys like Clarkson, Schaeffer, Stitzle, and Ford to fill up the basket. His job is to get the ball in those guys hands in good situations to score.  As for Arnold, he has never really had good players around him. At CB West he was asked to bring the ball up, make something happen, and score. So far in his career at Scranton he has had to do the same thing. Blakey is the better PG, he would give Arnold fits with his defense too.

Anyway, tonight should be interesting. Somebody indeed will be having a nice meal of crow which seems like a staple menu item at the Windener cafeteria.

Holla at a playa when you see em in the street....pimps and hoes


to all comments regarding the school and surrounding area, i cant really argue. the area blows, the school academically is just as good as any other in this league (they basically were my choices for school), but in general im not a fan of it.

bball wise.........widener wins this league this year. ill make that statement now whether they lose or win tonight.



Quote from: rollingthunda on January 25, 2006, 12:37:28 PM
Quote from: sleeprcell on January 25, 2006, 11:38:37 AM

 Oh yea, and I'm pretty sure there are no pimps or hoes up in here dawg.

Your argument about players from Etown starting for Widener has no correlation at all to who wins and loses the ballgame so I'm not really sure where that came from....
But again, that has little bearing on either team winning the ballgame tonight.

Talent does have something to do with it...............More than you think.

As a student at Widener i think it is safe to say that our academic standards are higher than most of the others in the league.

DA Real Head Coach

First of all, im the real head coach of Widener not Duda so I support my team to the fullest.  We will beat  ETown tonite.  Blakey has not been needed to score much at Widener however he could if he needed to, no point guard in the MAC can match his speed and handling ability.


Ill be the first to admit i was wrong here, so ill take my crow extra crispy with some salt sprinkled on top. Widener 80-Etown 82, very good game. Till next time

pimps and hoes


Reserved Seat

There's going to be a lot of Widener trash talkers eating crow.

College Ball Fan

Eariler i bet my life widener will win, so this only means im in heaven right now, typing on the board.  i see clearly now that Widener defense sucks, they cannot guard the perimeter.  they are so fast you would think that they can guard their man coming off a pick however they are the laziest team in the MAC, therefore teams will kill them from the 3 point line. 

Reserved Seat


Quote from: DA Real Head Coach on January 25, 2006, 12:59:30 PM

Quote from: thereiis on January 25, 2006, 12:29:07 PM
in response to the albright beating widener points: cant really say anything besides widener wasnt ready for the game mentally. everyone on widener played bad, not only clarkson. however, im sure ill have much more to say after the game tonight. in reponse to the comments about it being a 5 on 5 game: obviously, and in all honesty, not one player on etown can guard one of wideners, match up for match up. there too athletic. now granted, if they double team him or some sort of match up like albright did and the other players have bad games, they most likely lose. but i dont see etown doing that. hopefully i dont eat all of these comments come tonight. later PIMPS AND HOES.................

YEEEEEAAAAAA!!!!  EAT THAT CROW HOMIES!!!!  R.I.P. DA Fake Coach.  I told you.  Its the same every year!  And the over/under on Clarksons dunks????  Yea he didnt even get close if you add the one Ron had.  EAT IT!!  I love it.  Sure Clarkson got his, but like I said, when it comes to 5-on-5, I'll stick my money on Etown in this matchup more often than not.  You kids let me know how crow tastes.  I never had it before.  Yo Fin, get at em!!!

The name on the front of the Jersey is whole lot more important than the name on the back.


Now that I have rubbed it in, I would like to congradulate Etown on the win.  That is definitely a huge win in the conference after the very questionable loss to SusQ.  I told you Brian Schrieber was a player.  Not to give credit to one guy, cuz like I said...its always a team effort with Etown.  I'd say my line on the game looked pretty good after all.

The name on the front of the Jersey is whole lot more important than the name on the back.


I'm not going to say I told you so because I knew it all along. It is always the same story with those two teams. In my opinion you can chalk this one up to two things:

1. Widener's weak non-conference schedule

There is something to be said about being in close games and players being able to respond to tight situations. Widener's average margin of victory is about 13 points a game which can be directly linked with the bad teams they played before the conference season opened up. They have not been in many tight situations this year and they showed it by floundering a 6 point lead with 4 minutes to go.

2. Poor Coaching

As a coach you have to be able to help your team hold onto a 6 point lead. Widener is always the most talented team in the conference and the last few years they have not got the job done. A coach needs to be able to get the most out the talent he has (i.e. Coach Schlosser). Duda does not seem to be able to do that. You said it Widener fans and us Etown fans agreed you have the most talented team, but we have the best coached. Close games come down to clutch players (Brian Schreiber, 60% from the field, 95% from the line, 7 points in the final four minutes tonight) and coaching. Is it time for a chaning of the guard in Chester?