Empire 8

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mid-season awards???

POY-Ray Bryant i guess

ROY- Corey McAdams

...cant wait to hear the arguments for POY, but ROY should be an EASY selection


jan cococochcocziello('wick)
ray bryant(utica)
dan mueller (sjfc)
tyler smith(naz)
tim bacon (RIT...BARELY over bostic ONLY bc he's a senior)

......thats right....
-coco needs no explanation, neither does ray bryant
-mueller no doubt best shooter in conference. ppl say this about canori but compare fg %'s (mueller has made 5 more three pointers than canori in 24 less attempts)
-smith is putting up big numbers (14pts8rpg
-bacon barely gets it over bostic due to seniority...sucks but thats how it goes (4/5 of last years 1st teamers were seniors (with the exception being 29 yr old ray bryant) even though underclassmen were better than some seniors for sure)

2nd TEAM
corey mcadams (naz)
joe canori(naz)
kenny gethers (RIT)
jeff bostic (IC)
dan mcsweeny(sjfc)

-..mcadams only not first team bc he's a fresh
-bostics putting up damn good numbers and is better than mcsweeny

honorable mention

justin beigel(sjfc)
barret zeinfeld(RIT)
ryan clemenson(alfred)
dillon stein(alfred)
sean burton(IC)
sean stahn(IC)


Quote from: e8bballfan on January 30, 2007, 12:45:35 AM
mid-season awards???

POY-Ray Bryant i guess

ROY- Corey McAdams

...cant wait to hear the arguments for POY, but ROY should be an EASY selection


jan cococochcocziello('wick)
ray bryant(utica)
dan mueller (sjfc)
tyler smith(naz)
tim bacon (RIT...BARELY over bostic ONLY bc he's a senior)

......thats right....
-coco needs no explanation, neither does ray bryant
-mueller no doubt best shooter in conference. ppl say this about canori but compare fg %'s (mueller has made 5 more three pointers than canori in 24 less attempts)
-smith is putting up big numbers (14pts8rpg
-bacon barely gets it over bostic due to seniority...sucks but thats how it goes (4/5 of last years 1st teamers were seniors (with the exception being 29 yr old ray bryant) even though underclassmen were better than some seniors for sure)

2nd TEAM
corey mcadams (naz)
joe canori(naz)
kenny gethers (RIT)
jeff bostic (IC)
dan mcsweeny(sjfc)

-..mcadams only not first team bc he's a fresh
-bostics putting up damn good numbers and is better than mcsweeny

honorable mention

justin beigel(sjfc)
barret zeinfeld(RIT)
ryan clemenson(alfred)
dillon stein(alfred)
sean burton(IC)
sean stahn(IC)

You left the best pg in the conference completely off your list. Herring will be first team.


I think this is a more realistic version of the midseason awards:

POY (in order)
1) Jan Cocozziello(Hartwick)--The numbers are obscene and I think they'll continue to put it all on his shoulders over the last couple of weeks; I think if he can get Hartwick to three or four conference wins (that's a big if), he will be your winner.

2) Doug Herring (Utica)-- Been Utica's rock all year long with Bryant going in and out of the lineup. Has run the best team in the league and put up great numbers, to boot. I could deal with him being the winner right now.

3) Ray Bryant (Utica)-- Nobody is questioning his talent. Maybe he's just biding his time but, from an outsider's perspective, this seems to be Herring's team. If he turns it on over the last month, he could still be the POY.

ROY (in order)
1) Corey McAdam (Naz)--Stats aren't everything but his are disgusting. The kid leads the league in assists/game and, frankly, it's not even close. However, it still seems like he puts those numbers up quietly (if that's even possible). There's an outside chance he may lose out to...

2) Sean Leahy (IC)--Leahy has been named Rookie of the Week four times, while McAdam has earned the award 2.5 times. He doesn't have McAdam's numbers, but if Leahy racks up a couple more Rookie of the Week's, there could be a serious argument. The kid has talent, transferring to IC after playing a year at D1 Albany.

E8 First Team

Doug Herring (UC)
Jan Cocozziello (HC)
Dan McSweeney (SJF)--not saying I agree, but based on seniority, he gets it
Joe Canori (Naz)
Ray Bryant (UC)

E8 Second Team

Tyler Smith (Naz)
Kenny Gethers (RIT)
Jeff Bostic (IC)
Dan Mueller (SJF)
Barrett Zeinfeld (RIT)

Honorable Mention

Tim Bacon (RIT)
Justin Beigel (SJF)
Dillon Stein (AU)
Sean Burton (IC)
Corey McAdam (Naz)
Cory Carson (HC)

Others receiving consideration that could move onto the HM list: Rob McCarter (AU), Jack Lighthall (UC), Ryan Clemenson (AU), Sean Leahy (IC)

I think that's a pretty objective breakdown of where we stand right now. I can see some minor adjustments, however. I hope people don't take this as a slight to players or their teams. I based this on statistics but also gave a team's record some weight, too.
A 2004 graduate of the "almighty legendary" Ithaca College. Goooooo Bombers.


Quote from: gobombers15 on January 30, 2007, 02:21:10 AM
I think this is a more realistic version of the midseason awards:

POY (in order)
1) Jan Cocozziello(Hartwick)--The numbers are obscene and I think they'll continue to put it all on his shoulders over the last couple of weeks; I think if he can get Hartwick to three or four conference wins (that's a big if), he will be your winner.

2) Doug Herring (Utica)-- Been Utica's rock all year long with Bryant going in and out of the lineup. Has run the best team in the league and put up great numbers, to boot. I could deal with him being the winner right now.

3) Ray Bryant (Utica)-- Nobody is questioning his talent. Maybe he's just biding his time but, from an outsider's perspective, this seems to be Herring's team. If he turns it on over the last month, he could still be the POY.

ROY (in order)
1) Corey McAdam (Naz)--Stats aren't everything but his are disgusting. The kid leads the league in assists/game and, frankly, it's not even close. However, it still seems like he puts those numbers up quietly (if that's even possible). There's an outside chance he may lose out to...

2) Sean Leahy (IC)--Leahy has been named Rookie of the Week four times, while McAdam has earned the award 2.5 times. He doesn't have McAdam's numbers, but if Leahy racks up a couple more Rookie of the Week's, there could be a serious argument. The kid has talent, transferring to IC after playing a year at D1 Albany.

E8 First Team

Doug Herring (UC)
Jan Cocozziello (HC)
Dan McSweeney (SJF)--not saying I agree, but based on seniority, he gets it
Joe Canori (Naz)
Ray Bryant (UC)

E8 Second Team

Tyler Smith (Naz)
Kenny Gethers (RIT)
Jeff Bostic (IC)
Dan Mueller (SJF)
Barrett Zeinfeld (RIT)

Honorable Mention

Tim Bacon (RIT)
Justin Beigel (SJF)
Dillon Stein (AU)
Sean Burton (IC)
Corey McAdam (Naz)
Cory Carson (HC)

Others receiving consideration that could move onto the HM list: Rob McCarter (AU), Jack Lighthall (UC), Ryan Clemenson (AU), Sean Leahy (IC)

I think that's a pretty objective breakdown of where we stand right now. I can see some minor adjustments, however. I hope people don't take this as a slight to players or their teams. I based this on statistics but also gave a team's record some weight, too.

Both Doug and Ray are great players. At this point, Ray is averaging a double double as a SF. His ppg is slightly higher than Dougs as well.

As far as "in and out of the lineup", he missed 3 games and only 3 games. I have to disagree with your POY choice at this point. In Utica, it isn't about "Who's team" it is. The entire team is unselfish. Doug draws double teams, Ray draws triple teams, and they both pass up opportunities to let their teammates score.


Go Bombers, I agree with your projection.  As there are many descent players, they could get adjusted a little bit, and there are more games to play but as of right now i like what you have out there.


I think that both lists are farely accurate, nothing is set in stone as of you except that Ray will make the first team and I definantly think herring should make it on there...mueller and mcsweeney will vie for first or second team and it will be interesting to see if canori or lil mcadam makes the 1st...I will say that with the numbers that Jan should probably make first if they get more wins but to consider him player of the year with his team having 1 conference win is a little farfetched...IF/probably when Utica wins the league, either Herring or Bryant should get it not someone from a bottom feeding team...However that could all change if hartwick goes undefeated the second time around (not likely)


Quote from: dmcclintock on January 30, 2007, 09:08:01 AM
I think that both lists are farely accurate, nothing is set in stone as of you except that Ray will make the first team and I definantly think herring should make it on there...mueller and mcsweeney will vie for first or second team and it will be interesting to see if canori or lil mcadam makes the 1st...I will say that with the numbers that Jan should probably make first if they get more wins but to consider him player of the year with his team having 1 conference win is a little farfetched...IF/probably when Utica wins the league, either Herring or Bryant should get it not someone from a bottom feeding team...However that could all change if hartwick goes undefeated the second time around (not likely)

At what point do you stop disparaging or shrugging off a person's accomplishments for the lack of support surrounding him? Dude averaged 37.5 pts/game this weekend on the road against two solid teams (Naz, RIT). He singlehandedly keeps them in a lot of games. As I said, I can see how the award could be given to Bryant/Herring, but to deem Cocozziello unworthy simply because he plays on a bad team isn't right. I understand that if some of you Fisher guys had your druthers, no players who didn't finish on an elite team (Read Fisher, Utica) would make any of these teams, but you have to accept a person's accomplishments for what they are.
A 2004 graduate of the "almighty legendary" Ithaca College. Goooooo Bombers.


GB15 -- I'm with you on the Coco bandwagon.  The guy can score, even though teams can focus on him defensively.

But I want to point out that it's not surprising he lit up Nazareth, considering that team hasn't played defense in at least four years.  And RIT has given up 91, 86, 84, and 79 points in the last four games (RIT was leading the league in defensive scoring average before this stretch). 


my opinion is in any sport player of the year should not be given to a player on a team with only one or two wins....if they can win 3 or 4 maybe 5 total games and his ppg his upwards of 30 than I can see it possibily otherwise I think Herring should get it nothing against Bryant...but the pg is the leader of a team and as the pg goes so does the team
Quote from: Tags on October 10, 2007, 10:59:38 PM
You're the only dood on the board that doesn't know & accept that '57 can't spell.

Poor grammar and horrible spelling... it's just how he rolls.


There is alot being talked about in this confrence. One team that is'nt is Utica. Not only are they the best team in the E8 but they are also the best team in the region. A sweet sixteen appearance last season and looking even better this season; The Pioneers are one of the most exciting D3 teams in the country. Ray Bryant is a man playing with boys and Dennis Munch can take over a game without scoring a point. Doug Herring is good enought to play anywhere and he is only getting smarter on the court. Along with Lighthall playing solid underneath and Collier starting to can some big shots, we can expect huge things for this team to come. -The Doctor


Welcome aboard, Doc....nice to have a new poster here on the E8 thread, and a physician, to boot! No doubt you're a fan of a Utica team that to date is getting it done. Good to know there's a doctor in the house.

In Saxonville a few seasons back, we were happy to boast, "The Docteur Is In!"
On Saxon Warriors! On to Victory!
...Fight, fight for Alfred, A-L-F, R-E-D!


Not sure why I am being ridiculed for predicting a possible undefeated season.  We already beat everybody 1st time through - so I don't think it is hat unrealistic.

As for you POST UP I am coming to town tonight!  Can't wait to see the 1st half of the game and then go see Ithaca beat OState becasue we are killing you guys!!!

We beat you with Ray and now you think you have a 40% chance of winning????



What is Hartwick College?

Hartwick College is one of the United States oldest and most prestigious liberal arts colleges. Hartwick is strategically located in Central New York in a town called Oneonta. Not only is Hartwick known for its strong academics, it is also know for its strong athletic tradition.

Who is Postup101?

Postup is an articulate, compassionate, and enthusiastic graduate of Hartwick College. Postup loves Empire 8 basketball, particularly rooting for Hartwick. When not working or watching the Hawks in action Postup enjoys skiing, fishing, golfing, posting on D3hoops.com and long walks on the beach.

How can a person in there own mind vilify, haze, harass Hartwick and their fans?


belly, im not trying to undermine your opinion, I do think utica is one of the better team in the region, the best tho? I highly doubt that, we'll see if they win the league first they barely put away fisher on their home court and lost to a hamilton team that is struggling in the liberty league.  Furthermore, dont forget UofR and NYU are in the region who both in my opinion are better and would beat Utica.  If they do end up beating fisher dont get me wrong, i will be routing for them all the way, but i dont think this utica team is as good last years was, justin cichon and willy lucas were both very good players that made them very good. I dont think any team from the E8 will get past the 2nd round, i hope they do but dont think its likely.

On another note: I agree with dmc, that coco i guess whould probably not get it, he should be considered but 1 win, come on.  Herrig and Bryant dont have the same stats but their stats are good enough and they play on a league contender team. 


your right ray is a man playing among boys look at his age...  Postup do yourself and Hartwick a favor and shut up...your making a fool of yourself and  soiling the good image of hartwick
Quote from: Tags on October 10, 2007, 10:59:38 PM
You're the only dood on the board that doesn't know & accept that '57 can't spell.

Poor grammar and horrible spelling... it's just how he rolls.