Empire 8

Started by boobyhasgameyo, March 12, 2005, 12:24:53 AM

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I am happy to see that the E8 has three good teams this year. I really think that IC, Fisher, and RIT are all really solid teams. 3 of the top teams in the region. It is nice to see such good basketball in the E8.

I think that IC will win the league outright, and get the home court in the E8 tourny. I think Fisher and RIT are interchangable at 2 and 3 (it really does not matter if they play at IC), but I will give the edge to RIT since they beat Fisher by 20 already. Fisher will be at 3.
I think we can all agree that it looks like some version of those 3 will be in the tourny. But who will be 4th? Like I said earlier I think it will come down to Utica, Naz, and Stevens. But I am starting to change my mind about who will get in. Earlier I said that I thought Naz would get in, but after looking at the schedules (thank you bombers), I am starting to think Stevens will get in with a late push. You never know what your going to get with UC, but Stevens has the talent, and it is a long trip for everyone that has to go play there.

Is it too early to start talking about POY, and ROY honors?


Quote from: sjfcards on January 22, 2009, 08:30:21 PM
I am happy to see that the E8 has three good teams this year. I really think that IC, Fisher, and RIT are all really solid teams. 3 of the top teams in the region. It is nice to see such good basketball in the E8.

I think that IC will win the league outright, and get the home court in the E8 tourny. I think Fisher and RIT are interchangable at 2 and 3 (it really does not matter if they play at IC), but I will give the edge to RIT since they beat Fisher by 20 already. Fisher will be at 3.
I think we can all agree that it looks like some version of those 3 will be in the tourny. But who will be 4th? Like I said earlier I think it will come down to Utica, Naz, and Stevens. But I am starting to change my mind about who will get in. Earlier I said that I thought Naz would get in, but after looking at the schedules (thank you bombers), I am starting to think Stevens will get in with a late push. You never know what your going to get with UC, but Stevens has the talent, and it is a long trip for everyone that has to go play there.

Is it too early to start talking about POY, and ROY honors?

Probably, a bit too early, with 40% of the season left, but it's worth a shot. I see three main POY candidates

Burton (IC): 21.2 PPG (1st), 7.4 APG (2nd) 92.4% FT (1st) 1.87 SPG (8th) 2.33 Asst/TO ratio (2nd)

Carson (RIT): 20.6 PPG (2nd) 14.9 RPG (1st) 64.2% FG (2nd) 1.79 BPG (2nd)

C. McAdam (Naz): 19.4 PPG (3rd) 8.15 APG (2nd) 6.0 RBG (10th) 49.4% FG (8th) 79.8% FT (4th), 2.54 SPG (1st), 2.41 Asst/TO ratio (1st)

Boy, McAdam can fill up a score sheet, no? He's probably the dark horse in the race, hurt by Naz's poor performance. If they make a run late in the season and sneak into the conference tournament, I suppose he could sneak in there. But if they don't, I can't see how you could pick him over either of the other two

However, I think it's going to come down to the two best players we've debated a lot on this board. Carson and Burton. And it's ultimately going to come down to two factors:

1. Do the voters prefer a center or a point guard?
2. Who wins the conference

It's pretty hard to compare Carson and Burton on any other level beyond straight numbers because they play such different positions with completely different roles.

I suspect the grudge match at IC will settle it. It's hard to imagine RIT beating IC again without a monster game from Carson, and if he does that and RIT sweeps the series and wins the conference, that's quite a statement to make for voters.

It's also hard to imagine the Bombers winning without a monster game from Burton, and if he pulls it off, Ithaca could finish the season something like 22-3. It'd be tough to not take the best player and point guard from a team that good, especially if the numbers are equally impressive for both.

I think it's too close to call at this point. Until the two teams play again to settle the top dog status, there's too much we won't know.

I was looking for someone from Fisher to put in there but really couldn't. Team balance and great defense are often lost on the voters, but that should take nothing away from their team or season.


Corey MacAdam is a great player, but you know how this stuff works: if it's close, it's going to the senior. MacAdam is a mere sophomore. He will have two more opportunities to win POY (and he probably will, at least once). Besides, Naz's mediocrity does hurt him.

MacAdam in '10.  Yes He Can!
A 2004 graduate of the "almighty legendary" Ithaca College. Goooooo Bombers.


McAdam can really fill up a box score is right.  However, when seeing him in person I just don't see all of the stats come out on the court.  Not saying that he doesn't actually perform what the stats say I just think sometimes his turnovers outweigh the stats sometimes.  Another thing i noticed, yes he gets a lot of assists bc he creates and then dishes, however, i think pg's that distribute the ball early can be just as effective and create better ball movement.  It seems like McAdam dribbles and holds the ball a lot preventing the offense from flowing.  As far as Carson vs Burton its really hard to compare both are having great years.  I think Burton has better skills and Carson is a workhorse in a league with no big men.  That being said i'd have to give my vote to Carson right now as RIT beat Ithaca  and Fisher and are undefeated in the conference.  Ithaca is probably going to win the league, so I think at the end of the Season Burton will get it and will deserve it.  As of right now tho, I think it has to be Carson.


Bomber, for what it's worth Corey Mc Adam is a junior, and yes he can in '10.

RIT beat IC in round 1, so if IC holds court, I see a draw ( I am assuming a good Burton effort ) the voting, at that point, then comes the E-8 tourney, and forgive an old guy BUT does the voting take place before or after the Tourney? If RIT wins at IC ( and I assuming it will be only with a good Carson effort), then Carson has a good upper hand going into the tourney. If they split it comes down to Tourney.... I don't think the coaches are going to make their position an issue, whoever wins this Tourney they will get it. IF someone else wins like Fisher or Naz ( sorry I don't see Stevens in the mix, because I see them a lot).... I think it all comes down to which team goes further.

Stevens to be in the mix has to split against RIT and IC at home. I don't see them beating either at their place. That's at least 2 more losses. They have to sweep Naz Fisher and Utica at home, I think one will pick them off, that would be another loss....... So I am giving them only one home loss against those 5 and two losses on the road, that's 3 more, giving them 6 league losses.  That's saying they beat Hartwick on the road ???  Does 6 losses make the top 4, probably... So if IC, or RIT beat them in Hoboken and I am right about losing only one to NAZ, Fisher and Utica, then they have 7 loses, is that good enough for 4th.......Of course both RIT and IC can beat them then we are 8 losses and it becomes sticky.... BIG GAME looks like 2/15 Utica Stevens........ Watch out for Elmira and or Alfred to pick someone off and vball this all up....

Stevens doesn't have the fire power... They play good D but they need some more offense...I plan on being at both games this weekend, It should be interesting. But what do I know ;)



Well, I am pulling for Fisher sweep this weekend. AU has been a tough gym for Fisher. Fisher has gotten some wins, but the games are always closer than they really should be. A young team, after a few good wins in the Chase, against an improving team, on the road. I am a little worried, honestly.



RIT nips Stevens, 56-55.

Fisher handles Alfred, 77-46.

Elmira surprises homestanding Hartwick, 72-61.

Utica comes up with a big road victory over Nazareth, 75-63.
A 2004 graduate of the "almighty legendary" Ithaca College. Goooooo Bombers.


RIT/Stevens sounds like an exciting game.  Trailing the entire second half, Stevens has a chance to tie shooting free throws with 1 second left, but can't make them both.  FROMAFAR, did you make it to the game?


I am suprised by some of the scores tonight. I thought RIT would handle Stevens, but it always a tough trip to NJ.
Looks like Fisher had another impressive outing tonight. I did not think Fisher was going to roll AU like they did.
And Elmira beating Hartwick? I did not see that coming at all. A big suprise.

I think it should be exciting tomorrow with Fisher and Naz getting together again. It is always a fun trip. I am trying to convince the Mrs's to make the trip. Fingers crossed.


A quick look around the E8TV and E8 on the air sites, and I can not find any info on the Fisher/Naz game today. Are they really not having any coverage of the game? The wife put the hamer down on me going to the game today, so I thought I could at least watch or listen to it. Any ideas?


BAMM,yes I was there, let me say this, RIT played the sloppiest game they played all year. Give the Ducks credit they seem to make every game a sloppy one wich plays into them.  They played Carson physically all night and he was visibly frustrated. RIT shot as bad as Stevens from the line..... RIT tried something different. They played man, which gives Grey an opening, he scored 20 and became alt time leading scorer at Stevens. Baker actually scored 18 which was unusual, but the man to man and the fact he hit 2 3's, which was something out of character lead to that. The man hurt Passalaqua, he didn't score in second half, I thnk... Young takes a 3 with under 2 to go and trying to milk the lead, shiuld have never taken, BUT makes it............Young had a real nice game.    Baker goes to the hole with a couple of seconds to go, and Korny fouls him. BEST play of the night.....some of Stevens fans were predicetd no way he makes both.....  He missed the first.....   Tigers were lucky to win... I'll take it... This would have helped Stevens plight, they have to beat NAZ and Utica to have a chance at E 8 Tourney, otherwise they end up with 9 losses,  But what do I know....  I'll be at the Stevens IC game tomorrow............I can't see Stevens scoring with IC.


Fisher looking very good against nazareth at Home.  All freshmen in the game at one point for fisher.  They have a very promising freshmen class. If they get another good class next year they will be back to the top in no time.  Ozell franklin has 20 with 10 minutes left.  I think Fisher is looking very good for an at large after this weekend if they pull out this win.


Does Naz play any defense Daley has to go


Quote from: GPT on January 24, 2009, 05:54:33 PM
Does Naz play any defense Daley has to go

Not really. It is almost difficult to watch since I think they have the scorers to be a good team. I think if you put the same players in differnt uniforms, and just left the coaches the same, the score would be the opposite as well. Mcadam got into fould trouble early, and that was about it today. It was a slow, workmanlike win for Fisher. Pulling away little by little.
Missed some free throws down the stretch to let Naz get back into it, but it was all but over at that point.


I totally agree it is amazing how daley is able to keep his job