Empire 8

Started by boobyhasgameyo, March 12, 2005, 12:24:53 AM

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2 more words......Noah Fahrenpuke (Fisher football player). He strongly considered basketball at RIT until he was laughed at by our admissions office, which in turn he was gladly admitted at Fisher.


First Off, Fisher has changed a lot and has raised its standards a lot since Carl Jefferson has played.  2nd, I was accepted to both Fisher and RIT.  I could have gone to RIT $5000 cheaper than fisher.  McVean is very good at packaging, RIT used their CO-OP requirement as a huge recruiting tool in gettin players.  The past few years Fishers sports packages have been very conservative, which is a bummer, seeing how the some school's such as teams in the NESCAC or teams even of Hamilton's caliber package kids nearly free because of such large endownments. 


Quote from: DickieV on March 29, 2006, 04:41:02 PM
What was his 1 semester GPA again??  Oh thats right...it was a 0.0!!!  You actually have to try pretty hard to get that kind of GPA.

Hey wait a minute! That's from Animal House! Belushi's (Bluto's) GPA was 0.0. At least admit you were making an Animal House reference. ::)


I guess my post about how Noah Fehrenbach's gf has a child on the way was deemed inappropriate. Sorry about that, Pat. I guess it's not what you say but how you say it.

But I do stand by my comment that Paradise is a terrible bar. You'd hate it, Pat, it smells like a latrine.
A 2004 graduate of the "almighty legendary" Ithaca College. Goooooo Bombers.


Sadly enough, I wasn't stealing a line from Animal House, 0.0 actually was Jefferson's GPA.


Jefferson did indeed have a 0.0, outstanding work on his part.

I also heard that M. McGee had some admissions issues with other schools that were recruiting him. I'm not saying that he wouldn't have picked Fisher anyway with his brother there, but some schools did have difficulty getting him in, at least that was the rumor.


Yes Carl did have a 0.0. that kid didnt give a S*&# about anything, haha oh well.

Yeah I have heard that about Mike too.  However, I believe Mike was only interested in B-Port and Fisher, and Chose Fisher.  I didnt have anything to do with getting rejected by other schools.


Quote from: DickieV on March 30, 2006, 07:56:22 AM
Sadly enough, I wasn't stealing a line from Animal House, 0.0 actually was Jefferson's GPA.

taken from IMDB.com

Dean Vernon Wormer: Mr. Kroger: two C's, two D's and an F. That's a 1.2 grade average. Congratulations, Kroger. You're at the top of the Delta pledge class. Mr. Dorfman?
Flounder: Hello!
Dean Vernon Wormer: Zero point two. ....Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son. Mr. Hoover, president of Delta house? One point six; four C's and an F. A fine example you set! Daniel Simpson Day....HAS no grade point average. All courses incomplete. Mr. Blu--MR. BLUTARSKY....ZERO POINT ZERO.


Quote from: gobombers15 on March 30, 2006, 01:36:07 AM
I guess my post about how Noah Fehrenbach's gf has a child on the way was deemed inappropriate. Sorry about that, Pat. I guess it's not what you say but how you say it.

But I do stand by my comment that Paradise is a terrible bar. You'd hate it, Pat, it smells like a latrine.

Are you deliberately trying to antagonize me?  That smell was another one of its many endearing qualities.  Besides, after about a half hour of fifty-cent rum and cokes that smell was a distant memory.

If you feel this strongly about the 'Dise I'm sure it's a sore point between you and your significant other -- the two of you certainly spent enough time there.


Paradise may have smelled and all that other stuff, but it still had an unbelievable atmosphere with very cheap drinks.  I was so hammered everytime the smell didnt bother me at all.  Good memories came from that place, it was always a good time as much as I hated to admit it.


Man am I getting old.
The only cool place when I was at fisher was at Patim's!


I know a player on the Fisher team who was recruited by almost all the D3 schools on the East coast and was also recruited for Tightend at many D1 schools. The reason he picked Fisher was because of their reputation as a great school not just for sports ,but education. The size of the campus had alot to do with it, Your a person not just a number. I will also add that he was a key player on the starting five for Fisher. Fisher will always have a great team because they recruit well. If your an average player don't go to Fisher because only the best play there.


yeah i know what u mean ricco....

You def have to be better than average, im not even sure why the recruit average kids anyways... just makes them dissapointed. They should be able to tell who can play for them and who cant.  Im not sayin dont bring in a lot of guys but all should be of top talent.  For next year, I have Fisher preseason ranked 1st, then Nazareth, and Utica a close 2nd and 3rd.  Fisher returning 3 solid big guys in Beigal, Mcsweeney, and Smalt, and i predict Dan mueller (obriens back up) to have a break out year this year, that kid can play.  They also have 4 or 5 6'6 and over kids comin in next year with a few really good pt guards (1 from cambell savonia and another from a prep school out of Maryland) Also have a few good 6'3 or 6'4 kids from all over, look for them to reload.  Not saying they will make it as far as past fisher teams, it will take a while to reach that plateau, but the E8 conference is weak enough where they should still finish first. 


If they have recruited #23 from Campell-Savona they are getting a pretty good player.  Saw him in Glens Falls (also saw Kornaker and assistants watching that game.)  He's got decent size and could play point in college, though he certainly isn't the kind of player who will make a huge impact as a freshman. 

I'd lean towards Utica as the frontrunner for next season.  Fisher, RIT, Ithaca, and Naz should all contend for playoff spots and any of them could take out Utica as well.


Yah #23 was the one i was referring too.  I've seen him play in sectional and he seems pretty solid. Has good size like u said and seemed very poise.  I still dont know how you can put Utica as the front runner, when they lose cichon and lucas who are 2 out of there big 3.  They are still way too small to compete against Fisher.  Mcsweeny, Smalt, and Beigal are much better than people think.  Fishers strong guard play in the past just overshadowed them. As long as Mueller and another guard can play undercontrol, Fisher will be very tough within the E8.