Empire 8

Started by boobyhasgameyo, March 12, 2005, 12:24:53 AM

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I think when it comes down to looking at Jefferson and Downing you could say that they both had character issues which may have kept them on the Div III level. But if you want to talk about who was the best player in the E8 between the two I think it's pretty simple.

Jefferson played around 10 games total before failing out.

Downing played 2 full seasons and was the East Region Player of the Year.

You can't be the best if you don't actually play. Maybe if Jefferson actually made it through a full year there could be a discussion. He didn't even play against the majority of the teams in the conference.  At this point I don't even consider him.


Good post. +k.

It made me think of an interesting question/topic for debate.

The E8 has been sponsoring basketball since 1999-2000 (ironically, JoseQViper's freshman season).  Who is on the All E8 team.  Let's try to keep it to first and second team.

Here is a link to the All Conference teams from each season: http://empire8.com/BasketballMHistory.html


In terms of incredible talent that could have gone D1 and had issues, can't forget about Dewaun Cheatham from UC. Rookie of the year in 99-00. He dropped out of UC, dropped out of Fisher before he even started to play, and then made the team at Niagara and dropped out there as well.


Regarding the all-time E8 1st/2nd teams I didn't look at the entire list provided but I think there are at least 3 guys that would be frontrunners for the 1st team.

Devon Downing - Great talent, not just E8 but East Region player of the year

Brandon Redmond - 2 time E8 player of the year, 3 time 1st team E8 and I believe he was Freshman of the Year as well, but I didn't see his Frosh year listed.

Sean O'Brien - E8 player of the year, 3 time 1st team E8.

If you go back further than 99-00 I would include Craig Jones from RIT as well.


Quote from: joseqviper on December 12, 2006, 02:20:01 PM
Good post. +k.

It made me think of an interesting question/topic for debate.

The E8 has been sponsoring basketball since 1999-2000 (ironically, JoseQViper's freshman season).  Who is on the All E8 team.  Let's try to keep it to first and second team.

Here is a link to the All Conference teams from each season: http://empire8.com/BasketballMHistory.html

From Utica in that time period I would have to say the guys that could be considered the best players there were Ray Bryant, Justin Cichon, Tim Troy, Pat O'Conner, Steve Crawford, Dewaun Cheatham, and Willie Lucas. Give it another year and you could add Doug Herring to that list.

Other names that jump out off the top of my head from this time period, Shaun O'Brien,  Fran Snyder, Jeff Sidney, (hate to say it) Evans from Naz, I think it was Redmond from RIT, Doctuer, Downing, Tyler Schultz, Quinten Bryant, Bellis, Jeff Sidney... Coco from Hartwick could be added in a year.


I'll take Fishers starting 5 from the 28-0 team.  That year there wouldnt of have been a person from any other team in the conf. to squeeze in that line up.  Say im bias but its true.


Quote from: FisherDynasty on December 12, 2006, 03:11:13 PM
I'll take Fishers starting 5 from the 28-0 team.  That year there wouldnt of have been a person from any other team in the conf. to squeeze in that line up.  Say im bias but its true.

Certainly you are not arguing that the five starters on that 28-0 team are the best five players to play in the E8.

P.S. I only put the cutoff at 99-00 because that was the first E8 hoop season.

Jimmy Evans at Naz really filled it up. I had forgotten about him.

You can leave Bellis out.  But an IC player that has been overlooked is Pat Britton who nearly was National Player of the Year in 99-00.

Redmond was also nasty.


Quote from: joseqviper on December 12, 2006, 03:23:16 PM
Quote from: FisherDynasty on December 12, 2006, 03:11:13 PM
I'll take Fishers starting 5 from the 28-0 team.  That year there wouldnt of have been a person from any other team in the conf. to squeeze in that line up.  Say im bias but its true.

Certainly you are not arguing that the five starters on that 28-0 team are the best five players to play in the E8.

P.S. I only put the cutoff at 99-00 because that was the first E8 hoop season.

Jimmy Evans at Naz really filled it up. I had forgotten about him.

You can leave Bellis out.  But an IC player that has been overlooked is Pat Britton who nearly was National Player of the Year in 99-00.

Redmond was also nasty.

I can't believe I forgot Britton.


I'm pretty sure Bryant from AU or Murphy from RIT could've cracked the lineup that year.


Quote from: tigerfan2 on December 12, 2006, 03:26:01 PM
I'm pretty sure Bryant from AU or Murphy from RIT could've cracked the lineup that year.

Cichon and Troy as well.


No i def was not considering E8 history that would be crazy, Evans or Redumd would have gotten in.  And as far as bryant ( no way) he had the talent but didnt play the game right and Murphy was good as well but dont think he would have gotten in it either truthfully.  Troy maybe, Mcsweeney was a year young in 2004-2005.  Cichon was a year young as well so i say he wouldnt have yet either but close, I like Cichon's game a lot and think he was def one of the top players in the league last year. 


Anyone care to take a shot at an entire team?


First to address the Fisher starting five, Murphy would take McGee's spot. McGee got tons of wide open looks and Murphy was just as good of a spot up shooter as McGee. He was also a better rebounder, not to mention defender, McGee was a disaster at the defensive end.

As far as the 1st team all-time E8 (99-00 to Present only).

Downing (AU)
Redmond (RIT)
O'Brien (SJF)
Britton (IC)
Jackson (EC)


Quote from: joseqviper on December 12, 2006, 04:00:52 PM
Anyone care to take a shot at an entire team?

Could make it with a representative nominating up to 4 players from each school. From Utica I'd say Bryant, Cichon, Troy, Lucas (Herring after he is done as well).

If I had to make a first team, regardless of postion, it would be

R. Bryant

Second team would be


coach no name

I think everyone is mistaken bout how good that fisher team that went undefeated was.  THey were as solid and talented of a line up as one will ever see in a d3 starting line up.  Tiger fan, wtf are u smoking.  Sean Murphy is as good of a shooter as Mike Mcgee, have u ever seen mcgee when hes on.  Bc i have, he was easily the best shooter that the empire 8 has seen or will see in a long time.  Murphy is a better player but is in no way a better 3 point shooter then mike mcgee.  Maybe u forgot this but, - every team knew that that was all mike could do and he still led all of D1 D2 and D3 in 3 point shooting percentage.  THis is after hitting 3 after 3 after 3 in the mouths of any defender who got near him.  Hes a bad defender, did u forget they had nick bennett shutting down the best palyer on every team every game.  Mcgee didnt really need to play D. Hes as pure of a shooter as they come.  young Dan msweeny was the weakest palyer in taht starting line up,yea and hes averaging about 20 ppg