Empire 8

Started by boobyhasgameyo, March 12, 2005, 12:24:53 AM

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I agree that the officiating was poor, BUT IT WAS POOR BOTH WAYS!!!. I was there and saw first hand how both teams were going at each other. The one play that should have been called harder was the play where Smalt basically hip checked Ray Bryant on a fast break. That should have been a Flagrant foul. The Utica bench should have been T'd up for coming on the floor. I think the refs did do a good job and keeping the game under control to a certain extent. I was stunned that coach Kornaker didn't get T'd up for basically going nose to nose with the ref after the Utica team left the bench. All in All it was a great game. I have more respect now for Utica than before. Especially after the game, where Ray Bryant congratulated and hugged Mueller, Beigel and McSweeney in a sign of respect. That was classy all the way. Good luck to Fisher in the NCAA tournament.


i think everyone who was at the game can OBVIOUSLY see that the game was 8v5. Fisher was handed that trophy before regulation even ended.

everyone posting with any resemblane of 'fisher' in their name is wrong. the reffing was HORRIBLE.

it was just honestly horrendous. i mean lightall got called for a travel when he did a touch-pass? that one ref looked like he'd never watched basketball before. then the other one had ZERO balls, kornaker embarassed the HELL out of him, and he just took it and didnt dish out a T to korny.

as soon as UC got in the bonus the refs did EVERYTHING in their power to even the game up for fisher, it was pretty pathetic.

...but anyways congrats to fisher, sorry that bull **** had to happen to UC..

Also, i recall something similar happening last year in the E-8 conference finals. Fisher-RIT, goes to OT, refs hannnd the game over, coincidence that fishers biggest wins at home (UR, Geneseo, now this) were all decided by the officials. funny..


ok UC fans chew it...I can understand if you don't take Fisher fans point of view...but when Ithaca fans say that they thought it was even you should listen...take your loss and be good with the fact that you made it as far as you did...and that you still have a very very outside shot at  making the NCAA's and if not you'll be the #1 seed for the ECAC
Quote from: Tags on October 10, 2007, 10:59:38 PM
You're the only dood on the board that doesn't know & accept that '57 can't spell.

Poor grammar and horrible spelling... it's just how he rolls.

Adam the Bull

Just got back home in Utica from the great game this afternoon. I did say on the air one time that the officials are doing their best to give Fisher the game...but if I had the chance I would take that statement back.

While I do think the officiating was poor and I do think there were a few more bad calls that went in Fishers favor I still think the Pioneers had a chance to win the game...especially in the closing seconds of regulation when they could not get a shot off.

In the end it was a fantastic game...I am disappointed but congrats to Fisher....maybe one day we can beat those bastards on their home floor.


Adam, your a good man...it is hard to stay unbiased and I think you do an overall goodjob...definatly better than the fisher announcers...I almost choked when they compared Mueller to Larry Bird....

thoughts on how Fisher will fare in the NCAA's... I do think Fisher might get a home game...but I think it could be a very long shot...would be nice to stay close to home...but you never know...
Quote from: Tags on October 10, 2007, 10:59:38 PM
You're the only dood on the board that doesn't know & accept that '57 can't spell.

Poor grammar and horrible spelling... it's just how he rolls.


I suggest that Fisher does get the first round at home probably....

Boy I wish I would have watched the game now so I could give an opinion ! 

Adam the Bull

I think it all depends on the match up...but I have not seen a team this year that Fisher could not beat.


Adam you give the fisher team more credit than I do...I liken this team back to the 2004 squad...they might be able to pull off a first round win, but after that it should be gravy...they could be dangerous next year... Smalt should get signifcant playing time and I am curious to see what some of the younger plays can do with Mueller and McSweeny gone...

and I believe that the announcers were drinking the same kool-aid on Fenyn that Dirk and NotJosh have drank...now on that note...where has this Fenyn been compared to what I have seen
Quote from: Tags on October 10, 2007, 10:59:38 PM
You're the only dood on the board that doesn't know & accept that '57 can't spell.

Poor grammar and horrible spelling... it's just how he rolls.


Just back home and I caught the score on the internet. I was not at the game so I have no opinion on the officiating.

I am real happy that Fisher took all of the guess work out of the equation. they secured the spot in the NCAA's the right way, beating UC with Ray Bryant, and all that.

I think Fisher proved that they are a better team than Utica...UC really struggled late in the year. Good win for Fisher. Good luck in the NCAA's
I think they can get a first round home game. Probably not a high enough seed to get a bye. But they should play one game at home. Any thoughts on who the opposition might be come tourny time...?


At 22-5, I would be SHOCKED if Fisher did not get atleast 1 home game. Will they get a bye, like last year? probably not, but should host the 1st and 2nd round games at Fisher. With Brockport losing, who knows who will make it out of the East, Rochester? maybe, but they are only 19-7, Hamilton, don't know, especially losing at home. I guess we will all find out tomorrow night. The time game begins. TICK TOCK.... TICK TOCK.... TICK TOCK....


Another title for Fisher.  Fisher controlled the game from the get go.  If you watched the game without a scoreboard you would have though fisher won by about 12 pts, but Utica kept it close with their free throws and little runs.  Utica desperatly misses cichon and willie lucas, they just dont have enough scoring options.  Ray Bryant once again not impressive at all, i think he only had one field goal, but did what he always does boards it hard and draws fouls.  Fisher should def host through the 2nd round once again as they will be the #1 seed in the East (again).  If they get to the sweet 16, they'll be traveling to amherst unless amherst gets upset which would be a nice change.  If dan mueller and chris baltz are shooting like they are, Fisher will have a good showing in the tourny.  Mueller played out of his mind, and i believe he definatly deserved first team, the kid has put the best team in the league on his shoulders time and time again.


Quote from: FisherDynasty on February 25, 2007, 11:03:22 AM
Ray Bryant once again not impressive at all,

Just for the record, the conference POY had 17 points and 14 rebounds.  Very unimpressive, huh.


I just got done checking out the projections for the tourny...here it is:

1) St. John Fisher
2)Trinity (Conn)
3)Brockport State
4)St Lawerence
6)Plattsburgh state
8)Wentworth Tech

Fisher looks to be a serious contender in the region. Trinity is a very good team, and Brockport is obviously a good team. The thing I notice is that teams 1-5 look like they could win it. If Fisher can get a bye and a home game I think it will really help them make another trip to Amherst.


Quote from: Superman57 on February 24, 2007, 09:14:25 PM
and I believe that the announcers were drinking the same kool-aid on Fenyn that Dirk and NotJosh have drank...now on that note...where has this Fenyn been compared to what I have seen
Superboy you continue to have your rose colored glasses on,  Not sure what the later part of this statement means, but you are an ass
Quote from: FisherDynasty on February 25, 2007, 11:03:22 AM
.  Mueller played out of his mind, and i believe he definatly deserved first team, the kid has put the best team in the league on his shoulders time and time again.

Agree wholeheartedly with this statement Congratulations to Dan Mueller for a great season. Fishers's system probably had even you questioning your own ability after three years of limited playing.  Goes to show how a talented player can showcase his talent and elevate his game if given the opportunity.  Way to go skip!  Too bad Fenyn and others didnt have an opportunity to do the same.  Hope that Smalts, Beardon and McKiever get that chance next year

Congrats to the entire Fisher team and Coaches for winning the E8.  It was impressive.  Good luck as your season continues


I understand the argument for Mueller being on first team, but over who? Burton had better numbers in most statistical categories and is just as important to Ithaca as Mueller is to Fisher, if not moreso. You saw this year how much more dangerous of a team IC was with a guy like Burton at the helm than they were when Whetstone was running the show. I can see him making it over Herring, but Herring was a guy that a lot of people were considering for E8 POY until about the last two or three weeks of the season when the wheels came off for Utica. I have no problem with how it came out, each of the three had a valid claim to be a first team player.
A 2004 graduate of the "almighty legendary" Ithaca College. Goooooo Bombers.