Empire 8

Started by boobyhasgameyo, March 12, 2005, 12:24:53 AM

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With 8 teams in a region i dont think anyone gets a bye do they?


the end of the comment is Fenyn has been playing really well the past couple games...but I followed the team very closely while I was at fisher and he always seemed uncomfortable playing... and the koolaid was not meant as a mean comment I was just saying that the announcers were praising fenyn a lot...and he deserves the praise for what he has done lately
Quote from: Tags on October 10, 2007, 10:59:38 PM
You're the only dood on the board that doesn't know & accept that '57 can't spell.

Poor grammar and horrible spelling... it's just how he rolls.


The field looks pretty competitive, anyone could probably come out of it. 

NotJoshReed, whats so bad about Fisher's system? dan mueller, yes I believe could have gotten a little bit more playing time but the last few years the team has been extremely talented and there just wasnt enough minutes for him.  You can only play 5 guys. Also, to the point the mckeavers, beardens, smalts, if those guys were good enough they'd be starting, but there not, so they dont start and play limited time.  They've had their chances.  Good programs have good players on the bench, when good players leave, good players replace them and have good years.  In a perfect program, you would have very good freshmen and sophmores on the bench and finally getting on the court their jr and sr years when they are fully ready.  If you think fisher is bad, think about all the best programs in the country, the players sitting on the end of their benches are better then anyone in our league.  Amherst has D1 transfers at the end of their bench getting garbage time that would dunk on the players that your talking about.


Quote from: Superman57 on February 25, 2007, 11:48:22 AM
the end of the comment is Fenyn has been playing really well the past couple games...but I followed the team very closely while I was at fisher and he always seemed uncomfortable playing... and the koolaid was not meant as a mean comment I was just saying that the announcers were praising fenyn a lot...and he deserves the praise for what he has done lately
Thanks for the explanation.   Often the difference between athletes competeing is the level of confidence the players have.  I to have seen Fenyn play tentative but that does not surpise me with the b.s. that was going on with him and Kornacker up to the latter part of the season.  Glad to see it on the healthy side now, but feel bad that it was an opportunity lost to a gifted ball player.
Also surprised that Smalts didnt get more minutes this year.  Hope he turns it on next year to have a "dan Mueller" type senior year
Quote from: FisherDynasty on February 25, 2007, 12:18:39 PM
The field looks pretty competitive, anyone could probably come out of it. 

NotJoshReed, whats so bad about Fisher's system? dan mueller, yes I believe could have gotten a little bit more playing time but the last few years the team has been extremely talented and there just wasnt enough minutes for him.  You can only play 5 guys. Also, to the point the mckeavers, beardens, smalts, if those guys were good enough they'd be starting, but there not, so they dont start and play limited time.  They've had their chances.  Good programs have good players on the bench, when good players leave, good players replace them and have good years.  In a perfect program, you would have very good freshmen and sophmores on the bench and finally getting on the court their jr and sr years when they are fully ready.  If you think fisher is bad, think about all the best programs in the country, the players sitting on the end of their benches are better then anyone in our league.  Amherst has D1 transfers at the end of their bench getting garbage time that would dunk on the players that your talking about.

You are probaly right, just allow me 2 points then I will drop the subject,  Point one that i have hounded about of late is that their was a similarilty between Smalts and Fenyn, two talented players with two differences, Fenyn is a senior and Smalts a junior.  Smalts with the minutes and the time he got was still treated with respect as an intergal part of the team, Fenyn was not for most of the year.

Point two is Fisher, maintains too big of a squad and it is impossible to do justice to all those players.  They should really carry only 16 at max. 

Fisher is not bad, certainly one of the best D3 programs in the Area and pbly the nation. both mens and womens program.
Could be worse, I could be rooting for Naz and frustrated with so much talent and so little success

Go Fisher!


Quote from: FisherDynasty on February 25, 2007, 12:18:39 PM
The field looks pretty competitive, anyone could probably come out of it. 

NotJoshReed, whats so bad about Fisher's system? dan mueller, yes I believe could have gotten a little bit more playing time but the last few years the team has been extremely talented and there just wasnt enough minutes for him.  You can only play 5 guys. Also, to the point the mckeavers, beardens, smalts, if those guys were good enough they'd be starting, but there not, so they dont start and play limited time.  They've had their chances.  Good programs have good players on the bench, when good players leave, good players replace them and have good years.  In a perfect program, you would have very good freshmen and sophmores on the bench and finally getting on the court their jr and sr years when they are fully ready.  If you think fisher is bad, think about all the best programs in the country, the players sitting on the end of their benches are better then anyone in our league.  Amherst has D1 transfers at the end of their bench getting garbage time that would dunk on the players that your talking about.

Also, I think it is tough to blame a program when Mueller was playing behind Sean Obrien. I love Mueller as a player, but he is limited compared to SOB.

I heard something about not doing justice to the players on the team by having so many. Well I think the best way to do them justice is to win games, league titles, and NCAA tournament games. Kornaker has found a way to do all of those so far in his career. Yeah it sucks that good players have a hard time getting off the bench. Yeah it is no fun to not play which can lead to tension between a player and a coach. Coaches don't like players that sit on the bench and complain about it. All coaches do not like their decisions underminded by players on the team. Now, I am not saying this is what Fenyn has done. By all accounts I hear he is a real good kid, who is a good team guy.

The bottom line is that Kornaker wins games. He wins league titles. If some players get upset along the way well that is a problem that all programs deal with. Kornaker does justice to the players in the program, the school, and all the fans by winning games and not getting in any trouble for recruiting violations and the like.


sjfcards, you are right, kudos for this years chsmpionship


I agree... SJFC Cards as long as they win championships thats all that matters...players like Smalt and Mueller I feel were key to last years run as Smalt and Mueller mixed in as 6th men with Raymie and Pete
Quote from: Tags on October 10, 2007, 10:59:38 PM
You're the only dood on the board that doesn't know & accept that '57 can't spell.

Poor grammar and horrible spelling... it's just how he rolls.


ok so Amherst loses in NESAC Championship game...now does this do anything to amherst or is it like Florida losing in the SEC Championship game will they still be a high number 1 seed
Quote from: Tags on October 10, 2007, 10:59:38 PM
You're the only dood on the board that doesn't know & accept that '57 can't spell.

Poor grammar and horrible spelling... it's just how he rolls.


QuoteFD - Another title for Fisher.  Fisher controlled the game from the get go.  If you watched the game without a scoreboard you would have though fisher won by about 12 pts, but Utica kept it close with their free throws and little runs.

Just getting around to responding - and just to keep it real . . .  with 20 seconds left on the clock, the game was tied and Utica had the ball.  Fisher had played hard and well, but at that point they weren't controlling, they were praying - one shot away from the end of their season.   So Fisher fans, and FD in particular, let's not be too almighty proud of ourselves, the game could have gone either way. 

And as a Utica fan, I'm proud of the way our team played.  The game was even at the end more because of great determination on our part than because of great basketball.  The seniors never stopped grinding.   I'm disappointed for the team that there's any discussion of refereeing.  There shouldn't be.  Unfortunately in a tight game, and near the end of the game, we're going to notice the refs taking 4 (probably 6) points off the board against Utica and "no calling" two - two shot fouls.   Forgive us.    That said, if we want some "home cooking" we're going to have to host the tournament.

Since it doesn't appear we'll be dancing, good luck to Fisher and the rest of the East Region representatives.


ok yes fisher gets calls at home but all teams get a little home court advantage....but they also don't get calls too...exactly Utica had their oppurtunity and choked not even getting a shot off...so stop talking about the refs Utica had every oppurtunity to win and they didn't Fisher did what they had to do and won end of story
Quote from: Tags on October 10, 2007, 10:59:38 PM
You're the only dood on the board that doesn't know & accept that '57 can't spell.

Poor grammar and horrible spelling... it's just how he rolls.


Superman, here's your answer from Pat Coleman in regaurds about Amherst losing today.

"Other than shake their confidence I don't think it will change much. Still
only their second regional loss."

I figure that Amherst will still be number 1 and still host the "sweet 16" if they advance. Now if they lose in the 2nd round...could get interesting. Let's see how they respond after a tough loss at home by 1 point.


Fisher Fans,

Congratulations, you're in a bracket without Amherst.  Too bad about having to see UR in the second round, though.  At Varsity Gym, I will be looking forward to that one.


A home game(s) for the alma mater!
That is great!
Roch- not so much...
Ok someone give me the scoop on the frist round matchup.


that second round game could be very intense...now a question...Lake Eries gym only holds 750 so if somehow fisher advances to the sweet 16 would fisher be the faviorite to host now
Quote from: Tags on October 10, 2007, 10:59:38 PM
You're the only dood on the board that doesn't know & accept that '57 can't spell.

Poor grammar and horrible spelling... it's just how he rolls.


Super- what about the first round game?