Empire 8

Started by boobyhasgameyo, March 12, 2005, 12:24:53 AM

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Quote from: FisherDynasty on October 31, 2007, 10:08:01 PM
Thats exactly the reason why Fisher has won the E8 the past 5 years

I think Fisher has won the E8 for the past 5 years because they have had the best players.  I am fairly certain your interest in their scrimmage has had little effect.

Quote from: triplethreat on October 31, 2007, 10:14:19 PMYear in and year out players on opposing teams even starters on those teams would not see the floor if they played for Fisher, so seeing the Kern kid quitting is not surprising at all to me.

That is a pretty bold generalization.  There has been some good talent to play in this league.  Are you certain you don't want to amend that statement before I respond?

Caz Bombers

Quote from: triplethreat on October 31, 2007, 10:14:19 PM
Brian Kern getting playing time at Ithaca his freshman year and then coming to Fisher a few years later and not fitting in is given.  Year in and year out players on opposing teams even starters on those teams would not see the floor if they played for Fisher, so seeing the Kern kid quitting is not surprising at all to me.

Yeah, I'm sure your invincible warrior-kings would have no use at all for Bryant, Herring, Cichon, McAdam, Burton, Bostic, Schulz, Cocoapuffs, Stein, any of RIT's 50 guys named Fran, etc.

Hopefully the veteran Fisher fans here will take ol' 2-posts here under their wing.


Quote from: bamm on October 31, 2007, 02:54:20 PM
Quote from: Cadillac on October 27, 2007, 06:46:44 PM

I'd say 150 turned out at Campbell-Savona to watch.  All 5 alums played extensively.  Nice crowd.  Very polite.

Was there an admission charge?  If so, I assume this was a fund-raiser for CS basketball?  I know the team was a casualty of the local school budget deficit issues.

Anyway, nice gesture by Kornaker and whoever the heck the coach for Houghton is.

No charge, but they were taking donations for the athletic club, and filled the jar quite rightly.


Quote from: Caz Bombers on November 01, 2007, 11:03:17 AM
Yeah, I'm sure your invincible warrior-kings would have no use at all for Bryant, Herring, Cichon, McAdam, Burton, Bostic, Schulz, Cocoapuffs, Stein, any of RIT's 50 guys named Fran, etc.


I'll add Canori, Bacon, Lighthall (he of the most automatic baseline jumper I've ever seen in person).


Yes, my previous statement was a bit bold, but players on other E8 teams would struggle to get time on Fisher's teams in the past.  The players that were named would without a doubt see minutes for Fisher.  My point was that Kern saw minutes for Ithaca but obviously quit this years Fisher squad because he knew that he wouldn't see the court much.  All in all lets face it in the previous five seasons the players mentioned were not as good as Fishers players hence the reason why they havent won the E8 since 2002.


finally some other posters.

Lets not get into prior arguements of comparing starting line-ups to Fisher teams in the past.  Of the Fisher 28-0 and the year after we already mentioned, the only player on any other team that would squeeze into the line-up would be at the 5 spot on teh 28-0 team and 4 spot for the following year in for beigal.  That would be Ray Bryant and the 4 and tim bacon for mcsweeny, possibly not even sure, charlie zahn is better then bacon and he came in for mcsweeney.  lets review the list of players mentioned:

Fran snyder would not have seen a starting position.
Mcadam like his game, maybe over mcghee a year or two
canori - No
Cichon like his game too, over mcghee maybe
Bostic -  Not in the golden years was barely getting pt for ithaca
Schultz was earlier as well. but yess if u want to include the year ripple was the 5 man when fisher overachieved then yes.
coco puffs - No not when he was a rook
Stein - Possibly over mcsweeny
Murphy - not mentioned but yes would have taken him over mcghee
Lighthall - no way didnt get the jumper until last year.

Lets make this even more interesting lets put them on the team heres the rotation:

Obrien PG
Murphy SG bigger does a lot more then cichon
Bennett SF
Sidney PF - much better then bryant
McSweeney C - close different player then bacon and zahn however zahn kills bacon and mcsweeney starts over

Bryant PF
Bacon, Stein, Zahn C
Cichon SG
Mcghee SG

Bostic was a frosh not there yet
Canori - not as good as cichon
Mcadam - too young
lighthall - not in question
Shultz too old
Coco - fresh not there yet

If i had to change it i would go with, but not as big or good defensively and maybe too many scoring options.



Lets not talk about that tho and take away from the current players this season, any predictions on league rankings Naz received more votes then Fisher on the top 25 not that those rankings are 100% accurate. However im surprised they looked into them as they definatly have the talent to be a top 25 team.  Also will be coming out with a 1st and 2nd preseason team shortly.

Caz Bombers

Quote from: FisherDynasty on November 01, 2007, 06:53:59 PM
Lets not talk about that tho and take away from the current players this season, any predictions on league rankings Naz received more votes then Fisher on the top 25 not that those rankings are 100% accurate. However im surprised they looked into them as they definatly have the talent to be a top 25 team.  Also will be coming out with a 1st and 2nd preseason team shortly.

Interesting thing I learned the other night....Corey McAdam led all freshmen in the nation in assists last season; all 3 NCAA divisions, plus the NAIA.

The E8 All-Stars According to the Fisher Super Fans:
1st Team - Fisher's Starters
2nd Team - Fisher's Bench
3rd Team - Fisher's Coaches
4th Team - Fisher's Parents


Very interesting to me FisherDynasty that Naz got more votes for the top 25 than Fisher did.  Naz has had the players in the previous seasons but just cant put a winning season together.  This year could be the year that they get Fisher.  The two games (possibly more with Chase) should be very interesting.  Any early predictions on the two conference games?


Yeah i know the blunt claims especially form a fan of the team come off as that Caz, however most of my generalizations are true and not far fetched, I feel like i give props when deserved. I dont have much respect for many of the players and teams of the E8 because they arent deserving. 


Here it goes preseason 1st and 2nd teams:

First team:

Doug Herrig PG   Utica
Coco Crisp  SG     Hartwick
Ryan Mcadam SF   Naz
Justin Beigal PG   Fisher
Chris Bostic   C    Ithaca

2nd Team:

Sean Burton  PG   Ithaca
Joe Canori  SG     Naz
Chris Baltz           Fisher
Kenny Gethers SF   RIT
Isiah Smalt C       Fisher

Stevens: both will get in the mix for 1 & 2.  very good guards but left out
Virgil grey 
Waleed Fadrid

Honorable Mention:
Adam McAdam PG could be 1 or 2 teamer
Tyler Smith       could be 2nd teamer
Mark Bearden  could be 2nd teamer
Matt Neuman   could be 1 or 2 teamer
Leahy              could be 2nd teamer
Dehimer          could be 2nd teamer

Also not considering unknown transfers or Frosh.  Bad year for Bigs in the E8, however, best PG play in the past 5-10 years with Burton, Herrig, Newman, and McAdam, along with the Stevens guards and Coco


Thats is a very interesting statemet, but true.  Until you beat the team who has won the conference 5 straight times you are not going to get the respect that they get.  But, with that being said this could very well be the year that there is a new champion.  Naz is going to be tough, Utica shoud be solid, a sweet 16 Stevens team entered the league, and you cant forget about the RITs and Ithacas.  Should be a great season in the E9!

Caz Bombers

Oh believe me, I fully acknowledge SJF is the champ until proven otherwise...but I have to poke a little fun at you guys for coming off like Todd Swerski and the Bears Superfans from SNL.


1st team

Cory McAdam
Doug Herring
Jeff Bostic
Justin Beigal
Joe Canori

2nd team

Sean Burton
Kenny Gethers
Chris Baltz
Virgil Gray

Honorable Mention

Waleed Farid
Isiaih Smalt
Sean Leahy
Ryan McAdam
Tyler Smith


hahaha understandable id do the same thing