MBB: Old Dominion Athletic Conference

Started by steelyglen, February 15, 2005, 09:11:21 PM

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congrats to vwc!  bring another championship back to the south region!


What a game.  Congrats to Wash U on a great run and for giving the Marlin's all they could handle.  When Wash answered the Marlin run in the second half, I got worried.  Once again, the grit and determination payed off though.  Strong may be POY and an amazing talent but there is no player in the country I'd take before Brandon Adair.  He came through huge; then again, when doesn't he?  Those free throws he missed were uncharacteristic and, knowing Brandon, he'll use it as fuel tomorrow.  Hopefully TonTon's nose won't be a big issue; regardless, this team knows how to overcome adversity.  One more.. Good luck.


 Re: ODAC Conversation
« Reply #5378 on: February 27, 2007, 12:19:54 pm »   


Congratulations to the Marlins!  Good luck in defending your National Championship this evening! 

I have been away from this board for a couple of years as a poster, but have continued to read postings with interest, although the USA-South board has been of more personal interest to me of late. 

I'm posting today in response to comments about the RMC program.  .  .  and the questions about the seniors not competing in this years Senior Game against the USASC.  I would imagine that the post by Stevie45 on February 27, 2007 may shed some light on the subject.  .  .  In this post it insinuates that the current seniors are the "cancer" that needs to be "cut out".  .  .  and "thank God for graduation." 

I would imagine the players read this post and did not appreciate it.  I personally do not agree that the 2007 seniors are associated with the problem (if a problem truly exists with the program), since they were brought in while Bergman, Stein, Buck, Moyer, Wansley, and others were still in place.  Meaning that they certainly know how the program should be run, and has been run through the years.   I'm sure that these four seniors are not responsible for the attrition that has taken place in the progam over the last few years.  If anything, they should be recognized for sticking it out! 

It seems unfair to single this class out as the "cancer" .  .  .  .  I'm sure this season is not what they had hoped it would be, especially since they were recruited when RMC was at it's strongest (with Mills, Brunt, Smith, and the other aforementioned players in the stable). 

With this being such a disappointing and difficult year, I'm sure it hurts to read that you are considered a "cancer".  .  .  and that alumni are greatful for your graduation.  With friends (supporters) with like these .  .  .  you certainly don't need enemys!  As someone who was once affilaited with the Macon program, I just ask.  .  .  "can we all just get along!" 

On 02-27-07 Stevie45 Posted:

I have been a passive observer on this board for a long time now and i have been a fan of RMC basketball since i attended and graduated from there in the early 21st century.  I wanted to piggy back off of what 3sdown said a couple days ago.  Mike Rhoades is, without a doubt one of the best coaches in the country at any level.  I was at R-MC for the very successful years where Mills, Smith, Brunt, Bergmann, Stein and others would impose their will game in and game out and would just beat the balls off of teams.  Those days seem like long ago in Ashland and it is in no way, shape, or form the fault of Mike Rhoades and his staff.  They work harder to prepare, recruit, and improve their players than anyone i have ever seen in the college ranks.  Rhoades makes men of boys and backs his players up during and after their careers have come to a close.  It pains me to hear of the situation in ashland with parents complaining about the coaching.  Hey parents; shut your damn mouths you have no clue what is going on.  Have you ever thought about the fact that your kid is a soft bitch who doesnt want to bring it everyday and help his team win? Let the kids play the game and be quiet.  Rhoades is a proven winner, your kid is not.  If i know rhoades like i think i do, he is going to get right on the recruiting trail and recruit some hard nosed kids who just want to win.  Macon will be back and if anything, i feel relieved that the cancers of this prestigious program have finally been removed. Thank god for graduation. Good luck to VWC, HSC, and GC in the tournament



 Another game won, Another battle coming today.  The last challenge for the year, The last contest for the seniors.    Thank you Marlins for the most wonderful year.  Now go out and fight to win this final game for yourselves.  Not for anyone else.  You have earned the right to be playing for the National Championship.  Win it for all the hard work you have done.  Make it a good one, one that everyone will remember.   GO Marlins, One more time!!!!!!

Hampton U SID


Finally... a result I had been hoping for.  One more, VWC!


Congratulations to VWC for besting the Bears!  Now lord over the Jeffs and disarm Amherst!  Remember:  Only ODAC over ODAC.  Good luck to the Marlins!  


the south shall rise again
Go marlins


Congrats to the Marlins.  Now only one more to go!!  Good luck to the Fish! ;D

Thanks for your message RMC2007.  On an earlier post, I thanked this senior class, and I've enjoyed watching them over the past 4 years.  I reiterate this opinion now.
" and do as adversaries do in law, strive mightily, but eat and drink as friends." -The Taming of the Shrew


Hi , Cannot fing the link to d3hoops final preview show...Tried every link I saw...can anyone help me PLEASE????  thanks


This is the link (at least at was at the time of this posting).


It apparently delivers an .asx (maybe a .wmv?) file, which is a Microsoft format. 

On a Mac I use Flip4Mac WMV Web plug-in  (which came with the same Quicktime plug-in) to listen to it, but I'm not sure that's necessary.


The key is to follow the Live Audio link at the top-right of the page  http://www.d3hoops.com .


The Marlins are down by 11 at the half, losing 28-39.

They were down by 10 at the half last year against Wittenberg, 19-29.


Tough game. Congrats to the Marlins on another special season.