Started by cameltime, April 27, 2005, 02:38:16 PM

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Coach Popovich has to be happy with the pasting that his Spurs handed the Thunder tonight. I read about his DIII connections a while ago when Sports Illustrated had a nice feature article on him. I knew there was a reason I had been rooting for the Spurs for years whenever they were in the playoffs. Just didn't know what it was until I saw that article. ;D  Now with the Celtic's coach and his D III roots we have a Coach in each Division to root for.   


D3hoops or somebody tweeted out a few days ago that there are currently 7 NBA coaches that played or coached at the D3 level. I don't remember all of them - Pop, Stevens, SVG... Consider the others a trivia question to keep the board occupied.


Madz...too tough a question for me...have sand in my ears.

Toad22...have to thank you for the info on this board too!  Maybe will look up the book to read.

I do not believe I am saying this....but Williamstown can be a nice place to live...especially in the Summer.  Has its limits in places to dine though.  Wife and I spent many a time in the Bershires at Tanglewood and the Williams theater productions.  Now the Winters is another story.

I had posted that when I traveled around the country on business trips, I often took time to visit college campuses...architecture and historic interests.  I was once
in the Pomona area for several days.  Lovely area  with many small colleges and even a wine industry.  Isolated somewhat...like Willy Town.. :)...but filled with interesting people.  Can understand why "pop" would move East.  Hope Vermont has lower taxes than MA. :)

frank uible

amh63: You probably mean Clermont, CA area. Clermont is home of the five Clermont colleges (Pomona, Clermont, Mudd, Scripps, Pitzer). Pomona, CA, though only about 5 miles from Clermont, is a crime hotbed.


Claremont... but yes on the schools and yes on the Pomona crime.


Yes to both Madz and Frank.   Up in the foothills where Pomona, Harvey-Mudd  and Claremont McKenna colleges are clustered.  More familiar with Scripps Insitute  down the road from the UCal-San Diego campus.  One of my nieces went to school at Harvey-Mudd, a small school with a giant rep for engineering.  A former Amherst Dean of Admissions returned home to Claremont McKenna to head the admission office there many decades ago.  Was always interested in the area....the time I was there, the smog that covered LA was gone and the views were great.  Flew into the regional Airport.  Great dislike for LAX and the city.
Guess there are seven distinct schools now...two graduate schools ...and are know as the Claremont Colleges.  The final fours for Div3 men's and women tennis were held in the CMS joint facilities this year.  CMS...Claremont-Mudd-Scripps.


Quote from: amh63 on May 30, 2014, 06:29:39 PM
Yes to both Madz and Frank.   Up in the foothills where Pomona, Harvey-Mudd  and Claremont McKenna colleges are clustered.  More familiar with Scripps Insitute  down the road from the UCal-San Diego campus.  One of my nieces went to school at Harvey-Mudd, a small school with a giant rep for engineering.

From your bored NEWMAC neighbor, waiting to hear the recruiting news and then for the fall fun to start...MIT and Harvey Mudd do have a little alliance against Caltech.  Both schools "borrowed" Caltech's Fleming cannon, Harvey Mudd in 1986 and MIT in 2006.
MIT Course VI-3 1987 -- #RollTech

frank uible

And now ignorant NESCACers can, with the aid of the internet, be caused to learn of the obscure Fleming Cannon.


Rlk....was that " caper"....considered one of MIT's  antics like the "emerging balloon" on the Harvard football field that interrupted halftime festivies in the Harvard- Yale game in Cambridge?

If MIT's BB program continues to rise to the level of Williams...can suggest " borrowing" a strange colored Cow...if you can find one...in the NW corner of MA.  Caution....after almost two centuries, the Williams crowd still tries to claim that Amherst borrowed some library books...wanting late fees :).
Speaking more on basketball...with your school's recruits,..there should be a way that MIT can arrange to scrimmage some NESCAC upper tier teams...like Tufts.  Would help both schools' programs.


Quote from: amh63 on May 31, 2014, 05:31:00 PM
Rik...was that " caper"....considered one of MIT's  antics like the "emerging balloon" on the Harvard football field that interrupted halftime festivies in the Harvard- Yale game in Cambridge?

Yes, that was a hack.

The balloon (which took place the fall of my freshman year) was actually only one of three hacks on that game.  The other two were passing out flash cards that spelled out "MIT" rather than "Beat Yale" and the MIT band taking the field at halftime.

Quote from: amh63 on May 31, 2014, 05:31:00 PM
If MIT's BB program continues to rise to the level of Williams...can suggest " borrowing" a strange colored Cow...if you can find one...in the NW corner of MA.  Caution....after almost two centuries, the Williams crowd still tries to claim that Amherst borrowed some library books...wanting late fees :).
Speaking more on basketball...with your school's recruits,..there should be a way that MIT can arrange to scrimmage some NESCAC upper tier teams...like Tufts.  Would help both schools' programs.

MIT does play Tufts in the regular season every year.

When I was at the tute, we traveled quite a bit more than the team does now.  We played Amherst (and actually beat them once -- the best season during my era was a lofty 7-16), Wesleyan, Bates, Thomas and the like every year, and occasionally played Bowdoin.  I don't know exactly when that stopped.  The furthest we travel during the regular season is Coast Guard, and that's only because they're in conference.
MIT Course VI-3 1987 -- #RollTech


Rlk....thanks for the info.  Am a fan of the "hacks"....even have the book of the antics from the MIT press.  Like the ones that the students do to themselves....like putting a police car on the MIT Dome.
Guess MIT lost to Tufts early in the season last year...looked it up.

Guess I need to correct myself on the point that Harvard's football field is across the Charles in Boston.  Near an area that Harvard is planning to build a huge new Science Complex/facilities soon.
Should read the MIT literature to see if the new facilities will have any ties to any tute programs.


Quote from: amh63 on June 02, 2014, 05:07:54 PM
Rlk....thanks for the info.  Am a fan of the "hacks"....even have the book of the antics from the MIT press.  Like the ones that the students do to themselves....like putting a police car on the MIT Dome.

Hackito, ergo sum.
MIT Course VI-3 1987 -- #RollTech


Breaking News ---

Williams College wins its 17th Division III Directors' Cup.

Williams finished with 1,225.25 points and scored in the maximum 18 sports, including finishes of second in women's cross country, men's basketball and rowing, third in men's soccer, women's golf and women's tennis, fifth in men's cross country, women's swimming & diving and women's indoor track & field, eighth in men's swimming & diving and women's outdoor track & field, ninth in women's volleyball, women's lacrosse and men's tennis, 13th in wrestling, 15th in skiing and 33rd in men's outdoor track & field. The Ephs had four scores omitted due to the nine maximum allowed for women's and men's sports – softball, women's basketball, women's ice hockey and women's soccer.

Academics first, maximum participation, and competitiveness.

Wisconsin Whitewater second, followed by Johns Hopkins, and Washington University in St. Louis.

Congratulations to Williams' student/athletes, coaches, and administrators in preserving all the games for the players.


Kudos to Williams on having another great year.  I am sure that Jumpshot meant to congratulate the NESCAC on its overall performance as well, with Amherst, Tufts and Middlebury finishing in the top ten, rather than stopping at Number 4, but he must have passed out in horror when he saw that the antithesis of all things good and noble, the institution with its priorities in the wrong place (as he has asserted in the past), finished fifth.


Congrats to Williams.  However it should be noted UW-Whitewater won Football, Men's Basketball and Baseball national championships this year-thank god they do not have varsity lacrosee or hockey teams. That's beyond impressive and they should have been handed the cup without even tallying points.

N.B.: I do not want to take anything away from the Williams athletics program which has been clearly dominant. The Cup, its significance, and methodology has been debated enough in this forum and its not the intention of my post.