Started by cameltime, April 27, 2005, 02:38:16 PM

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Ryan Scott (Hoops Fan)

Quote from: JeffRookie2 on February 24, 2006, 04:23:22 PM
I love Jim Rome fans, got to be amongst the intelligent, inciteful fans in the country... along with fans of Stephen A. Smith. Tell me, are these people the sports-world equivalent of people who take Ann Coulter and Bill O'Reilly seriously?

My seniments exactly.  I can't listen to Rome anymore.  My wife told me I had to stop after totalling a 5th car driving into a light pole with anger.
Lead Columnist for D3hoops.com
@ryanalanscott just about anywhere


Slava MED-VE-DENK-O...

I always hated the confusion between MVP and POY.  You see it all the time in the pros.  An MVP is who means the most to his team, the POY is the best player.  Sometimes they're the same, sometimes not.  I wish we knew what Bedford would do on a team with fewer options...


Well luckily enough, you Amherst guys don't have to worry about what Bedford would do on a team with fewer options.


Can we penalize Amherst then for losing at home to Trinity....again??


If you know the game, it is a travesty putting Bedford 6th on a list for POY.  Look at his production for A. the number of minutes he is playing and B. the number of shots a game he is taking.  It is amazing that he has been able to score as much as he has with so little oppurtunities.  Put him on another team in the NESCAC and he would be putting up Rhoten-like numbers.  The fact is, because Amherst is so good, he is not able to shine statistically in the way that he would if he were on a weaker team.  Bedford and Rhoten are both great players, and Rhoten has had a great career...but there is no way to tell how ridiculous bedford's numbers would be if he was on a weaker team.  So in the case of a tiebreaker, I would look at team record giving it to bedford...plus in the last weeks of play bedford has really elevated his game and put his team in the best postion to gain homecourt advantage.  Rhoten and Trinity had the oppurtunity to lock up the NESCAC by elevating their play and they didnt....Bedford POY


Baruch blew it.  Another addition to Pool C.


I've about had it with this "mpg travesty" that bedford is getting credited for.  Granted he doesn't play the whole game, but he does play enough to not get different stat consideration than the rest of the league. 

1- he averages 27.5 minutes per game and took 268 shots while averaging 16.3 ppg (i believe, these are all from memory)  If that's the only consideration for POY, then Dan Martin wins, cuz he averaged 26.3 minutes and took 265 shots and averaged 17.5 ppg.  Although he DID go to the FT line more, it wasn't by that much.  ANd, i don't know if anyone ever thought about this, but Bedford never has to shoot his team back into the game, which can really hurt your "point per shot" stat.

2- The whole minutes thing really isn't a big deal anyway, here are the top 6 guys (from my previous post's) mpg and their shots/game

Rhoten- 33.3/19
Cohen- 31.9/14
Stockwell- 31.4/14
Petrie- 29.5/13.5
Martin- 26.5/11
Bedford- 27.5/10.7

The only HUGE gap is between Rhoten and the rest of the field in shots/game.  Other than that, it looks like Martin is the most effecient player in the league, and is head and shoulders above his teamates which would give him POY.  Also, Bedford is the only guy really looking to shoot the 3, which is why he can score more points on less shots.

Point is, these 6 are all good players, but if anyone thinks that Rhoten doesn't deserve player of the year, they're crazy.  Think about this, if you traded Rhoten for Bedford straight up, Amherst would win the national championship w/o a loss.  There's a reason why he's nominated for the Josten's trophy and no one else is...


With all the tourney upsets in other conferences, it should be a wild weekend.  Bates is definitely playing with their backs against the wall now; could Trinity be far behind?  Desperate teams make for great games.  Can even Tufts feel secure if they don't win today?

Amherst-Bates at 2.
Trinity-Tufts at 4.

Listen at http://wamh.amherst.edu/


you really think rhoten would be able to handle playing 15 minutes some games, only shooting 11 times a game, and not getting the recognition for being a great player because his team was so strong?  no chance...hes too into his own game to let those things happen, which would ultimately hurt amherst...you can't say that amherst would win the national title and go undefeated if you swapped them...who are you to say how rhoten would mesh with the rest of the players....from what i have heard about his history, players dont always seem to get along with him


Loving all the debating and I have no unbiased input. Bedford gets my vote if I had one...I think we will see a co-POY.


Your most recent post has a flaw in it...they dont call Drew Cohen "Treyball" because he gets a lot of rebounds and blocks. I am on my way to LeFrak and don't feel like hitting up the Colby Athletics webpage...but I would guess that he shoots 2-4 threes a game. That's certainly not nothing.



You know, for being the best d3 hoops score predictor around, you seem to be a little lacking in the knowledge department about specific tendencies of the league's best players.  Although I got mad love for formerbant and think he's one of the least-biased posters on the board (aside from his affinity with T-Rhoten), he does have a tendency to "strech the truth" when it comes to nicknames.  Which is the whole point! I don't know where he got that treyball thing, but the first time I read it I laughed by ass off. 

Drew Cohen was 2-9 this YEAR from three point land.  I'm assuming bant's nickname has something to do with his personality or shot selection, although I've heard he's a great kid.  His nickname for us SERIOUS posters is obviously "the leaning tower of waterville". 

PS- where you COULD have attacked my arguement was with STockwell or Petrie, they've taken 77 and 67 3s respectively to Bedford's 84. 


formerbant went to high school with cohen so i think it has something to do with that perhaps


Halftime score.....Tufts 43 Trin 26.


trinity loses in the semi's...bedford POY....if they win, whoever performs best in the championship gets it...bedford put up some numbers today as he has in the past weeks to get his team to the finals


amherst over bates by 20


Dr E. Spengler

Egon here to set the fools straight one more time.  I won't spend too much energy on writing why Bedford is the player of the year, as that is not why I decided to drop in.  The Jeffs may be able to survive without him better than Trinity could survive without Rhoten, but that is a comment on the quality of the Jeffs, not Bedford as a player.  The fact that Bedford averages 16+ a game on the best team in the nescacs with an arsenal of other offensive weapons speaks for itself. 

Let me get to why I decided to grace you all with a Spengs appearence though:

CCsalive: Cas Matsui...20 points, physical, gutsy play and the Spengler MVP award for the game.  But I'm sure Young was more productive today anyway...maybe got a little homework done?  Maybe a quick trip to Bed, Bath and Beyond?

And Adolphe's dunk?