Started by cameltime, April 27, 2005, 02:38:16 PM

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Walzy, as usual, you are right on.  How are you on Lotto numbers??


The "Maine thing" is like the Little Three (Williams-Wesleyan-Amherst).  By tradition, the teams play each other in a home-and-home every season.  Because each team in the NESCAC plays every other team only once, however, one of those two games counts towards the conference (usually the later one).  So the three Maine schools will all see each other again during the conference season.


Man, it looks like all three of the Maine teams might be pretty legitimate. It's really too bad for Bowdoin that they lost both of those games by one point, but on the other hand, at least it doesnt count on their conference schedule.


I got a chance to see the great game between Colby and Bowdoin last night. It was a great game that ended with Westbrooks hitting the game winner.  Bradley was very impressive hitting a big three with about 10 seconds left in the game to put Bowdoin up by one but it wasnt enough.  Farrell and Gaudet were impressive for Colby.  I was actually impressed with most players on both teams.  Jackson, Hippert, Fliegel, and Sargentson all played well as did Westbrooks and Cohen.  It was a great college game and I think Bowdoin, Colby, and Bates will be very good teams.  Bowdoin needs to win some of the close games and they will definitely be in the mix with the rest of the nescac teams.

The Historian

As one greatly learned in the lore of Amherst basketball--and as one who has observed these boards in silence for too long--I feel it is now time for me to set the record straight on a few matters of interest.

First, big ups to Friar T and Dr. E. Spengler.  Don't let the haters faze you.  While, technically speaking, there has never been "a more awfull" succession of posts than that made collectively by you two, there have most certainly been "worse" and even "more awful" successions made.  So don't lose faith.  Also, as an historian myself, I loved each of your efforts to bring a little social studies into the lesson.  Not every post contains a reference to one of America's great national landmarks (read: Hoover Dam and Mount Rushmore).

Second, speaking of Mount Rushmore, I don't think even it is big enough to contain Kevin Hopkins.  I'm still reeling from that put-back jam.  I'd take Hopkins, Baskauskas, and Walters over G. Washington, TR, and Lincoln any day of the week and twice on game day.

Third, Andrew "The Shot" Olson is within just a handful of assists of passing Corrigan into second place all-time in the Amherst record book.  Only Faulker will remain.  Best back-to-back-to-back point guards in NESCAC history.  Learn it.

Fourth, as any true academic would do, I consulted the official NCAA D3 Nickname Handbook to solve our dispute about Mr. Weitzen.  While Jake "Reigning NESCAC Player of the Week" Weitzen is currently the more accepted moniker for #31, Jake "Pillsbury" Weitzen does still fall within the realm of acceptable usage.  Just thought I'd clear that up.

Finally, leave it to an historian to scour the archives for valuable TRUTH.  You all asked for it awhile back, so here it is: "The Shot."  An-drew Ol-son.  Clap, clap, clap clap clap.


Lesson over.

Friar T

Headline should have been, "Second-Ranked Amherst Men's Hoops Sound Gavel On Judges."

Wish I could have been there... Not only to see the Jeffs win, but also to watch DeLuca drop 30. How many teams in New England missed the boat on that kid? Considering these are possibly the two best teams in New England, and the Jeffs led by 18 at one point, my "within 20" post could wind up being synonymous with the "within 10" question. At Bates and at Tufts could be the only other challenges on the season... and that's depending on which Tufts team shows for the game. I'd say that it's always a challenge at Williams, but lets face it, if they keep this garbage up they should just forfeit the game and spare everyone the bother of listening to their fans yell, "You Suck!" 80 times... I'm truly waiting (and this hates on the Amherst fans a bit as well...) for two schools with some of the finest minds in the country to come up with something original or at least marginally entertaining from a fansmanship point of view.

Spengler, Walzy, etc., I expect you to take this as a challenge and really rack those gifted minds to unify the Amherst faithfull and make "The Freak" a truly frightening place to play. Also Egon, LOVE the support for Marcus "Baby Boy" Bradley. He's got the hottest flow since Lil' Weezy and style to boot. It's hard to look that good while playing ball...

Fletcher Walters for Breakout Player of the Year in the 'CAC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(robotic tone) I AM A SCORING MACH-INE.
Dude just puts it in the hole. Plain and simple.


P.S. For you 'Bo's fans, I'm def not hating on Weitzen's game. Dude may be large and in charge, but he can flat out play. I'd love to run a "White Men Can't Jump" con with Pillsbury...

Friar T

Two afterthoughts to today's sermon:

1) Spengler, how do you leave Wooden and (God strike me down for saying this) Knight off Mount Coachmore? Bad form...

2) While Weitzen did have a few outstanding games agains the Jeffs last year, he also seemed to miss a key free throw which set up history if I remember correctly...? However, I'd have to refer to The Historian on that one...

People remember the Good and the Bad, but never the in-between.

My apoligies for returning to the pulpit so soon.



Quote from: Friar T on December 11, 2006, 12:29:53 PM
2) While Weitzen did have a few outstanding games agains the Jeffs last year, he also seemed to miss a key free throw which set up history if I remember correctly...? However, I'd have to refer to The Historian on that one...

Tufts led 73-69, and Olson hit a lay-up with 18 seconds left.  Corrigan fouled Weitzen, and with a 73-71 lead they just needed him to make two shots to put the game away.  Jake missed the first one, and made the second, making it 74-71.  Then Olson took the ball up the floor, and I can't remember what happened next.

For what it's worth, Jake had 17 in that game.  Kumf led the Jumbos with 21, and Martin had a double-double.

And as for originality in cheers, I'm all for it.  Specifically, I'm getting really sick of the "safety school" chant -- and I'm unbiased, since I've been on both the giving (Bates and Trinity) and receiving (Amherst) ends of it.

Friar T

Isn't selective memory an interesting thing...

The Historian

More archival material, nescac hoops.  Gotta love it.  I figure there's a thesis out there just waiting to be written.  In fact, I have a few title suggestions for anyone up to the task:

"The Rise and Fall of the Williams Hoops Empire"

"Dr. Paulsen or: How I Learned to Stop Recruiting and Love the Springfield Victories"

"When We Were Kings: Before we lost four in a row)"

"Remember the Titans: We Miss you Crotty and Coffin"

Phi Beta What?!!!


I dont know if Pilsbury is an acceptable nickname.  Plus he is actually pretty athletic.  I have see him dunk on many occasions.  But to the point of the Within 10, so do we count 10 not.  what do you guys think.


Historian funny post but probably pretty harsh for William's fans to read

The Historian

Truth is a harsh, harsh mistress.

And to be fair, as one who was there to see Kain drop that dagger into the heart of Amherst nation, I have nothing but respect for those Williams teams.

Sheehy could recruit some great players.

Friar T

Thunder, like I said before. No hating on the doughboy's skills. Kid can ball and reveals a new surprise with every wide turn he makes. Just having a little fun at his hefty expense.

The Historian is definitely on to something! Had me laughing for a while. However, I had a few suggestions of my own:

"Gone in 60 Seconds" - I've seen boulders fall faster...

"Lack of Failure to Launch" - Thus far it sounds as if they've chucked shots as anything that looked like a rim and net...

"Lemony Paulsen's: A Series of Unfortunate Events" - They're called losses...

"The Williams Inadequacy" - Lack of talent + lack of location + resting on laurels = ...

"Don't Be A Menace to Williamstown While Drinking Eph Milk in the Middle of the NESCAC Standings" - I just couldn't help myself...

"Good Night, and Good Luck" - See January 6...