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Quote from: soze on February 25, 2007, 05:05:14 PM
The gods took them down

Hot 3 pt shooting took us down.
But I hope these "basketball gods" you speak of send you to the Roch on Thursday.


Thought Amherst fans might enjoy this photo of Coach Paulsen cutting down (for the second time in five years) the NESCAC championship net in your gym: 


Yes, the Ephs shot a lot better than they have in the past Amherst match-ups, and they certainly won't always be as hot as they were this weekend, but they are also a totally different offensive team than they were early in the season.  Prior to the last third of the season, when Schultz became a starter and gave them a legit penetrator besides Shalvoy, the lightbulb went on for Geoghegan, the players got on the same page in terms of movement, and Rose healed up, the Ephs were just hoisting up low percentage 3's in the half court set b/c they couldn't get better looks.  Those shots are tough even for great shooters like the Ephs have.   In recent weeks, those 3's have come largely from open looks generated by transition, penetration, or ball movement, as well as some superior individual play by Shalvoy.  That is Williams' system, and it worked pretty well for them in 2003 and 2004 when they almost shot their way to two titles.  You can't just dismiss it as a hot game ... the last NESCAC championship won by the Ephs at Amherst in 03 went exactly the same way (absent the horrific start to the game) with the Ephs reigning in 3's that were good shots in their system.  To make it work, they need a legit post presence, which they now have (not -- yet -- a dominating presence like Coffin, and that plus a lack of a very deep bench are the only real differences between the championship Ephs and the current edition), a point guard who can push the ball and also shoot, and they need to move w/out the ball well, something really lacking until they got some cohesion.   When the system is working, you can't always expect over 50 percent shooting from deep, but between the open looks the system is designed to create and the sheer number of shooters in the line-up, anything less than around 40 percent from downtown is actually an OFF night for a clicking Ephs team.  and indeed, they've shot over 38 from 3 the last four games. 

Dismissing the Ephs' win as "just" a product of good shooting is like dismissing Amherst's wins as "just" a product of a point guard playing out of his skull and a huge size advantage at every other position. 

One other point -- I'm not ready to say Shalovy is better than his Amherst counterpart (I think Olson will deservedly take home POY), but I will say this.  Frosh year, there was a HUGE gap between Olson and Shalvoy, it wasn't even close.  The 2005 Ephs had a fair amount of talent, but Shalvoy was just not ready for prime time, which pretty much no frosh point is.  While Olson has improved each year, Shalvoy has improved tremendously each year, to the point where that gap has narrowed considerably.  Shalvoy's hard work, as much as anything, has brought the Ephs to this point. 

Can't wait to see the tourney draw -- hoping the Ephs can dodge a team with a dominant big man for a few rounds. 


By the way, where's Geronimo, Youngsnukes, Friar T, and all my other favorite Amherst posters? 


Probably where Toad, dman, and co. were all season.


i still would take cohen over hopkins any day spengler

feces monkey

Quote from: mrmike88 on February 25, 2007, 07:36:24 PM
Probably where Toad, dman, and co. were all season.



Nah.  It's all in good fun.  I don't think either group can truly take the high road.   :)


In all seriousness...

The last time the NESCAC got three teams into the dance was 2003-04, when Williams, Amherst, and Trinity all got in.  That year, they shipped the middle of the three teams (in terms of ranking) out of region - Amherst traveled to Franklin and Marshall that year for the regional.  Does one of the three teams get similarly moved down to the Atlantic/Mid-Atlantic area this year?  Would it be Trinity (proximity/ranking)?

feces monkey

Mr. Mike,

You're a good sport. I think the question that needs to be answered is, would you rather be shipped out or not? With a team as (seemingly) prohibitive as Amherst, the answer would be yes, but certainly there must be other giants in other regions.

On the women's side (my purview, apologies if not appropriate), it tends to me a mixed bag.


Two upsets this weekend have me thinking of my friend Josh Loeffler, who has done a great job this season heading Stevens Tech (although they lost in their semi-final and now wait on the bubble). 
Josh helped recruit this strong Williams class, as well as the sophomore class that helped St Lawrence upset Hamilton in the Liberty League on Saturday. Stevens could get a pool C, but definitely not Hamilton.

I watched Manhattanville win the Skyline (Stevens' conference) and I'm intrigued to see how they fare in the tourney.

Our old friend the UAA is deserving of at least one pool C

Last few thoughts, when do coaches cast their ballots for NESCAC awards? Obviously, if the tourney counts... Shalvoy needs recognition. It would pain me to see two Mules honored...isn't Ben Rudin a whole lot better than Farrell? Doesn't Trinity deserve two before Colby? Can Stockwell NOT be honored?


I had a long ride back to NJ... Great game at Amherst.... Williams were terrific this weekend....they looked like the ephs of a few years back....great spacing, great shooting......they will be tough to handle if they maintain the efficient way they play offense......Nice to see it competivie again, the passion was evident...we stomped on your court (poor taste) now you have stomped on ours...lets hope the students call it even and move on cheering for thier classmates as they compete...the jeffs will rebound...they still have a shot at the 1 seed....looking forward to the NCAA's.

frank uible

Kipling once wrote: "...if you can meet with Triumph and Disaster and treat those two impostors just the same;...you'll be a Man, my son".


I had no idea there were so many Williams fans on the site since they've been so quiet all year.  You can't spell "bandwagon" without a "W".  Have fun with that.  Good luck to everyone in the tourney, where everyone is 0-0.
#3 for 3...good!

nescac hoops

In the words of toad 22,
Quote from: toad22 on February 25, 2007, 06:23:22 PM
... immodesty and arrogance always seem to have a way of coming back at you. It always has in my life.
Here are some of my favorite posts/conversations so far this season.

#10: ahhhh, the "Paulsen can't rectruit" jokes. are two legitmate ROY contenders not enough for you?
Quote from: The Historian on December 18, 2006, 04:18:37 PM
Wow.  This board's been quieter than Paulsen's recruiting phone lately. 

#9: They might find it hard to make the conference tourny...or win it.
Quote from: old_hooper on January 08, 2007, 12:54:40 AMAs for Williams, they are probably the most predictable team to defend in the NESCAC and  might find it hard to make it to the conference tournament.

#8: Words from a hall of famer....
Quote from: Ralph Turner on January 04, 2007, 10:24:00 AM
[ I thought the Amherst "smuggled copies" of the LSAT had this question
Amherst : Williams  ::  Chocolate : "Poop"
That is first class "Smack"!  :D :D :D

#7: "let us have fun some fun with our 30 pt. blowouts"
Quote from: JeffRookie2 on January 17, 2007, 04:32:43 PM
man, nescac hoops, you're a kill joy. Let us have some fun with a blow out. I'm sorry the Ephs could only beat the woe-begone Cal Tech team by 20, but let us have some fun with our 30 point blow outs. Its also worth mentioning that Elms has been to the NCAAs each of the last two seasons. Can anyone in your league say that?

#6: ahhhh, the excuses. williams was "lucky". however, lean in, double clutch threes in the sweet sixteen are fair game. walzy, chris rose had a broken hand. schultz and go-HEE-gun hadn't quite emerged. when there are more offensive threats on the floor and fully healed bones, it allows for cleaner looks at the hoop and less last-second shots to avoid shot-clock violations. i was at the first two williams-amherst and williams put up a ton of off balance attempts at the last second. yes, williams shot the ball well, but let's start with the defense that allowed them to get these looks...
Quote from: walzy31 on February 25, 2007, 04:34:57 PM
Williams College 3pt shooting against Amherst this season:
1/6/07 - Amherst wins by 19
5-29 = 17.2%
1/20/07 - Amherst wins by 21
6-21 = 28.6%
2/25/07 - Williams wins by 1
13-25 = 52.0%
(including Shalvoy making his first 7 attempts)

#5: Walzy, you might want to add "not starting and playing Hopkins more" to Hixon's crazy team credentials.
Quote from: walzy31 on February 18, 2007, 02:06:18 PM
2007 All NESCAC All Crazy Team "Fans/SID/Mascot/Coach" awards:
Coach – Dave Hixon (Amherst)
The first ever Amherst honoree, Hixon led the Jeffs to a regular season NESCAC title despite hopping on one leg for the majority of the season. Although Coach Whitmore has a case for back-to-back honors, Hixon coached for a month in a wheelchair, and is currently sporting wooden cruches and a full leg cast. When trying to call a timeout, Hixon balances by leaning on the near official and yelling to the far official for a TO.
Hix, good luck coaching a headband throwing gunner; a screaming Irishman; Mario's nemesis, and GGK. Playing everybody 4 on 5 will also be tough, but Merriman will most likely not be found on the court as it will conflict with his lifting regiment.

#4: Words from my favorite UAA poster. Shalvoy sucks.
Quote from: Marty Peretz on January 07, 2007, 03:24:32 PM
Shalvoy is the worst  2+ year starting point guard I have ever watched in the Nescac. Watching him truly pains me. He singlehandedly confirmed for me that Paulsen, though a solid coach, doesn't have a clue when it comes to recruiting. I'm not sure Shalvoy could take this forum's aging posters off the dribble.
Williams is BAD. Top to bottom (save for Rose) they are just straight out bad. Paulsen is aging quickly and needs to learn how to recruit if he wants to get back to the top of the NESCAC. He looks distressed and dissheveled.

#3 & 2 : The "prophet bluesky" REALLY made the friar and the historian look stupid on this one. Historian's are clearly scholars of the past, not of the current or future. Strong words from the "I am clearly more knowledgable than you and went to a second rate liberal arts school" holyman.
Quote from: Bluesky on January 19, 2007, 04:37:34 PM
The future is bright for Williams. Paulsen brought in a great class and they simply need time and experience.
Quote from: Friar T on January 19, 2007, 06:40:29 PM
Bluesky must be new. It's sweet that he has such devotion to his Ephs, but his naivity will be destroyed quickly among this group of realists. I guess you missed the memo Bluesky, Williams is terrible. Nescac Hoops, catch this guy up on reality...
Quote from: The Historian on January 19, 2007, 06:57:00 PM
Nescac Hoops, your posts are degenerating faster than Williams' hoops program.  Go dunk on an old man.
Bluesky, you might be the worst poster of all time.  Paulsen can't recruit, and just because you post it, doesn't make it so.  Seriously, you have three posts, and not one of them even comes close to being worth the time it took me to read them.  Have you read this forum before?  I'd love to have insight into the thought process that made you think you have something substantial to contribute to the conversation.
Quote from: Friar T on January 22, 2007, 09:45:32 AM
The welcome was mine Bluesky and you're welcome. While my ball-playing days are far behind me, I still am clearly more knowledgable than you as you continue to support Williams' talent. Since Paulsen took the reigns that program has steadily spiraled downwards.

#1: The Academy Awards AND the NESCAC championship game fell on the same day. Coincidence? I think not..
Quote from: The Historian on December 11, 2006, 02:52:35 PM
More archival material, nescac hoops.    I figure there's a thesis out there just waiting to be written.  In fact, I have a few title suggestions for anyone up to the task:

"The Rise and Fall of the Williams Hoops Empire"
"Dr. Paulsen or: How I Learned to Stop Recruiting and Love the Springfield Victories"
"When We Were Kings: Before we lost four in a row)"
"Gone in 60 Seconds" - I've seen boulders fall faster...
"Lack of Failure to Launch" - Thus far it sounds as if they've chucked shots as anything that looked like a rim and net...
"Lemony Paulsen's: A Series of Unfortunate Events" - They're called losses...
"The Williams Inadequacy" - Lack of talent + lack of location + resting on laurels = ...
"Don't Be A Menace to Williamstown While Drinking Eph Milk in the Middle of the NESCAC Standings" - I just couldn't help myself...
"Remember the Titans: We Miss you Crotty and Coffin"
Phi Beta What?!!!


Interesting draw this morning for the three NESCAC teams.  Good luck to Trinity, you got a rough early-round opponent in Brandeis in round 1 and likely RIC in round 2 if you can beat the judges.  Williams is stuck in upstate NY against some talented teams, and if they make it out of their sectional they may see Rochester (Walzy's wishes come true).  If I'm Amherst I'm overjoyed at my draw.  It's by far the easiest region of the four.