WBB: Middle Atlantic Conference board archive

Started by delvalfan, July 13, 2005, 06:59:23 PM

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I'd like to wish former FDU head coach Mike Eineker the best as he moves on to Ramapo College.
He did a lot for the Women's program here, and he'll be missed.
Jenn Noon, assistant coach, will be the interim head coach for now! Here's hoping Jenn does a great job as well!
"To build may have to be the slow and laborious task of years. To destroy can be the thoughtless act of a single day."


It's a loss for FDU saying goodbye to Mike Eineker - as i've said many times on this site, that gentleman did wonders with all of eight team members.  They've hurt the Aggies several times over the last few seasons.  Good luck to everyone there with the new coach!  Also, on a happier note, congrats to Lebanon Valley's own Crystal Gibson named as head coach of Arcadia!

old ends

Bill: There were some Noon's from Dallas High school in Dallas PA. I think the coach's name was Noon and his Daughter Jenn played gaurd. My nephew's daughters played against her two years in a row at a Holiday basketball game.

Glad she stuck to basketball.


Yes, I believe that is the same family.
Coach is also involved with field hockey and lacrosse here. I'm sure she'll do a great job.
"To build may have to be the slow and laborious task of years. To destroy can be the thoughtless act of a single day."


Nothing to do with basketball here (but when has that stopped posters  :D), but is that Channel 6's weather man, Dave Murphy & family on the picture that appears on DVC's home web site ( he mentioned once on air that his daughter was a student at the school, & the more i looked at the pic, i believe i realized that it could be him.  Incidentallly, one can learn quite a bit by following these posts, both the football & the basketball.  Without them, i'd be wondering where Coach Eineker was the first time we played FDU, & very happy to hear about Crystal Gibson coaching at Arcadia.  Now, we're just looking forward to that second weekend in November!  Would love to see Alisa Di at the Aggie/Widener scrimmage.

old ends

New web page for MAC looks very nice and easier to get around. Seems that no rosters are posted as of yet.


Hello Old Ends, isn't it usually customary to wait until formal practice starts before announcing the roster?  Also i always thought the wait to announce the squad for the new season was to give full props to the fall schedule sports who really just play for a little over two months.  Just a thought.  How about those Phillies???  :)


A quick check of the MAC Freedom shows that Misericordia has their roster up.



That roster is tentative.  Thanks for checking in.

The person who says something can't be done shouldn't stand in the way of the one who's doing it.

old ends

Yes and no.

A few of the teams in the Centennial have posted rosters. Since my nephew attends Wilkes I was checking all of the MAC teams.


Just want to wish everyone on the court this week a month of great & healthy practice!  Also this week, rosters should start popping up right & left - we're anxious, excited, & overall just can't wait :)


For those interested the Morning Call (local newspaper in Allentown area) did a story on DeSales' version of Midnight Madness which was held on Tuesday evening/Wednesday morning this week.

You can access all the links (story and video) from the DeSales athletics web site at this link - http://athletics.desales.edu/index.aspx?tab=basketball2&path=wbball.

Back to the Fall sports for me.


BJ, that's very cool!  So glad you're in the MAC - this league has to be one of the most competitive anywhere - GO MAC, & of course, GO Aggies!


King's roster is up with eight freshmen - new website looks good!

old ends

tonight it starts. I think Gettysburg and Kings get together one month from tonight. That may be the only Centennial vs MAC lineup.

Kate: Tomorrow starts the World Series--who might you be routing for???