WBB: Middle Atlantic Conference board archive

Started by delvalfan, July 13, 2005, 06:59:23 PM

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Does anyone out there keep a yearly folder for their team's season?  This afternoon a good friend and i were chatting about a game that happened back in the 07/08 season.  We were remembering how much fun that day had been, as a matter of fact it was up in Purchase at Manhattanville.  There were not many Aggie fans there that day, & we were lucky enough to have our Son take us up there.  She was saying how glad she was that she & her son-in-law had made the drive, cause her daughter had a Very good game.  Just for the heck of it, i went into the Aggie archives, & they only went back to 08/09,  so i'm about to test my records :), and see just how many points one of our favorite Aggies had that afternoon.   It's totallly amazing what one will do when the Phillies get rained out  ;D!


 :D, Aggie Archives paid off - our friends daughter had 30 points that day - she had remembered, i knew our player had a great game, just didn't remember the point total.   Three months from tomorrow, Fans!!!


    The boxscore is also available in the Manhattanville archives.


Thanks, Ronk, but it's comforting to know that i haven't maintained the Aggie Archives for 14 years with no purpose  :D!  Can't find a thing in this house, but went right to the 07/08 folder!


Elizabethtown has their 11/12 schedule up and they're headed to Puerto Rico in December!  Too lazy at the moment to check all the other MAC pages, but i believe Albright is the last hold out for the new list.   


O.K., just a little more than two months until the Aggie season opener on November 15th against St. Mary's of Maryland.  Could this be the Del Val Women's Year???  The men won the MAC last year - is it the Aggie year??? Please stay tuned!!!

old ends

Hi Kate,

you are bitting your nails just waiting for the first day of practice


  Messiah is on the schedule of u of Maryland for an exhibition game 1 November @ 7pm; probably a 2-hour drive for the Falcons' fans 2 College Park


Two short (i hope  ;)) months from tonight, we'll be in the friendly confines of James Work Memorial Gym watching the opener for our Aggies vs St. Mary's of Maryland coached by LVC grad, Crystal Gibson.  We will also be watching the coaching debut of our very own, Kim Vennera!   Kim is replacing Jen McCarthy who has moved on to Philadelphia University.  We certainly wish dear Jen the Very best luck with her new position, and we're eagerly anticipating many wins with Coaches Hogan, Brittain, and Vennera!!!  Can't wait!!!


PS:  Hello old ends!!!  Yes, geting more & more excited by the day!  Didn't see your post at first, but i'm sure we're all looking forward to a very competitive season!!!

old ends

I will tell my grandson to take his daughter to some of the games, since your girls team will be in his neck of the woods. Four times they well be in Northeast PA. Kings, Wilkes, Misericordia, and Penn State Wilkes Barre. From what my grandson claims Kings and Wilkes Gyms stayed dry during the flood.


Hello old ends!  So relieved to hear that the Wilkes & King's gyms stayed above water.  So many fun memories in both of those spots.  I sincerely hope that the Lady Aggies can show your grandson and your great grand daughter a win in both gyms.  Not to mention, of course, the Misericordia gym  ;)!


Feeling just a bit ornery this morning i feel compelled to comment on a fellow posters (NOT this site) remark about "unique profiles" for a certain D3 league.   What i would most like to see included in ANYONE's "unique profile" would be in addition to superb b'ball skills, a loving and open mind ready to absorb all the experiences college has to offer, and for me personally, that intangible factor of "would i hug & be thrilled to see this player years after she has graduated".   Everyone does, indeed, have a "unique profile".   


  Even the conference of "like-minded" institutions? ;) You knew that one was coming, Kate.


Hello Ronk, was actually referring to individuals having "unique profiles" - not entire D3 collegiate leagues.   Please keep posting at this site, and i will check in frequently to yours'.  You always were the most reasonable Scranton poster, as was Play Ball, & she's been long gone.