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Started by delvalfan, July 13, 2005, 06:59:23 PM

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Hello Grove!  That game yesterday was a thing of beauty - Cliff Lee was amazing!  Can Cole do it today???  Wouldn't a Yankee/Phillies World series be the best??? 


Quote from: kate on October 08, 2009, 10:12:36 AM
Wouldn't a Yankee/Phillies World series be the best??? 

Oh heavens no. I loathe the Yankees. Well, watching the Phillies stomp them would be fabulous...


We positively can not stand them either, but it would be GREAT to see em trounced!!!  However, the way Cole (Pretty Boy), at least that's what Shane calls him, pitched this afternoon, we'll be darn lucky to see them win the series with the Rockies.  Their pitching is really starting to worry me, especially since Pedro probably won't tolerate the 35 degree temp in Colorado - Help!  Can Cole make a stunning come-back to the way in pitched last year?  Could Cliff Lee pitch more often - no to that one.  Hopefully someone will step up - BIG!

old ends

Hi Kate

I broke my hip back in Feb. Had some other issues us old timers get, came down to Fla to get into some warm weather. Grandson's taking sailing on my boat since I can't handle it by myself yet.

Post at ya soon


Good evening, Old Ends!  You sound better & better in your posts.  i was following them on the Centennial board.  Living here in Easton, we keep track of Muhlenberg & Moravian in football in addition to our beloved Aggies.  Basketball practice starts next week, & i have reason to believe that Del Val will come out of the gate strong.  We're not young anymore, either, but will certainly try to make as many games as possible.  Will you be back north this winter?  Anyway, it's great to hear from you, & we will continue to watch the progress of your Centennial teams. 


Practice starts Monday - almost roster posting time  ;)!  The next few days will be spent following the Phillies, so just wanted to wish the DVC Aggies a great winning Homecoming weekend in all their games on Saturday!  GO Phils & GO Aggies!!!


What is wrong with Chase Utley???  i hope the score's 10 - 0 in our favor Sunday night!  It's such a shame that Sage Indendi isn't coming back for George Fox.  Sure want all the Aggie crucial pieces to fall into place on Monday's first day of practice.  As always, eagerly anticipating the roster.

old ends

I am going to stay in FL until the spring.. I think I have become one of those snowbirds. My Brother said they had snow this weekend, near LaPorte.


 :D, O.K., i'll take 11-0  ;D!  Practice starts today at Aggie Land.  Please be safe!  We're looking forward to that first game now scheduled for Tuesday, Nov. 17th at 7. 

old ends

Hi Kate: I have a better Computer connection in FL then at home in MD.
So thanks for the live stat tip for the Mules. I crossed that skinney, narrow bridge from Belvidere to PA a couple of times.


The Phillies win last night was totally amazing!  i certainly hope the first day of practice at Del Val was just as amazing  ;); and Old Ends, i can't believe that you know about the Belvidere/Riverton Bridge across the Delaware.  If i had a dime for every time i've crossed that bridge! 

old ends

IN my many years of travel learned alot.
I'll stick in the ABE area.. Peanut oil hot dogs at the free bridge (Pete's)
Hill to Hill and Minsi trail Bridges
The smoke from the coke at Hellertown
Concrete Kids of Northampton

Much more somewhere in the storage vault, which my children call my memory.
Good luck to Del Val this year


I happened to be surfing the sites, I am from RIT many many many years ago, so I follow E-8....but I noticed Kate mentioned a Phillies Yankees World Series, if your a Philliy fan be prepared the Yankees have 15 men on the field.... reminds me of the Jeffrey Maier deboucle against the Orioles........If you get RIGHT calls the Phillies should handle these guys... Yankees by the way are the most dissapointing franchise in sports history....... 1.5 Billion dollars spent since 2001 and not one championship.......They play fantasy baseball, they sign the best yet still can't win it all.....I heard they may sign Ted Williams next year if they don't win this year. That's why he was frozen...... doesn't matter that he can't walk..... the umpires will handle that........

ALL IN FUN YANKEE FANS.................. ;)


Fromafar, that's gotta be one of the greatest posts ever  :D, and all kidding aside, i'm sick of hearing Tim McCarver rave on about how great each & ever Yankee play is.  You'd think that they're the only team to ever play baseball properly.  i'm a little nervous about tonight, though - Cole has been less than spectacular.  Old Ends, you are amazing - remembering all those Lehigh Valley, (pardon the expression), Landmarks.  In addition to our fabulous scenery, i'm glad that we have so many D3 colleges within a literal stone's throw.  GO Phillies & Go Aggies!!!


FROMAFAR, you get +k from me. Go Phillies!!! And if the Dodgers do win and it's the Yanks in the series, go Dodgers! Lord I hate the Yankees!

You would think the Angels could beat them... ya know, God's team over Satan's team!