WBB: Middle Atlantic Conference board archive

Started by delvalfan, July 13, 2005, 06:59:23 PM

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Ron Rohn at Muhlenberg ran a super classy opening tourney on Friday & Saturday.  we went both days & really enjoyed all the hoopla (of course Friday was the better day for Aggie fans :)), but that being said, great job, Coach!


Had a chance to see Lyco play this past weekend. My opinion is that they will not be a threat to the Royals (of course), however, they are vastly improved over last year's team for at least two reasons: (1) Last year, 3 of their regular 5  starters combined for only 7 made shots from beyond the arc. This year, their entire starting 5 can and will drain it from there. (2) Instead of a roster of only 8 players, they now have a fairly skilled bench which extends out the door to the street.

Let's see what happens but this fan's prediction says they will end ahead of Wilkes in the conference standings and tie with FDU .......Best of luck and a healthy season to all players and coaches....



Thanks for the kind words.  Try not to read the boards much, but someone told me you posted about our tournment.  All praise should go to the many students, administrators, alums, and other volunteers who work for months to put the Scotty Wood Tournament together and make it one of D3's finest. 

As far as DelVal goes, I could not have left this weekend more impressed with their team and coaches.  I'm sure many who read your support will roll their eyes sometimes, but after seeing them and playing against them this weekend, I can say they deserve all the praise you throw their way.  After seeing them Friday night, our own fans were shocked we won vs. them.  My utmost respect to Coach Hogan and her team!

Ron Rohn
Head Coach at Muhlenberg


Thanks to Coach Rohn for his kind Del Val comments.  It was so great to see Coach Alisa DiBonaventura last night (& her parents :)) & congrats to her & her squad for the win - total Aggie fan that i am, i was proud of DVC's All-American coaching her Widener team.  Just want to wish everyone at the post a very Happy Thanksgiving, & we'll look forward to starting up again next week with DeSales!


Happy Thanksgiving wishes to all as well. Here's also wishing the Lady Royals get back on track Sat. vs. future Landmark Conference foe... Catholic Univ.


Hello all a Drew Fan checking in. From the early games it appears Drew is much improved over last season. New and improved coach who has them playing like a team with greater depth so the three top guards can play both ways without  tiring in the second half. Moreover we have a scoring threat in the low post! While it's very early Drew is 3-0 with wins over good teams in the form of Manhattaville, Elmira and one of next season's new Landmark Confrence foes Goucher College.


Scranton - 71
Catholic  - 51

I said WOW after Rochester took it to the Lady Royals and I say WOW again. It appears as though Rochester woke the sleeping giant.  Look out Mac/Freedom, last weeks loss seems like ions ago...


Interesting game tonight with Muhlenberg coming to DeSales - no other comment, just a probably hard-fought outing.


Wed night in Wilkes Barre it will be the Lady Royals vs Kings. I know last year it was basically a year off of a fierce rivalry, I hope we have a rivalry again?

Saratoga, I think it is time for some predictions. 


     Earliest I can remember for a Kings-Scranton game;don't think they've ever played in December,let alone November.
    Noticed Molly is no longer on the roster and now down to one underclassman.
    Coach sounded disappointed during the pregame radio interview about the Royals' conditioning in the Rochester game and apprehensive about their response for the Catholic game. Hopefully, it was a "thanks,I needed that slap in the face". Should be a good test, a road rivalry game.


First, congratulations to C. J. - just read on the Men's board that he got married!  Next, told ya that the DeSales - Muhlenberg match-up would be a good one with the Lady Mules coming out the winners, & last, tough loss last night for the Lady Pride, getting beat by three points to the Hounds - to Coach DiBonaventura & the squad - better luck at Widener when Moravian makes their final appearance for awhile.  Best luck to the Aggies tonight with DeSales - see ya there!


Scranton at Kings...could be a good game...for awhile anyway. I just see the Lady Royals with too much firepower to lose. But, that's why they lace them up & play the game. Not very many championships are won on paper. I think Scranton has to create a game plan that keeps  constant pressue on Kendra because if she's allowed to move freely with the ball, she gets it to the right people in the right spots. If that happens, that means their 2 shooters will be getting good looks & the ball will be coming down to their big girl...and that could spell problems for the Lady Royals. If you play her tough it interupts their offensive flow & that's when the wild shots start getting heaved up & that's exactly what you want. Kendra will not sit if she has any say so Scranton needs to pressure her all night & play tough D on their perimiter people. On the Scranton side of things...just play your game, a little Allie, a dose or two of Taryn, some serious Tiffaney, some determined play underneath from Michelle & Kathleen, the hustle of Casey & the off the bench quality play of Steph & Julie & Tammy & all the others & it should end up a very good night for the Lady Royals. Not to put any extra pressure on her...but, the one & only freshman on the Lady Royals has looked very good & she plays serious DEFENSE. On paper anyway...Kings:56/Scranton:70.


lady royals- by far the better team


Kate, I also watched the game at DVC last night and I didn't expect DeSales to win handily after hearing those accolades from the inner circles showered on your Aggies... They looked so helpless near the end, I started to root for them (not exactly)...Those needless turnovers, missed easy baskets, coupled with ineffectual defense against Coach Richter's offense...  :(

As predicted, the Lady Bulldogs could end up in second place to Scranton this season after last night's preview...King's already lost... I doubt anyone else in the league could even come close...It's a shame Scranton is getting out to "greener pastures", otherwise, the great rivalry between De Sales v Scranton will be surely missed...


Yes,  Salesman, last night's Aggie loss was hard to watch.  Most hopefully, better games will be coming (bring back the team that beat Cortland!)  Was just looking through websites, & saw that Alyssa Brady who i thought was headed to Wilkes, is at Cabrini.  They're off to a great start beating Richard Stockton.  Alyssa was on a very good Allentown Central Catholic squad.