WBB: Middle Atlantic Conference board archive

Started by delvalfan, July 13, 2005, 06:59:23 PM

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Howdy Grove.  Actually, as long as it's a good game & no one gets hurt, i'll be happy.  Once & for all, was it that sport's reporter named Housenick i think who started the separation move, or had Susquehanna had a bee in their administrative bonnets for awhile wanting to leave the MAC.   i'm too old for major changes, & the only reason i would even reconfigure a league would be for  geographic or financial purposes.  That cerebral stuff for sports teams, i don't understand.  Somewhere i have that guy's editorial, and even my brother who doesn't know very much about the workings of D3 thought it smelled like sour grapes.  Anyway, since i'm darn sure you had nothing to do with the makings of the new league, i'll pull for your school - it is Susquehanna, correct?  Right now i'm just nervous about my Aggies tonight facing our new leaue opponent, Alvernia.  In your league, good old Moravian (just three miles or so from my house) looks like the team to beat!  Good luck, & as always Have Fun!


Can't believe i forgot to mention this (get me talkin about some things & i lose track), but the Aggies face Lyco up in Williamsport on Sat.  They are a very improved team - we have two tough games in a row!


kate, I know little as to the inner workings of why we jumped to the Landmark... other than it was a chain reaction of things starting in sports other than bball. And since Housenick (who, thankfully, is no longer at the Daily Item) usually couldn't be bothered to write much about Susquehanna since he had his head up Bucknell's rears, I doubt he had much influence either.  :)

Warren Thompson

Quote from: kate on December 03, 2008, 01:56:05 PM
Once & for all, was it that sport's reporter named Housenick i think who started the separation move, or had Susquehanna had a bee in their administrative bonnets for awhile wanting to leave the MAC.   i'm too old for major changes, & the only reason i would even reconfigure a league would be for  geographic or financial purposes.  That cerebral stuff for sports teams, i don't understand.  Somewhere i have that guy's editorial, and even my brother who doesn't know very much about the workings of D3 thought it smelled like sour grapes. 

Kate: what was the gist of the Housenick editorial?


Warren, hello.  Since i'd have to do some major digging to find that toxic piece of trash, i have to be very careful when i say that as i remember he implied that Del Val was over-zealously recruiting (football).  A response i'm told was actually sent by the DVC director of admissions.  For years Del Val was the doormat of the MAC, and they never suggested any wrong doing by any of the power teams for all that time.  Anyway, that's water under the bridge.  God knows there must be a grand reason why the Landmark was established.  i know i've been very pleased with our new members to date - all five of them.  i do miss Drew & Scranton, but as someone from Drew told me on this site "it wasn't the decision of the team to leave", so i just hope that everyone is happy where they landed.  Grove, it's kind  of cool that he wasn't your favorite sport's reporter either  :)


And,  this topic always gets me going - as i've said on here a million times, these kids play their hearts out for four years & then go on to something else most of the time.  We're the ones who love watching them play, & are so thankful that by-in-large, they play close enough that we can GO to see them!  Gotta get dinner so we're finished by 6, & live stats  :D


Don't just settle for the live stats...take a peek at the video webcast too!

old ends

Kate: is there is a sports reported for the Morning Call called Mandy Housenick. I also thinks she writes for a  Wilkes Barre Paper..

If I recall most of her columns are tough on the athletes.


old ends - I think that's Tom Housenick's wife. He's at the Morning Call now too, as I understand it.

kate - he definitely is no fave of mine. Last season when the SU men ran off that seven-game conference winning streak, all he could write about was a bunch of wah-boo-hooing for poor Bucknell and all their injuries. I realize Bucknell is D1 and all that, but sheesh.

And remember, SU, Juniata and Moravian didn't leave the MAC, we got kicked out.  ;)


They might be husband & wife - i'm just not sure, but, again, i prefer to dwell on all the great times we have following all our D3 teams.


Congratulations, Alvernia - you won that first MAC game.  i just hope our Brit & your Alex are OK for the next games.  Jon, that video is great.


Ah, come on Grove, quit trying to make me feel better  :(  What a night - our Sixers are losing, too

Warren Thompson

Quote from: TheGrove on December 03, 2008, 05:48:55 PM
And remember, SU, Juniata and Moravian didn't leave the MAC, we got kicked out.  ;)




I think Grove is alluding to the fact that the MAC wouldn't let them (Moravian & Juniata) stay in the conference for football only. It was all sports, or no sports.
As for SU, they DID choose to leave (they weren't accepted by the Centennial).....
"To build may have to be the slow and laborious task of years. To destroy can be the thoughtless act of a single day."


Actually, Bill, SU accepted an invite to the Liberty League and then was not allowed to stay in the MAC for football only.

Warren, I was being slightly facetious about the "kicked out" -- hence the winky.  :)