MBB: American Southwest Conference

Started by Sul Ross Lobos, February 26, 2005, 03:31:37 PM

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DITTO, 321...

Truly sorry that HSU didn't make it to the playoffs :'(...but the COWBOYS will ride again! :D

Still looking forward to a good tournament. ???


Was at the CU and HSU game and was very frusterated with the clock lady.  Play had to be stopped about six times because the girl running the clock either forgot to start or stop the clock.  That included the last play of the game with eleven seconds left which gave the tornadoes the chance to see how the cowboys were lined up after the clock wasn't started.  Has this happened to any other teams while they play at CU or was it just this time? Just wondering.

McM Blue Devil

The McM-CUA game there were problems with the clock as well, to the point where the McM coaching staff said something.  Also there were problems with keeping score to the extent that I had to say soemthing to our coaching staff so it would be corrected.

Ralph Turner

Quote from: McMHasBeen on February 20, 2006, 12:29:09 PM
QuoteMcMurry has just quit!   16:10 remaining and they have not scored in the half!

This is a real character test!  You have a chance to host the tourney and win a division title and you have this performance

Mr. Turner, I understand your perception of the Indians play on Saturday. However, a lot of fans dont realize the pressure that is placed on these players on a daily basis.  I mean a DAILY basis. The road can be a killer if time is not managed correctly. Even though the players are 18, 19, or in the twenties, they are still humans.  From day 1 until even now they work extremely, extremely hard in practice, then have an abnormally hard shootaround, and culminate that with a game in which they press every possession on defense and push every possession on offense. With only having 12 players now, its tough to do that.  Then the constant pressure of being yelled at when things go bad at any given moment, rather it be a specific possession or an entire game, is a lot to deal with.  SOMEBODY has to be a calming presence out on the court or on the sideline. But that doesnt happen, it was the same scenario during the HSU game.  We had control of the game and things started to turn a little bit and everybody (including the coaches) got so high strung that we couldnt concentrate.  Now I am not excusing us for losing the game the way we did nor am Im criticizing the coaching.  All Im saying is that, as fans, have to consider all aspects.  Just like you cant play off pure emotions, you cant coach that way either.

McMhasbeen, I wanted to acknowledge that I read the post.  I have taken a day to consider my reply.

We who read these boards enjoy athletics probably more than any other hobby.  We are competitive and judge our achievements in competitive terms.  When we are/were in intercollegiate or other competitive leagues, we have kept score and have tried to get better.  We have wanted to succeed.

There are about 15 million Americans who are college-aged.  Less than 50,000 men and women play intercollegiate basketball in D1, D2, D3 and the NAIA and NCCAA.  These are a very select group on people; much less than one-half of one per cent.  Shall we say very talented?

Those who come out for intercollegiate athletics are committing themselves to the institution, to their coaches,  and to their teammates to become the very best they can be.  The coaches at McMurry take this commitment to become better athletes, students, and most importantly human beings, very seriously.  They also are among the most successful coaches in Divison III.  Their reasons for their exhortations to athletes to become better are because they recognized talent that they know can win.  (See the banners hanging in Kimbrell.)  Coach Holmes and Coach Van do this out of a deep collegial love of the development of the man who is also a talented individual.  They never demean the individual.  I do know they thoroughly dislike a talented individual not honing their talents, their performance, and their judgment to a sharper edge.

My comment that day was that this team was in control to hang a banner on the wall at Kimbrell, a very special achievement!  That special opportunity was focused on 40 minutes of one's life that will never be there again.  The opportunity passed them by.

The critical thing that we athletes learn is how we handle pressure.  The NCAA boasts in the TV commercial that "many athletes are turning pro in life."  In my life, I have had the opportunity to be taught by the John Wooden's, the George Thompson's, the Coach K's, the Hank Iba's, and the Nolan Richardson's in my field.  Some of these persons have subsequently become my friends as I have grown in excellence.

However, the journey did not come
-- without the intense pressure to improve to levels that I could not imagine, but others could see in me, 
-- without the yelling/exhortation to get the job done when we were short-handed,
-- and without the intense emotion that something precious might be lost if I failed.

I spoke about "passion" earlier in the season.  You must have that "passion" to excel!

In a conference in which 13 of the 16 schools are faith-based, I will frame the argument this way.  Those student-athleties who compete at McMurry, the ASC and the NCAA are very talented...top one-half of one per cent!  The "one talent" individuals don't even show up.  They quit a long time ago.  The two talent individuals are okay, but they are not in this game.   ( I can talk to them in a different venue.)  I am talking to the five talent players!

The sin that I see is the five talent player who will not see that he/she is not using all five of his/her talents, and not submitting to testing fire which consumes the dross (look up that word), or the clay that does not yield to the master potter.

I believe in McMurry.  I am their fan; men and women.  I want to see how you athletes can learn to use that passion to get things out of yourselves that your coaches and professors know is there, but you haven't dared to exert, to ache physcially and mentally, to be pushed to that level of success.  Your faculty at McMurry will take you farther than you can imagine.  You just have to keep producing what they ask and finding more success when you thought there was nothing left!

The tourney is this weekend.  The seniors are nearing the end of their careers.  If you don't allow yourself to be pushed harder than you can imagine, you will never understand how far you can go.  (Your reach should always exceed your grasp!)

Good luck and travel safely!


McMHasBeen and Ralph,

Thanks for sharing two of the best postings I have read on these boards.  Each from your own perspective and both equally well stated.

Thanks for your insight...I applaud both of you!!!  (And all the ASC student/athletes, as well...thanks for your efforts!)

And I don't want to forget the coaches, either. 

Ralph, thank goodness...we all have role models to emulate and learn from...whether it be a coach, professor, parent, a military drill instructor, a sibling, friend, boss, pastor, etc...the list is endless!  But in the final analysis, what's in will out!

Let's have a great ASC tournament...play hard, good luck to all, stay focused...and travel safely!


Ralph,  I was caught off guard by the comment "13 of the 16 schools are faith- based"    I guess the three that are not "faith-based" are UT Tylyer, UT Dallas and Sul Ross.  You are not knocking those instituions are you?

Ralph Turner

jmnaseum, I am not, but there is a difference in the nature and role of a faith in Jesus Christ at McMurry, HSU, HPU, et al.  and in the boardrooms and classrooms of UT-D.

There may be Christians at those institutions, but if you read the web sites and the mission and vision statements of the respective state instituions, you do not see the mention of Christ or Christian.

I was not going to "speak" in an official capacity for them.  Christians at those institutions would have "eyes that see", though. :)


Surely you don't think just because "Christ" is listed or not listed in the vision or mission statement ,that the schools or better or worse than one another. 

Hasn't there already been a discussion about the "party" schools in Abilene and Brownwood?

Hopefully all of the students at all of the ASC institutions are getting life lessons and a good education! (and a great experience with athletics)

In the conference tourney -- may the bset team win, (private or state : faith-based or hedonistic  ;)

Ralph Turner

Quote from: jmnaseum on February 22, 2006, 03:20:24 PM
Surely you don't think just because "Christ" is listed or not listed in the vision or mission statement ,that the schools or better or worse than one another. 
You are missing the point of the distinction.

An overtly Christian reference is more readily accepted at those institutions than at a state school, and I know whereof I speak! ;)


I have always looked at different colleges as being Public / State Supported vs. Private. The idea of Religious affiliation never really affected my decision. I belong to the Church of Christ but that doesn't mean I would not have attended a Methodist, Baptist or Lutheran institution.

Besides, we're faith based here at Sul Ross. We all have faith that the Lobos will give it all they got this week against a tough MC team.

The Lobo team playing now is better and more experienced than the one Mississippi College played the first week of the year.

Go Lobos!!!!
There's no limit to what can be accomplished, when nobody cares who gets the credit.

Ralph Turner

Aw shucks, SRLobo51!

You don't know how many ASC fans wish that you had gotten a basketball scholarship to Abilene Christian! :D ;D 8)

As an anti-Mississippi College fan, SRSU is my choice for a first round opponent in the tourney.

Good luck and beat the Chocs! :)


SRLobo51 -- Don't private schools receive state money?  I think they do.
Ralph -- as you have provided us with an overtly Christian attitude, is it not bad that you are "anti" anything? ;)

Who are you picking SR51?  Ralph?

I am going with Mississippi


Not a chance Ralph.  MC is by far the best team in this conference and there is no way Sul Ross or your less than average Indians beat the Chocs.

Say what you want but you know it just isn't going to happen.

Chocs will roll to ASC title!!!!! 8)



Ralph Turner

Miss Coll did look good at UT-Dallas the other night!

Travel safely!