FB: Minnesota Intercollegiate Athletic Conference

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 05:19:08 AM

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Well, they can limit speech on private property but I would be hard-pressed to believe that SJU, as a university, would have an actual policy about this.  Hopefully, the monks are too smart for that.  So, if one has a "Tommies Suck" t-shirt on, they will be asked to change?  All of this at an institution of higher learning ("institution" being used intentionally.... as in PC asylum masquerading as a place of higher learning)?  I think the alumni could very well make some impact on this by toning down the contributions.  It's one thing to be a person or coach dropping f-bombs around.  So now we're condemned to cheering thus, "go, team.  Run really, really fast, faster than the other team, so you can win" "to the other team:  We really hope your team plays poorly and if your team gets clobbered your still a good team and it's ok to lose...maybe you'll beat us next year"..... "Rah, team" what a bunch of mindless pc nonsense. 

snoop dawg

Knightstalker....well put.  I think you are saying the tommies ...suck, eh?


Quote from: chewey on October 14, 2008, 05:29:22 PM
Well, they can limit speech on private property but I would be hard-pressed to believe that SJU, as a university, would have an actual policy about this.  Hopefully, the monks are too smart for that.  So, if one has a "Tommies Suck" t-shirt on, they will be asked to change?  All of this at an institution of higher learning ("institution" being used intentionally.... as in PC asylum masquerading as a place of higher learning)?  I think the alumni could very well make some impact on this by toning down the contributions.  It's one thing to be a person or coach dropping f-bombs around.  So now we're condemned to cheering thus, "go, team.  Run really, really fast, faster than the other team, so you can win" "to the other team:  We really hope your team plays poorly and if your team gets clobbered your still a good team and it's ok to lose...maybe you'll beat us next year"..... "Rah, team" what a bunch of mindless pc nonsense. 

Actually seeing who the email was from, the two signees at the bottom and who it was sent to would seem to indicate that St Johns does have a policy or is at least enforcing the NCAA policy on this.  That is how it appears to an outside observer at least.

"In the end we will survive rather than perish not because we accumulate comfort and luxury but because we accumulate wisdom"  Colonel Jack Jacobs US Army (Ret).

Kilted Rat

Regarding the no mean shirts policy:
As others have said, wear another shirt over it, wear it inside out so it's not legible, etc. There are as many differe nt ways to get around this as there are students on campus.

Clearly the authors of said e-mail are as naieve as Jason Laker was when he thought he could stop drinking on campus. ;D

Quote from: CCKnight on October 14, 2008, 04:43:52 PM
At least they warned the students so that they have time to think of creative solutions to the problem, or at the least be smart enough to wear another shirt over the offensive one while entering the stadium.

What's next not allowing drunk students entrance.  Everything is becoming way to PC.

What don't we eat?
...Red Meat
Why don't we eat it?
...because it's murder

If God didn't want me to eat animals, he shouldn't have made them out of meat.

Or my dad's spin on it: "If God didn't want me to kill animals, he wouldn't have made me such a damn good shot!"

Quote from: FightingCoBB on October 14, 2008, 01:20:02 PM
I must admit.. and please understand I never thought I would say this in recent history, that regardless of how nonexistent tommie fans, students, faculty ect are about their football team, the team itself has a real shot a beating the boy from collegeville.. and with a season like this.. I guess why not?

UST might beat the boy from collegeville in a game of 11 on 1, but they will not beat the 100+ men from Collegeville.

Quote from: DuffMan on October 14, 2008, 08:00:53 AM
Quote from: sjusection105 on October 14, 2008, 07:47:51 AM
We have a current Tommie student that works for us part-time.

Since when did you start working at McDonalds?

Lots of places of employment have janitors! ;D

Since I just realized this will be post # 4000, here are some old classic Tommie jokes to wet your collective whistles as well as a doctor's orders shot of Vitamin K+ for all within reach:

How many virgin's go to UST?
48 and they all play football.

Did you hear Glenn Caruso is only dressing 22 players this week?
The rest will have to dress themselves.

Why do Tommie Girls wear panties?
To keep their ankles warm.

Why do Tommie guys wear gloves?
Same reason.

What's the difference between a VW Beetle and a Tommie girl?
Only 4 guys can be in a Beetle at one time.

How many UST Football players does it take to change a lightbulb?
2 and they each get 8 credits.

What's the first thing a Tommie girl does in the morning?
Walks home.

What's the difference between a Tommie girl and the nickel horse at the mall?
a. The nickel
b. Most Johnnies have never riden a nickel horse.

What's a Tommie girls favorite w(h)ine?
But daddy...

Why is the UST football team like a possum?
They play dead at home and get killed on the road.

Why do Tommies keep their ACT results on their dashboards?
So they can park in handicap spaces.

What does the average Tommie get on his ACT?

What's a Tommie grad's most uttered phrase at work?
"Do you want fries with that?"

What's the most common lie heard on UST's campus?
I could have gotten in at SJU if I wanted to.

What's the second most common lie heard on UST's campus?
No, I've never done it before.

What do you call a Tommie with 2 brain cells?

What is the difference between a Tommie and a carp?
One is a bottom-feeding scum sucker and the other is a fish

Where did OJ hide on the night of the bronco chase?
UST's campus, no one would ever expect to find a football player there.

Why do they throw out a sack of manure at Tommie weddings?
To keep the flies off the bride.

Did you hear about the fire at the O'Shaughnessy-Frey Library at UST that destroyed over 300 books?
The real tragedy was half of them hadn't even been colored in yet.

What do you get if you breed a UST football player and a groundhog?
6 more weeks of bad football.

What do you get when you cross a Tommie and a pig?
Nothing, there are some things a pig won't do.

What does the average Tommie girl bring home at Christmas her freshman year?
The Clap.

How do you get a Tommie off your front porch?
Pay for the pizza

Why doesn't UST have a nativity scene at Christmas?
They can't find 3 wise men or a virgin.

A future Johnnie and a future Tommie are in 3rd grade, who is bigger?
The Tommie, he's 18.

What are the best 4 years of a Tommie's life?
7th grade.

Did you hear why UST had to install field turf?
All the cheerleaders kept eating all the grass

What do you say to a Tommie in a 3-piece suit?
Will the defendant please rise?

Glenn Caruso has his offense on the SJU 5 yard line in the closing seconds of a game
tied 14 - 14 and prays for inspiration. He looks to the heavens and says
"God what play should I call." God answers "throw a flat pass to the
right". Caruso calls the play and it is intercepted and returned all the
way for a touchdown giving SJU the win. Caruso once again looks to
the heavens and says "God why did you call that play". God pauses and
says "Hey McNally why did we call that play?"

A Tommie, a Carleton Knight, and a Johnnie are all peeing at the same trough at the Metrodome.
The Tommie finishes first and walks to the sink and spends 45 seconds washing every crack and crevice in his hands saying, "At UST, they taught us to be thorough."
The Carleton grad walks over gets 3 drops of water, 2 drops of soap and uses half of a paper towel, "At Carleton, they taught us not to be wasteful."
The Johnnie zips up and is about to walk out of the restroom when the Knight and Tommie start yelling. "At SJU, they taught us not to piss on our hands."

A Tommie grad gets a job right after graduation working as the night shift assistant manager at the local McDonald's on Lake Street a few miles west of campus. The first night, the manager tells him to sweep the floors.
The Tommie indignantly replies, "I graduated from the University of St. Thomas."
The manager nodded understandingly and said, "Give me the broom, I'll show you how.

A Professor invents an IQ machine that boosts a person's IQ to 300 and
then starts counting backward. He connects his wife to it, turns it off
at 190, and she starts explaining quantum physics. He tries it out on
his brother Bill, turns it off at 175, and Bill starts talking advanced
calculus. Then he plugs in his cousin Bob. Just then the phone rings,
and it's a telemarketer. By the time he gets back to unplug Bob, the
machine is counting down: 14 - 13 - 12. He slams the switch to "off,"
shakes Bob and screams, "Say something!" and Bob says, "Go Tommies!"

A Johnnie is siting in a bar and he leans over to the guy next to him and says, "Wanna hear a
Tommie joke?" The guy next to him replies, "Well before you tell that
joke, you should know something. I'm 6' tall, 200 lbs., and I am a UST
alum.  The guy sitting next to me is 6'2 tall, weighs 225, and he's a
UST alum.  The fella next to him is 6'5 tall, weighs 250, and he's a
UST alum. Now, you still wanna tell that joke?"  The first guy says,
"Nah, not if I'm gonna have to explain it 3 times."

One day, while driving along, I saw Father Don Talafous. I thought I would do a good deed so I pulled over and asked him, "Where are you going Father?"

"I'm going to give mass at St. Francis Church, about 2 miles down the road," replied the priest.

"Climb in, Father Don ! I'll give you a lift!"

He climbed into the rear passenger seat, and we continued down the road.

Suddenly, I saw a Tommie walking down the road with hideous purple UST shirt on, and I instinctively swerved as if to hit him. But, as usual, I swerved back into the road just in time. Even though I was certain that I had missed the guy, I still heard a loud "THUD." Not understanding where the noise came from, I glanced in my mirrors but still didn't see anything. I then remembered the priest and turned to him and said, "Sorry Father, I almost hit that Tommie."

"That's OK," he replied, "I got him with the door."

Once upon a time, there was a season when neither SJU nor UST didn't make the post-season. It seemed so unusual that the teams  figured
there should be some sort of competition anyway. So they got together  and
decided on a week-long ice-fishing competition.

On the first day,  SJU caught 100 fish and UST caught none.

On the second day,  SJU had caught 200 fish and UST still had

The Tommie coach, suspecting cheating, dressed one of his players in
red and white and sent him to the SJU camp to act as a spy. At the end of the
day, the player came back to the report.

"Are they cheating?" asked  the coach.
"They sure are," the player said. "They're cutting holes in the  ice!"

Almost forgot:

Now accepting new patients. All bills must be paid in scotch shortly after any services rendered.  Sorry TDT, no problems below the waist.

Discovered by the Germans in 1904, they named it San Diego, which of course in German means a whale's vagina.


Quote from: Knightstalker on October 14, 2008, 05:46:32 PM
Quote from: chewey on October 14, 2008, 05:29:22 PM
Well, they can limit speech on private property but I would be hard-pressed to believe that SJU, as a university, would have an actual policy about this.  Hopefully, the monks are too smart for that.  So, if one has a "Tommies Suck" t-shirt on, they will be asked to change?  All of this at an institution of higher learning ("institution" being used intentionally.... as in PC asylum masquerading as a place of higher learning)?  I think the alumni could very well make some impact on this by toning down the contributions.  It's one thing to be a person or coach dropping f-bombs around.  So now we're condemned to cheering thus, "go, team.  Run really, really fast, faster than the other team, so you can win" "to the other team:  We really hope your team plays poorly and if your team gets clobbered your still a good team and it's ok to lose...maybe you'll beat us next year"..... "Rah, team" what a bunch of mindless pc nonsense. 

Actually seeing who the email was from, the two signees at the bottom and who it was sent to would seem to indicate that St Johns does have a policy or is at least enforcing the NCAA policy on this.  That is how it appears to an outside observer at least.

That does not mean that a formal policy has been established, per se.  There is a policy at SJU, for instance, that it is a dry campus (wink, wink on the books for insurance purposes).  This policy was forwarded in 1987 and actually went through all of the proper university protocol.  The policy is still in effect, ostensibly.  I am sure that this insipid, feel-good example of intellectual atrophy and creative lethargy has not gone through the proper channels.  If this is an NCAA mandate, it carries no weight as the NCAA can not tell institutions what to do on their own premises.  The NCAA can control what participating universities and fans do at NCAA sponsored events.  I think it's time to break up the NCAA a la Ma' Bell 1984.  


Quote from: BlueDevil Bob on October 14, 2008, 04:13:59 PM
bennies having to take off their shirts at the gate?

Now that's entertainment!  ;D

Haha or a good way to keep the St. Thomas fan count down.  The combination of kegs and eggs and shirtless bennies should send plenty of students to the toilets.  :-X

snoop dawg

So KR, let me see if I understand what you are saying........the tommies suck?


Quote from: snoop dawg on October 14, 2008, 07:33:02 PM
So KR, let me see if I understand what you are saying........the tommies suck?
Can't pass up the opportunity Snoop to give you minus 500. ;D

snoop dawg
Karma: -500
Posts: 936

To spare you the indignity of it being OxyBob. :D

snoop dawg

Shoulda....I was wondering which poster would go down in infamy ;)  If I were in the neighborhood, I'd buy you a Hamms    TDT,  don't look over your shoulder.


Quote from: snoop dawg on October 14, 2008, 08:20:59 PM
Shoulda....I was wondering which poster would go down in infamy ;)  If I were in the neighborhood, I'd buyyou a Hamms    TDT,  don't look over your shoulder.
Enjoy the milestone while you can...I'm sure it will be short lived. ;)


Those jokes were funny. Though I have heard a few interchanged with Carleton/Olaf before.

They used to sell 'Carleton Sucks' (in maize and blue) shirts at the Olaf bookstore. I believe they stopped due to it being directly related to the school. But the primary reason they stopped the sales is because Olaf finally realized the shirts represented their gigantic inferiority complex more than anything else.  I wonder how they feel now, especially since we are better in almost every sport.  ;) ;D (finally some bragging rights!)

One question though, how come the MIAC does not let traditional rivalries be played in the final week of every season, Johnnies/Tommies, Carleton/Olaf, etc. ?


QuoteOne question though, how come the MIAC does not let traditional rivalries be played in the final week of every season, Johnnies/Tommies, Carleton/Olaf, etc. ?

Great question, I've wondered the same thing.  The answer I'm sure is because it makes way too much sense. 


Quote from: finsleft on October 14, 2008, 04:11:30 PM
Just in case any of you attending the SJU vs USTD game are planning some funny stuff, you might want to bring an extra t-shirt...

From: Mullin, Doug
Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2008 1:58 PM
To: SJU Students; CSB Students
Cc: Geller, Mary; 'Canney, Jane W.'; Kellom, Gar
Subject: Important Notice regarding the Tommy - Saint John's football game

Football Fans:

This Saturday Saint John's plays "the Tommy game", which is one of the most storied rivalries in the MIAC conference.  We wish our team well and a great time for all of the fans. As the game approaches, we would like to remind everyone to use good sportsmanship, to conduct themselves with respect, and to represent our schools in a positive manner.  This especially applies to refraining from the sale, purchase, and wearing of t-shirts that disrespect the human dignity of other persons. Our colleague, Vice President at St. Thomas, Jane Canney, is sending a similar message to the students there.

The NCAA Division III policy clearly states that "Division III athletics encourages the development of sportsmanship and positive social attitudes. Coaches and players treat each other with respect, and administrators work to foster a positive competitive environment."  In an effort to foster this environment, home and visiting guests wearing clothing that are disrespectful to others will be asked to change before gaining entrance to the football game.

We want to create a positive experience for you, our guests, parents, alumni, and friends who may be attending the game. We want you to cheer and support our players with positive attitude and excitement. Show your Johnny and Blazer spirit and enjoy the game!

Rev. Douglas Mullin, OSB
Vice President for Student Development
Saint John's University
Collegeville, MN  56321
ph:  320.363-2737

Mary A. Geller
Vice President for Student Development
College of Saint Benedict
37 South College Avenue
St. Joseph, Minnesota  56374
Phone:  320.363.5601
Fax:      320.363.5006

Solution to this simple problem is:

Wear your derogatory attire under a different shirt.  Then once you are into the stadium, take off the cover shirt.

Pat Coleman

Quote from: cobbernation on October 14, 2008, 09:19:45 PMSolution to this simple problem is:

Wear your derogatory attire under a different shirt.  Then once you are into the stadium, take off the cover shirt.

For those of us who didn't see the previous five posts or so suggesting this. :)
Publisher. Questions? Check our FAQ for D3f, D3h.
Quote from: old 40 on September 25, 2007, 08:23:57 PMLet's discuss (sports) in a positive way, sometimes kidding each other with no disrespect.

snoop dawg

If you want to see some vulgar tee shirts go to an Ohio St. - Michigan game in Ohio.  There is the common, F#$@ Michigan, and others with the f-bomb but my favorite is ...."Ann Arbor is a whore".  They get more creative with the vulgar tee shirts than their offensive cooridinator does with his play calling, that, coming from a Buckeye fan.