FB: Minnesota Intercollegiate Athletic Conference

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 05:19:08 AM

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Willy Wonka

Quote from: Touchdown Tommy on June 30, 2006, 01:02:50 PM
FYI: I beat Willy Wonka and the Mongolian Warrior yesterday afternoon at Mount Frontenac.  I see they have went into hiding since the beatdown I served them up (similar to KR after I beat him and his dad in Mansfield playing with his mother's clubs).  Willy was quite a fashion statement, sporting unbuckled sandals and a St. John's bb practice jersey.

PS FYI: King's Place in Miesville on Hwy 61 between Red Wing and Hastings serves amazing burgers.  Definitely stop by for a few ice cold beers and try one of their 30+ varieties of burgers.  Ironicly enough, Wonka had the "Queen" and the waitress laughed at him....

Unfortunately, I can refute none of this. Wonka was +1 after three holes - including a legit birdie - but then went 14 over on his next two, including a horrendous 12 on a par 3, in failing to break 100 for the first time in years.

TDT somehow forgot to mention my brush with death, which was foreshadowed when multiple balls were hit at the Porta-potty I was enjoying. Our 4th member later hit his drive straight left and it passed within a foot of my face. My days of ripping the Johnnies on Post Patterns nearly came to an end.

The Queen hit the spot. It was even better since TDT paid for it with his mom's credit card.
I don't hate Duke. I just hate all their players, coaches and fans.

Johnnie Red

Willy, when I was up north with my Glencoe buddies last weekend, one of them, who lives in Dead Wing, mentioned that he owns a pizza parlor that makes really good pizza. Evidently he has a brick oven to make the pizzas in. I think the name of the place starts with a k. Does this ring a bell for you? I told him that he should contact the people in charge of the state baseball tournament to see if he could have his pizzas as part of the food menu at the ballpark.

Johnnie Red

Speaking of dying, I just charged out a case that happened in Chaska early yesterday morning. A guy wakes up in the middle of the night only to find his wife straddled across his chest with a knife. At first he thought she was joking but soon realized that she was not when she kept coming after him when he pushed her away time and time again. She eventually pointed it at his chest before he was able to get away and call the police.

Prior to going into the bedroom, she took out two shotguns and loaded one of them prior to going into the bedroom. Her 14 year old son and his buddy talked mom out of taking the guns into the bedroom. They then locked the door to the bedroom so she could not get in while they took the guns to a neighbor's house. As they were walking out they saw the mom try to pry open the door to the bedroom. Evidently she was successful. She ended up being taken to detox.

Whoa Nelly

Whoa Nelly's Hasselhoff Update of the Month...


Catch your limit, hit 'em straight and long, and have a great 4th...
"The problem with the gene pool is that there is no lifeguard."


+1 k to page 913 for hanging' in there on this holiday weekend Friday!

Happy 4th of July everybody.


Quote from: Touchdown Tommy on June 30, 2006, 01:02:50 PM
FYI: I beat Willy Wonka and the Mongolian Warrior yesterday afternoon at Mount Frontenac.  I see they have went into hiding since the beatdown I served them up (similar to KR after I beat him and his dad in Mansfield playing with his mother's clubs).  Willy was quite a fashion statement, sporting unbuckled sandals and a St. John's bb practice jersey.

PS FYI: King's Place in Miesville on Hwy 61 between Red Wing and Hastings serves amazing burgers.  Definitely stop by for a few ice cold beers and try one of their 30+ varieties of burgers.  Ironicly enough, Wonka had the "Queen" and the waitress laughed at him....

TDT--I think the pink has gone to your head.  Check the official scorecard--I beat you soudly.  But way to catch on to the WW's sister jokes.  always a good time. 

Frank--I'll look for your name in the news tonight after you take a lawnmower out while you're drunk.
I'd post a lot more if I had a real job

Kilted Rat

Happy 4th of July weekend and +k to the past 3 pages courtesy of Bud Light # 12 on the day.

I love the lake!
Now accepting new patients. All bills must be paid in scotch shortly after any services rendered.  Sorry TDT, no problems below the waist.

Discovered by the Germans in 1904, they named it San Diego, which of course in German means a whale's vagina.


Just watched my first world cup game (actually first soccer game on tv ever) Germany vs. Argentina.  A lot more exciting when you have money on the game.  One observation:  these guys take dives 10 times better than the hockey players in the NHL!!!  I mean it was flop fest 2006 out there I was laughing my butt off watching it.


Quote from: kiltedrat on June 30, 2006, 11:09:45 PM
Happy 4th of July weekend and +k to the past 3 pages courtesy of Bud Light # 12 on the day.

I love the lake!

KR, looks like you made it north in fine fashion.  :)

If you already made it through Bud Light #12, I hope you brought an extra couple 30 packs of Hamm's along.

Have a great time on the lake.  8)


Quote from: kiltedrat on June 30, 2006, 11:09:45 PM
Happy 4th of July weekend and +k to the past 3 pages courtesy of Bud Light # 12 on the day.

I love the lake!

But apparently you don't love good beer...I'm going to hit up Old Chitown for a prewedding on tap Hamm's today...man, I'm looking forward to that
Heaven isn't too far away,
Closer to it every day


Quote from: Johnnie Red on June 30, 2006, 03:22:01 PM
Speaking of dying, I just charged out a case that happened in Chaska early yesterday morning. A guy wakes up in the middle of the night only to find his wife straddled across his chest with a knife. At first he thought she was joking but soon realized that she was not when she kept coming after him when he pushed her away time and time again. She eventually pointed it at his chest before he was able to get away and call the police.

Prior to going into the bedroom, she took out two shotguns and loaded one of them prior to going into the bedroom. Her 14 year old son and his buddy talked mom out of taking the guns into the bedroom. They then locked the door to the bedroom so she could not get in while they took the guns to a neighbor's house. As they were walking out they saw the mom try to pry open the door to the bedroom. Evidently she was successful. She ended up being taken to detox.

PMS or a Linfield fan?


Willy Wonka

Quote from: Johnnie Red on June 30, 2006, 03:14:35 PM
Willy, when I was up north with my Glencoe buddies last weekend, one of them, who lives in Dead Wing, mentioned that he owns a pizza parlor that makes really good pizza. Evidently he has a brick oven to make the pizzas in. I think the name of the place starts with a k. Does this ring a bell for you? I told him that he should contact the people in charge of the state baseball tournament to see if he could have his pizzas as part of the food menu at the ballpark.

Funny you should mention that. The night you posted this, my coworker and I split a pepperoni za from this place. I can't come up with the name right now, but it was yummy in my tummy.

A little football chatter, if you guys don't mind. Apparently GAC defensive coordinator Lance Taylor retired to zero fanfare on these boards or on the GAC web site. He was a terrible choice in the first place, if you ask me.

Anyway, the Gusties finally got the guy they should have hired last time in former GAC star Brian Bergstrom, who served as the DC and strength coach at the football power known as Crown last season. I have no idea how his coaching skills add up, but his 3.92 GPA and playing career suggest he should get the job done.

As an added bonus, his wife - former GAC golfer Kate Reiman (who I watched the Twin Towers collapse with on the morning of 9/11) - is all but guarenteed to be in attendance at every game.
I don't hate Duke. I just hate all their players, coaches and fans.

Johnnie Red

Willy, I am going to assume that you will encourage Ms. Bergstrom to bring along a bowl of her favorite green jello for the "We love Lutherans and jello!" Stiftungsfestivities on October 14 when the Gusties come to Collegeville.

Anyone out there make it to the Taste of Minnesota? As I and my "little girl" were walking down Kellogg Blvd yesterday to get to the grounds of the festival, we walked by a pickup truck covered with signatures. Gold `n Plump was doing a promotion for free food for kids in need. For every signature they would donate a chicken. We signed the truck. Turns out the guy working this promotion was a Johnnie, class of `02. Then when we got down to the festival, we ran into Jim Platten, the equipment manager for the Johnnies. He was working a promotion to help fight diabetes. Always nice to see those Johnnies giving of their time for such great causes.


Everyone have a safe and happy Fourth.  I'm heading for Canada first thing tomorrow morning to try my hand at fishing and drinking.  14 cases for 6 guys (1 of whom does not drink) for 4 days.  Hope it's enough.