FB: Minnesota Intercollegiate Athletic Conference

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 05:19:08 AM

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Quote from: royalachilles on September 19, 2006, 11:44:18 AM
Come on bennie, lighten up, and Duffman somebody give him some karma as I am a nobody, and UST, your right about TDT, he didnt say it but he will say he should have.  You were the culprit...  Remind me not to comment or compliment the tommies if BU prevails and you play well... 

Actually if that happens I will take a page out of Jesus' playbook and wish you luck the rest of the season.
Augsburg University: 2021 MIAC Spring Football Champions


Quote from: Mighty Royal on September 19, 2006, 08:55:45 AMBU haters:
I don't know how any of you can say that BU won't compete for the best defense in the league this year?  Just check out what they have done so far in their games.  Now, I guess the argument can be made that BV and Simps. aren't good opponents, but come on, that is just a cop out comeback.  Maybe BU loses to Olaf or SJU this year...maybe.  But one thing is for sure, their D is going to be top notch in the league, there is no doubt about it.  I know most of you hate BU for personal, or not so personal, reasons, but giving credit where credit is due is not a matter of you liking, but a matter of respect for a given opponent.
I hate SJU, but they have great athletes and great coaches who make changes and can lead their team to victory.
Mighty Royal
Even though we may dislike Bethel, we certainly will give credit where it is due. I for one, wish I could re-do my preseason picks because I picked Bethel 3rd and Cobs 2nd. I would love to switch those based upon what I've seen so far. So, suffice it to say, that this Johnnie thinks enough of your team to say that they should be in the running in the perennial hot contest for 2nd place in the MIAC.

Remember you read it here 1st: 2006 World Series Twins over Mets in 7 games. (OK, maybe it's the lack of spinach in my diet recently).

Chuck Norris squats when he pees.


Quote from: bennie on September 19, 2006, 12:17:05 PM
Quote from: royalachilles on September 19, 2006, 11:48:19 AM
Really bennie, Im just kidding, and I think KR knows that. I dont know the dude, but I sure struck a nerve with you on the sexuality thing?  I feel bad about this, no more Johnnie cracks for the rest of the day.... I mean it... ::)

I guess I probably am fairly sensitive to the issue.  I did my graduate thesis on college student's attitudes towards homosexuallity. I am not gay, but I have a lot of friends that are and they are wonderful people. Calling someone gay as an insult just plain lacks imagination. The whole mens college (SJU)=lots of gay men is tired. I don't know that I would have gone to CSB if I thought all of the Johnnies were gay! ;) Some are gay, most aren't. I am sure there may even be a few (closeted) gay students at Bethel. ;D Anyway, enough said on the subject!

Bennie, you're taking some of the wind out of my sails here. Is it still exceptable to mention the homeliness of the Bennies? Likewise, is it still permissable for KR to mention the promiscuity of UST women?

This is crucial to our banter.
Augsburg University: 2021 MIAC Spring Football Champions


Really bennie, wow, but do you really think wearing your girlfriends underwear makes you gay.  Their qb isn't, I never intended for you or anybody else to think that, and to prove it, I am going straight to the mens room and take of my wifes underwear.....  it might take a while darn it, because as a BU guy, we can dance now, and I am wearing tights......


I know we all like to joke around on this board, but Scrubby is right.  D3Football.com is no place to cock off about how great your alma mater is and how much Bethel and St. Thomas suck.  

It is reverent place.  A place where X's and O's can reign supreme.  A place where former high school coaches and small college football players can educate the huddled masses and wretched refuse on the finer points of zone blocking.  A place where we can make absolute statements about the strength of our opponents based on Team A beating Team B and Team B beating Team C.  

D3Football.com is a beacon of purity for those that enjoy rigorous statistical and observational analysis of local small college football, and we must fight to keep it that way.  For if we lose that, we lose our souls.


Ok, glad I got that off my chest.  The reason why the level of football discussion on this site sucks is because (outside of Pat and a few others) no one sees enough D3 football to rationally discuss it.

Personally, I would like to see more actual football discussion on here--ideally even be able to add to it myself.  But I see maybe a handful of D3 games each year, all involving St. John's, most involving more than a couple of pre-game red cups, a crappy view of the action, and a total lack of video replay.  I suspect most peoples' experiences are similar to mine.  I have a pretty good idea that Gearman and Steffensmeier are pretty good players.  I like to cheer when my school scores.  Beyond that, there's not much to add.

Let's face it, Johnnies are always going to think SJU is the best, Cobbers are always going to think CC is the best, and Royals are always going to be socially awkward and maladjusted.  It's just the way it is.  To get worked up over something someone says on this board--about you, about your team, about your school--is just retarded.  

This isn't the NFL, with 8 hours of pregames and non-stop live action from noon on Sunday until sometime early Tuesday morning, followed by a week of over-analysis.  This isn't even Div-1 College Football--although there never can be enough "Lee Corso is a Bastard" signs on national TV.  D3 football is not that important.

(Tommies suck.)


I spoke with the brother last night.  I have been upgraded from doubtful to questionable for this weekend's game.  Are there going to be people at Mick's before the game?  While I don't particularily mind drinking by myself, some people find it odd.


Quote from: Mighty Royal on September 18, 2006, 12:56:27 PM
This just in....TC is too good and too mature for Chuck Norris facts.  Thanks, TC, for telling me that I am immature.  I didn't know you were my dad!

I've been called many mean, hurtful, aweful, nasty, dirty things in my life, but mature has never been one of them.

And if it isn't apparent well before then, there'll be no question who your daddy is on Nov. 11.
St. John's Football: Ordinary people doing ordinary things extraordinarily well.



TC, there is one way to view more D3 football.  Seriously even though they have not officially kicked off this year, Game Film Solutions will sell you a seasons worth of any team you want with highlights on any players you want for about $100.00 a season.  I used it last year and it is pretty cool.  Miss a game on Saturday, watch it usually by Sunday night and always by monday.  Pretty cool actually.  I love this board...  Tommies still suck...


Quote from: Mighty Royal on September 19, 2006, 12:31:40 PM
Quote from: USTBench on September 19, 2006, 12:29:19 PM
Quote from: bennie on September 19, 2006, 12:17:05 PM
Quote from: royalachilles on September 19, 2006, 11:48:19 AM
Really bennie, Im just kidding, and I think KR knows that. I dont know the dude, but I sure struck a nerve with you on the sexuality thing?  I feel bad about this, no more Johnnie cracks for the rest of the day.... I mean it... ::)

I guess I probably am fairly sensitive to the issue.  I did my graduate thesis on college student's attitudes towards homosexuallity. I am not gay, but I have a lot of friends that are and they are wonderful people. Calling someone gay as an insult just plain lacks imagination. The whole mens college (SJU)=lots of gay men is tired. I don't know that I would have gone to CSB if I thought all of the Johnnies were gay! ;) Some are gay, most aren't. I am sure there may even be a few (closeted) gay students at Bethel. ;D Anyway, enough said on the subject!

Bennie, you're taking some of the wind out of my sails here. Is it still exceptable to mention the homeliness of the Bennies? Likewise, is it still permissable for KR to mention the promiscuity of UST women?

This is crucial to our banter.

Or the "prudeness" (if that's a word) of everyone at BU...seeing as people are still living in the past and still think we can't dance?

Mighty Royal

Okay, first, I believe the word is prudishness (I had to run that through the spellchecker!)! ;D And I stand by the being allowed to dance as not equaling being able to! ;) Pick on the slutty Tommies all you like! Uh...homely Bennies? Let me get back to you on that! ;D There are sooo many other things that Johnnies can be picked on about, why go with discriminatory comments in regards to them! ;D
High sticking, tripping, slashing, spearing, charging, hooking, fighting, unsportsmanlike conduct, interference, roughing... everything else is just figure skating.  ~Author Unknown


Quote from: bennie on September 19, 2006, 12:17:05 PM

I guess I probably am fairly sensitive to the issue.  I did my graduate thesis on college student's attitudes towards homosexuallity. I am not gay, but I have a lot of friends that are and they are wonderful people. Calling someone gay as an insult just plain lacks imagination. The whole mens college (SJU)=lots of gay men is tired. I don't know that I would have gone to CSB if I thought all of the Johnnies were gay! ;) Some are gay, most aren't. I am sure there may even be a few (closeted) gay students at Bethel. ;D Anyway, enough said on the subject!
I believe the gay students at Bethel have come out the closet now, correct me if I'm wrong freebird or any other bethelite.  There was a lot of hullabalo when the equalityride came through the cities fighting to force christian colleges to accept homosexuality as acceptable.  Not sure if anybody has been kicked out of Bethel due to being gay, but I think that Bethel, like Northwestern will not admit any openly gay person.

achilles:  How does Game film solutions possibly work?  Are you essentially hiring your own cameraman or do they have enough interest to sell to several alums at each school?


Bennie, you are absolutely right. Now Im going into Time Out for the rest of the day, and just try and feed me... 


Quote from: royalachilles on September 19, 2006, 12:42:04 PM
TC, there is one way to view more D3 football.  Seriously even though they have not officially kicked off this year, Game Film Solutions will sell you a seasons worth of any team you want with highlights on any players you want for about $100.00 a season.  I used it last year and it is pretty cool.  Miss a game on Saturday, watch it usually by Sunday night and always by monday.  Pretty cool actually.  I love this board...  Tommies still suck...

To quote Homer Simpson, "Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand."

If I couldn't be bothered to drive 45 minutes to Augsburg last weekend, there's pretty much no chance I drop $100 to disect Hamline's interior blocking schemes.  I just don't care that much.

But please, let us know what you find out.
St. John's Football: Ordinary people doing ordinary things extraordinarily well.


Johnnie Red

TC, there will be an official gathering at Mick's before the game on Saturday for Cobber and Johnnie fans. Shoot for 9:30-10:00 a.m. to get the event going. Can anyone from Cobberland give us directions on how to find Mick's Office? I know miacmaniac will be making an appearance.


AO, this is actually where the coaches download their games for the weekly exchange.  I suppose the company that redistributes the games between coaches figured out they could make a buck reselling these to people that cant make all the games.  You are seeing the film that each team takes.  Some schools are probably better at it than others, but the quality of audio and video is pretty good.  I know right know they are working on the streaming to make it even better.  For guys like me that cant make every out of town game, it works well.  Maybe a little pricey, but its worth it for me.  Now I have to return to my time out before Bennie yells at me again.....


...to who ever said I need to be ready for "I'm leaving now", you are right, I should have never said that.  Last night when I wrote for the first time, I never thought I'd get the reaction I did to my observation of the BU/CC game.  I by no means was trying to stir any pot, just wanted to see if anyone else saw it the way I did.  I think, no I'm sure all the responses to my post were from people that "didn't" see the game.  I should have known better.  Why did I come out here in the first place, well, I lost my wife about 6 months ago to cancer.  I love football, I love the game!  I don't love or get all worked up over any team, pro or college!  I do get excited for my grandson's games!  Other than that, I'd like to stick around and talk "Football"!    I honestly didn't mean to bring up the "coach" comment thinking I know everything, I don't.  I was trying to state that my comments were comming from a coaches point of view, not a everyday fan!  Anyway, sorry if I've stirred the pot!!  Have a great day everyone!!


Quote from: royalachilles on September 19, 2006, 12:58:50 PM
 Now I have to return to my time out before Bennie yells at me again.....

Oh come on now...if I didn't drop the f-bomb, you haven't been yelled at! ;) ;D
High sticking, tripping, slashing, spearing, charging, hooking, fighting, unsportsmanlike conduct, interference, roughing... everything else is just figure skating.  ~Author Unknown


Quote from: USTBench on September 19, 2006, 12:21:20 PM
Quote from: royalachilles on September 19, 2006, 11:44:18 AM
Come on bennie, lighten up, and Duffman somebody give him some karma as I am a nobody, and UST, your right about TDT, he didnt say it but he will say he should have.  You were the culprit...  Remind me not to comment or compliment the tommies if BU prevails and you play well... 

Actually if that happens I will take a page out of Jesus' playbook and wish you luck the rest of the season.
+k for the clasic comeback of the season...that purple-and-grey diploma is worth something :D

After the game, the king and pawn go into the same box.

Italian proverb