FB: Minnesota Intercollegiate Athletic Conference

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 05:19:08 AM

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Quote from: Scrubby41 on September 20, 2006, 02:38:15 PM
...yeah, and look at what the score was!   Let's hope they played everyone!  Just about every program in America let's the Sr's be captain, don't have to be good to be a captain, just stupid enough to stick it out for 4 years!  I was one of those!!

Anybody that thinks you have to be stupid to stick it out for 4 years  of JOHNNIE football doesn't understand John's concept of "Winning with Nos". Of course no other coach uses it and no other coach has won 435 games - 411? at St. Johns.
The older the violin - the sweeter the music!


im gonna go watch the knights play bethel this weekend...i dont know much about bethel i was wondering if anyone could fill me in on who their better players are and what their team strengths are...thanks
"Joy wouldnt be so good if it wasnt for pain" -50 cent-
"I may be wrong...but I doubt it" -Sir Charles Barkley-


Quote from: retagent on September 20, 2006, 10:51:53 AM
I satisfied my taste for fine brew with Yeungling when I lived there. Try it, you'll like it. I went with the lager, but they have other brews too.
Yuengling is the Hamm's of the Mid-Atlantic, the black and tan is tasty but I like the basic lager (which uses Minny corn BTW). It is best consumed at Cantler's Crabhouse on the banks of Mill Creek in Md. -- nothing like that in the commonwealth. Piles of crab shells and stacks of Yuengling empties = a slice o' heaven.


Quote from: Scrubby41 on September 20, 2006, 02:16:09 PM
And for Gods sack,

Hey, let's leave the big guy's private parts out of this ...


 Yuengling is the Hamm's of the Mid-Atlantic, the black and tan is tasty but I like the basic lager (which uses Minny corn BTW). It is best consumed at Cantler's Crabhouse on the banks of Mill Creek in Md. -- nothing like that in the commonwealth. Piles of crab shells and stacks of Yuengling empties = a slice o' heaven.

The best reason for venturing into Maryland is for the crabs. I was partial to Roberstson'e Crab House in Pope's Creek.

Kilted Rat

Quote from: USTBench on September 20, 2006, 09:11:29 AM
Quote from: Kilted Rat on September 20, 2006, 08:57:45 AM
Quote from: AO on September 20, 2006, 01:33:16 AM
fins: perhaps the distance between st. john's and st. thomas keeps the rivalry under the terms of obscene t-shirts?  Was there no defacement or vandalism of the other school's property?

I agree with you that St. John's doesn't need to apologize for winning 60-0.  It doesn't really matter after 40 as neither team is playing it's starters.  About half of Augsburg's team is freshmen, so what you likely saw in the second half was more of a c-squad game.  I'm all for getting everybody onto the field and playing.  win by 21 or 60, it's still a blowout, we can't put a teams pride ahead of giving guys opportunities to play in a college football game they normally wouldn't get to take part in.

So let me get this straight:

T-shirts making fun of students at the other school is bad.

But taking part in criminal acts of vandalism and destruction of private property is good?

What do you get when you cross a hippopotamus with a person's hematocrit? Apparently Bethel and Northwestern students.

I only took 8 credits of theology but we never got to the bible verse where it says "Thou shalt not create funny t-shirts but thou shalt commit acts of vandalism." Must be in one of the books the Catholic church threw out.


I do remember cruising down I-94 and seeing various bridges where the words, "UST Turn Back Now" and "Tommies Suck" were spray painted. I'm suprised your billboard of Gags and Elliot right at the exit hasn't fallen prey to some vandalism.

I'm not at all claiming that no vandalism has occurred in the SJU/UST rivalry, I know for a fact it has and TDT can vouche for the fact I may or may not have taken part in some of it :)

What I am commenting on is the hilarious hypocritical nature of so many Bethel students and apparently NWC now falls into that category where they do the whole attmpting to remove the splinter from their neighbor's eye while ignoring the log in their own.

Yet another example here courtesy of Freebird. Calling our T-shirts obscene while admitting that students from his own school commit vandalism like it's not a legal and moral violation.

Quote from: tmerton on September 20, 2006, 10:10:30 AM
Quote from: Thefreebird on September 20, 2006, 02:06:22 AM
Do you mean to say that in general the SJU/UST t-shirt aren't obscene?  They are ridiculously funny but it doesn't take 30 Bible credits to see they are obscene.

If they were obscene they would be illegal and people selling them would be prosecuted.  Get a grip.

Are obscene shirts as illegal as defacing private property?

It doesn't take any bible shirts to spot hypocrisy.

Quote from: royalachilles on September 20, 2006, 11:43:31 AM
I vote that phot should be shown every day until rears end..  They don,t dress like that here in Iowa, but then again, I wouldn't want the girls around here trying that, most already have plumbers crack...............

I have never agreed with RoyalAchilles more than I do now.

The medical term for what a lot of the women down here have is "Large body habitus."

Quote from: USTBench on September 20, 2006, 12:48:08 PM
Speaking of the Oles has anyone seen the freshman monster that is Nick Munoz? 6'5" and 341lbs. Just curious, how are all those Florida guys working out?

About as well as they did last year.

Quote from: Thefreebird on September 20, 2006, 01:56:07 PM
Quote from: tmerton on September 20, 2006, 01:27:20 PM
Quote from: tmerton on September 20, 2006, 12:04:12 AM
Quote from: Scrubby41 on September 19, 2006, 09:49:46 AM
If I can, I'd like to make one thing clear;

4th-for the SJU people that are responding, I don't think I ever said anything good or bad about your team. 

Hmmm ... let's try
QuoteI get it, you were one of the 200+ scrubs that go there each year to say you were on the team!

Is your explanation that you just sneered at the players and didn't say anything negative about the "team"?

Scrubby/"Coach" - Still waiting for your answer here.  You want to be all grown up and all, how about manning up to your comments?

Sometimes the truth comes off negative to the one it is directed at.  I'm sure Scrubby didn't know he was stepping on your toes.

For someone who squeels so loudly when anyone gets remotely close to his toes, you'r think he'd be more cautious especially considering that Tmerton's son is one of the 200 or so "scrubs" that beat Bethel on an annual basis.

Quote from: Scrubby41 on September 20, 2006, 02:16:09 PM
Didn't know about the "Picks" section on here, thanks!!  I'll do my picks there for now on! 

In regards to making negative comments about SJU, I still haven't.   All I said was that you (individually, not team) must have been one of the 200+ scrubs that go out for football and never see the field.  Didn't say anything neg. about team, just those "individuals" that never see the field.  And if I remember correctly, my comment followed some stupid a.ss remark you made, that's all!!   And for Gods sack, bringing up man enough comments on this site is a real joke, starting with you!!

God has a sack? I knew God was a he! I bet it's huge! :o

*I see repete beat me to this one.

Quote from: Scrubby41 on September 20, 2006, 02:38:15 PM
...yeah, and look at what the score was!   Let's hope they played everyone!  Just about every program in America let's the Sr's be captain, don't have to be good to be a captain, just stupid enough to stick it out for 4 years!  I was one of those!!

At least you're finally admitting your obvious lack of cerebral fortitude.

In reference to the number of players who played in the Auggie Tech game, I don't believe a whole lot more than 51 can be on the travelling roster, so it's really hard to play guys who aren't in uniform. Damn those refs and their rules.

Quote from: Scrubby41 on September 20, 2006, 03:26:50 PM
Please don't take my comments wrong.  I think NWC could compete with some of the lower teams in the MIAC.  During some of the good years during the past 10 years, NWC would be right up there with most of the teams, maybe not SJU, CC, and Olaf and BU when they had those good years!  SJU (a national power almost every year) playing NWC is a joke.  That is not to take anything away from NWC, it just seems like a waste for SJU!  Unless it's like Gophers playing Temple, get a win so you have a chance for a bowl game.  I think most of you know what I'm trying to say, even the SJU people!

It essentially was a waste of 2 games, but when Macalaster left the MIAC, SJU needed a team to play. Of the teams with openings in their schedule, NWC was the only one who would play SJU. Many teams that have a legit shot at making the playoffs don't want to risk losing their playoff spot due to an in region loss to SJU.

Apparently, just like a T-ball game, everyone gets in to the NCCAA tournament.

Quote from: retagent on September 20, 2006, 07:42:15 PM
Yuengling is the Hamm's of the Mid-Atlantic, the black and tan is tasty but I like the basic lager (which uses Minny corn BTW). It is best consumed at Cantler's Crabhouse on the banks of Mill Creek in Md. -- nothing like that in the commonwealth. Piles of crab shells and stacks of Yuengling empties = a slice o' heaven.

The best reason for venturing into Maryland is for the crabs. I was partial to Roberstson'e Crab House in Pope's Creek.

Trust me on this one, you don't have to go all the way to Maryland to get crabs! A buddy of mine junior year got them without leaving Stearns county!
Now accepting new patients. All bills must be paid in scotch shortly after any services rendered.  Sorry TDT, no problems below the waist.

Discovered by the Germans in 1904, they named it San Diego, which of course in German means a whale's vagina.


Hey, KR - How do you keep an Amish girl happy?

Two Mennonite.


And if you're looking for titillating views of the Amish, check Amish Heat:o :o  Their motto: Our site will have your barn raised right!!!


Hey KR,

You know that most of us aren't used to reading a freakin' book a day, tight?!?! 

Between reading your posts and trying to understand what Scrubby's point is you are seriously cutting into the time I spend ogling my hot coworkers.
I didn't do it....yet.


Two words:  THE STREAK


Quote from: coco on September 20, 2006, 08:53:53 PM

That's the best avatar I've seen!

I think my obscene avatar is waaay better.


Quote from: finsleft on September 20, 2006, 09:06:16 PM
Quote from: coco on September 20, 2006, 08:53:53 PM

That's the best avatar I've seen!

I think my obscene avatar is waaay better.

Maybe if it were obscene it would be ... 


"Trust me on this one, you don't have to go all the way to Maryland to get crabs! A buddy of mine junior year got them without leaving Stearns county!"
K.R. anyone we may know? Perhaps someone from the Sunshine State??  ???
Or better yet my hometown?? Boy would his mom be upset.... >:(

BTW if you're in your 2nd rotation & you are in Iowa, does than make you a DVM? If so I need some advice about my dog Lucky,I'm afraid he may be "cleaning" himself just a little too much. Anything I can put on his privates to get him to stop? But, anyway why do you think his name is Lucky ;)
As of now they're on DOUBLE SECRET Probation!

Kilted Rat

Quote from: sjusection105 on September 20, 2006, 09:41:05 PM
"Trust me on this one, you don't have to go all the way to Maryland to get crabs! A buddy of mine junior year got them without leaving Stearns county!"
K.R. anyone we may know? Perhaps someone from the Sunshine State??  ???
Or better yet my hometown?? Boy would his mom be upset.... >:(

BTW if you're in your 2nd rotation & you are in Iowa, does than make you a DVM? If so I need some advice about my dog Lucky,I'm afraid he may be "cleaning" himself just a little too much. Anything I can put on his privates to get him to stop? But, anyway why do you think his name is Lucky ;)

No one you know.

No DVM, but I did see a dog at the hospital, pretty cool thing, they have several well trained dogs that go around and visit terminal patients and those who are in for quite a while. Really lifts their spirits!

As far as how to get your dog to stop licking himself, that reminds me of a joke:

2 NWC grads are hanging out in the one's mom's basement.
The mom's dog is sitting on the floor in front of them and it begins licking itself.
"I wish I could do that." said the first one.
"You can try it, but you should ask his permission first."

On a serious note, if you put cayenne pepper or regular pepper or any kind of hot tabasco sauce on his twig and giggleberries. He'll learn quick.
Now accepting new patients. All bills must be paid in scotch shortly after any services rendered.  Sorry TDT, no problems below the waist.

Discovered by the Germans in 1904, they named it San Diego, which of course in German means a whale's vagina.

Touchdown Tommy

Sorry for the prolonged absence.  Good posts by Benchwarmer, Esq, and KR in regards to the Bethel/NWC nonsense.  I couldn't have said it better myself.  I'd go back and quote the specific posts but the action has been hot and heavy on PP in recent days.  If they come back yapping and spewing more Bullsh!t, I will do this.  These guys make the Tommies look good.  I never ever ever thought I'd say that but it is true.

Is there a hotter and more remarkable team than the 2K6 MN Twins?  Seriously guys, this run is unbelievable.  Anyone pick up Twins Playoff seats today?  I hear they went on sale to the general public.

Yes, 105 is right.  I am the founder and President of the Classless A$$hole Club.  Our membership is growing daily.  If you would like to inquire about entry into this exclusive club please don't hesitate to contact me.  I can furnish a list of the members to those seeking entry...

KR: Vandalism? what vandalism?  I only remember a Blowj0b Betty dressed in full Tommie apparel hanging from the SJU footbridge over Interstate 94.  Rumor has it that the Toms saw it and were less than pleased.

I can attest that Yuengling is an outstanding beer.  Made in the Pittsburgh area I believe their claim to fame is the "oldest" brewery in America.  Not seen in MN unless in bottles, but very common on the Eastern Seaboard and SEC Country.

fins, KR,etc: Time to take a little field trip to the LLPP.  I think our friend LD11 needs to be reminded who his daddy is if you get my drift...
Chasing MILFs since '82...