FB: Minnesota Intercollegiate Athletic Conference

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 05:19:08 AM

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yeah, I posted a pick of Ron Davis and took a 3 K hit in two hours ... used to love the ways Reusse would cut him up and I didn't even mention RD's 14 blown saves in 1984.


Check this out: Walgreens celebrates Black History Month - sorta.


+K to the last couple of pages, retirement picture took a big upswing thanks to some help from the medical side, and I didn't even have to go to KR.   Will go back farther as time permits.
Everyday is payday in paradise.

Kilted Rat

Glad to hear ya got some help out of the medical community before the government takes complete control of the healthcare system and ruins it completely!

Mark my words, if the US has Universal Healthcare, the number of applicants to medical school will drop substantially, the number of physicians will drop substantially and the quality of healthcare will plummet.
Now accepting new patients. All bills must be paid in scotch shortly after any services rendered.  Sorry TDT, no problems below the waist.

Discovered by the Germans in 1904, they named it San Diego, which of course in German means a whale's vagina.

Mr. Ypsi

Quote from: Kilted Rat on February 01, 2008, 11:48:48 PM
Glad to hear ya got some help out of the medical community before the government takes complete control of the healthcare system and ruins it completely!

Mark my words, if the US has Universal Healthcare, the number of applicants to medical school will drop substantially, the number of physicians will drop substantially and the quality of healthcare will plummet.

I guess that explains why virtually every other industrialized country (all having universal healthcare) has a longer life expectancy and a lower infant mortality rate than the US.

Let's keep the politics off these boards, OK?


Quote from: Kilted Rat on February 01, 2008, 11:48:48 PM
Mark my words, if the US has Universal Healthcare, the number of applicants to medical school will drop substantially, the number of physicians will drop substantially and the quality of healthcare will plummet.

What?!?  Are you nuts?  Just look at the raving success story of the National Health System in the UK!  Not only do Brits have to travel to the mainland for procedures as simple as cataract surgery due to lack of specialists, but now British doctors propose cutting treatment to the old and unhealthy in order to control costs and increase response times.  What a plan!  Where can I sign up?


Quote from: Mr. Ypsi on February 02, 2008, 12:01:12 AM
I guess that explains why virtually every other industrialized country (all having universal healthcare) has a longer life expectancy and a lower infant mortality rate than the US.

Let's keep the politics off these boards, OK?

I propose that if you want to keep politics off these boards, then you lead by keeping politics off these boards and refrain from flying your false flags on infant mortality and life expectancy.

Mr. Ypsi

Sorry, OZ, but facts are facts.  I made no claim as to the reason for such facts, only that universal health care clearly does not harm overall average health.

But, enough already.


for something unrelated, should one take the 12 points or just keep the wallet closed and call it a win?
Everyday is payday in paradise.


Boys, do I have to start quoting Rodney King????

It ain't my board  but please the leave politics alone  and quit trying to squeeze in an extra shot. We've been down this road before and it wasn't pretty. It divided a bunch of good guys (myself included) who otherwise shared a lot in common.

Or could we at least talk in code, using "Royals" for conservatives and "Tommies" for liberals?

I.e, "Man I hope those Tommies (or Royals) get their a---- kicked this year."


Quote from: repete on February 02, 2008, 12:41:21 AM
Boys, do I have to start quoting Rodney King????

It ain't my board  but please the leave politics alone  and quit trying to squeeze in an extra shot. We've been down this road before and it wasn't pretty. It divided a bunch of good guys (myself included) who otherwise shared a lot in common.

Or could we at least talk in code, using "Royals" for conservatives and "Tommies" for liberals?

I.e, "Man I hope those Tommies (or Royals) get their a---- kicked this year."

but then we would have to pick between either the royals or the tommies as being dumba**e*, er wait, not a bad idea.
Everyday is payday in paradise.


Quote from: repete on February 02, 2008, 12:41:21 AM
It divided a bunch of good guys (myself included) who otherwise shared a lot in common.

Or could we at least talk in code, using "Royals" for conservatives and "Tommies" for liberals?

I.e, "Man I hope those Tommies (or Royals) get their a---- kicked this year."

That's a good point - there are plenty of other things for us to rant about, so gone all political talk is from me.

And no code talk either please, or if there must be then please pick something else for I can bring myself to cheer for neither of the choices you have presented.


And Oz delivers on tmerton's Waitangi challenge:

I was traveling in Northland one day with my friend Rangi when off in the distance we see a police booze bus.  We pulls up and Rangi winds down the window and says, "Two cans of Lion Red thanks mate."

The copper looks at me and Rangi and says "You must be drunk!  Get out of your Zephyr and blow into this bag for me."

Rangi gets out of the car and said, "Sorry Bro, I can't blow into that.  I got a letter from the Doc saying I'm asthmatic and I'll pass out if I blow into that."

The cop looks at him and says, " OK.  In these cases we require you to give a blood sample."

"Nah, nah sorry Bro.  Can't do that.  Got a letter from the Red Cross saying I'm a hemophiliac and could bleed to death.  Sorry Boss" said Rangi.

By now the copper is getting fairly pissed off and finally demands a urine sample for testing.  Rangi looks at him, "Sorry Bro, can't do that either."

The copper says, "Surely, you can't have a letter for that!!"

"Bloody oath, mate!" says Rangi. "It's from the government and called Treaty of Waitangi.  Says you whites can't take the piss out of us Maoris."


This may have been brought up before, but I can't find it so I'll ask any way. Has anyone heard where or if Ryan Grant is going to play college ball next year. He was a senior this year at EP?????  Just wondering if he considered SJU or if he's going DI. ???