FB: Minnesota Intercollegiate Athletic Conference

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 05:19:08 AM

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Quote from: snoop dawg on March 27, 2008, 04:23:28 PM
I met Tiger twice while he was filming a couple of his commercials at the golf club I belong to.  A golf buddy of mine produces the commercials. The commercial where he tackles the guy taking his clubs was Tigers idea.  He was just supposed to chase him, and, he actually tackled the guy himself, no stunt guys.   He is as down to earth as can be and as nice a guy as can be in real life.  I saw him take a half an hour to talk to a young kid at lunch.  And after seeing him up close, he could break the photographers &^%$(*&^%#@ neck if he wanted to.

I can undersand a non golfers point of view about the simple clicking of a camera and how it should not bother him, but id does, so why do it? I liked the fact that he stood by his comment rather than getting all politically correct and apologetic.
Tiger Woods is my favorite athlete and I have never rooted against him in any tournment.  He astonishes me with some of his performances.  It just seems odd that he lets these distractions anger him so much.  He has statistics about how often he shoots a bogey when this happens on the tee, but how much of that is his anger simmering rather than the impact on the tee shot itself.

We're just lucky that he doesn't have the same problem as my wife, who gets distracted whenever the sun casts a shadow in her field of vision and she can see the shadow move when she swings, which causes her to take her eye off the ball and a mighty topping or wiff results.  Good thing Tiger doesn't have this same distraction or the sun wouldn't be allowed to shine during his rounds.  ;)


Quote from: bennie on March 27, 2008, 03:51:55 PM
Quote from: 57Johnnie on March 27, 2008, 03:42:26 PM
Peter wasn't always as nice as he is as an announcer.  :P

But he was beating Ranger fans, does that even count? ;)
Nope, but I wish it were Wings fans. Avs and/or Avs fans don't like anything about the Wings  :'(
The older the violin - the sweeter the music!

snoop dawg

Shouldabeen.....I understand what you are saying and dont disagree.......but if the photographer knows that it bothers him, why do it?   Now that he knows that his *&^$@#$^&*  neck will be broke, maybe he will stop. 

Wouldnt it be great tv to see Tiger go after a photographer and tackle him like the guy in the commercial?

Gray Fox

Quote from: snoop dawg on March 27, 2008, 04:54:53 PM
Wouldnt it be great tv to see Tiger go after a photographer and tackle him like the guy in the commercial?
Since this is the football board, I think Tiger's career would be much better served by just using the old flying wedge. :D
Fierce When Roused

snoop dawg

GF...funny you mention it...I had two of them last Saturday!


Quote from: OxyBob on March 27, 2008, 05:50:23 PM
Quote from: Shouldabeen71 on March 27, 2008, 04:33:41 PM
Tiger Woods is my favorite athlete and I have never rooted against him in any tournment.  He astonishes me with some of his performances.  It just seems odd that he lets these distractions anger him so much.

Basketball players stand at the free throw line and make their shots with thousands of fans screaming at them, waving their arms, and otherwise trying to distract them. Baseball players stand in there and hit against Pedro Martinez, who's flinging the ball at them 90 miles per hour, while thousands of fans scream and yell and try to distract them. But poor, spoiled little Tiger Woods gets thrown off by a single camera click and he goes berserk. What a baby. Yet another example of why golf is not a sport. It's glorified t-ball for old, fat guys.

Quote from: snoop dawg on March 27, 2008, 04:23:28 PM
I saw him take a half an hour to talk to a young kid at lunch.

So if we're to believe this latest fable of yours, you sat there for half an hour watching Tiger Woods talk to a kid for half an hour. Were you under sniper fire at the time? When the starter checked you in, did you run with your head down to your cart so you could get to the first tee?


Actually, Tiger was chewing the kid out the entire time and telling him to never, ever snap a photo during someone's backswing (I picture Kareem lecturing the bratty kid in Airplane. "You try dragging Lanier and Walton up and down the court for 40 minutes").


Quote from: finsleft on March 27, 2008, 03:23:42 PM
If I had a case of Grain Belt in the 7 oz. pony bottles, would I get hit with the Alternative Minimum Tax?

You'd raise the question as to why you'd buy 7oz bottles.

A tradition unrivaled...
MIAC Champions: '32, '35, '36, '38, '53, '62, '63, '65, '71, '74, '75, '76, '77, '79, '82, '85, '89, '91, '93, '94, '95, '96, '98, '99, '01, '02, '03, '05, '06, '08, '09, '14, '18, '19, '21, '22, '24
National Champions: '63, '65, '76, '03

snoop dawg

No OB....I was having lunch at Sherwood CC home of Tigers tourney after a round of golf the week before his tourney.  A kid was sitting at a table with his dad asking his dad if he will be able to get Tigers autograph during the tourney.  Tiger walked in, overheard the kid and went over and sat down and talked to him for appx a half an hour.  

The commercials were shot at North Ranch CC on the Lakes Course, hole number two at appx 10 a.m. Would you like the producer to call you?

snoop dawg


We interrupt this discussion of Tiger and hockey for ths bulletin of useless news.

  • The Florida Hospital Association named Bruce Rueben, president of the Minnesota Hospital Association, to succeed Wayne NeSmith as president.

  • Mark Yudolf, former President of the University of Minnesota (and one of my former professors), was named Chancellor of the University of California System.

Lesson?  Flee for the coasts. 8)

You may return to your games.


Gee snoop dawg, tone it down a little or somebody might accuse you of being mean. Tiger may be one of the best ambassadors for any sport ever. I alos read about the tackling commercial, and it said that they had to cut it when they did cause Tiger was laughing too hard when he rolled of the taklee.

My problem is that if someone dominates a sport to such a degree that the suspense is all but gone, it makes interest wane.The media plays a part in generating fan interest also, based upon how they cover a sport and the players.  Also, since I'm involved in putting on a Tourney here, I know that there is a correlation between fan interest and money generated. That then leads to lesser charitable donations, which is one of the big beneficiaries of these tournaments. If Tiger doesn't show for an event, and he only plays 12 - 14 a year, that leaves 16 - 20 events that need to be profitable w/o Tiger.  The less attention given to the other players makes those tournaments harder to sell advertising, harder to get corporate sponsors etc., etc.

snoop dawg

retagent...mean, no way. Just legitimizing my statement. 

I agree with the later part of your post and it is true, at least on my part, if there is no Tiger, I'm not interested.


A couple was on their honeymoon, laying in bed, about ready to consummate their marriage, when the new bride says to the husband,
"I have a confession to make, I'm not a virgin."
The husband replies, "That's no big thing in this day and age."
The wife continues, "Yeah, I've been with one other guy."
"Oh yeah? Who was the guy?"
"Tiger Woods."
"Tiger Woods, the golfer?"
"Well he's rich, famous and handsome. I can see why you went to bed with him."
The husband and wife then make passionate love. When they get done, the husband gets up and walks to the telephone.
"What are you doing?" asks the wife.
The husband says, "I'm hungry. I was going to call room service and get some food."
"Tiger wouldn't do that. "
"Oh yeah? What would Tiger do?"
"He'd come back to bed and do it a second time."
The husband puts down the phone and goes back to bed and makes love with his new wife a second time. When they finish, he gets up and goes over to the phone.
"What are you doing?" She says.
The husband says, "I'm still hungry so I was going to get room service to get some food."
"Tiger wouldn't do that."
"Oh yeah? What would Tiger do?"
"He'd come back to bed and do it one more time."
The guy slams down the phone and goes back to bed and makes love to his wife one more time. When they finish he's tired and beat. He drags himself over to the phone and starts to dial.
The wife asks,"Are you calling room service?"
"No! I'm calling Tiger Woods to find out what's par for this hole."
If you can't ignore an insult, top it; if you can't top it, laugh it off; and if you can't laugh it off, it's probably deserved.

snoop dawg


Quote from: janesvilleflash on March 27, 2008, 06:52:49 PM
"No! I'm calling Tiger Woods to find out what's par for this hole."

Belly laughs!  Top notch, that one.