FB: Minnesota Intercollegiate Athletic Conference

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 05:19:08 AM

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Ralph Turner

Quote from: BlueDevil Bob on April 30, 2008, 03:27:00 PM
Red Wing Boy Wins Mullet Contest

A 3-year-old Red Wing boy has won first prize in this year's Minnesota Mullet Contest, and yes, there is such a thing.
Hockey Moms magazine, a Minnesota publication that's distributed at hockey arenas, named Brady Arneson's blond hairdo the best.
Mullets are a family tradition for the Arnesons -- Brady's older brother Blake won the same award in 2005. Their father Scott Arneson also had a mullet as a child.
Mullets, which are sometimes called hockey hair, remain popular for some players.
Scott Arneson explains that hockey kids want their hair to hang out the back of their helmets.
Brady's parents say they'll soon cut his mullet to keep their son comfortable in the warm weather.
Why cut the hair?  The hair protects the kid's neck from harmful UV radiation that might turn him into a Redneck!   :D


Quote from: Knightstalker on April 30, 2008, 12:23:46 PM
For you hockey fans, it appears that Sean Avery of the Rangers suffered a heart attack early this morning.


SI.com says it is a ruptured spleen not cardiac arrest.
Here is the real skinny.  ;) Gordie Howe done him in. Those of us old enough to remember Howe believe it.

The older the violin - the sweeter the music!


Twins just completed a sweep of the Chisox in a short, 2-game series. 4-3

The Mullet Gallery


Quote from: finsleft on April 30, 2008, 03:54:27 PM
Twins just completed a sweep of the Chisox in a short, 2-game series. 4-3

The Mullet Gallery
I wonder what a pubic hair mullet would look like?


The lad wouldn't last a day in SoCal. Ridiculed into submission. Unless he was at a WWF or NASCAR  :oevent.
Quote from: snoop dawg on April 30, 2008, 03:30:20 PM
If I had hair.....I wouldn't wear it like that.   Poor kid.
There's only one way to find out if a man is honest...ask him. If he says 'yes,' you know he is a crook.


For the ultimate mullet directory, I give you MulletsGalore.com (click the image to go there)

My favorite?  The Camaro Mullet

The CamaroMullet used to have full reign over the mullet brethren, but that was back in the '70s and '80s. This species has fallen from grace since, but can still be seen enjoying NASCAR events and shopping at Kragen, or up in the attic cooking up crank.

Distinguishing features include: a molestache (peach fuzzy), tight-fitting acid wash jeans, and an ever-present key ring hanging from the belt loop.

Feel the mulletude emanating through your computer screen from this rare pic.

It is not recommended you confront the CamaroMullet, for they are very aggressive and cannot be hurt (this might be due to the frequent use of methamphetamines, angel dust, etc.).

    * Mulletude: 10
    * Aggressiveness: 10
    * Hobbies: primering cars, bar fights, picking scabs, losing teeth
    * Sightings: Kragen, Grand Auto, working on a Camaro on their front lawn
    * Favorite Band: AC/DC


Ha - I forgot this classic: The femullet

there are many varieties of the femullet--and contrary to popular belief, not all femullets are dykemullets, but all dykemullets are definitely femullets. Here we see a powerdykemullet.

    * Mulletude: 8
    * Aggressiveness: 7
    * Hobbies: taking (adopted) mulletkids to the county fair, a game called "Bar Slut," fixing motorcycles.
    * Sightings: on the arm of a fellow mullethead, Noe Valley
    * Favorite Band: Indigo Girls


If you can't ignore an insult, top it; if you can't top it, laugh it off; and if you can't laugh it off, it's probably deserved.


Also saw on NHL Network that Avery did indeed rupture his spleen. I guess that's confirmation enough.

I think Brian Engblom has the worst mullett for someone who should have the finances to  have a better hairdresser/barber.


Joke on morning radio:

What do the Vikings and Billy Graham have in common?

Both can fill the Metrodome to capacity and both can make you lower your head and say Jesus Christ!  :-X   :D


Hitler loves the Flyers

A frustrated Flyers fan put this together a couple days ago after they dropped the game to Montreal.  This is about the funniest video I have seen in a looong time.


I just realized that most of my growth in knowledge these days comes from reading this board.  A year ago I had no idea what a blumpkin or mullet was. 


Unbelievable. Apparently the sports reporters at the LA Times read the MIACPP!  ;D