FB: Minnesota Intercollegiate Athletic Conference

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 05:19:08 AM

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Quote from: Gray Fox on June 14, 2008, 02:46:35 PM
Quote from: Kilted Rat on June 14, 2008, 12:30:19 PM
The AZ memorial is amazing. I had no idea the impact it would have on me until I was out there. My first time there was months after signing my Ensign Oath of Office. Seeing all the guys of my same rank who were probably my age that went down that day hit me hard.
I've been there twice.  The first time it was part of a boat tour that went along the coast and into the harbor.  The harbor is so small and all the ships were very close.  The second time was at the memorial itself.  Seeing both really gives the total picture.

We pulled into Pearl with the whole ship at attention (can't remember what what it's called now when all the sailors are dressed in their whites and lining the rails - heavy drinking followed our arrival and many details of my days in the Navy are fuzzed in memory) and saluted the Arizona Memorial as we passed.  Pretty moving.  I later followed with a tour out there with a buddy.  It was again moving as we listed to an vet describe the day.


Quote from: bulk19 on June 14, 2008, 03:16:29 PM
A while ago I posted a story link about this young athlete, Sam Pederson, headed to St. John's as a football recruit; here's an update on his final high school game, and about the kind of kid he is... (He's planning on playing football, but not yet sure about baseball at SJU)...

Pederson played on the La Crosse Aquinas baseball team that won the Wisconsin D3 title last spring, and was looking to repeat this year. They lost in the title game. But in between, he and the Blugolds won state titles in football and basketball...


Ooooh!  Sounds like we may be hearing the words "Pederson scores!" over the interwebs in coming years.  He sounds like just the kind of guy that SJU likes to have.


Quote from: finsleft on June 14, 2008, 04:32:01 PM

Steve & Bob of Bob & Steve's. That's BDB tossing a t-shirt to the hungry crowd

Secret footage of Fins and BDB backstage.

(and yes, you could be backstage at a Lawrence Welk concert and I would still be jealous.)


Here's a little pointer on what not to do on Father's Day Eve.....after you drink beer around the pool all afternoon, then go to the pub and have half a dozen rum and cokes, don't be tempted by the "drink special of the day" if it happens to be "Hendrix Suprise", for $3.00. Turns out Hendrix Suprise is Hendrix Gin, and cucumber soda. Guzzeling down 5 or 6 of those seems real funny at the time, not so funny the next morning.
If you can't ignore an insult, top it; if you can't top it, laugh it off; and if you can't laugh it off, it's probably deserved.


Quote from: janesvilleflash on June 15, 2008, 08:34:18 AM
Here's a little pointer on what not to do on Father's Day Eve.....after you drink beer around the pool all afternoon, then go to the pub and have half a dozen rum and cokes, don't be tempted by the "drink special of the day" if it happens to be "Hendrix Suprise", for $3.00. Turns out Hendrix Suprise is Hendrix Gin, and cucumber soda. Guzzeling down 5 or 6 of those seems real funny at the time, not so funny the next morning.
Flash, you've just given me a hangover.


The older the violin - the sweeter the music!

snoop dawg

I just returned from Ensenada, Mexico.  The yellowtail wern't biting, but we caught several good sized bonito.  Strong fighting fish, fun to catch, but they are really bleeders.  I will post a few pictures as soon as I find the program for my wifes digital camera.  It was the first time I took a real trip on the new boat.  It did great although it made me a wee bit nervous being 30 miles off shore on Friday the 13th.  :P


Mrs. Duff and I picked up our new little buddy yesterday.  He's an 11-week old Great Dane.

A tradition unrivaled...
MIAC Champions: '32, '35, '36, '38, '53, '62, '63, '65, '71, '74, '75, '76, '77, '79, '82, '85, '89, '91, '93, '94, '95, '96, '98, '99, '01, '02, '03, '05, '06, '08, '09, '14, '18, '19, '21, '22, '24
National Champions: '63, '65, '76, '03


Quote from: snoop dawg on June 15, 2008, 06:09:47 PM
I just returned from Ensenada, Mexico.  The yellowtail wern't biting, but we caught several good sized bonito.  Strong fighting fish, fun to catch, but they are really bleeders.  I will post a few pictures as soon as I find the program for my wifes digital camera.  It was the first time I took a real trip on the new boat.  It did great although it made me a wee bit nervous being 30 miles off shore on Friday the 13th.  :P

Snoop what type of vessal are you commanding these days?
"If Rome was built in a day, then we would have hired their contractor"


Duff - Better get a saddle for that thing soon. They grow fast.

snoop dawg

Meridian 411, twin diesels, about 46 ft

Duff...my neighbor has one.....it's about 137 ft tall  No one will mess with Duff now! ;)


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Re: Wisconsin Intercollegiate Athletic Conference
« Reply #13303 on: Today at 08:44:24 pm »    Reply with quote
Quote from: BoBo on Today at 07:35:08 am
Wow, just like that, stealth gets dinged twice and me once - and in the middle of the night - what's wrong with this world?

The west coast fans have long made a habit of going through the MIAC boards late at night and smiting. Perhaps they've added to the WIAC to their nightly rounds.

Guess that answers some questions.
If you can't ignore an insult, top it; if you can't top it, laugh it off; and if you can't laugh it off, it's probably deserved.

snoop dawg

jans...it aint me.  I dont smite any MIAC guys. 

I meant to add in my last post,  Diesel fuel in Newport Beach Ca, $5.68 per gallon.  In Ensenada Mexico, 2.46 per gallon.  Why?

Ralph Turner

Quote from: snoop dawg on June 15, 2008, 11:20:31 PM
jans...it aint me.  I dont smite any MIAC guys. 

I meant to add in my last post,  Diesel fuel in Newport Beach Ca, $5.68 per gallon.  In Ensenada Mexico, 2.46 per gallon.  Why?
Governmental subsidy!

This is common around world.  PEMEX owns all of the oil in Mexico.  The governmental subsidy is also causing financial derangements in other countries.

Here is an article out of Business Week


Here is a collection of articles on the topic from NCPA


George Soros testified before Congress two weeks ago that he thought that the current petroleum situation was a commodity "bubble", and he was selling short in hopes of making the usual Soros killing.  In fact, CALPERS and other large pension fund are dabbling in the oil futures market, speculating that they can earn more on oil futures than they can on any type of government bond.


The best thing that we can do in America is to drill in the Gulf of Mexico in the oil fields where Cuba and China have already put their big straws, but the environmentalists intimidate Congress into prohibiting it.  Other fields include the 400 Billion Barrel Bakken field in the Dakotas and Montana, in ANWR (where the area that is proposed to be drilled is smaller than the entire area of DFW airport) and in the shale oil reserves that we have in Colorado.

One thing is for certain.  If the US stopped using oil completely today, every single drop of that oil would be soaked up by India and China by 2015.

China is already burning as much coal as it can to fuel their industries, especially their concrete plants that are supplying the material for its building boom.

Please sign the petition for drill at home.  (There is no better job that is teachable to "unskilled" workers than oilfield jobs.)



I don't think that we have to be completely energy independent.  I just want to have enough capability to produce energy, so that I can influence market forces in the world to my country's best advantage.

snoop dawg

Well Ralph,  I really didn't expect an answer, but yours is greatly appreciated and extremely informative.  If our economy was as bad as Mexico's and simply couldnt buy the gas because they dont' have the money, the price of our gas would drop drastically.  I dont mean can't afford, I mean, literally don't have the money.