MBB: Midwest Conference

Started by siwash, February 10, 2005, 01:32:17 PM

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good luck to GC in their battle against the Roop's boys tonight!
Threes are better than twos....


GC 98, BC 93

I'll leave it to OBC for a more technical analysis of the game, since he actually knows what he's talking about. Let's just say GC won and leave it at that. From my perspective, there were stretches of very good playing and stretches of 'deer in the headlights' playing. BC was surprisingly good at breaking the press and also holding down the 3s.
Threes are better than twos....

The Roop

Home cooking. A bench technical on Coach Vraney in the first half................. Why not just take the ball away from Beloit when it's their possession.

I still like Grinnell as Americas 2nd Team but I really have to question some things about this game.
Ist Ihre Tochter achtzehn bitte


Does anyone have an analysis of the Ripon-IC game?  IC's 10 fouls for the entire game stick out...@ Ripon, doesn't the visiting team have 10 fouls in the first 10 minutes (at least that's how I remember it...)?

And what about Wurtz?  I've been impressed when he comes to Monmouth - did IC do that good of a job defending him, or was he just missing a lot of open shots?
"Surprised?  If I woke up tomorrow morning with my head sewn to the carpet I wouldn't be more surprised than I am right now."


Don't look now, but who is all alone and the last undefeated team in the MWC.....


Better Dead then Red


Vis a vis the Grinnell victory over Beloit last night, I'd have to say I have a mixed reaction. W=Good. However...allowing the big 20 point lead to dwindle away allowed the game to appear closer than it was. I also thought there was some very poor officiating on the part of one of the refs who consistently made wrong calls in favor of Beloit in the second half. He was worth 10-12 points for the Bucs. Fortunately, Grinnell had built up a big lead in the first half with a couple runs of good play, but not great shooting.

You can credit Beloit with good perimeter defense in the second half, but from where I sat it appeared to me that the Grinnell plan was to go inside. The Pioneers were looking to dump the ball down to Levin, McManamy and Lentsch with mixed results. Things got a little late in the clock a few times and some bad 3's (yes, Virginiroop there are such things as bad 3's) were chucked up. As were some bad inside leaners.

Credit Knisley for a good game even though he didn't score. He had 3 blocks, altered at least 5 or 6 others and caused Beloit to pull back from attacking the basket on several occasions. Too often he didn't get any help on the boards.

Chalupa was steady and had a nice balanced game and hit some big DEEP 3 pointers at important times.

I never want to single out any individual player for negative criticism and fortunately, this game, I don't have to. Negative criticism goes out to a number of players more for what appears to be thoughtless play than for the poor results achieved. Look in the mirror guys. Ask yourself "what was I thinking?" I know you are coached better than you showed last night. Take pride in the perfect pass. There is no need to go out of control, running into defenders and losing control of the ball or getting an offensive foul called.

One more point; Grinnell missed the services of Marques Valdez last night. He was on the bench, but not suited up. Must be an injury. I hope he is not out long. Valdez is a tall combo guard who can do a lot of things. His handle is decent, he rebounds well and he's nifty around the basket. GC needed all of those talents last night. He has really improved his game this year.


Oh, one more thing. I'll take my Roopacino to go.

Overheard at Saints' Rest this morning: "The secret flavor in Roopacinos must be crow."  :D

The Roop

Gloves are off, lets go....................................
Ist Ihre Tochter achtzehn bitte


Roop, man that was FAST. You haven't lost a step over the years. Still, it's supposed to get very cold here in Iowa so I'd recommend keeping the gloves on. You don't want to lose posting digits to frostbite.


I knew I could count on OBC to give a 'fair and balanced' assessment of the game. I will 2nd the kudos to Knisley, who is in my opinion finally delivering on the promise he's always shown.
Threes are better than twos....

The Roop

I already gave the Fox News version of the game.

This just in from the Grinnell AV Department

Ist Ihre Tochter achtzehn bitte


Those guys look like the American version of the MacKenzie brothers, revisited, eh.

The Roop

I thought it was Jeffdc and Big E. Farmall tractor and Fox News. Sounds like Iowa to me
Ist Ihre Tochter achtzehn bitte


You forget that Grinnell is an oasis of liberalism in a desert of conservatism. That, and central Iowa is John Deere country. Except for me. I like Orange, so I have a Kubota and an Allis-Chalmers (No one can farm with only one tractor). However, I also own more than 2 pair of bib overalls so I can see where you might see a resemblance. 


Quote from: The Roop on January 06, 2011, 11:02:09 PM
I thought it was Jeffdc and Big E. Farmall tractor and Fox News. Sounds like Iowa to me

Umm...I shaved off my beard.
Threes are better than twos....