MBB: Midwest Conference

Started by siwash, February 10, 2005, 01:32:17 PM

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Mr. Ypsi


That probably WAS the wisest choice!

The Roop


Per your request I have re-read the post in question and I have a new question. What is a "repubican"?? Perhaps you should have fallen in love with the editing feature sooner  :D

I'm also disapppointed that you did not applaud my Macintosh joke.

Mr. Ypsi,

I don't have a license for lions and tigers but CCIW fans are a "non-protected" species.  :P
Ist Ihre Tochter achtzehn bitte


Why Rop whtever are you taking about?

You get a karma point for the safari joke AND the CCIW joke, though.

The Roop

Ist Ihre Tochter achtzehn bitte



I'm old enough to be your teammate, coach, fan, dad, roommate, assistant, and friend. "Dr. Jones"


I think it would go more like dunk...yeahhhh, dunk...yeahhhhh, turnover, lay-up...booooo,foul, foul, foul

The Roop

Not true mwc4life,

I'm told Grinnell has hired WWE Officials so there will be no fouls at Darby this year.
Ist Ihre Tochter achtzehn bitte


You are mistunderstanding the Grinnell fan reaction to an opponents dunk. Those are jeers, not cheers.

Roop- wrong again. We have hired Florida Election officials. It guarantees a win no matter what the foul count.

Man, I gotta get some student/employees back from break! These 15 hour shifts are toasting me! There is an upside for all of you though. I don't have Internet access at home any more, so all posting will be done from the store. I can be prolific now because of long shifts. I don't plan on staying late much during GBall season though, so you all can clobber me and GC without much threat of quick retaliation.;-)

Mr. Ypsi

Quote from: "The Roop" on October 20, 2005, 07:38:52 PM

Mr. Ypsi,

I don't have a license for lions and tigers but CCIW fans are a "non-protected" species.  :P

That's because there are so MANY CCIW fans, we'll never be endangered!  Now MWC, let's see, there's you and JeffP and ... (patience, it will come to me!)  ;)

[Apologies to the other dedicated fans, but it was irrisistible.]

The Roop

I didn't realize there was ever any threat of retaliation from you.  :P

Florida was a long time ago Jeff. A "W" is still a "W" no matter how you count it....

Is "The Roop" on a roll or what............... :o

Mr. Ypsi,

To be honest I'd prefer to make cracks about WIAC Fans, but they aren't literate enough to post here.
Ist Ihre Tochter achtzehn bitte

Mr. Ypsi


Probably a severe 'haiku deficiency' in their diet.

The Roop

Mr. Ypsi,

Could be anything, I reckon. But I doubt there are any of them about tonight or we would have heard from them by now. Assuming of course that they can take a subtle hint.

That being said, I think I'm done for the evening. Still trying to translate a b-day card from overseas. When will Russia learn that English IS the Universal language and that they should get with the program ??

Ist Ihre Tochter achtzehn bitte


A 'w' is still a 'w' allright. No matter how a 'w' achieves it. :D :D :D

g'night all ye dwindling number of loyal Republicans, the hole in front of the store still has plenty of room in it...


Now before any of you get yer buns in an uproar, I don't put much truck in Democrats either. Too freakin' queasy for me!

Give me an Abbie Hoffman Radical any day!

Dolph Stanley


Perhaps you should go back, read the posts you are referencing, look up satire and consider your post:

"First of all, i have to commend you on your love for your bucs.  You sound like a die-hard fan who wants more then anything to have these guys compete for a championship season and that's cool, but the reality is a little different.

I don't mean to rain on your parade, but every year Dolph, you say the same thing about the incoming freshman, the core group of guys, the star in Hinz/flowers (whomever), the stars to be...etc and the same results happen...whether it's underachieving or what."

Far from being a die-hard fan, I have been a frequent critic of the curren situation at Beloit and the excuses that others have made for the failures of the past few years.  My post was a summary of the "awesome talent" that Beloit has this year as explained in an earlier post by a true "Die Hard" Beloit fan.  In it I was asking, if Beloit does not make the top four with this "talented roster" would the blame then finally move to the coaching staff?

I am a Beloit fan and want them to do well.  However, nothing I have seen in the past seven years gives me reason to believe this year will be any different.

I am curious where you came up with the idea that "every year I say the same thing" about the Bucs being good since last year (my first on this board) Beloit fans were openly critical of me for not being a supporter of the program.

Nice try though

the game

Yes, we hear every year about the great talent at BC. They have experience this year, however this group has not experienced winning. They have no winning seasons since 2001-2002. This year the coaching staff will really be under pressure. 12 wins in two years is not cutting it.