MBB: Midwest Conference

Started by siwash, February 10, 2005, 01:32:17 PM

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Quote from: scottie on February 24, 2006, 09:24:09 AM
Aren't you supposed to only refer to your players on a first-name basis?  Or is that just a result of coffee overdoses?   ;D   

JeffP is the first name guy, I'm the last name guy. Never the twain shall meet - except in Saint's Rest, of course...
Threes are better than twos....


Quote from: Sam Johnson on February 23, 2006, 07:34:53 PM
Since I'm gearing up for an uber update of the blog tonight prior to the MWC tourney, I'm looking for suggestions for an All-Glue team for the MWC.  To plagarize and paraphrase Seth Davis: The All-Glue team is a "proud tradition that recognizes players whose under-the-radar, won't-find-'em-in-the-box-score contributions are critical to their teams' success. They're not [the MWC's] biggest names, but their coaches and teammates fully appreciate their value. So should you."

Help me out.  ;)

I would put a Wally DeVries in this cattegory.  A large fellow 6'7" I think, and ape-like wing span.  A solid player that gets things done on defense and will toss any shot away within his range.  Doesn't show up in the box score much, but does all the little things a coach wants.
Ray, when a supernatural being asks if you are a god....YOU SAY YES!!!


It shall be interesting to see how many Knox fans make the trip.

I know LU fans from around the midwest will be making the trip as my car is packed and I am about to hit the road, and i'm looking forward to a great weekend of basketball.

Normally I would be worried about LU looking past KNox to a rematch with CC most likely, bu I think this team with Braier and Tharpie is in control and wioll make sure that doesn't happen.

However, I can possibly see CC overlooking GC a little bit.  Maybe not, but I can see them looking ahead to a rematch with LU thinking that they want to knock them off and claim the title to show they belong.  It shall be interesting, but I do think GC has a semi decent chance at pulling, I guess what would be an upset.

We shall see tonight, and I'll be in my new seat where the North Wall used to be...shall be fun.
Better Dead then Red


The Game - It's funny I think about that game at least once a month...It was probably the toughest loss of my career at Beloit to deal with...the play was for Josh...PERIOD, I'm not the type to question coaching...It was what it was...

Dolph - My opinion is not based on wins and losses, that is for people who are on the outside of the situation, I watched and learned from Cecil for four years, the value of that experience can't be measured in wins and losses.

I don't think any other coach will fair any better it's not Cecil, it's the school and culture of the school...look at the other athletics programs...They can't keep coaches because it is very difficult to coach at a place like Beloit...it's too nuturing, the environment is not fertile ground for the competitive mentality, people go there to "find themselves"...now I'm at the UW-Madison as grad student, and here the culture is super competitive...it is the polar opposite of what my beloit experience was, though I enjoyed my time at Beloit, the school's culture made it easy to be mediocre, and when athletes get pushed to be excellent, they buckle because excellence is this fluid idea there, it's a set your own standards mentality, there is not the desire to be the best but more so to simply do well...which is fine and dandy, but that doesn't neccessarily create a great environment for successful athletics

Guys like H. Grant, and J. Hinz are going bust their tails and work hard regardless, but if you push that number 8 guy at Beloit harder than he wants to be pushed for some reason it is okay for that guy to quit.  It happens in all of the sports, BC seems to attract athletes who want to compete, but don't want the pressure of having to perform, or to be held accountable to a higher standard, and I acknowledge that that starts with the AD holding coaches to a higher standard, but the athletic programs do not exist independently of the overall culture at BC...It sells itself as school that has high level academics without the competition that comes with studying at other high level institutions...kids come there with those expectations...and it translates over into how they view participation in athletics...

If Hinz had have went to LU they would be just as good, he's a great ball player you put a great ball player in the right environment and they will flourish, you put that same player in an environment that is not really structured properly they will struggle, it is that simple...


Quote from: M.Flowers on February 24, 2006, 10:34:58 AM

Dolph - My opinion is not based on wins and losses, that is for people who are on the outside of the situation, I watched and learned from Cecil for four years, the value of that experience can't be measured in wins and losses.

Very well said.  That is a healthy perspective of a DIII athlete about the "total experience." 

Quote from: M.Flowers on February 24, 2006, 10:34:58 AM
They can't keep coaches because it is very difficult to coach at a place like Beloit...it's too nuturing, the environment is not fertile ground for the competitive mentality, people go there to "find themselves"...

Okay, did you mean to say "nuturing" or "nurturing?"  Nuturing actually works here since your talking about an un-fertile environment.   :)  Believe it or not, this error was actually made in a college viewbook which, thankfully for them, did not appear on Jay Leno's "Headlines" spot.


Er, 'nuturing'?  or:


   1. Grammar.
         1. Neither masculine nor feminine in gender.
         2. Neither active nor passive; intransitive. Used of verbs.
         1. Biology. Having undeveloped or imperfectly developed sexual organs: the neuter caste in social insects.
         2. Botany. Having no pistils or stamens; asexual.
         3. Zoology. Sexually undeveloped.
   3. Taking no side; neutral.
Threes are better than twos....


My bad I meant nurturing, I still got my man parts... ;D


Quote from: M.Flowers on February 24, 2006, 10:56:24 AM
My bad I meant nurturing, I still got my man parts... ;D

Well, you certainly sounded like you had them  :D
Threes are better than twos....

The Roop

Much of what M. Flowers is saying is the reason there isn't as much community involvement/support as there once was. Seems to be a 30 year cycle based on some of the history I've either read or witnessed myself. It's like the school is afraid they'll lose their academic mystique if an athletic team or two does well for any length of time.

Ist Ihre Tochter achtzehn bitte


Mr Flowers-
Not only were you  an incredible player, you also have added the ability to give a great synopsis of your former progarm to your resume'. Thanks for your perspective, your erudition and your insight!


M. Flowers~

I can back what you stating from my personal experience.  I was being recuited by both Ripon and Beloit and visited both Campus'.  Coach Youngblood did a great job recuiting, but what pushed me away was the campus life.  When I was shown the "other" parts that Beloit had to offer besides basketball, it wasn't for me...which is what I assume happens a lot there.  To this day when I see Cecil at a basketball game or when I competed against his teams, we chat and catch up on some basketball and life.  He is a great person....as far as his coaching goes, I can't argue with you Marcus....I never was coached by him, but the wins and loses ultimately falls on the coach and his preperation of his players.  Maybe he wasn't as demanding as he should be....maybe he should of sat you or Grant down and demand the amount of effort needed to win night in and night out.  I'm not saying you didn't give effort Marcus, you were one of the better players I played against in the MWC.  But as a whole, the talent was there especially when you add a guy like Entwistle as well.

easy jeffp :)


JeffP, shouldn't you be in a car right now?

Ryan Scott (Hoops Fan)

Yeah, Jeff, I knew you didn't travel to away games much, but I thought this might be one that would get you out of The Rest.
Lead Columnist for D3hoops.com
@ryanalanscott just about anywhere


It got me thinking...I don't want to steal your thunder Sam J, but who would you put on your all-MWC for the last 5-6 years (2000-present)?

The Manimal - 5
Braier - 4
Flowers - 3
Woods -2
Becker - 1

Jurecko - 5
Grant - 4
Lavoy - 3
Glocke - 2
Kohl -1

The Roop

He probably doesn't want to brave the elements to get a ticket. Sure is a cold one today. brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Ist Ihre Tochter achtzehn bitte