MBB: Midwest Conference

Started by siwash, February 10, 2005, 01:32:17 PM

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Hey, jeffp, which was more satisfying? Tonight's win or Roop in the Pioneer colors? ;D

Great game and glad to see them hit their FTs, looks like the ones they made down the stretch were VERY important.

The next game looks like a very tough one. Wartburg is #18 in the D3Hoops poll and I'm guessing they'd like to get a little payback for last years loss to the Pioneers.

Hope the GC players are ready to go!

The Roop

Beloit 86 Monmouth 75. It looks like Fieck did not play and that's probably a good thing.

FYI......... All future smites of "The Roop" will trigger the uploading of the New Roop Order virus onto your computer. Firewalls and virus protection are helpless against it. A fix is available for it but you must send me proofs of purchase from 5 20oz Roopacinnos (that's how Jeff spells it), two of which must be double shots.
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I went to both BC games, and the system definately works, especially when your 3 biggest fans are the guys running up and down the court in stripes.  What an incredibly terrible refereeing job!!  Those refs are terrible and everyone should know about it.  Fieck has a concussion because he was undercut on the first layup of the game!  No call made.  Grinnell could basically reach and bump and no calls made, BC would try to be as agressive and they would get called.  Those refs need their licenses removed!  I feel sorry for any team that has to go in there and think they're going to get a fair game, it won't happen!  One of the black refs even threw an old BC fan out of the game, how ridiculous:)
The Monmouth refs were much more alert and called a fair game.  Beloit played really good despite having a Grinnell hangover.  Towns, Hinz, Dowden, Horton did extremely well.  BC shot well, had control and never panicked, even with youth.  Nice win without Fieck.

Greek Tragedy


Thanks for the game report.
Quote from: jeffp on December 03, 2005, 07:56:04 PM
Grinnell vs Ripon.

What a great college basketball game. two great teams, two great coaches, and a great atmosphere for this game. Like dc said, Grinnell earned this gritty, bruising, heart pumping back and forth whipsnorter of a game. Ripon is huge inside, willing to run with the fastest, and certainly NOT the weak sister some have suggested. Schmitting is one fine ball player as is mullen. This team is tough.

Nice compliment on the Ripon team, something those Monmouth fans refuse to admit.  Of course, a lot of that talk had to do with how Ripon is in trouble and could start the conference season 0-3 because of the road games and how Monmouth has two home games and should start out well because they were 10-1 at home last year.  Well, tough to guage Monmouth with two home losses to kick off the campaign.  Needless to say, Ripon is not the bottom feeder.  I don't know why, but I'm just a little bitter because of all the trash thrown Ripon's way. 

Yeah I know it's early.  I feel like I'm a true Ripon fan defending them from all these Monmouth posters! lol. ;D  It's all in good fun.  Though they lost tonight by a slim margin, I'm glad that they still got some props from Jeffp!  ;)
Breed of a Champion
2004, 2005, 2010 and 2015 National Champions

Fantasy Leagues Commissioner



What a load of BS, my friend! The refs cost BC a 30 pt win? Get real. The "Old BC Fan" getting kicked out was younger than I am so he wasn't old. Just obscene, profane and close enough to the floor to be heard. Constantly. There are parents and kids who sit in that endzone section. My understanding is that one finally complained. If you can't follow the rules of engagement as a fan, dont be surprised if you get the boot. And what the hell kind of crack is that about the "black official"?  Did his color make a difference to you?
As for Fiecks foul? Our player was camped out and standing stock still straight up. Find the game tape and look.
Who cleared Feick to play, anyway? I heard from the most reliable of sources that he sustained a concussion in practice the day before.
Beloit is a solid team and will win games in this conference. They could beat GC down there. One thing though, if we lose by 30, we won't blame the oafs.

Old School-
Ripon bashers should be very careful, IMHO. They may have a steady diet of words to eat this year.

AM- beating Ripon, of course! Although, the Roop looked great in that shirt, and he managed to down 2double Roopacinnos (snuck the extra shot in on ya BOTH times, Roop ) at Saints Rest Saturday morning without spilling a drop on it! ;D

I'm outta here til Monday Morning, so unload on me now. Im defenseless. ::)



You're right...the refs didnt cost Beloit a 30 point loss.....however...they are sooooooooo homer it is'nt even funny. Beloit lost because they didnt make shots like they should have and they didnt play defense. But when a team goes into Darby they haveto know that they are gona get homered. i looked at the stats and saw that beoit out fouled Grinnell. How is this possible?????....Grinnell is the aggessor ..always reaching grabbing arms...it is part of the system. Beloit...and Im sure any other team that plays there ...will get called for tiny little hand checks after GC has been jumping over backs....riding ball handlers...hacking grabbing and anything else they can get away with....again part of the system. If Refs called all the fouls they should call an opposing team would shoot 50 ft's or more...they arent gonna do that and GC counts on that as part of the game plan......Tough teams just play though it and win.....Beloit was not tough enough that night...thats it......

But please be honest about the total biased towards GC from the refs....its always been like and I'm sure it always will be.

As far as the Beloit fan getting tossed....i was sitting at that end of the floor and he never swore once or was obscene at all. The ref just got tired of listening to him ride him about how bad he was...plain and simple......the GC fans...typical obnoxious....calling out players and coaches names ...same old same.....just to be expected there.


Love to hear a Ripons fan's perspective on the game. We've heard from Jeff...lets hear from Ripon.


That wasn't a crack about a black official, It was just a description.  The grinnell fans should've had a "T" for all the obsenities they were yelling at Coach C, and for calling timeouts for BC.  Maybe we wouldn't of won the game, but I guarantee it would've been alot closer if the officiating was good.  By the way, how many games has GC won in Wisconsin in past years.  I bet cha it will be a totally different game in Beloit!!!!  Was the referee JT a friend with the GC fans?????  They were chanting his initials during the game!  JT was snickering at times, when the fans were doing this.  Now this is BS, I bet that 2 of those oafs were Grinnell grads!!

The Roop

C'mon Beloit people...............

I think we should be more focused on, and pleased with, the fact that Beloit just went 1-1 on what was a difficult road trip and did so without one of their starters. I posted about the Grinnell game once (probably 3 pages back by now) and never mentioned the officiating because it had no imact on the game. Was it bad?? Yes and everybody there knew it. Bad to the point of disrupting the flow of the game but not bad enough to make any difference.

Beloit had 27 fouls to Grinnells 23. I don't know how a mere 4 foul difference constitutes a bias towards anybody. Fouls were even at half time and the only discrepancy was at the start of the second half. Beloit had 7 to Grinnells 2. Mainly because Beloit was fouling more during that stretch.

I guess I'll just have to go back to Grinnell when Beloit isn't there to investigate the alleged "Homer Conspiracy" because I certainly didn't see it on this trip. LU @Grinnell might work out because I could catch the Beloit @Knox game on my way back home the next day.

Ist Ihre Tochter achtzehn bitte


A bit bitter over getting thumped, gobucs?

Quote from: gobucs on December 04, 2005, 01:38:09 PM
By the way, how many games has GC won in Wisconsin in past years. I bet cha it will be a totally different game in Beloit!!!!

In the entire state, or just Beloit itself? Five of the ten teams in the league are from WI, so it will take a little longer to calculate that. Of course, all that may prove is that it's hard to win on the road in the conference, especially when the team you're asking about has to travel out-of-state for every road game. We haven't used that excuse, but if you feel the need to make the refs an excuse, go for it. Will it will be a different game in WI? Of course it will, it's a home game for Beloit and a road game for Grinnell. It would be moronic it think it wouldn't be different.

Quote from: gobucs on December 04, 2005, 01:38:09 PM
Now this is BS, I bet that 2 of those oafs were Grinnell grads!!
If they were, dontcha think we should have hired them last year when we played the bucs on the duece?! Sheesh.   


I think 2 of the refs did do the ESPN game.....and they were just as bad then...the big difference this is is that beloit'd defence was better last year and they made their shots. Like I said the refs didtncost beloit the game...they are part of the GC system. They plan on the fact that the refs wont make the calls they should.....the refs just get caught up in the circus.....The tougher teams can prevail....Beloit was not tough enough Fri....

Still would love to here from some Ripon faithfull about their game.



Thanks for the insight to the game and the kind words about what sounded like a great game to see.  It's nice to know Ripon is playing better and can win on the road this year.  A 1-1 split from the South will get you in the Conference tourney every year....as long as you hold your own at home.  From what it sounds like, Grinnell is back to its old home gym advantage and is going to be tough for anyone to beat them there.  The "hanger" used to be one of the hardest places to earn a victory.  Why couldn't Ripon get off the hump and win? Did they knock down FT's?  Did they seem a bit inexperienced?  Did you see that Freshman V.Brown at all? Tired?


For starters, i didn't see any of Ripon's games this weekend, so i can't really shed some light as to why/how Ripon played like they did.  As far as the whole ref thing.  It does surprise me when Grinnell's opp. out foul them.  Like you, i don't see how a team that plays at that pace can physically control themselves.  I've fought this battle many times stating, as you bucs fans have, that if the game was called the way it should be opponents would have a better chance to win.  I've argued to no avail and Jeffp, Systemfan, Roop, etc. do not see the same games we do.  It's no coinsedence that Grinnell doesn't win as many games on the road then they do at home....but then again that's no different anywhere else.  With that being said, I kind of, for now, have gotten over that fact and just assume its going to take a collosal effort in order to win there....its just a hard place to win at period!  Also, I highly doubt part of coach Arnsenal's plan is to pay off officials in order to win games.  It's the responsibility of the refs to make the calls, not coach or Grinnell's players.  The officials get caught up in the fast paced, up and down tempo and end up becoming fatigued.   From my experience, the Grinnell kids are class acts.  They apologize for the hard fouls, they even know they are aggressive and foul, but it's not their fault officials don't make the correct call.


I found the comments re: Gillespie's behavior interesting.

I didn't know he considered leaving to be an assistant at Utah, but I suspect he didn't do it because he really wants the LU job if Tharp leaves ;)
"You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong." Abraham Lincoln

The Roop

Quote from: mwc4life on December 04, 2005, 07:17:28 PM

I've argued to no avail and Jeffp, Systemfan, Roop, etc. do not see the same games we do. 


JeffP will be JeffP, say/accuse him of whatever you like but I doubt it's possible to offend the man. Systemfan is way out of MWC country these days and doesn't see many (if any) games anymore. Which leads me to me, and I'm not sure how I suddenly got heaped into the Grinnell fan base????

There was a time when I lived and died by how the Bucs did and/or how the officiating was "theoretically" against them. Then I turned 15 and realized that a Beloit win or loss was not a significant life changing event. Since then I have kept things in their proper perspective.

Over the years I've found that most teams with a history of winning at home tend to be good teams in the first place. So next time you (you meaning anybody) follow your team on a road trip somewhere, try to ignore any rumors of biased officiating. If you can't, then that's all you'll ever see.

In closing........... For all those incapable of acting their ages, at least try to act 15 and you won't be as miserable when your team doesn't go undefeated. Here ends the lesson.
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The Roop


I will be paid "Officials rate" for my last post right ???
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