MBB: Midwest Conference

Started by siwash, February 10, 2005, 01:32:17 PM

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Gregory Sager

Quote from: augie_superfan on February 19, 2006, 09:24:43 AM
Come on....are you guys complaining about the refs in the LU game?  That was my uncle....be easy now

AS, this is a room steeped in tradition. It just wouldn't be the Midwest Conference room without at least one person training his rifle scope on the zebras after a game.  ;)

Quote from: Mr. Ypsi on February 19, 2006, 02:05:28 AMIF LU wins the MWC tourney, they will undoubtedly still be ranked #1, and will become the first team in the (short) history of the d3hoops.com poll to finish the regular-season in first place after being unranked in the pre-season poll.

Now that would be a singular achievement, something in which the Lawrence coaches and players could take pride for the rest of their lives.
"To see what is in front of one's nose is a constant struggle." -- George Orwell


Yeah, I know Sager....my uncle refs a lot of WIAC games and some Lawrence, St. Norbert and Carroll games during the year.  Whenever people are complaining on here (usually nightly), I always check out who they are complaining about and for the first time, my uncle was one of the refs in the game....thought it was rather funny


Ypsi, Augie Superfan and Sager;

Please do not throw me under the bus with ref whinners.  I reacted to someone's comment that the LU announcers thought the ref'ing was poor.  I was at the game and stated that I did not think it was poor.  In fact, I think it was good.
My comment apparently got LUMAN80 off the couch to give me a mis-guided lecture. 

LUMAN:  My comment on only two fouls being called on Lawrence was not in itself evidence of a well called game.  I said it was indicative of the inactive defense that LU played during the half.    I was not implying that less fouls by itself means a better called game.  In this case it was indicative of a well called game as there just were not many fouls in the first half.

My guess is that as a ref, you like a foul fest and nobody touching each other.  I would rather see the kids play and the coaches coach vs the ref have a whistle fest, players sit, and nothing but free throws.  Basketball is a physical game.  LU gives as well and as much as it gets.

Also, in my view the ref's handled the coaching blow up just right.  A STN kid got tossed an LU kid.  They called a foul(good call), the STN coach pulled his kid (good call), the kid on the way out got to jawing with the LU bench.  The coaches got wrapped up in it a bit and some yelling occured.  Ref's handled it fine.  They got everyone settled down and the game went on.  What would you have done????thrown out the kid??  thrown out both coaches???
They were both yelling so you can't throw out just one.

Again, nobody came to see the ref.  They came to see the coaches coach and players play.

ref's made over 90% of the calls right.  They missed a travel or two at both ends.  That would even happen with instant replay.


ps:  augie superfan: tell your uncle he called a good game...was he the tall one??



Don't worry, I'm not trying to group everyone in together, I actually only read LUMAN's post and that's when I looked up the refs.  I actually haven't seen my uncle in awhile since he is up in Wisconsin and I'm down in Kentucky.  He probably wasn't the tall one of the group...he's about 6'0" I would guess, maybe a bit shorter.


The real tall ref was absolutely horrible.  He must be 6'5" and he runs like he has a pole running vertically from his behind to his neck.  Out of position, missed travel calls, etc.

The officiating did not change the outcome but control was not maintained by these oafs, seems to be the way it is in the  MWC this year. 

Congrats to John Tharp and the LU staff and players for what has turned out to be a magical season.  We are proud of you.

"You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong." Abraham Lincoln


Ok...I understand when people complain about refs.  That is just a given in sports...it will always happen.  But what I do not understand is why some people can't just complain but they have to make fun of the ref also.

titan2000, why do you have to add that:

"...he runs like he has a pole running vertically from his behind to his neck." 

Who cares how the guy runs...call him a terrible ref all you want but there is no reason to personally make fun of someone on a chatroom board.  Please tell me that you are a college student or something of that nature...I'd expect comments like yours from them.


Augie Superman:

I was just trying to describe his gait for the fans who may know who he is.

There is another guy with white hair, tall, we call him Jack Palance. Hasn't done a game at Alex for awhile, that's good.

It isn't/wasn't meant to be a personal slight, sorry if you read it that way.
"You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong." Abraham Lincoln


Sorry for all of the confussion with the bad calls during the game.  The LU announcers made it sound like it was just horrible up there and that everyone in the place was standing up screaming at the ref's the whole game.  In regards to only have the 2 fouls in the first half, I think that it is a lot better with refs actually just let the game go on and don't call every little thing as I am sure most people would agree.  As long as the calls are fair and not one sided for a team they should just be able to play the game. 


response: LU v. STN

Ok when two coaches are shouting swears at one another, ten seconds after the game is stopped and the gym is quiet.  the referee's need to issue techncial fouls against both refs to show that they are in charge and childish behavior by either side's admisistration will not be tollerated. 

In other news, for those of you who compute these things, even if lawrence loses to knox or to carroll is there any way that the tournament committee can not give them a #1 in the NCAA?  respond if you could

Greek Tragedy

Quote from: viking68 on February 18, 2006, 05:16:29 PM
Now, we (LU fans anyway) just need the women to beat St. Norbert to have both MWC tourney's in Alex.

Can they do that?  Four games on a Friday?   ???

Quote from: "The Roop" on February 19, 2006, 01:43:14 AM
Don't bet the farm that LU will automatically take that spot, they only got 1 first place vote last week after all. They might get #1 but somebody else will have more first place votes.

Like who?
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Good Luck to both Carroll teams in their respective conference tournaments.  It has been an exciting year at Carroll, and how about the Lady Pioneers hosting the tournament!

Go Pios!!!!! 


old school

They were going to host both if the women had won.  They were going to start at 1pm on friday.  STN women beat LU by one, overcoming a late lead, so it is now moot.

LU will be number one this week and I think will get a solid majority of the first place votes.  It is a very nice accomplishment, but the coach continues to put the emphasis on the post season tourney as he should.

I think there are at least 10 teams that could win it all this year and probably at least 4 of them in the midwest region.

The Roop

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Mr. Ypsi

"The Roop",

You are beginning to show SERIOUS signs of paranoia!  Hope beat no one of significance this week; Larry beat Carroll.  Lawrence was THREE SLOTS ahead of Hope.  Hope had ZERO first place votes last week, why would they this week?

Lawrence will OBVIOUSLY be #1 this week; the ONLY question is will it be unanymous (I'd say yes).

Ladies and Gentlemen, can we afford a New World Order headed by a paranoid?  I signed on to the Dogbert program.  Then I signed on to "The Roop" program.  It just ain't working!

To paraphrase:  Workers of the World, unite!  You have nothing to lose but your leashes and Roopachinos!  If you fail to heed this advice, you may find yourself in a doghouse in Beloit!

The Roop

Mr. Ypsi,

I don't know who all the voters are, I just know who some of them are. So when they mention not taking any time, or never being able to take time, to actually go and see LU play I just can't see them getting more first place votes than a "known" team that is seen all the time; like Hope in this case.

It's not so much paranoia as it is me priming the board for another argument. However, it will create confusion if it happens. Will everyone be more upset that the MWC is not getting respect, or will they be more upset that I was right again.

In an unrelated subject........ why did I see an Albion van traveling through Southern Wisconsin on my way home today ???

PS. Nothing more to add, just wanted you to see what the alphabet would look like if the Q and R were eliminated.
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