FB: USA South Athletic Conference

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 05:14:49 AM

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Yea cnufinest, I agree with you. I always thought there was hate from Meth. people, especially from Mosh.  Yea now I realize they are just playing hating because they wish they could have been captains. :o :( :o :o :o


1- I was a starter
2- when yall went to the postseason i pulled for your team (regardless of the amount of morons that posted, such as yourself)
3- im glad you lost in high school.....Im glad mine didnt and I enjoyed a four yr varsity career at a school with 3500 kids. 
4- my name is on my post, I had every confidence in the way I played the game...My most glaring weakness was covering the slot.  What I lacked in speed I overcame wiht hardwork and heart.   Your team got me on a fake reverse pass my senior yr...yup i was a little too aggressive.
5- My fist fighting days are over...I teach high school history...enough said.
6- person who posted last please dont ever say that i played for methodist (horrible yellow that my hs teams sometimes wear)
7- finest, you act like a little, tiny woman when your team losses and somebody says something about it.  grow up, really.  everyone knows you have the obvious advantage.  by the way, your losing hs record reflects your attitude.  it is evident in the way you represent yourself and your school.  it is evident in the way that cnu fans (not all of them)/ players have represented themselves on this board.  If I recall your coach wouldnt even let you post on here. 
8- that is because you have no class and it is a sign that your coach did not respect your maturity
9- that was my number,  great number...miss wearing it

raw meat, eat em up


Quote from: cnusfinest on October 24, 2005, 09:11:11 PM
Mosh is funny because like I said I wouldn't waste my time.
yet you CONTINUE to talk about what a scrub he was in his playing days

Quote from: cnusfinest on October 24, 2005, 09:11:11 PM
I will wish any team from our conference luck if they make it to the post season
as have i...i think any long time posters and readers will tell you i'm the first to admit when the monarchs get spanked that they aren't the best team, and i have jumped firmly on the cnu bandwagon for the post season for the last 4 years...forgive me if i want the monarchs to be that team this year

Quote from: cnusfinest on October 24, 2005, 09:11:11 PM
The way I look at it back in 01 our conference was ranked dead last ouut of all the conferences in d3. Almost single handily we pulled our conference up to respectability.(And I said almost Narch so don't jump on me their)
i think the word you are looking for is there (gotta love that cnu english dept.), but i agree WHOLEHEARTEDLY, and i give cnu ALL of the credit - before cnu this conference was pretty much a collection of average fb programs - cnu started kicking some back side in conf. and out and coach sypult, coach davis and coach barnes decided that they could moan or get better...they decided to get better - cnu raised the bar and the result is pretty solid football - thanks for the part you played

Quote from: cnusfinest on October 24, 2005, 09:11:11 PM
Mosh keeps down playing our accomplishments like the things we did where easy because we are a public school and we have very nice facilities.
the public/private horse is DEAD, but anyone who doesn't acknowledge the advantages cnu inherently has is putting on blinders - i read that cnu has built 400 million dollars worth of facilities in 7 years...there are many schools (including all of the usasac & most of the odac schools) who wouldn't be able to raise that kind of money in 100 years...it IS an advantage, like it or not

Quote from: cnusfinest on October 24, 2005, 09:11:11 PM
Im not even going to mention that it is hard as crap for anyone to get into CNU these days.
cnu's average gpa is about .2 higher than mc's and the average sat is about 35 pts higher...with about 600 more freshman, meaning you can admit more lower end students without adversly affecting the average - simply look at the lack of writing skills displayed on this board by EVERY current and most former cnu players, then try to convince the outside observer that cnu is academically superior...

anyway - m'ville is on the clock, and i can't figure them out...i've got some stats to pour over - good luck to your boys this week - these will be my last words on this subject - i've enjoyed our dialogue - thank you for not threatening to beat me up  ;D


I have been away from the computer for awhile, but I have to know one thing?

"His teammates however(the monarch great offensive linemen) resulted to playing dirty and spitting in defenders faces"

Who in the world was that?

Great game MC......Ready Ready Monarch?


welcome back mc55ol

i meant to post this article about antwin shuford last week, but here it is anyway


Narch I wouldn't waste my time in a fist fight  ;D never said that I wouldn't continue to call him a scrub.
Mosh by the way saying you started for the (number 2 ranked defense at one point in 03 makes it that much better Mosh)  :o :o :o :D WHHHHHHHHHHhhooooooooooooaaaaaaa got me there.

Narch I never said YOU wished bad luck on CNU, I just stated that most people in our conference could not support our conference the same.

"and out and coach sypult, coach davis and coach barnes decided that they could moan or get better...they decided to get better - cnu raised the bar and the result is pretty solid football - thanks for the part you played"  Come on Narch before you can criticize someone else you must first proof read your own post english major.  ;) ;) I will admit that I am no english guru I am a history major. But I will say that I proof read my papers as does any good writer should and I normally get A's B's and sometimes C's on the majority of my papers.

Yeah the fine arts building that P. Trible just built has inspired over half of the 757 football standouts to pick CNU over the 10 plus football schools in VA they can choose from. Bottom line is their are plenty of schools with really crappy facilities and they seem to be doing just fine and some even a lot better than CNU.

"Im glad mine didnt and I enjoyed a four yr varsity career at a school with 3500 kids" Once again Mosh you got me there. 3500 kids in your high school prepared you for 4 dominant years of USA/South/ Dixe play. ??? ???

"finest, you act like a little, tiny woman when your team losses and somebody says something about it.  grow up, really." Not really actually Im over 6 foot tall, but you my friend shorty, maybe another reason for you to be jealous of a CNU player.  I don't cry when my team losses I was one of the first to congratulate Meth on their win. W&J beat us twice, Bwater gave it to us in a playoff game, Widener blessed us, Rowan gave us a few dominant losses and I acknowledge them.  Unlike your team during my playing days we did however lose games that we should have won but I guess you can't really relate to that, being that your team consistently lost by 2 or 3 tds. BUT WAIT MOSH HAD OVER 3500 KIDS IN HIS HIGH SCHOOL. ;D ;D

Okay Mosh I will finally tell you how I really feel about you and your Gboro crew.  No matter what I say verbally about your team deep down I have nothing but love for your boys. AFTER ALL THEY WERE ME AND THE REST OF MY CAPTAINS FIRST.  THEN AGAIN GBORO WAS NCW FIRST AND MARYVILLE'S FIRST.  ;D ;D Sorry buddy but where I come from we tend to call individuals like that JUMP OFF'S if you get my drift.

Oh my gosh Narch  :-\  :-X I did it again. The little punk/uneduacated/immature animal came out of me again. Oh brother what am I to do about clowning poor little respectable MOSH. After all he did have 3500 kids in his high school.

"What I lacked in speed I overcame wiht hardwork and heart. "

Oh yeah narch I might have used there instead of their, but damn at least my mistake was an actual word in the english language.

Why didn't you say something about Mosh, Narch.  ;D Awww and it looked like he actually put a lot of time and effort into it. Look he even stopped his reply on the number 9. That was his old college number Awwwwwww Im going to cry that was so cute. And he is calling me a little woman, thats really something a hard nosed football player would have taken time to do.  :)

Now Narch

1 if you can't get the humor in this post then you are lame
2 if not I thought it was pretty funny  ;)
3 you see where I am going with this
9 number of times we would have beaten Mosh and his picture taking Pride if we had to play them over and over again.


Doesn't matter now MC55 but I was the player that it happened to so I know for a fact that it happened. But I didn't retaliate, I proceeded to make plays in the game. I choose to be the bigger man, but you wouldn't know that by the way that I post. Some call me a punk, immature, and uneducated but my friends and teammates would rather call me a HORSEMEN or some would even call me Franchise. To each its own but I know who I am and it didn't take 3500 kids  :o in my high school for me to figure it out.


 You are so lame.  Point I was trying to make.  Was that, I had 250 kids that tried out for my high school team.  I was a winner then.  Winning early under great leadership molded my attitude.  When I chose a school.  I chose a school that I thought was up and coming.  The Pride was averaging about 30 points a game with a good rb named Gholsen.  I came to the school.  I played hard.  We never broke .500.  Not without effort.  Everyone I played with gave the game everything they had.  You are not a winner.  You were on a winning team.  You display the same characteristics that I face at a school that went 0-10 last yr.  You are a loser.  You are the epitome of the word.  Your attitude reflects it.  I have many friends.   I carry myself as a winner.  You represent yourself on the other side of the spectrum.  You are not a warrior.  You are a coward.  I have no respect for you because you  never learned to respect your opponent or the game.  You started as a loser and eventually you were on a winning team.  Two very diff things.  

Proud of the Pride!
 Always will be.  that is my team, 1-5.  doesnt matter.  they will be better next min, hr, week, yr.

Roll Pride
Proud of the Pride


Quote from: cnusfinest on October 24, 2005, 10:57:21 PM
"and out and coach sypult, coach davis and coach barnes decided that they could moan or get better...they decided to get better - cnu raised the bar and the result is pretty solid football - thanks for the part you played" Come on Narch before you can criticize someone else you must first proof read your own post english major. ;) ;) I will admit that I am no english guru I am a history major. But I will say that I proof read my papers as does any good writer should and I normally get A's B's and sometimes C's on the majority of my papers.
quote the entire post, then please enlighten me...what word (or words) did i use incorrectly??? - i don't typically correct obvious typo's (as in mosh's post) and you will also note that i don't critcize punctuation (this is a message board), just people who can't utilize the english language (as in those who unkowingly interchange words like there, their and they're) - most 6th graders learn the difference between those words and repeated inability to utilize such basic tenets of our language indicates a lack of intellect and/or proper education - good night  :)


cnu started kicking some back side in conf. and out and coach sypult, coach davis and coach barnes decided.

and out and coach sypult, coach davis. Im not the genius here but it does not sound grammatically correct to me.

Furthermore I simply typed the wrong word, Im sure Im not the first person nor will I be the last person to do so. But its okay when you mis spell unknowingly, because Im sure if you knowingly did so you would have corrected it.


Whatever Mosh you always talk about what you did and what you went through to get where you are. Talking about taking a chance what about the leap of faith a loser like myself and over a 100 others took when we signed with CNU in 01. It is very uncommon for a first year program to do well but since we were the first ever public school established program I guess it made everything a lot easier. Talking about giving it everything you had.  Yeah I sat on my a$$ and watched 20-23 year olds as well as players from the glorified 757 come into camp fighting for a spot on the depth chart. I was a freshmen who came from a small school that endured losing season right up until my senior year, where I had a big part in getting us back into the playoffs. I ended up starting that year and ended  up landing a spot on the all conference team.  Im not gonna tell my life story on here like some others, but my teammates and coaches know what I went through as a student athlete and believe me no one at CNU would dare call me a loser.

Bottom line is this all started when CNU lost to Methodist and you saw another oppourtunity to poke fun and rub the loss in the face of the public school 4 time champs.  Then when I called you a scrub you and Narch got all offended.  Point of the matter is if it wasn't true YOU WOULDN'T HAVE GOTTEN YOUR PANTIES IN A BUNCH. You have posted on this board for a long time now and like I said the majority of your post about MY Captains have been negative. Quite frankly I have gotten tired of you jabbing my Captains when we lose a game. If memory serves me correctly you never congratulated us when we punished your Pride year after year. Nope we never hear from the proud Mosh then. Bottom line is your mad because I got in your sh$$ and what hurts the most is that I wasn't far from the truth. I'll go on record and say that yeah you was not the worst, but hey lets get real David Legg wouldn't have recruited you to play for CNU.

For example I could post on here that Rocket, Justin Wood, Pitts from Ferrum, or Wilkerson from Methodist back in the day were all scrubs. Bottom line is I would be lying and if they posted on here they would either laugh it off, not reply to it, or simply state that their play on Saturday would do all of their talking. And yeah I could post on here what my name is and what position I played for CNU. But what would that solve, just because you and Narch don't like what I post and how I post. Im sure you two would probably have a great time criticizing me as a player. Bottom line is I wouldn't care, I worked hard to become a very good player and by the time I hung my cleats up for the Captains, I  had made a pretty decent name for myself.  I don't care if you don't respect me as a poster but I am pretty sure your coach respected me as a player.  At the end of the day you always take shots at my boys and finally I hit you where it hurts. So if you continue to bash my Captains when you have no right to, then I will continue to joke your playing days because thats what it was. Take that to the bank cash it, bounce it, or whatever the he :o :o  you want to do with it. I know now that you might change your tone a little and transform back into the respectable guy that Narch so valintly defended. But its not so funny when the joke is being played on you is is Mosh9, Pride boy, warrior scrub, or whatever else you call yourself.


Has the board gone back to this?  I stopped reading/posting in this forum for a couple of years because it became ridiculous smack talking instead of talking football.
Back to football, what kind of offense does M-ville run?  Narch, I know you've been tapping your sources in the NSA and CIA and have the low down on them!

MC55...what's up brother...thought you had fallen off the edge of the planet?  How them Vikes doing?  EC's still rolling undefeated!
Any fool can circumnavigate the world sober...it takes a real sailor to do it drunk!!!


Quote from: cnusfinest on October 25, 2005, 01:01:48 AM
Im not the genius here
i couldn't agree more  :)

papi -  my sources are pretty tight lipped right now...not sure why, but they aren't saying much - there is certainly a sense of purpose that i've never experienced with this football team...and that's a good thing - here is what i know about m'ville:

they rank 6th in scoring offense (21.6 ppg)
they rank 7th in yardage gained (334 ypg)
they are balanced (135 rypg, 5th - 199 pypg, 5th)
they are 6th in total defense (allow 408 ypg)
they are 8th in scoring defense (allow 36.9 ppg)

the starting rb averages 3.6 ypc, but they have a wr who has 7 td's (all in conference games) and averages 78 ypg in receptions - he's 6'1, 180...could be a difficult match up for the monarchs - he went for 182 yards and 3 td's vs. ferrum

the other thing i know is that it will be a LONG bus ride through the mountains to get to m'ville...you know that you can never underestimate the affects of that type of trip - hopefully the monarchs will leave early enough to get that out of their system before game time - mc needs to come out firing on all cylinders like they did vs. cnu

GO PRIDE (beat ferrum), GO MONARCHS!


DD, the vikes are not doing so hot this year! Its hard to coach heart, and we both know that will be the downfall of any team.  That new coach at EC sure has them playing some good football.

Ready Ready Monarchs!


Any fool can circumnavigate the world sober...it takes a real sailor to do it drunk!!!