FB: USA South Athletic Conference

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 05:14:49 AM

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We could talk about other things, but that would lead to cold showers and being banned from the board.

I guess the CNU team is leaving about now for Maryville. Coach said last week on the radio that they would practice, eat dinner, and head as far as Roanoke tonight. Then finish the trip tomorrow. The outcome and score of that game will tell me a lot about the rest of the season.


Hong Kong Phooey....makes me want to jump into a file cabinet and change clothes!!


Bing, Bang, Bing Riccohet Rabbit!!!  Grape Ape...Grape Ape (must have been one kick butt suspension on that van)
Any fool can circumnavigate the world sober...it takes a real sailor to do it drunk!!!


Great Stuff.  I have missed too much since a day ago. I haven't left yet. (If AU beats GC, I could be gone a whole week.  A little deal eh-you and I have.)  When I started posting on this board.  GC was favored to finish last.  Some posters have said they won't.  I guess I made them a better team, because the coaches sure didn't think they were worth 4 or 5 wins most feel they are capable of getting ;D.  That includes me.  5 wins will mean they would have to beat somebody they have never beaten or hardly beaten.


Just got back from Air Force VS Colorado State U. Head knocker. AF stormed back down 21-3 and won. CSU has some athletic LBs. Huge and fast.

Anyway good luck MC this weekend
Never shall I leave a fallen comrade


Quote from: CNU85 on October 12, 2006, 03:30:21 PM
also...there's more to Narch's post than the black and white letters that appear on this board.

As foghorn Leghorn would say....."It's an inside joke, son"

NARCH - my sincerest apologies . . .I'm getting so tired of being a newbie . . . .  :'(

Inside joke - I'll accept that, just didn't want to see anyone beating up on a new friend. :(

Thanks CNU & Sir Papi . . . . (BTW, do you know a retired admiral named Vern Clark? I knew his parents and they're old friends of the family in Illinois - and he and I (and my wife) are fellow alumni)  :D

I get five or six cartoon channels - my grandkids watch them whenever they come over - but despite my best efforts, they like the new ones better than the great classics! :-\
And my wife makes me DVR all the old Roy Rogers shows . . . .  ::)

a-tha-a-tha-a-tha-a-that's alllllll, folks!  ;)

Oh, BTW, good to see everyone picking GC over Shenandoah ! ! !

ROLL TIDE ! ! ! !


Newbie...no I don't know him...I try to stay out of the presence of Admiral's because that would probably mean I'm in some sort of big trouble!
Any fool can circumnavigate the world sober...it takes a real sailor to do it drunk!!!


How can anyone even remotely involved in any branch of service (I know USCG is technically a part of DHS)...not know the CNO?


Quote from: D3Newbie on October 13, 2006, 01:12:30 AMNARCH - my sincerest apologies . . .I'm getting so tired of being a newbie . . . .  :'(
Quote from: D3Newbie on October 12, 2006, 02:46:30 PMJust because Gullett hasn't posted in the past 48 hours probably just means he has a life outside of this forum. Prideguy & myself are pride fans and I think we have posted pretty consistently on this forum, even after the CNU shellacking.  :-\

newbie - we're all good, no apologies needed - it's not so much a "joke" as it is a statement - i'm also talking as someone who has seen how things work on these boards over the last 6 or 7 years - i've seen way too many times that fans come on these boards talking about how their team will be great this year, only to shrink back into their hole when reality sets in...when i see that coming, i try to call them on it and prevent it from happening - this board is better when you have multiple perspectives - maybe that won't be the case with you gc fans (i hope it isn't) - certainly yourself and prideguy have shown resilience to this point, but we've seen fans of each school come and go over the years...last year it was a group of ferrum fans proclaiming the panthers as a top 25 team...

Quote from: D3Newbie on October 12, 2006, 02:46:30 PMYou said these posts "are mostly in jest", but flaming, pulling the wings off of flies and kicking someone when they're down is not - IMO.  :-*
if gullet no longer posts on these boards, i'd like to reserve the right to say "told you so" without being called a flamer :)

Quote from: D3Newbie on October 12, 2006, 02:46:30 PMPeace, brother - at least until after the Lady Lions play the Meth Queens!  ;D
this is exactly what i mean by "mostly in jest"...i'm intelligent enough to realize you don't literally mean that the monarchs are drag queens on methamphetamines and clearly this isn't flaming...just a little harmless humor, nothing to run off crying about

Quote from: D3Newbie on October 12, 2006, 02:46:30 PMMaybe the best team will actually win this one . . . . .  ::)
and if not we can always blame the officials, right :)


For those wondering, I am still here, alive and beaming with Pride!

Thanks for watching my back, Newbie, your thoughts were right on.

My recent absence from board has nothing to do with a loss or two.

Roll GC Pride!


Gullet comes alive with a Politically Correct post. It looked censored.

"I did not have sex with that woman..."  ;D


can't believe the season is 1/2 over......just seems like it hasn't really started.....only having 2 home games so far and playing on the road this week, doesn't seem like a football season yet. After tomorrow CNU will have 3 of the last 4 at home. Pull this one off and look out!!! Glad we don't have to travel to AU and FC this year. It's gonna be tough enough at home.


The Chief of Naval Operations would let me and Papi do his boots...... maybe. Hooah
Never shall I leave a fallen comrade


Quote from: narch on October 13, 2006, 01:42:40 PM
Quote from: D3Newbie on October 12, 2006, 02:46:30 PMPeace, brother - at least until after the Lady Lions play the Meth Queens!  ;D
this is exactly what i mean by "mostly in jest"...i'm intelligent enough to realize you don't literally mean that the monarchs are drag queens on methamphetamines and clearly this isn't flaming...just a little harmless humor, nothing to run off crying about

I know you are not going to believe this, but I did not catch the 'meth' part, or I would have corrected it. (which has now been done)  I was really only abbreviating Methodist because I was in a hurry . . .won't happen again. I kind of feel stupid about it - not a new feeling.  :( Guess I getting old and missing stuff. ('Stuff' is the word we used for drugs in my day - right, Cheech?!)  ;)

I thought the Methodist Queens was a good reply to the Lady Lions - again, in jest. Maybe not . . .  :-\

I think Admiral Clark retired, at least that is what my mom told me. I really don't know him well - he should know my name - we were kids back in the day. His father was one my favorite adults back then - had a real sense of humor - our dad's worked together back in the 60's. Did you know that the president of our alma mater when he graduated was former Attorney General John Ashcroft's father? Small world!!  8)

Pride followers - any news on this weekend?  How's Herbin doing? I thought we really missed him last week. I still think we could run the option more with our alternative QBs . . .  :-X

Anyone else notice that GC has had a different freshman named rookie of the week for three different weeks? I think all on defense!! Bodes well for The Pride future!  :o

ROLL PRIDE ! ! ! !


Just stating Narch I am a big time CNU fan. The only reason I don't post as often anymore is because of my job and other responsibilities. Also I'm kind of in a rock in a hard place when it comes to CNU football posting. Its kind of hard posting the facts about your favorite team good and bad when you have sweated with a lot of the guys who are stars on the team now. 

But I can understand why you made that statement. I haven't heard much from SU or FC fans as of lately. So its kind of funny someone has sort of pointed out fake fans/bandwagon hoppers.

It was also kind of surprising to see you take side with CNU posters a week or so back.
Guess it's a little easier to secretly root for good ol' CNU when the boys got your boy Rocket a ring last year.  ;) ;D