FB: USA South Athletic Conference

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 05:14:49 AM

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Quote from: moshergc9 on October 03, 2008, 09:54:55 AM
Well, Wilder was a pretty good qb.

I was trying to point out one thing really.  Its the athletes time to shine and not the parent.  Put yourself in your kids shoes.  As an athlete you are usually competing all the time to remain the starter or get that starting role.  You never want to have a negative next to your name. 

I just dont see how second guessing coaches (in a public forum or from the sideline) makes a team better.  Honestly I just dont think it is the place for parents to overshadow the kids moment of glory.  Take a backseat and enjoy the show.


I appreciate your feedback and fully understand where you are coming from.

If the coaches are reading this, let me make one thing clear. I have told them to their face and via email to the AD, the coaches at Averett are first class and do a wonderful job with these young men. They teach them more than football as I see this displayed more and more everytime I visit and talk to my son.

However, we must remember that the coaches can't go on the field and perform/play/think for the players. They have to do that on their own. They have been trained, taught, conditioned and coached the best those coaches can do. On game day it's up to the players to go on that field and prove to everyone around and to themselves that they know what they are doing and how to do it.

When I played, I took losses bad. But if I knew that I had given 120% of my self as well as my teamates giving it everything they had, then I accepted the defeat. But if I sat in the locker room afterwards and knew in my heart that my playing level was below standard and I had slacked off, then I had issues. (I still have issues but you guys know that by now).

Anyway, I have gotten some good coaching from all of you and I have calmed down and gotten off the box. You won't hear anything negative from me the rest of the season  ;) ;) ;). I still believe in this team and know from what I have seen in the spring and training camp, and evaluated on paper, they can win. Hopefully they will come on strong in conference play and be the spoiler.


you didnt give 120%?

See, i think that's why CNU is CNU. We give it all. From the guys on the field saturday to the bloodied up scout team. From the moment the ball is snapped until the whistle blows we are full tilt coming after your a$$. I guarantee you that the guys on CNU's practice squad are good enough to start for other conference teams. But they would rather win. And winning is about wanting it more. Every ounce of sweat in the gym, every drop of blood on the practice field, every play on saturday. It starts with heart. If you dont have it, you arent cut out for football.

When we walk off the field we will leave no doubt. Respect isnt a gift, its earned.

The Captain's open conference play tomorrow.
Good luck to the rest of the conference. May God have mercy on you, because CNU won't.

'02, '03, '04, '06...    4 years, 4 championships...


Mosh...Wilder was the first team all conference QB that year I think and yes was very good.  But my point was it was motivation for me to see that and if a player reads something negative about themselves and that causes them to intentionally miss a block/make a bad snap/or whatever else then they need to do some soul searching and figure out if they really want to play ball or not.
Any fool can circumnavigate the world sober...it takes a real sailor to do it drunk!!!



you make me want to puke!

Really..I want to throw up..

Every team you play puts in the same amount of effort in training every year..your a state school and your school is at least 75 percent cheaper..so you get a little more talent than the average d3 school..

really i hope you guys lose at least 3 more this year.


The good ole state school excuse...it never gets old does it?

Money wasn't a factor at all in my decision, recruiting was. I really was looking into going to Ferrum or Hampden-Sydney upon graduation, but the persistence of Coach Legg(he came to my high school at least once a week for about 3 months and even attended one of my basketball games on a friday night) was what ultimately lead to me going to CNU.

As for getting more talent than other schools, why is NCWC getting a good majority of the talent in South Hampton Roads lately? Maybe it has to do with the rising academic standards at CNU and NCWC's knowledge to understand where talent is and where to recruit. If not Teron Bush would be a Captain...he already comes out to CNU during the offseason to play pick-up football with the guys.

At some point, teams in the conference should just man up like NCWC did last year and aim for winning the conference title instead of shooting for second b/c the state school has an advantage. Get over it and play football.


P.S. Year-in and year-out, who is the #1 ranked team in the country for the majority of the year?

Yep you guessed it, a PRIVATE school out of Ohio, that goes by Mt. Union. I doubt they have ever complained about recruiting. Or maybe recruiting kids is easier if you actually win a game or 2. Just a thought.


The issue here is private vs state.  Another issue is that you think your good just because of some mandate from heaven and that all the other kids that play in this conf dont work just as hard. 

I give CNU the credit for being good in an uneven ball field.  Good backing, by far the nicest facilities, easy to recruit, and play vs private schools.  Look at how Shenadoah, Averett, Greensboro, Methodist fared when they started football..Hell, take a look around the entire country and see how most teams did for the first five years of football.  It doesnt take a genius to figure out that cnu has some comparative advantages that most private schools cant match. 

D3 is D3 though..so i guess i dont really have much room to complain.  At least a bunch of kids can go to college and play football but dont think they arent working as hard as you...that would be foolish


I agree with you 100% that other schools are working just as hard as CNU. I wasn't the one to say they weren't, I was just simply stating that the private v. state issue is getting old. Advantage or not, teams still have to come to play and want to beat the best.  If you don't want to compete against the best than there is no need to play the game at all.

CNU still has to deal with the same issues that every team in the conference does. Plenty of good players that have come through CNU that could not finish their education because they could not find the funds.  Not to mention the kids who had to work a full-time job, while attending school full-time, and playing football full-time. So if you think CNU eats with a silver spoon, that is the farthest from the truth.

I respect ALL D3 athletes and always will. The blood, sweat, and tears put in by each athlete just so they can play the game they love for one last time is extremely admirable.


Quote from: CNU85 on October 03, 2008, 08:22:19 AM
Quote from: cnu63 on October 02, 2008, 04:54:49 PM
CNU85 should stop by and check us out. 

Where are you setting up camp on the 11th?
Hope you are doing well!!  Keep some tail gating time for the Stagg Bowl!  Hope to see you there and maybe even earlier!!! 
Brownies for Film Day--Now there's a Slogan I can live with!!!:)  Go EAGLES!


Quote from: CNUALUM9 on October 03, 2008, 01:52:14 PM
P.S. Year-in and year-out, who is the #1 ranked team in the country for the majority of the year?

Yep you guessed it, a PRIVATE school out of Ohio, that goes by Mt. Union. I doubt they have ever complained about recruiting. Or maybe recruiting kids is easier if you actually win a game or 2. Just a thought.

     Mount Union is an anomaly. Money may not have been a factor for you but the reality is, it is a major factor for most. Being located in one of the best hotbeds for football talent in the country doesn't hurt either.  ;) CNU academic standards or not, when you have a larger pool to draw from in closer proximity, it is an advantage. This topic has been discussed ad nauseum on here but since it was brought up.


Old Blackbird,
Check the Maryville athletics site, they have the links for the audio broadcast as well as video streaming.
RIP Cody Bowers 11/19/2007


Mosh so basically what you are saying is before we even played Gboro on the field, you all were already defeated. Besides, public versus private was not an issue when CNU lost the conference championship last year I guess NCW was another public school taking advantage of poor little private school kids. Mosh please explain to me your stance on an uneven playing field. Explain to me how starting a ton of freshmen whom didn't meet each other until August of that year in a championship game was a CNU advantage? Don't try to minimize my team's accomplishments because your teams could not get it done on the field. If you want to beat a dead horse on the public vs. private debate then how about you take the time to speak on how lightly your team took us in 01? Remember how you all took the time to take team pictures in the stands, laughed and joked us about how bad you all were going to beat us, and acted as if you all were God's gifts to D3 football right before you got your a$$e$ handed to you in CNU's first EVER VICTORY. So rest assure Mosh that your D3 football career was not in vain because you were a part of history.  ;)

Smite on Mosh but the fact of the matter is you are a hater and deep down I know that you wish you were a Captain.


Wow, has this come up again??? I thought we beat that horse, shot that horse, burned that horse, and buried that horse a long time ago.  Does CNU have an advantage because they are a public school playing in a conference with private schools, of course they do and I'm not sure how anyone couldn't see it.

With that said, it is not an excuse for other teams to just roll over.  I am glad that CNU has come into the conference, they have forced each team to improve themselves, therefore improving our conference as a whole.  The whole private vs public debate doesn't matter because it is how it is and is going to be.  Accept it and move on.
Any fool can circumnavigate the world sober...it takes a real sailor to do it drunk!!!


Thanks Highlander....I think this will be a good game. For anyone interested, there is a nice article in the local paper today about the Bishop's new Quarterback, Bo Jordan. Glad to see the local paper take some interest in the Bishops......... Go Bishops!

The only easy day was yesterday

Allen C

End of the 1st.,

Ferrum 0

Averett 0