BB: USAC: USA South Athletic Conference

Started by narch, December 30, 2005, 10:58:27 PM

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And that is where i guess we have our issue, old school v. new school lol!!! Well  Put


Count me in as an old schooler! I wouldn't care if you were the D3 version of Tom Seaver (old school)  - If I were a coach and caught a player on here talking that way - I'd have the best conditioned athlete in the nation....or Tom Seaver wouldn't be on my team!


Ya know, Narch. I often let the English language thing go on these boards. But sometimes you just can't. I realize with the modern ways of communicating - texting, blogs, etc, that shortcuts can often be confused with proper grammar.......but dern if sometimes it's just them youngens gettin it wrong.


i agree highheat and i guess i should apologize for just commenting on how i felt.  i am an extremely competitive player and i didnt know gettin on me teammates ass for not performing their best was wrong. and trust me, we are conditioned enough ;)
Narch you can try and humiliate me as much as you want, it does not bother me. but youre right, old school vs new school.  im not going to sit back and let someone else take the leadership role who doesnt want it.

anyways, we travel to georgia this week to face York, Piedmont, Rhodes, and Trinity... this will be a real test of our team.


Quote from: CNU85 on February 17, 2009, 03:46:26 PM
Count me in as an old schooler! I wouldn't care if you were the D3 version of Tom Seaver (old school)  - If I were a coach and caught a player on here talking that way - I'd have the best conditioned athlete in the nation....or Tom Seaver wouldn't be on my team!

Talking that way? i just dont understand why you people are getting on my ass. Bashing my teammates? False. Talking myself up? What, am I not allowed to have confidence in myself? never once did i cross that line and me being the size I am, i feel that it is okay to go out and pitch with a bit of a cocky attitude. but again if i upset anyone i apologize. my responses on here will be limited due to the unintentional aggravation i have caused...

good luck to the teams this weekend


Wise words from many moons ago:

"Tis better to keep quiet and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt".


And it is as if we have all of a sudden become friends ;D


Righthander.....You didn't upset me. I'm just stating how how I feel. Old School is a term to describe maturity. I'm most likely twice your age and have seen tons more than you. At one point I was young and brash. After eating my words on more than a few dozen occasions and many more times wishing I had kept my mouth shut, I've come to learn that my actions are what others observe most. Actions are how you are judged and admired or hated. Words only reinforce your actions. I've seen this with bosses, co-workers, subordinates, and my two adult children. My words mean nothing to them unless my actions and how I live my life are aligned with those words.

You'll learn. If you can harness your passion, beliefs, and control how competitive you are, then you have a very good chance to be succesful. But if you walk into a room (life) and the first thing you do is start spewing how good you are, you will create more distractors who will love to watch, or stop at nothing to help you fail.

So, take this message board as a microcosm of life. We're not reacting too much differently than others in the world will react.

whew...Narch....that was pretty deep for a public school guy, huh?


Quote from: randomguy on February 17, 2009, 08:52:25 AM
on a side note, what happened to the USASAC this past weekend? I was expecting the opposite records from the challenge. 
to get back to baseball, i was a little surprised, as well - the usasac has taken the odac behind the woodshed in head-to-head matchups for as long as i can remember...of course, there are still a number of usasac/odac games to be played, but the odac sure got off to a nice start...i'm hoping the usasac can take at least one from the odac this weekend (mu vs. lc)


Maybe Methodist can take two games from the ODAC since they play Roanoke friday.


Hi yall, just happy to be on here with a bunch of baseball nuthuggers like myself. Golly I'm so happy baseball season is here. I sit right behind home plate at all the home games and cheer away I say. Who do yall thinks gonna win the USAC/ODAC? I'm a little bit torn right now between Greensboro and CNU, I'll tell you what, both teams impressed me. Lynchburg looks to be a great hitting team, but I'll tell you what, I was not very impressed by RMC. Like I said, first time poster, just happy to be around here with a whole bunch of baseball nuthuggers. Talk to yall later. 8) 8) 8)


Btw RightHander, I've seen you pitch my little man. Don't ever let no people bring you down. It's not often you get a player of your caliber packed into such a little package. Keep it up my man, bring that heat. When I was playing back in '72, high school of course, never good enough to play college, but hey I keep the dream alive through yall, I let other people tell me I wasn't good enough, hit the ball hard enough, throw that pellet hard enough, and I gave up, and I swear to God I wish I wouldn't have...biggest regret of my cotton pickin life. To all players on this board, the best of luck to all of you and just have fun out there, play your stinkin hearts out because you never know when the big man upstairs is gonna yank ya off.


I have been posting since 2007 and I have never seen so many new people join this board in matter of weeks.

Whats the deal?

If you new people look back at older post, the only thing that was discussed were games, scores, predictions, what players are doing well, who's going to regional, who will win the conference tournament, etc.  Lets get back to that.  If you are a player, let your team results do the talking.

Some good south-regional match-ups this weekend.

Greensboro vs. Piedmont & Rhodes
Methodist vs. Lynchburg & Huntington
Wesleyan vs. LaGrange & Emory
CNU vs. Bridgewater

Should be fun!


Look Falcon2720, A.G. Narch, and all of the other "old-timers" to this board. I have all the respect in the world for you guys. I enjoy reading your insightful posts about D3 baseball. That being said, just a few weeks ago you could hear crickets on this board. I start a little friendly junk talk and wow has this board blown up. I think its a good thing to be honest. Now people like Manfro and Buchnasty, who ever that might be, seem to take things a little personal. But, all in all, the more people on here, the better in my opinion. That being said, Greensboro College players are creating all kinds of screen names and posting on here like idiots. This BoJam character. As a Guilford College fan, NOT a player, I actually know the fellow known as BoJam. He is a local guy who supports not only GC baseball, but many local teams. He seems to have fallen in love with Pride baseball and I have no problem with that. But I know for a fact he isn't on this board. So, whoever is posting under BoJam, give it up...You're obviously immature, your e-mail address is Are you kidding me? Well, thats all I wanted to get across at the moment. A lot of games this weekend. I hope this rain will get out of here soon.


It's true I've fell in love with pride baseball, but that doesn't mean I don't love watching baseball in general.I haven't come to as many Guilford games but I still enjoy watchin yall.Back to other teams, I don't thin cnu will have too tough of a time with bw this weekend.